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(Created page with ":: ''The Wayfarer Inn - Evening (7:00pm) - Weather: White'' Yes, the weather is white. The inn near snowed inn from how heavy the fat flakes have fallen from the dark and cloudy skies above. If it hadn’t of been for the help of some patrons, mostly a jotun, the porch and doorway would still be closed to those making their way here. Patch resides inside, a table away from the bar and the supply door. She sits facing the entryway, her back to a corner as she idly sips...")
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== Log Info ==
*Title: Cross Referencing Experiences
*Emitter: Patch
*Characters: Patch, Seldan, Slixvah (?)
*Place: The Wayfarer Inn
*Time: December 20th, 2022
*Summary: Patch sends out some message for a meeting of minds between a couple of folks. Seldan, in a simple hunter's guise, and Slixvah posing as an elf. They discuss, privately, workings of the void and trying to fit what puzzles pieces they have together. While their statures as adventurers vary vastly, the information they hold puts all on an equal playing field. A line of open communication is kept for later, just in case.
== ==
:: ''The Wayfarer Inn - Evening (7:00pm) - Weather: White''
:: ''The Wayfarer Inn - Evening (7:00pm) - Weather: White''
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Intrigued, Seldan pauses, and settles down across from them, drink in hand. Not much more of it is likely to be drunk, but he seems prepared to wait however long is necessary, and listen when she is ready to talk. There's something faraway, reserved, in his demeanor, but it's smaller than it was.
Intrigued, Seldan pauses, and settles down across from them, drink in hand. Not much more of it is likely to be drunk, but he seems prepared to wait however long is necessary, and listen when she is ready to talk. There's something faraway, reserved, in his demeanor, but it's smaller than it was.
"So, Samara here doesn't know much about them I suspect." Patch starts a little cautiously, a glance to Slixvah as she speaks with a shrug and wink. She's not trying to be mean. No. She's actually signaling the woman. "Truth of the matter is. There are several maps floating around that will soon be compared, but if there is a correlation and a match? We might have something dangerous right outside the city." she says, a bit more serious of tone as she gets to some of the matters at hand. "Seldan, I assume you know near a smuch as Stjepan?"
"So, Samara here doesn't know much about them I suspect." Patch starts a little cautiously, a glance to Slixvah as she speaks with a shrug and wink. She's not trying to be mean. No. She's actually signaling the woman. "Truth of the matter is. There are several maps floating around that will soon be compared, but if there is a correlation and a match? We might have something dangerous right outside the city." she says, a bit more serious of tone as she gets to some of the matters at hand. "Seldan, I assume you know near a much as Stjepan?"
GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (4)+12: 16
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She rubs her face, sighing into her cup. "Aight aight. Forgiveness granted," she chuckles, waving a hand towards him like she was casting some spell that'd do it. "Perhaps da maps would jog ya memory. I ain't seen 'em, so I can't comment on 'em."
She rubs her face, sighing into her cup. "Aight aight. Forgiveness granted," she chuckles, waving a hand towards him like she was casting some spell that'd do it. "Perhaps da maps would jog ya memory. I ain't seen 'em, so I can't comment on 'em."
"Stjepan is in the process of getting some of the other copies together. I will let you know when that's all said and done. I have only mine, and a glance at his for the moment." Patch's voice having a neutral tone to it, a heavy breath followed as she gestures towards Slix with a half-grin. "We were smart enough to realize what blatantly professing some of this would do, but it doesn't mean the thoughts shouldn't be entertained." Patch's hands clasping together as she eyes the half-eaten soup and fully giving up on it. "So I have two options before me, but one of them likely to annoy a few of those about the city."
"I understand, and you have my thanks." That statement is turned on both women with an inclined head. Seldan remains in a lounging position, but his entire demeanor has sharpened. "Perhaps I may have thoughts to offer to your options." He takes a long pull from his mug, a thoughtful gesture. "I cannot discount the possibility that it is a larger threat."
Samara has relegated some of her attention to wobbling an ear up and down without her hands. "And man oh man, am I one ta love runnin' against the grain," she giggles, backing off of Patch's insight of their inquiries. "And people get annoyed all tha time in the city, hon. Can't right breathe without someone sayin' ya doin' it wrong."
Her gaze shifts to Seldan. "My hopes are it ain't a larger threat, but my gut is tellin' me otherwise. But I'd love ta hear ya two copper on Patty's ideas."
"My mother told me stories, and I won't go retelling about how she was. It wasn't nice." Patch starts, looking to Samara with a small smile, a hand reaching to reach and pat one of her legs. "I didn't escape untouched, or uninfluenced." sighing as she looks back to Seldan.
"My gut is telling me otherwise, but with something like this I don't trust the motivations of some people, or places." Patch's tone serious as before, but a shrug is tossed for some levity. "What we are learning and know I am thinking to chronicle and share amongst this budding network of believers." this seeming to be one of the options, she lets the air hang free of words a moment before speaking again. "Or, because of my broken compulsions and a promise to Vaire? I'll go it alone. A bard's promise is a powerful thing. I can't unsee this."
