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*Characters: Seldan, Ashe, Donna, Merek, Delilah
*Characters: Seldan, Ashe, Donna, Merek, Delilah
*Place: A14 Noble Section - Courthouses
*Place: A14 Noble Section - Courthouses
*Time: Monday, November 30, 2020, 8:27 PM
*Time: Monday, November 30, 2020, 8:27 PM, Monday, December 08, 2020, 8:35 PM
*Summary: The trial continues. The prosecution offers wild exceptions to the evidence presented by the defense, then produce Ella, who gives damning testimony. The results of any work by the Defense involving magic are dismissed, the physical report is ignored, and the prosecution provides theories without proof, such as the high level magic missile spell. Merek, then Donna, then Ashlee have outbursts which the Magistrate Davelin quells. Finally she rules that Delilah is guilty after Bethany's pregnant sister has an outburst. Norrington is smugly satisfied with himself, and oblivious to the danger he's in. Ash leaves the court, dismissing Alexandrian justice as incapable of dealing with magic reality, coercion, and corruption. Delilah is sentenced to die in three days by beheading. More deserving people should be.</div>
*Summary: </div>
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Evelyn isn't going anywhere; she's in tears, flanked on either side by her husband and her father. Daverin, meanwhile, is already on her way out, and the halfling scribe seems just to be finishing off her notes. The Defenders, for the time being, seem to be left to their own devices.
Evelyn isn't going anywhere; she's in tears, flanked on either side by her husband and her father. Daverin, meanwhile, is already on her way out, and the halfling scribe seems just to be finishing off her notes. The Defenders, for the time being, seem to be left to their own devices.
And Mourner Ashlee Ciaradh is already gone, already convinced without hearing the verdict that beheading is necessary. She only disagrees for whom, as any Blarite raised in the aftermath of violent revolution that threw off the yoke of their masters would. Morality was harshly won among the sunset people.
And Mourner Ashlee Ciaradh is gone, already convinced without hearing the verdict that beheading is necessary. She only disagrees for whom, as any Blarite raised in the aftermath of violent revolution that threw off the yoke of their masters would. Morality was harshly won among the sunset people.
The Vampires said they were Nobles too.
The Vampires said they were Nobles too.
[[Category:Unfinished Duet]]

Latest revision as of 03:29, 8 March 2022

Log Info

  • Title: The Unfinished Duet, part 11
  • Emitter: Delilah
  • Characters: Seldan, Ashe, Donna, Merek, Delilah
  • Place: A14 Noble Section - Courthouses
  • Time: Monday, November 30, 2020, 8:27 PM, Monday, December 08, 2020, 8:35 PM
  • Summary: The trial continues. The prosecution offers wild exceptions to the evidence presented by the defense, then produce Ella, who gives damning testimony. The results of any work by the Defense involving magic are dismissed, the physical report is ignored, and the prosecution provides theories without proof, such as the high level magic missile spell. Merek, then Donna, then Ashlee have outbursts which the Magistrate Davelin quells. Finally she rules that Delilah is guilty after Bethany's pregnant sister has an outburst. Norrington is smugly satisfied with himself, and oblivious to the danger he's in. Ash leaves the court, dismissing Alexandrian justice as incapable of dealing with magic reality, coercion, and corruption. Delilah is sentenced to die in three days by beheading. More deserving people should be.


Stonefaced, Donna watched Ella mouse her way into the courtroom, and then next to Delilah. With all that's happened today, there is little hope in the brawler's heart, and she digs a knuckle into the top of the long table, as if reminding herself to keep her mouth shut, lest the quiet part become loud.

Elyanna listens to the proceedings, considers the trollop as she's brought in for testimony, weighing her moods with her... past experience as she murmurs, "Someone should check for magic. Not just on the girl. She is reticent..." she strokes her chin a moment, "... but not pained. Other leverage could be in play."

Her glance at the stoic paladin, for... reasons, brings the wry quirk to her lips before her attention is taken by the hand on her leg and she holds for a moment, then nods, "/You're welcome./" she Goblins, quietly.

