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=Welcome to an Age of Heroes=
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In Taara's wake the earth crumbled. [[Recent History|Gods fell]], others rose, and the race of mankind looked forward and saw the destruction of nations. For five years, [[Magitech and Magic|necrotech]] seared the world's landscape and forces unknown decimated the once-insurmountable Walls of Charn. [[Locations|Nations]] turned against one another with the vanishing of monarchs--brother to brother and kin to kin. During the struggles, the nation of Dragonier attempted to keep the peace before it, too, fell. Other nations threatened to follow.
Now returned from the Mists, [[Alexandria]] finds itself thrown into a world in turmoil. In this world, the [[Gods of Good|Pantheon of Light]] stride forward in anger, the [[Gods of Neutrality|Twilight]] fall into debate, and the [[Gods of Evil|forces of Darkness]] are locked in a war between Maugrim and Taara. High arcana soars over the landscape with the renewed activity of the [[races|Old Races]], while guilds and organizations struggle to find their footing with the fall of Rune. The elves and dwarves have moved forward into the world once again, driven by the perceived neglect of the world by humankind.
The world had waited for the return of [[Alexandria]] and the return of the [[Myrddion|Myrrish]] and [[Bludgun]] kings for five years--only to find Alexandria suddenly returned unchanged, and unknowing, from the Land of Mists. To Alexandria, the [[Recent History|War of Sendor]] is just days past. To the world--
[[file:current_arc.png|center|link=Recent History]]
It is the time for heroes.</div></div>
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==Recent Website Updates==
===October 4===
Added some samples to the [[About Backgrounds]] section.
: Lahar
= Latest Events =
===August 29===
We're updating the website software! Things may crackle from time to time. Navigation is a known issue.
We are in the process of transitioning to [[Pathfinder 2e and AresMUSH Changeover|AresMUSH and Pathfinder 2e]]. Due to the aging nature of our database, we have locked character creation. However, we are still open to new players!
'''New players''' who wish to join the fun can join as a guest and request an online and on-duty staffer to make a character with a temporary password and name.
EDIT: Navigation fixed! Thank you, Lolth!! :)
Current players may request a new alt character object by filing a +request in-game, although availability is somewhat limited.
===August 17===
Welcome to '''Alexandros Month'''! A big thanks goes to Whirlpool for kicking us off with a bang!
Starting Saturday the 20th (Ceriday 20th, Callem), we'll be celebrating Alexandros' independence and the signing of the [[Calendar|Rose Treaty]]. Because it is such a big event in the city's history, we'd wanted to do something special to celebrate.
= Archived Updates =
What this means is--starting the 20th and running roughly four weeks thereafter, staff will be rewarding runners with additional XP for PrPs run, and participants will receive additional XP and treasure. To qualify for this bonus, your PrP must feature Alexandros/Alexandria in some prominent way.
In preparation for Alexandros' celebration of Independence, we've also added a few surprises. Garthos graciously mapped out the Alexandrian wilderness, which can be seen by going [[Core Setting]] > [[Alexandros]].
The [[Alexandros#Plot_Information|Plot Information for Alexandros]] has also been beefed up to provide you easy access to questions like: just what types of creatures can I find in [[Alexandros#Local_Landmarks|Genrivia]], anyways? Or, why is Genrivia so messed up, and how can I use that to tell a story? Feel free to draw on these areas and their histories to explore what makes Alexandros one of the most coveted places in the world.
Join with us as we celebrate the Rose Treaty this month, and Alexandros' independence.
===August 4===
Deity pages now link to domains instead of only listing them.
- Lahar
===July 26===
Locations - Regions and Nations have been updated with a table that indicates population and general religious affiliations for that area. The information was there.. we just reformated it to look nice, and makes sure its easy to read.
===July 19===
Deities placed into the new format--titles for clerics, druids, paladins, and so on coming soon. Special thanks to certain players who pitched in and got their elbows dirty. You know who you are. :)
EDIT: Titles for a few monks, bards as well. Check out [[Vardama]] and [[Ceinara]]. Not complete yet, just awesome. :)
- Lahar
===July 14===
The Gods of Light are in the new format. The rest of the pantheon will follow in a reasonable time frame.