"Only too well do I understand the urge to seek to stand alone, that one may not trust the motivations, or the competence, of one's allies." Seldan's eyes lower, and he lets out a slow, steadying breath. "The members of the Guild I trust without question may be counted upon one hand, with fingers yet to spare, for too oft have I been left to stand alone, or worse, watch innocents injured or killed, because I was allied with fools." A rare bitterness laces the usually reserved tones.
"Yet have I learned," he goes on, drawing another breath. His tones return to their usual quiet, even, steady reserve. "There are those who are neither selfish, nor fools. and it is they in whom one may place one's life and hopes. We together are greater than we are alone, better positioned to set things right, for none may know all, themselves. I would counsel you to choose carefully in whom you place your trust, but when you do, do so without question. Many of the city are known to me, and do you name them, I will speak of whether I trust them without question."
Samara shares the look with Patch, a hand falling down to rest atop the one on her leg. Nothing needs be addressed, save for an understanding nod of the past.
Her head tilts to the side at Patch's options. "Or, for both? Tackle it for Vaerie then share your findings in tha network?"
From this, the wood elf's attention slides over to Seldan. Bereft of her avian features, its plain to see the expressive softness that touches her visage. "Doin' all this biz ain't ever all it's glammed up ta be," she intones. "I can understand your sentiment, and ya fingies. Downright boggles me sometimes on how some people act. But ya right. Greater than the sum of our parts and all that. Don't really trust much folks past Pattie here. And maybe like, one or two othas."
"Yes, but I had thought that my meddling was implied regardless of the situation." Patch admits with a grin to Slixvah. "I am here to follow what I see." affirming what she feels she must do.
"I am in no mood to name names, Seldan. What I will do is list whom I do trust, and we can go from there?" she offers, wiggling three fingers on a hand. "Slixvah, Stjepan, and Seldan. I have three others in mind someday, but they're dealing with another threat and need not be worried with this until we know more." her glance a bit apologetic. "This is dangerous information, and knowing it comes with risks. I'm not one to impose that on others without being sure."
"As you will." Seldan inclines his head in acceptance and understanding. "I quarrel with none of those. Stjepan is among those who has stood by me without fail. Slixvah I know not well," he inclines his head to Samara. "But on that am I disposed to trust in your judgment." Now he turns more fully towards Samara. "Some do I trust as allies. Fewer do I trust as friends. Still fewer do I trust, when I myself am in need. Others still do I trust to do the most foolish thing imaginable, in any situation."
Samara giggles, an elbow nudging Patch at the grin. "Of course ya gonna meddle. Gotta fill the board somehow," she teases.
There's a certain sort of cockiness that fills the polymorphed egalrin's ego, she puffs up, grinning at being one that could be trusted so. "Totes understandable, that Slixvah woman is bonkers," she snickers, shifting some to face Seldan.
"Easier to trust a fool ta be a fool when a fool is known, eh?" she jokes before shaking her head. "I can understand that. There's some intricacies of my magics that I've only shared wit a few people, and while I can't say I've been in ya position ta have so few ya trust come ta ya aid, I gets its mo' outta safety than comfort. And for that, I am truly sorry."
Patch flushes at Seldan's words, her brow perked with a laugh as she is about to speak when Sama-Slix jostles her with an elbow. "I'm going to do more than meddle." she assures the woman with a grin.
"I don't know if that's a compliment, or not. However if I have your trust, that's good enough for me." she says with a bit of rise in her tone, grinning. However, it's short lived. "Cryosanthia, Mikilos, and several others are working on it too, but I can only judge what I can see and interpret myself. I'm not an expert, but I still find myself here." admitting her far smaller adventuring stature. "It's a petty thing for me to say this, but seeing as some things were explained wrong, or not fully known of, we have too many people after the same goal. That's the problem. It's not a goal! It's a puzzle! It's not about who stops it, when we don't even know what 'it' is!"
"Sorry. I'm frustrated." Patch admits to them both. "What we do know is there have been several void agents. Multiple attacks, and no one knows why. They're just claiming small victories in a war we don't yet understand. That's how I see it, and it kills me to want to help but get pushed aside. Petty. Yes?"
Almost at once, something Patch said elicits an indrawn breath from Seldan, who has been listening in silence. Where there had ben relaxation. now there is only tension, a wary thing ready to spring. Slowly, deliberately, he lets out that breath, and looks around the quiet inn, but the tension does not fade. "You are not being petty, to want to help," he begins. "Yet with two you named would I urge the utmost of caution."