Merek seems to be a little bit content to watch people and listen. He doesn't offer a lot while he takes the time to think about it.

All eyes, of course, are now on Ella; including Delilah's, who is watching her very, very carefully. And, of course, keeping her mouth shut. For her to say anything at this point -- anything at all -- might be catastrophic, and she knows it. So she waits, gripping the railing she stands inside of, much the way Donna grips the table (albeit with less strength).

Ella turns to face Seldan, and clasps her hands in front of her. "At the start of the evening, Miss Delilah Valethor was in the Golden Plum," she replies to Seldan's question. "And, yes, she did appear in the common room and... and take me back to the suite she was renting, with her sister. And we did do... 'lurid' things, if that is what you wish to call it. I am not shy about the details of my profession, but if the court does not need those details, I am not to argue."

At the Prosecution's desk, the Mul'Niessa who has been pressing hard for Delilah's beheading leans back in his seat, and crosses his arms as he waits, with a sideways glance to Seldan but no comment given. Norrington looks on calmly, with one hand pressed to his cheek, giving him a somewhat lopsided look. Graves and Godswin all observe; as do Bethany's family. All eyes are on Ella; the court is practically holding its breath.

"How long were you there?" His point made, Seldan's tone softens, and he watches the woman intently.

Merek seems to be watching while he would listen and wait.

There was a suggestion, Elyanna's, check for magic. No one else seems to be doing that. Ashlee fingers the small holy symbol she holds in her hand, manipulating it with her thumb. There's a click as she shifts the scales. Under her breath she whispers, "Feiu of the Tears, let me see magic." The mourner's spells are simple and to the point. She touches her eyes with her thumb, symbol clutched from sight, and they start to glow.

This makes the skull markings on her face all the more eerie, as something sparkles in the eye sockets. She stares at Ella Merry some more, directly and unflinchingly. If she sees anything it is not shared right now. Her friend, the other hobgoblin beside her, is a weight that takes her thoughts to a darker place. She does ask the Silverguard a simple question, "Did you think it was Charn because you saw torture implements?"


That's a novel question. A question that widens Elyanna's eyes just a touch before she glances from Mourner to Silver Guard and her brow peaks a mite. Her arms fold loosely then, with her legs to follow at the knee before the hobkin turns steely eyes first to weigh the harlot, then on to Norrington and the prosecution, seeking a tic, the shift of jaw or shoulder that would tell her more of what lay beneath the public mask.

Donna is struck silent; Ella's testimony will save or damn her sister, of this she is certain, and can chance no claim the Prosecution may make of her influencing this outcome.

But, oh, how much simpler it'd be to just beat the snot out of anyone who'd dare to stop the actual truth from coming out. It would save so many headaches to come.

Delilah is gripping the railing with both hands, watching Ella intently; she hardly blinks, watching as the prostitute answers questions, without looking around to the people asking them. It really is all up to Ella, in this particular moment, as the Prosecution does likewise, and just listens.

Ella, for her part, takes her time answering questions. It's not laziness; it seems more like a moment given to think everything through before she says it, on the assumption that her wording may be extremely important. (And, perhaps, it is.)

"I was there until early morning," she replies to Seldan. "I'm not sure precisely what time. But the kitchen staff were getting ready to serve breakfast to the patrons of the inn when I left. It was probably just before sunrise when I left."

Swiftly, Seldan shakes his head at Ashes. "No. I have but architecture to suggest such." The response is low, and cuts off at once as Ella begins to speak. Like everyone else in the courtroom, he, too, listens intently, although he has continued to maintain that coolly, almost unnervingly even demeanor. Statue-like, some might say. He considers the words spoken, tilting his head, then asks, "Was Mistress Valethor present when you awoke?"

Elyanna does rather miss being called Mistress, though Milady has it's charms, it lacks the familiarity. The Hobkin continues her observations, intent, sweeping her gaze then to the Family Alenthor and back to the others amongst the opposition. Remember, they are opposition unless proven, otherwise.

Opposition require measured response and reason.

Enemies require a somewhat firmer hand.

Merek looks about while he begins to adjust his attire, then he nods a bit while listening.