Samara rubs her face. "Yeah, all them pieces, but hella hard ta get people ta give da pieces up. But-" she pats Patch on the back, "-Like Seldan says, ya ain't bein' petty. Just doin' what ya can wit' what ya got. Shoot, I'm the same."
A glance to Seldan, a knowing look with one of the names. "... yeeeeaaaaah. Miki-mo-names ain't too high on that list. I'd keep any info ya get outta earshot of him, and I guess by extension, them."
"They weren't listed for a reason, but I don't discount them completely." Patch admits with a huff and grin, but that topic is soon dismissed with a wave of hand. "I draw my lines, none of it seeming too steep for those here." some of that assuring. She seems happy with how the discussion panned out. "I just want to help, and will continue to do so. I just need to know that if something is found, it can be looked into by those capable." a sigh, and glance to Slixvah. "I'm pretty sure the demon portal stuff was a little over our heads. Yeah?"
Seldan closes and lowers his eyes at the banter, deep regret not quite hidden in the set of his shoulders. "I understand. Mikilos has a great deal of scholarly magical knowledge, of that there can be no doubt. Yet -" Another breath, drawn and released. "I fear that, for my own safety, I must speak plainly in this." He doesn't want to, and does so slowly, as one searching for words.
"I have another task to undertake, that is not yet complete, a task that if not completed could see the whole of Ea under the thumb of a madman. To accomplish this task, I have undertaken a bargain that has set me against the whole of Llyranost. Mithralla retains loyalties to Llyranost, who yet hunt me and will imprison me, do they find me. I cannot risk Mithralla being aware of my presence or whereabouts in the area. He and Cryosanthia are close, and there is no love lost between myself and Cryosanthia for reasons of which I shall not speak. Given your words, I shall not counsel your actions regarding them, but I must ask for your silence on the matter of my presence and involvement. I can see to a demon portal."
Samara chuffs. "Tch. Yeah. That's why when that biz happened, I'm glad we just bounced right outta there after causing a mess. But as for those capable..."
She trails off, deciding to listen to Seldan's take in all of this.
Given that this form is not her natural state of being, there are some ticks that Samara cannot really hide. Her ears droop. Then perk. Press flat against her head. And finally, flick once. "I promise on tha Tapestry I pluck, ain't a word outta my beak gonna get ta them," she promises with similar finality. Though can't help but feel eye eyes rolllllllll back. "Fo' all that brain that boy has, he sure's don't know how to use it," she bluntly comments, knocking back the last of her lukewarm soup.
A little sigh leaves her, a worried yet encouraging look thrown towards Seldan. "I have faith that you'll do it well."
"To be clear. I will not reveal any on my list to others." Patch notes firmly, a grin eventually flashed with a wink to Seldan. "From this moment I see all as equals of information, even if unequal of stature." she says, weighing her words, and nodding to them herself. "That seems about right." her decision on that made. "I know you're pressed for time, and there are many things calling for you to help, but we're also offering it. That's my sincere hope."
Samara-Slix's facial mannerisms and their translation to this form catch Patch off-guard, laughing suddenly at the other woman with red cheeks. "Oh, gods. I hate to admit it, but if Seldan hadn't of hinted it earlier, that would of been when I noticed it!" shocked at how long that would of been.
The very smallest of smiles flickers across Seldan's lips, but it is short-lived at the answer from Patch. He nods agreement to Slixvah's observation, but sits upright, almost visibly pulling himself within a package of reserved thoughtfulness. "Even so. With whom will you share what you have learned?" The mug is set down on the table, the question asked carefully.
A dash of rubor goes across Samara's tanned face from Patch's laughter. "Well, info is a great equalizer, ya kno'?"
She eyes Seldan's mannerisms. Leans forward with an easy going smile. And lays it out simply. "Sugar, I kno' ya gotta lotta worry 'bout, but us two crazy ladies ain't one of them. I ain't sayin' crud ta anyone."
"Share is a liberal word." Patch's words a bit dry as she turns to face Seldon at his subtle 'change'. It's noticed, and piqued interest. "I will continue as I always have, and share with the three I named."
Patch stands from her seat, looking to Samara with a grin. "Worry not. I am warry of who knows of what. But, I carry one rule. It'sd because of the Guild's hesitance to report on some matters until they were necessary, despite danger." her glance aimed back on the human after a time. "It was not comforting to me. I will only reveal what is needed to keep others alive. That's my compromise. You have to allow for the emergency and situational in these matters."
"I'm going to get a drink from the bar, and get off this topic. I know it can be discussed forever, but we all seem of like minds. So, anyone else? Drink?" Patch asks.
Seldan's cloak of reserve opens only a little, and he inclines his head gratefully to Slixvah, but it is to Patch that he speaks. "I understand. Very well. A drink will go well. Ale, if you will."
"Ooh! A drink and juicy gossip? Count me in! The warm cider is really wonderf-"
Samara's form ripples a bit. Then, without warning.
A >POOF< of feathers!
A very, very fluffy, staticky egalrin woman sits at the table like a giant puff ball in place of the wood elf. Her beak is barely visible out of the floof. It clacks in a neutral, deadpan tone. "Don't. Say. Anything."
-End Scene-