The ashen Arvec Nar simply sits there. Her head bobs once in response to Seldan's answer, her attention otherwise is on Delilah and Ella. Unblinking, leaned forward a little, a skeletal face focused completely on the prisoner and the prostitute.

There is some motion, her familiar Chippen, crawls around on her head and even rears up to watch along with his mistress.

While Elyanna might not have that word used for her much anymore, Ashlee lives it every day.

Donna's lips move in a brief prayer, though the gods have always been a distant subject for her, personally. Who knows, though? If Delilah walks out free, perhaps she'll pick a god and wave a flag.

Her idea of worship may be influenced more by the Coliseum than the Temple... Ella takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. "Mistress Delilah Valethor and her sister were both present when I awoke," Ella confirms. She looks around over her shoulder, confirming perhaps that there are a lot of eyes on her; and there certainly are, and they're all quiet and watching. "And... Donna was there all night." She pauses, sucking in a breath and composing the next set of words very carefull in her mind.

"But Delilah Valethor wasn't."

This sets off a buzz of conversations in the courtroom, prompting the Magistrate to rap her gavel and call for order; order, soon enough restored. The Prosecution, for the moment, seems disinclined to ask their own questions, or object; the Mul'Niessa is just leaning back in his seat, watching and listening.

Delilah, meanwhile, looks a bit pale, as she stares at Ella with her jaw hanging open and her eyes gone wide.

Pop pop pop go Donna's hands, as she clenches her fists. If the brawler retains *any* ability to use her hands as more than blunt instruments after today, it might in fact be a medical miracle. The look on her face could be a mirror of the defendant's. ...More so than usual, that is.

GAME: Merek rolls will: (2)+19: 21

"Magistrate, this is all a little convenient. She's found so easily when it's clear she'd left the city, every single time we have evidence that proves Delilah is possibly innocent, there's another thing that is brought to the Court's attention. I am requesting that the protocol of the Zone of Truth be permitted. I believe that there was perjury in the Court," Merek would mention.

Elyanna turns her attention back to the prostitute's testimony, her eyes narrowing as she notes something, then leans half across Ashes with a glance, a blink at Chippen's antics, then her eyes seek Seldan, "Curious, that she is so casual of Donna's name, yet must speak Delilah's in entirety." She draws out of her countryman's personal space, "Is there magic afoot?"

"I'm not seeing any," Ashlee says, something which her glowing eyes confirm. She recrosses her ankles, maintaining her forward leaning. Her ear near Elyanna flicks, shaking her living earring. "You'd think it would be other way around, the names. Formal with... the non-customer."

"I see. How did you come to learn that she was not there, and when was she gone?" Seldan's eyes flick to Elyanna, acknowledging the question with a short, quiet nod. He draws a slow, deep breath, then leans back over. "There are two possibilities." He does not enumerate immediately.

"Objection, your honor." The Mul'niessa leans forwards, stabbing one finger into the middle of the desk in front of him. "Miss Valethor's defender," she nods towards Merek, "Has already had outbursts in protest of these proceedings, and has previously directed threatening looks towards our table. He does not behave in a matter befitting this court, and should not be able to make demands -- nor baseless accusations. If he wishes to accuse Miss Merry of perjury, let him do so directly, with the knowledge that if no perjury is found that it will not only put him in jeopardy of contempt, but destroy Miss Valethor's case -- such as it is."

Daverin leans back in her seat, and looks back and forth between Merek and the Prosecutor. She chews on this for a moment, and nods once. "I agree," she states at last, nodding towards the Prosecutor. "Ser Merek, unless you can supply evidence that perjury is committed, you should not make such accusations. If, of course, you *have* evidence, then you should supply it once Ella's testimony is complete. I will give you the opportunity. Misstress Merry, please answer the Silver Guard's question."

Ella now turns her gaze back to Seldan, and clasps her hands in front of her. "I was in bed with Miss Valethor," she replies. "I sleep lightly, when I'm with a client. She woke me up getting out of bed, but I figured she was just going to use the chamberpot because she was clearly trying not to wake me. But instead, she put her clothes on, took her gun, and cast a spell to turn invisible."

Delilah, for her part, has absolutely no idea what to say. She just looks like she's so far past being in shock that she's gripping the railing just to keep upright.

Seldan's lips purse at this, but he appears to be thinking, quickly. He ignores his fellow defenders now. "Mistress Merry, please forgive the diversion, here, but it is very important that I understand this. It is my desire that justice be done, here. Why did you flee Alexandria, without telling your employer of your whereabouts?"

The outburst from Merek draws Elyanna's gaze, considerate, though the objection and ultimate response from the Law on High snare her in turns.

Back to the testimony, she listens and leans in a little, rubbing her chin, then with a soft, Goblin "/Pardon./" to Ashes as she invades her space again, she reaches out to bat at the paladin's arm, "Casting inside the room sounds wasteful, she'd still need to work doors." she whispers, the other hand curled before her face to hide the motion of her lips and subsume the sound from the direction of the bench, "And why stay when the client obviously left? Ask how Delilah allegedly derparted, there were concerns about windows and her fragility." Then she looks to Ashes, "/Remember, when we checked on Donna?/"

"Bones like an old bird," Ashlee whispers, in goblin and remaining in monotone. Sat back, her gaze follows Elyanna as she settles after tapping Seldan. "Doesn't... Delilah like people with backbone, or was that Donna?

She's starting to wonder what is truth. Suriety that Delilah was innocent after the demonstration is flipped again with the star witness testimony. A witness who appears free of magic and charm. She throws a wild question, "Is your son ok?"

It's only Seldan's questioning that keeps Donna from flying up out of her chair right now and bellowing a challenge at what, to her, is a ludicrously obvious fiction. But the wood of the desk is creaking again, and the brawler's face is utterly ashen, as if all the blood has rushed away before the tidal force of her building fury.

"Objection." The Prosecutor finally leans forwards. "Miss Merry's whereabouts between the night of the murder and today are of no consequence to the trial. Miss Merry is not under suspicion of involvement, and while I'm sure her activities make for an interesting tale, they serve only as a distraction in this case."

Daverin leans back in her seat, fingers steepled in front of her lips as she considers. "Overruled," she states, at last. "I find that the witness's activities could, possibly, be relevant. Miss Merry, you will answer the Silver Guard's question."

Delilah is watching Ella, practically unblinking, as the lady of the night stammers out an answer. "I have cousins," she states. "After Delilah got back to the tavern, she had blood on her clothes, and she used magic to clean it off, but I saw it. When she got undressed and climbed back into bed, I waited until she fell asleep and then left, and then I just found someplace to hide, because I was afraid that if she figured out that I saw, that I might be next."

Delilah's jaw is basically on the floor; she figures this out, and picks it back up, almost audibly. "But... but I /didn't/," she half-whispers, apparently unable to come up with more vocal volume than that. "That's not true. That's not *TRUE*."

Merek just watches the Magistrate, seeming to be waiting. There is a look to the prosecutor, then he stands up while he notes something, "And where was the blood upon what she was wearing, and in what nature and pattern can you recall? You claim that it was blood you clearly saw, I would like to know details of that."

Merek big thinking questions.

Ash stares a Ella, also unblinking. Although unblinking is more of a natural state for her. She encloses her lizard earring and strokes his back thoughtfully and opens her mouth to speak.

Merek does first however, making her close it again. It's a good question, the blood spatter could be very telling. With luck, Ella hasn't been briefed on where the spatter should be. There's another unaddressed detail to that testimony, and the ashen Arvec opens her mouth to address it now.

"It's a brisk half hour walk there. Established. Directly, no backstreets. Delilah walks covered in blood, through streets, the bar, to her room and then uses her cleaning spell?"

"I can't believe the people and guards are that blind enough to miss that." She adds.

"Not so, prosecutor. Few know that I myself am capable of the spell of scrying, and did so when Miss Valethor's companion for the evening turned up missing." Seldan's tone remains mild and level. "I spoke with her employer, who was unaware of her whereabouts, and that she had been missing for nearly a week at the time this was attempted. The scry showed her in a room of some kind, a place that is not Alexandria."