Latest revision as of 17:22, 21 December 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Cross Referencing Experiences
  • Emitter: Patch
  • Characters: Patch, Seldan, Slixvah (?)
  • Place: The Wayfarer Inn
  • Time: December 20th, 2022
  • Summary: Patch sends out some message for a meeting of minds between a couple of folks. Seldan, in a simple hunter's guise, and Slixvah posing as an elf. They discuss, privately, workings of the void and trying to fit what puzzles pieces they have together. While their statures as adventurers vary vastly, the information they hold puts all on an equal playing field. A line of open communication is kept for later, just in case.

The Wayfarer Inn - Evening (7:00pm) - Weather: White

Yes, the weather is white. The inn near snowed inn from how heavy the fat flakes have fallen from the dark and cloudy skies above. If it hadn’t of been for the help of some patrons, mostly a jotun, the porch and doorway would still be closed to those making their way here.

Patch resides inside, a table away from the bar and the supply door. She sits facing the entryway, her back to a corner as she idly sips at some sort of mixed-meat stew. A book is splayed open before her, a free hand turning pages as the other occupies itself with spoon. The book is well away form the food, she’s not going to risk a stain. Not on something she borrowed.

The bard ready for something, equipped with a few more weapons and noticable gear than she has before. Not only is she wearing her bawdy coat of red, but a dark maroon cloak resides over one shoulder, leaning into the militaristic vestments from Blar for inspiration. For now she sits alone, though hopefully not for long. Some messages had been sent, but an evening outside the walls is what it means in waiting.

Evening rest, especially after that snowball fight, is sorely needed. A rosy cheeked wood elf slides into the establishment, getting a warm drink and soup from the counter and humming to herself. Sky blue eyes drink in the clientele, and she perks upon spying another elf. "Weeeell helloooo there...~!" she croons and waves, ambling on up, many robes fluttering from her gait.

There is another one here, a few tables away, similarly enjoying ale and a plate of hot stew. His, however, is almost gone, and mostly only drink remains, and most of that. The man is dark-haired and dark-skinned, wearing a simple set of woodsman's leathers - that when he shifts make far too much nose to actually be woodsman's leathers. It sounds like there's armor under there.

In meetings like these, time is sometimes an enemy. Patch hadn’t anticipated everyone to get here, and she’s unaware they’ve made it in to the inn. Slixvah gets a glance, and it’s not the nicest. The call towards her is met with a stir of brow and twitch of ear. “Hi?” she says, having to turn and look behind herself just to make sure. Oh yeah. She’s in a corner. Suspicion, and a hesitant smile found as the woman ambles forth.

“Sorry, I don’t think I recognize you.” Patch deciding that honesty was better than trying to bluff. Truth has its virtues. Her face is still a bit red, the mark upon the right cheek more so. She’d ridden here on Peanut, not wanting to spend her day hiking through snow. She’d learned earlier how dangerous a game the chill could be. Around Verna and Seldan.

“I’m waiting for a couple of people, but you’re welcome to share a drink. I….” a second glance taken. There was ‘almost’ recognition, those blue eyes tared into for a little too long. Almost awkwardly. “I don’t know how long they will be.” her spoon dropped into her stew.

The wood elf slows before Patch's table. She looks behind herself, then around before those large eyes rest on the bard. An ear flicks, and a wide smile breaks out on her features. "You don't know how long they'll be? Well then-"

Unabashed, she slides into a chair next to Patch. "My name's Samarathi'llin. Or, Samara, if that suits your fancy?" she smiles warmly.

A sip from her soup.


GAME: Patch rolls intelligence: (4)+2: 6 
GAME: Seldan rolls intelligence: (15)+4: 19
<OOC> Slixvah says, "perception DC rn to note its slix is 32"
GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (8)+25: 33

At length, the dark-haired man stands, abandoning his empty plate and taking his drink with him. He makes his way over to Patch's table, subtly pulling a crescent and sphere on a chain out of the apparent leathers long enough for her to see it. "May I join you?" The appearance is not obvious, but the voice, the words, are. It's Seldan, for those who know him. "I see you have set the wings aside," he tells Samara.

Patch is confused about Seldan's words when he joins them. She'd been about to speak when his intrusion startled her enough to gasp and laugh. "Oh course you can join us." the 'impostor' eyed again for a long moment before it 'clicks' he means their feathered friend. The poor bard was completely tricked.

"I about said something mean this time. You're going to get it one of these days." Patch warns to Slixvah, but instead of mean words, the bard is still smiling. Small, but there.

Samara winks towards Seldan. "They are set aside! Fo' now," she hums. "Fireside feels much nicer like this."

A glance to Patch, and she grins wide. "Aha! So ya figured it!" she giggles, looping an non-feathered arm around Patch as she leans against her. "Eh, if I get it mean, then I'm doin' a really good job!"

Big siiiiip. "So what'cha wanna spill tha beans 'bout?" she whispers conspiratorially.

Seldan blinks, suddenly surprised. "Forgive me, am I intruding? I can-" He sits up, looking between the two of them for an indicator of whether he should excuse himself.