He pauses a moment, then levels a look at Ella, the sort of look meant to pin wrongdoers to the floor. "Miss Merry, you have a young son who is not present, and your actions and behavior suggest that you are frightened. Are you, or your son, being threatened, intimidated, or coerced in any way against your testimony here in this courtroom?"

With all the questions being asked, Donna simply bores holes into the Prosecution, and occasionally Elly when she can't keep her gaze from straying. But she holds her peace, for all that it takes a plainly monumental effort of will.

"If Miss Valethor could use invisibility to get to where she was going, it stands to reason she could use it to get back," the Prosecutor points out. "And if she was indeed under the effects of such magic, she might not have known about the blood until she returned. People don't usually commit acts of violence and then immediately inspect their clothing, in my experience in these matters." He pauses, and gestures back towards Seldan. "Objection, your honor. Objection. For the same reason that we do not use the Zone of Truth spell in court -- that it relies on the word and experience of the caster that it actually worked -- we do not admit evidence based on scrying. We have nobody's word but his that the results of his spell were correct."

"Sustained," states the Magestrate. "Evidence based solely on scrying is inadmissable. However." she levels her gaze at Ella, "If you are being in any way coerced, you must identify such to the court. Are you being influenced by forces outside this courtroom, to testify untruthfully against Miss Valethor?"

Ella looks up at the magistrate, then over her shoulder to Seldan, then back up to Daverin, all without looking in Delilah's direction. "I... No," she replies, at last. "I am saying what I have to say."

The Magistrate considers, then nods. "Then please answer Ser Merek's question."

Ella sucks in her breath, and looks back towards the Defense's table. "It was on her front," she replies. "It was... I don't know, it was blood. It looked like someone threw it at her. I can't tell you more than that because I only saw it for a moment."

"Then, I will let our resident physical examiner who was there with allowance from the Guard speak more on if what you explained was possible," Merek then nods to Ashlee, as well as to the prosecution and magistrate. He doesn't seem to react to anything else noted, he's trying to keep with the calm while he speaks, crossing his arms.

"OBJECTION," Donna roars, shooting up in her chair.

"Your Honor this is nuts; they can wiggle their fingers and claim that *every last* f-- ..." Hauling herself up for a moment, she decides to juke around the language she had been intenting to use. "...every last discrepancy, is because of magic. 'Ooo, she spelled herself invisible, she spelled the blood away.' An' every time we bring up evidence we *backed up* with magic, suddenly none of it's good enough. I understand there's legal issues, but I gotta say."

Her eyes burn as she turns to look at the Prosecution. "I ain't never seen a more *literal* example of a witch hunt than I'm seein' right now."

Ashlee also stands. She stares at Ella, her eyes expressionless, her face a skull mask, unmoving through Donna's outburst. One that captures a lot of feelings stirring around inside her. Sentiments which aren't expressed in her posture, and obscured by the monotone way she speaks. She waits, the twin made a good point and anything she says will be missed while that's addressed by more objections and dismisals.

Plus she's a witch, no sense getting burned. She waits to speak.

"Neither _magic missile_ nor a dragonspitter requires close enough proximity to be splashed with blood," Seldan points out to Ella, his gaze now level and cold. "No arcanist with a featherweight of good sense stands within physical reach of their target, for spellcasting requires too much concentration to allow for dodging an incoming attack effectively. I find what you suggest most improbable."

The gavel hammers down hard onto its pedestal. "ORDER!" shouts Daverin, as she glares at the various parties in the room. "*Order*. Now, then. Had the Prosecution offered evidence gleaned, by scrying, I would throw it out. But thus far, they have not. And I trust that they won't." The Magestrate leans sideways to glare meaningfully at the Mul'Niessa. "Now, then." She looks down at Delilah, and sets the gavel on the edge of her desk. "Miss Valethor. Are you capable of casting an Invisibility spell?"

"...Y-yes," replies the golden haired sorceress, very quietly.

"And are you also capable of casting a spell to clean your attire?"

"Prestidigitation, your honor," supplies Graves.

"...yes," affirms Delilah, even more quietly.

"Your honor," the Prosecutor states, "Respectfully, the Silver Guard does not have the experience he thinks he does in these matters. This was not an adventurer's battle, fought toe to toe, but the murder of a defenseless target. Lady Alenthor did not have the skills to defend herself. What's more, where she was positioned in the alley, Miss Valethor would have had to be close to her in order to attack her without being out on the street." He pauses, leaning back in his seat. "The bullets were found lodged in the ground, below Lady Alenthor's body. One through her head, and straight down; the other through her chest, deflected off her spine, and at an angle, consistent with the wounds on her body. These bullets were not fired to kill a target from afar, but to execute her up close." He looks across the room towards Donna, and shrugs his shoulders lightly. "I am truely sorry for your situation, Miss Valethor, it must be difficult to see these proceedings concerning your sister unfold as they are. But none of this is the fault of the guards or the prosecution. I--"

"That's enough," snaps the Magistrate. "Are there any further comments, from the Defense?"

".......Lots," Donna grates, "but nothin' relevant I guess." And, the brawler sits in her chair, as if it had personally offended her.

"Yes. There was not enough blood. The alleyway appeared cleaned." Ash says in monotone, and she raises a hand to point at the magistrate. At a book on the Magistrate's desk, but for a moment her skeletally tattoo'd hand makes her resemble a little death passing judgement. "It's in the report. Read it."

She faces the Ella again, "As he said, on her back, shot in the face. The spatter would be on her legs, not chest. That's in the report."

She faces the Prosecution, "You need to adjust your story again. So Delilah is brilliant enough to clean the alley and her legs but imbecile enough to delay using invisibility, be seen and forget her chest, and be seen again."

Her hand drops, both arms hang limp at her sides and her attention is back on Ella. "You didn't answer."

"Are you being threatened?"

"Is your son being threatened?"

"Where is your son?"

"Who is with him?"

"Who did you stay with during your absence?"

"Provide names, addresses, so they can be brought here to resolve the conflict with the Silverguard's observations."

Finally she looks back at the Magistrate, "Can we do this like we do in Blar? They provide their story and we pick holes in it and establish reasonable doubt. I'd like to see the report made that night which covered all these convoluted details."

"Yes, a closing statement from me. Given new information presented without warning to the Defense, in addition to matters that need further investigation, such as blood splatter, we request that the Magistrate would possibly give us time to gather further defense," Merek states, while he nods a bit to the Magistrate. "There is a woman's life on the line, and another killed. We should do all we can to make sure that we have this all right," he notes. "We'd also like to request an unbiased party, not involved in these proceedings within any manner, to take and record word from the woman Ella. Then we ask to be allowed to cross-examine her afterwards, without anyone meeting with her from either side to school her words, basically keep her in protection."

"I'm sure you have a great deal of experience with murder, Prosecutor," Seldan answers the prosecutor coolly, but leaves it at that, dropping into silence as Ashes and then Merek speak.

"I didn't say her chest, I said her front," Ella replies, in a sudden and rather jarring moment of assertiveness. "I'm fine. My son is fine. Everything is fine." She sucks in a breath, and rubs first one palm and then the other over her face, from jawline up to forehead; done one at a time, so she can keep supporting herself with the hand she isn't using. "I can't... I'm not going to give addresses, I--"

"Objection," states the Mul'Niessa, almost like he's getting tired of saying it. "Please ask the Defense to stop harassing the witness, your Honor. The exact address of her acconodations this last week are not relevant. As her colleague has pointed out, a noblewoman is dead, and common woman is in jeopardy." He looks up, and levels his gaze at Seldan. "We should focus on that."

Daverin picks up her gavel, but just toys with it absently, as she focuses on the various people speaking. "Cease asking the witness about her whereabouts," she states, almost as if she's already thinking about something else. "Ser Merek, I see no need to give you that concession. Afterall, the Defense has already done nearly all of the questioning of Miss Merry. It is not the fault of this court if you did not like the answers." She nods towards the Prosecutor. "Any further remarks?"