"Well, it's partly Seldan's domain I am speaking of." Patch says, a sheepish glance cast back at the human. She'd tried to ignore the Egalrin's arm and leaning as best she can, staring at Seldan. "It's about the void agents." she says flatly, but the words are a whisper on her lips, the magics of the 'hidden' allowing her to speak magic as if she'd cast the spell. Only their ears would hear what is being woven over the hum of the talking crowd. "I'd like to order a drink first, if that's okay." seeming to assume Seldan would choose to stay. Or hoping.

"Damnit." Patch says, having hit her tolerance for trying to ignore Slixvah. The pout to her teasing quickly over as she turns to hug the other woman with a sigh of defeat. "As if I could stay mad."

The Slix-Elf, Samara, whiffs the arm at the ignore as she pretends to push her own hair back instead. "No no, you can stay," she hums to Seldan before leaning forward with Patch to listen.

Her brows knit. "Yea yeah," she nods to Patch. "Get ya dri-"

Hugged! She laughs softly, returning it. "I'll shove ya into the snow again if you want me to cool ya off the madness," she teases before shaking her head. "Get ya drink, then lets talk 'bout this biz."

Intrigued, Seldan pauses, and settles down across from them, drink in hand. Not much more of it is likely to be drunk, but he seems prepared to wait however long is necessary, and listen when she is ready to talk. There's something faraway, reserved, in his demeanor, but it's smaller than it was.

"So, Samara here doesn't know much about them I suspect." Patch starts a little cautiously, a glance to Slixvah as she speaks with a shrug and wink. She's not trying to be mean. No. She's actually signaling the woman. "Truth of the matter is. There are several maps floating around that will soon be compared, but if there is a correlation and a match? We might have something dangerous right outside the city." she says, a bit more serious of tone as she gets to some of the matters at hand. "Seldan, I assume you know near a much as Stjepan?"

GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (4)+12: 16

"I am uncertain to what you refer, Patch, but the void agents may be something of which I am aware. Perhaps it is best, do you tell me what you have found," Seldan replies carefully. "I would ask your forgiveness." Samara sips on her soup, sky blue eyes bouncing between man and woman. She tilts her head slooowly to the side. "This about the thing...?" she inquires, referring to their mutual studies beforehand. A blink. "Ah, yes, the thing," she smacks her face.

Another looong sip. "Outside the city...?"

"Just like Stjepan. Cautious" Patch observes of Seldan, sighing and closing the book before her. It's some guild records she's managed to get her hands, but it seems the matter is unrelated. She slides the book off the table and into her lap to make room before her. "I'm talking about the worm holes, and the magus mounds. The others that lurk. A big jumbled puzzle that might soon be able to have actionable intelligence opportunities." she says to Seldan, blunt and with a shrug. "I know about the map you possess that shows the holes in the sea of mana. Stjepan let me peek at it when we ran into one another. I'm not for sure, but I know several locations that might need to be cross-referenced. One of them being..... that magus mound outside the city."

"So, I have to ask. When you investigate the location you visited, is that where you found one of the 'agents'?" Patch's eyes a bit fixated. "Because I am starting to get paranoid about the things I've seen come out of the ground, Seldan."

Suddenly, Seldan's understanding snaps into focus, and he nods, lowering his eyes. "Of course. Holy Dreamer, truly am I graced with Your wisdom," he prays abruptly, and for no apparent reason. He does look up to meet eyes when it is done, though. "I would ask your forgiveness. I have been caught up in other matters, and had wholly forgotten. The last time I touched this-" He trails off. "I was dangerously ill for some time afterwards, enough that I was returned to Ecclesia to recover." For a moment, he looks haunted. "There is one just outside the city, you say?"

Samara, curious as ever, is mentally filing away this information and comparing it to what she knows already. But she's just on the cusp of everything, so all the pieces aren't there.

Her brows raise. "... noted... erm like... where? 'cause I don't wanna use mojo and it have it blow up on me."

"This is where I need clarification, Samara." Patch's attention now coming back to the disguised woman. "Stjepan's map is of the holes in the sea of mana. Likely each being a void agent, or demon, or something used to disrupt the natural flow of mana. Cryosanthia mentioned finding a demon 'inside' the sea of mana, and was so sure it was the offender." she states with a sigh. "I find that unlikely. This was coordinated, and it wasn't just one enemy. Or so I am starting to gather."

"Because your party has found them, and so has others. If they're both speaking true." Patch's tone not dismissing the possibility of fabricated news, but it just seems unlikely. "SO, when you ran into this agent? What was the circumstance?" she asks. "I would like to know before I speak my mind about the magus mound and dragon bones."

"Not a demon," Seldan murmurs, eyes lowered, looking into his mug, although his shoulders jerk at the mention of Cryosanthia. "For even demons are themselves of creation, if twisted by the arrogance of the Tyrant. That creature in the Sea of Mana - was a creature of the Void itself. It was - consuming the Sea of Mana. It took the three - of Eluna, of Taara - " He scrubs the heels of his hands at his eyes, as if trying to remember. "I shall ask of Serene," he murmurs. "For in truth do I not recall the whole of it. If it is coordinated - there is another enemy, and it may have placed that creature."