The Mul'Niessa stands, and gestures with one hand towards Delilah. "by her own admission, your honor, she had bad blood with the victim. By her own admission, she drew weapons and made threats against her life. By her own admission -- and demonstration -- she has access to all of the spells she is accused of using in this endeavour. How would Miss Merry have known, otherwise, that she can cast invisibility, or prestidigitation?" He pauses, and gestures towards Delilah once again. "At no point when asked if she could do something, or did do something, did she deny it. She knew where the victim would be. She had motive. She had opportunity, and when she stood over her rival fired into her, at point-blank, and then paused to reload and do it again. This is a crime of malice, your honor, and the defendant is, perhaps not the most effective at covering her tracks, but guilty nonetheless."

Making a sour face, Donna sits back in her chair, wiggling her fingers. Denied her preferred outlet, it seems, she has to settle for petty mockery.

But the reality of the situation won't be denied, and it's *crushing* the brawler. Leaning over her side of the chair, so she can speak quietly to the rest of the Defense volunteers, she clears her throat. "So thanks, everyone... like, seriously. But... It don't feel like this's gonna work like it should'a."

Merek looks to the Magistrate while he waits for the Mul'Neissa to take a break from the words, then he nods a little bit. "Why should you give concession, I will offer this within a summary. Delilah has been honest with the Court, if she was guilty and wanted to hide it, she could've. She could've fled. She came willingly to begin with, believing in the Court to seek what it should, truth. These Adventurers, all of us, know the woman, we know she would never do anything like this. And that is why, I am willing to put myself up as collateral for the trial. All we ask of you, is seven days. Seven days to clear her name, seven days to learn what we can."

The man looks to the Magistrate, and inclines, "A week, is all we need. A woman's life, think about it. We've asked many questions, yes. Still, I believe that important facts are not noted. If she was guility she'd either plead guilty, or have fled when they came for her. She had the ability to do it safely, with what you all are saying." He then looks to Ella, there's a word which is shared between only eyes, while he then looks to the Magistrate, "Therefore, I put myself on the mercy of the court. No threats, nothing. Just an honest request. I have protected this city time and again, as a lot of us have. Grant us this one thing."

"Something else is afoot, Mistress Valethor." Seldan's voice is low, pitched only for the defense, but there is steel in it. "Someone on that bench makes a mockery of justice, and I mean to find out who. Alexandria is not interested in justice. They wish to appease an angry family, and no more, but someone wishes your sister ill. I had thought the guard incompetent, not corrupt, but the latter is the easier ill to excise."

"Seer, peace. The prosecution still has not produced the scriber of the scroll purported to have been used to cast the spell, and too many things have been left unexplained. The evidence offered is flimsy at best, and contradicts itself in places, and the prosecution still has not answered why they made the identification of the claimed murder weapon before it was in their custody to examine. If that does not suffice to raise reasonable doubt, then I shall learn for myself what is of no interest to our good city."

Perhaps the words of peace should have been shared with the Mourner, thwarted once more in having her questions fully answered. With the prosecution inteferring at just the perfect time. Again. Ashlee is not a very orderly hobgoblin, not lawful nor legal, yet her regimented mind rebels.

"Or it could have been a Charm Spell, an Oolioddroo, a vampiric domination, a weaver worm, a conquerer worm. A leftover suggestion." Ash narrates, her words clipped and faster than usual. "Your legal system is entirely unsuited to magic reality and a suspect who seems genuinely horrified."

She waves dismissively, "You'll explain that as her being a great actor."

"You don't want the truth. You won't see. I can't see for you."

She pushes past Seldan, out of the defense's bench and leaves. "I'm going to speak with the dead."

"Enough of this! She's guilty! She--" Lady Evelyn rises from her seat, face flushed as she lets fly with her outburst; and almost immediately has to stop, clutching her pregnant belly and suddenly needing support from her husband, who is doing her best to shush her (and failing). "She's practically admitted it, you should've heard my sister talking about her, she was *scared* of her, she was threatened by her, she was--"

"ORDER!" The gavel falls once again, the loud crack of wood on metal echoing through the courtroom. "The court will not be swayed by outbursts," Daverin declares. "Nor offers of collateral. Your offer is brave, Ser Merek, but the courts do not deal in hostages. This will be decided today. Now, then. Miss Valethor. Do you have anything you wish to say?"

Delilah gulps audibly, and squares her shoulders. She takes a deep breath; she blinks rapidly, like one does when they have something in their eye. Or tears.

"I," she startes, and takes another breath. She looks over at her sister, looking like she did the one time she misbehaved as a child, almost to the point of getting disowned. Almost.

"I..." she looks back up at the Magistrate. "I didn't do it," she squeaks at last. "I didn't, your honor. I told the truth even when it would have been in my interests to lie. Yes I made mistakes, yes I said things I shouldn't have, yes I didn't like Lady Alenthor, but I didn't kill her. I didn't." She sucks in a breath, "Please... Please believe me," she half whispers. "Please. I didn't do it. Please."

Daverin settles back in her seat, tapping her fingertips together. For several minutes, several long, oppressive minutes, the court is silent; but for breathing, someone moving their feet, someone who coughs.

"Delilah Valethor," the Magistrate intones at last. "I hereby find you guilty of the murder of Lady Bethany Alenthor, and sentence you to death by beheading. You will be executed at dawn on the third day hence; you have until then to set your affairs, both material and spiritual, in order."

At the word of three days, Merek would look to Seldan, and nods. The man doesn't seem to even pay attention to that verdict while he seems to think to himself, then places both hands to his pockets, whispering to the Paladin while he steps by, "My full resources will be for your own use. We're not winning in court, we'll win elseplace," then he offers that quietly to everyone else. He does take a moment to look to Delilah, meeting her eyes. She can tell he won't let that verdict sit, one way or another, but he won't perhaps act now. He knows that won't win anything.

Seldan lowers his head at the guilty verdict, but looks down at his fellow defenders. "I would speak with all of you. I cannot aid Mistress Valethor now, not directly, and yet do I sense a terrible wrong being done. There are things that I may not say here." He nods to Merek. "Very well. I shall not speak further here." He searches for Donna's eyes, and then Delilah's, and if he can catch either, there's a silent look, something solid and calm.

The moment the sentence is announced, Donna stands up from her chair. The frustrated fury that had been building on her face is gone... replaced by an expressionless stone mask. For a long moment, she simply stares at the Prosecution, then nods to Merek, then Seldan and winds her way out of the Defense's bench. Pausing in the middle of the aisle, she stares at Delilah until her sister catches her eye, then mouths 'I got you,' and takes a couple steps out... and when she draws abreast of Norrington, she halts again, as if something just occurred to her.

"You should've arrested me too," she says softly, to the knight. "Cos you just gave *me* motive."

She takes one step to the side, as a spectator passes between hem on their way out, not breaking eye contact until physically blocked.

And when the spectator has passed, Donna is gone, as if she was never there.

The moment the verdict is given, Delilah collapses to her knees, gasping for breath. "But," she gasps, "But I'm innocent, I'm innocent." She's still kneeling as Godswin and Graves descend on her position, and haul her back up to her feet. She looks over her shoulder at her sister, eyes gone wide, just for long enough to catch the look; and then she's being hauled off, escorted on either side by the two guards, back out the way she came in.

Norrington, for his part, regards Donna with a raised eyebrow, and a certain look of... satisfaction. "Color me unconcerned," he replies, just as the spectator steps between him and her. And then she's gone; well, enough said about that, apparently. He rises, shakes hands with the Prosecutor, and makes his way towards the exit, also, strolling like he's out for a pleasant walk.

Evelyn isn't going anywhere; she's in tears, flanked on either side by her husband and her father. Daverin, meanwhile, is already on her way out, and the halfling scribe seems just to be finishing off her notes. The Defenders, for the time being, seem to be left to their own devices.

And Mourner Ashlee Ciaradh is gone, already convinced without hearing the verdict that beheading is necessary. She only disagrees for whom, as any Blarite raised in the aftermath of violent revolution that threw off the yoke of their masters would. Morality was harshly won among the sunset people.

The Vampires said they were Nobles too.

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