Samara's face scrunches in a seriousness as such talks drop words such as demons and The Void. "I... huh," she tilts her head to the side. "Both of tha gods of magic ta do that. I wonder if such fluctuations 'cause mo' of my kind ta be 'round."

She's throwing noodles at the wall right now, since the scale and scope of these talks are far beyond what she's used to dealing with.

"Then our speculations might be correct." Patch's sigh a bit heavy as she looks back to Slixvah. "The void agents are the culprits, that's far more consistent with our theories. We haven't encountered any demons on this work." she notes, sitting back into her seat. "We know they're called forth through 'mirrors', Seldan." Patch finally admits to knowing about the 'others'. "It's theorized the mirrors to their realm form in a process a lot like how magicite is grown over time."

"It's worrying, because if they're shifting the ley lines, it means they're messing with all sorts of natural, and unnatural things. Slixvah and I detected residual magic like growning magicite deposits, but is it Magicite we'd find?"

"Yes," Seldan answers, staring into the bottom of his mug as if visually plumbing the depths of his memory. "Yes, you may well find magicite." His shoulders are tense, his demeanor retreating back into that quiet, almost impassive reserve. "I would hear what Stjepan has learned, and aid him if that is both welcome and needed. For dimly do I recall this. I am at your disposal, if you would have my aid on this, and I ask your forgiveness, for having forgotten it."

The polymorphed wood elf rubs her chin, getting to the bottom of her soup before switching to her warm cider. "Mhmm," she hums about Patch's point about residual magic. "Tho', the stuff found we theorized was... tainted somehow? The magic? Am I recallin' that right?"

Her pensive gaze slides over to Seldan, and a soft smile breaks across her lips. "It is good that ya wanna help, sugar, but don't beat yaself up fo' forgettin'. Ya plate is hella full. Don' worr' 'bout it."

"Stjepan, like all 'old' adventurers, have their secrets they keep." Patch's words to Seldan coming with a grin. "He's knowledgeable to a point, but the finer details of it elude him at times. More when we speak of the magical research. However, thanks to him, we have maps to compare, and if these points align. We're acting. All of us. I'd hope." her tone serious, but pragmatic as she ends with a laugh.

"That's a valid point, Slixvah." Patch surprised at the chiming Egalrin. "We're afraid it's not magicite. But mirrors. An invasion. Though, that's our 'end of an era' theory." Patch even using finger quotes with another laugh. "We're grasping at straws a lot like everyone else, but the more we work together, the clearer things will be."

"Stjepan is no mage," Seldan says at once, looking up. "He has a great deal of experience, and a few tricks, but he is not a scholar of magic. Still - this is important, and I had forgotten it. I have no excuses." He does not appear to be willing to let go of that so easily. "Her guidance is sure. I would see these maps again. It may aid me."

Samara snaps a finger gun towards Patch. "That's what we was thinkin'. Perhaps some deliberate poisoning attempt. But like she says, I don't wanna think it's too much more like world endin' stuff."

She rubs her face, sighing into her cup. "Aight aight. Forgiveness granted," she chuckles, waving a hand towards him like she was casting some spell that'd do it. "Perhaps da maps would jog ya memory. I ain't seen 'em, so I can't comment on 'em."

"Stjepan is in the process of getting some of the other copies together. I will let you know when that's all said and done. I have only mine, and a glance at his for the moment." Patch's voice having a neutral tone to it, a heavy breath followed as she gestures towards Slix with a half-grin. "We were smart enough to realize what blatantly professing some of this would do, but it doesn't mean the thoughts shouldn't be entertained." Patch's hands clasping together as she eyes the half-eaten soup and fully giving up on it. "So I have two options before me, but one of them likely to annoy a few of those about the city."

"I understand, and you have my thanks." That statement is turned on both women with an inclined head. Seldan remains in a lounging position, but his entire demeanor has sharpened. "Perhaps I may have thoughts to offer to your options." He takes a long pull from his mug, a thoughtful gesture. "I cannot discount the possibility that it is a larger threat."

Samara has relegated some of her attention to wobbling an ear up and down without her hands. "And man oh man, am I one ta love runnin' against the grain," she giggles, backing off of Patch's insight of their inquiries. "And people get annoyed all tha time in the city, hon. Can't right breathe without someone sayin' ya doin' it wrong."

Her gaze shifts to Seldan. "My hopes are it ain't a larger threat, but my gut is tellin' me otherwise. But I'd love ta hear ya two copper on Patty's ideas."

"My mother told me stories, and I won't go retelling about how she was. It wasn't nice." Patch starts, looking to Samara with a small smile, a hand reaching to reach and pat one of her legs. "I didn't escape untouched, or uninfluenced." sighing as she looks back to Seldan.

"My gut is telling me otherwise, but with something like this I don't trust the motivations of some people, or places." Patch's tone serious as before, but a shrug is tossed for some levity. "What we are learning and know I am thinking to chronicle and share amongst this budding network of believers." this seeming to be one of the options, she lets the air hang free of words a moment before speaking again. "Or, because of my broken compulsions and a promise to Vaire? I'll go it alone. A bard's promise is a powerful thing. I can't unsee this."

"Only too well do I understand the urge to seek to stand alone, that one may not trust the motivations, or the competence, of one's allies." Seldan's eyes lower, and he lets out a slow, steadying breath. "The members of the Guild I trust without question may be counted upon one hand, with fingers yet to spare, for too oft have I been left to stand alone, or worse, watch innocents injured or killed, because I was allied with fools." A rare bitterness laces the usually reserved tones.

"Yet have I learned," he goes on, drawing another breath. His tones return to their usual quiet, even, steady reserve. "There are those who are neither selfish, nor fools. and it is they in whom one may place one's life and hopes. We together are greater than we are alone, better positioned to set things right, for none may know all, themselves. I would counsel you to choose carefully in whom you place your trust, but when you do, do so without question. Many of the city are known to me, and do you name them, I will speak of whether I trust them without question."

Samara shares the look with Patch, a hand falling down to rest atop the one on her leg. Nothing needs be addressed, save for an understanding nod of the past.

Her head tilts to the side at Patch's options. "Or, for both? Tackle it for Vaerie then share your findings in tha network?"

From this, the wood elf's attention slides over to Seldan. Bereft of her avian features, its plain to see the expressive softness that touches her visage. "Doin' all this biz ain't ever all it's glammed up ta be," she intones. "I can understand your sentiment, and ya fingies. Downright boggles me sometimes on how some people act. But ya right. Greater than the sum of our parts and all that. Don't really trust much folks past Pattie here. And maybe like, one or two othas."

"Yes, but I had thought that my meddling was implied regardless of the situation." Patch admits with a grin to Slixvah. "I am here to follow what I see." affirming what she feels she must do.

"I am in no mood to name names, Seldan. What I will do is list whom I do trust, and we can go from there?" she offers, wiggling three fingers on a hand. "Slixvah, Stjepan, and Seldan. I have three others in mind someday, but they're dealing with another threat and need not be worried with this until we know more." her glance a bit apologetic. "This is dangerous information, and knowing it comes with risks. I'm not one to impose that on others without being sure."

"As you will." Seldan inclines his head in acceptance and understanding. "I quarrel with none of those. Stjepan is among those who has stood by me without fail. Slixvah I know not well," he inclines his head to Samara. "But on that am I disposed to trust in your judgment." Now he turns more fully towards Samara. "Some do I trust as allies. Fewer do I trust as friends. Still fewer do I trust, when I myself am in need. Others still do I trust to do the most foolish thing imaginable, in any situation."

Samara giggles, an elbow nudging Patch at the grin. "Of course ya gonna meddle. Gotta fill the board somehow," she teases.

There's a certain sort of cockiness that fills the polymorphed egalrin's ego, she puffs up, grinning at being one that could be trusted so. "Totes understandable, that Slixvah woman is bonkers," she snickers, shifting some to face Seldan.

"Easier to trust a fool ta be a fool when a fool is known, eh?" she jokes before shaking her head. "I can understand that. There's some intricacies of my magics that I've only shared wit a few people, and while I can't say I've been in ya position ta have so few ya trust come ta ya aid, I gets its mo' outta safety than comfort. And for that, I am truly sorry."

Patch flushes at Seldan's words, her brow perked with a laugh as she is about to speak when Sama-Slix jostles her with an elbow. "I'm going to do more than meddle." she assures the woman with a grin.

"I don't know if that's a compliment, or not. However if I have your trust, that's good enough for me." she says with a bit of rise in her tone, grinning. However, it's short lived. "Cryosanthia, Mikilos, and several others are working on it too, but I can only judge what I can see and interpret myself. I'm not an expert, but I still find myself here." admitting her far smaller adventuring stature. "It's a petty thing for me to say this, but seeing as some things were explained wrong, or not fully known of, we have too many people after the same goal. That's the problem. It's not a goal! It's a puzzle! It's not about who stops it, when we don't even know what 'it' is!"

"Sorry. I'm frustrated." Patch admits to them both. "What we do know is there have been several void agents. Multiple attacks, and no one knows why. They're just claiming small victories in a war we don't yet understand. That's how I see it, and it kills me to want to help but get pushed aside. Petty. Yes?"

Almost at once, something Patch said elicits an indrawn breath from Seldan, who has been listening in silence. Where there had ben relaxation. now there is only tension, a wary thing ready to spring. Slowly, deliberately, he lets out that breath, and looks around the quiet inn, but the tension does not fade. "You are not being petty, to want to help," he begins. "Yet with two you named would I urge the utmost of caution."

Samara rubs her face. "Yeah, all them pieces, but hella hard ta get people ta give da pieces up. But-" she pats Patch on the back, "-Like Seldan says, ya ain't bein' petty. Just doin' what ya can wit' what ya got. Shoot, I'm the same."

A glance to Seldan, a knowing look with one of the names. "... yeeeeaaaaah. Miki-mo-names ain't too high on that list. I'd keep any info ya get outta earshot of him, and I guess by extension, them."

"They weren't listed for a reason, but I don't discount them completely." Patch admits with a huff and grin, but that topic is soon dismissed with a wave of hand. "I draw my lines, none of it seeming too steep for those here." some of that assuring. She seems happy with how the discussion panned out. "I just want to help, and will continue to do so. I just need to know that if something is found, it can be looked into by those capable." a sigh, and glance to Slixvah. "I'm pretty sure the demon portal stuff was a little over our heads. Yeah?"

Seldan closes and lowers his eyes at the banter, deep regret not quite hidden in the set of his shoulders. "I understand. Mikilos has a great deal of scholarly magical knowledge, of that there can be no doubt. Yet -" Another breath, drawn and released. "I fear that, for my own safety, I must speak plainly in this." He doesn't want to, and does so slowly, as one searching for words.

"I have another task to undertake, that is not yet complete, a task that if not completed could see the whole of Ea under the thumb of a madman. To accomplish this task, I have undertaken a bargain that has set me against the whole of Llyranost. Mithralla retains loyalties to Llyranost, who yet hunt me and will imprison me, do they find me. I cannot risk Mithralla being aware of my presence or whereabouts in the area. He and Cryosanthia are close, and there is no love lost between myself and Cryosanthia for reasons of which I shall not speak. Given your words, I shall not counsel your actions regarding them, but I must ask for your silence on the matter of my presence and involvement. I can see to a demon portal."

Samara chuffs. "Tch. Yeah. That's why when that biz happened, I'm glad we just bounced right outta there after causing a mess. But as for those capable..."

She trails off, deciding to listen to Seldan's take in all of this.

Given that this form is not her natural state of being, there are some ticks that Samara cannot really hide. Her ears droop. Then perk. Press flat against her head. And finally, flick once. "I promise on tha Tapestry I pluck, ain't a word outta my beak gonna get ta them," she promises with similar finality. Though can't help but feel eye eyes rolllllllll back. "Fo' all that brain that boy has, he sure's don't know how to use it," she bluntly comments, knocking back the last of her lukewarm soup.

A little sigh leaves her, a worried yet encouraging look thrown towards Seldan. "I have faith that you'll do it well."

"To be clear. I will not reveal any on my list to others." Patch notes firmly, a grin eventually flashed with a wink to Seldan. "From this moment I see all as equals of information, even if unequal of stature." she says, weighing her words, and nodding to them herself. "That seems about right." her decision on that made. "I know you're pressed for time, and there are many things calling for you to help, but we're also offering it. That's my sincere hope."

Samara-Slix's facial mannerisms and their translation to this form catch Patch off-guard, laughing suddenly at the other woman with red cheeks. "Oh, gods. I hate to admit it, but if Seldan hadn't of hinted it earlier, that would of been when I noticed it!" shocked at how long that would of been.

The very smallest of smiles flickers across Seldan's lips, but it is short-lived at the answer from Patch. He nods agreement to Slixvah's observation, but sits upright, almost visibly pulling himself within a package of reserved thoughtfulness. "Even so. With whom will you share what you have learned?" The mug is set down on the table, the question asked carefully.

A dash of rubor goes across Samara's tanned face from Patch's laughter. "Well, info is a great equalizer, ya kno'?"

She eyes Seldan's mannerisms. Leans forward with an easy going smile. And lays it out simply. "Sugar, I kno' ya gotta lotta worry 'bout, but us two crazy ladies ain't one of them. I ain't sayin' crud ta anyone."

"Share is a liberal word." Patch's words a bit dry as she turns to face Seldon at his subtle 'change'. It's noticed, and piqued interest. "I will continue as I always have, and share with the three I named."

Patch stands from her seat, looking to Samara with a grin. "Worry not. I am warry of who knows of what. But, I carry one rule. It'sd because of the Guild's hesitance to report on some matters until they were necessary, despite danger." her glance aimed back on the human after a time. "It was not comforting to me. I will only reveal what is needed to keep others alive. That's my compromise. You have to allow for the emergency and situational in these matters."

"I'm going to get a drink from the bar, and get off this topic. I know it can be discussed forever, but we all seem of like minds. So, anyone else? Drink?" Patch asks.

Seldan's cloak of reserve opens only a little, and he inclines his head gratefully to Slixvah, but it is to Patch that he speaks. "I understand. Very well. A drink will go well. Ale, if you will."

"Ooh! A drink and juicy gossip? Count me in! The warm cider is really wonderf-"

Samara's form ripples a bit. Then, without warning.

A >POOF< of feathers!

A very, very fluffy, staticky egalrin woman sits at the table like a giant puff ball in place of the wood elf. Her beak is barely visible out of the floof. It clacks in a neutral, deadpan tone. "Don't. Say. Anything."

-End Scene-