- Lahar
===July 13===
Work continues on making introductions and "getting your feet wet" a little friendlier. Expect about a two month turnaround on that project as it's one of the more complex pieces we've undertaken to date. As it's underway, expect some minor tweaks to the class pages and the Start Here areas. For now, enjoy the updated grapple tutorial, and some art for more exotic places.
- Lahar
===July 7===
The class pages and a few other things are receiving updates, so things will be a bit dusty for a while.
- Lahar
===July 3===
[[Khazad|Khazad information clarified]].
- Lahar
===July 1===
[[Recent Logs]] received a brush-up, and more entries have been added to [[Alexandria]]'s local places of interest. These have been hilighted on the grid as well, so be sure to check them out.
- Lahar
''"The roads shall be painted teal!" announced the maddened hobgoblin king. And lo, his subjects bowed before him, and all roads from Hither to Yon became teal with bright green roses.''
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==Recent Rumors in Alexandria==
===Tariday, Daeshen 13, 1013===
A second raid of the guardsman on the [[Local Organizations|College of Magic]] nearly resulted in the apparent arrest of [[Nonplayer_Characters|Madame Gelfure]].
Harsh words were exchanged between guard units and the Madame but apparently whatever mix up had occurred was cleared up, as the Madame left the College under her own power.
That said, her estate in the noble district now apparently has guards surrounding it. Rumors are circulating that there may well have been some sort of assassination attempt and she was likely placed into protective custody of some kind.
A wizard. In protective custody. Yeah, right.
===Variday, Daeshen 5, 1013===
The Temple of [[Eluna]] held a quiet celebration and reconsecration ceremony last night (under the light of the moon, of course). It was more muted than most, but the high clergy are looking more relaxed today -- even if folks didn't notice they were tense before.
===Eliday, Daeshen 4, 1013===
Recently, a body was recovered from within one of the warehouses along the docks. After investigation by the guards and contracted mercenaries in support, some sort of monsters behind the slaying was found and eliminated. This in and of itself would not be so hugely unusual in these dark times but the investigation into the death appears to be continuing.
Recently, several guards were seen searching several rooms within the [[Local Organizations|College of Magic]], much to the frustration and consternation of the workers and academics there. These searches took most of the day. It seem the guards believe that 'a [[wizard]] did it' and plan to continue their investigation.
===Korday, Daeshen 1, 1013===
An hour before midnight, a piercing shriek hears in the alleyways near the docks, more to the point from the water itself. Crowds flocked to the docks to see one man sink in the water, his face a mask of terror and desperation. When the guards arrived, they found a corpse and talk of a priest fingered as the murderer. Once the guards were able to clear out the crowds, there is rumors of the fighter Alteri lead away bound for the guardhouse. Many tell of her also being drenched as if she had been in the water, and some speculation if she was trying to hide the body from discovery.
===Variday, Callem 22, 1013===
As the gifts from the Beyond, and from more mundane sources are poured over, scholars have of late taken a recent concern to the Council of Alexandria...
...and as a result, images of the Gods of Evil have been removed from the City for fears of security.
OOC: This refers (in part) to ramifications of the spell: Enter Image. ICly, all images of the dark gods are being removed, and nobles, merchants, and commonfolk alike are urged to examine the paintings which may hang upon their walls--images from Charnese nobility, even though political, might be considered a risk in some areas.
===Variday, Callem 22, 1013===
Since the Fall of [[Rune]], individual [[Organizations|Academy of Sages]] across the world have been undergoing retrofitting into more local-serving institutions. With no instructors, money, or supplies from Rune, each one has been having to make do. [[Alexandria]]'s is no exception.
With several prominent mages, such as Madame Gelfure leading the charge, with Baldwin Addelberg by her side, along with generous backing from [[Nonplayer Characters|High Lady Rawyn Telenil]], the Academy of Sages is now undergoing large amounts of reconstruction. The final construction, aided through a showing of Alexandrian magic, will better serve more local, Alexandrian needs, according to reports. Instructors are being drawn from the local populace and prominent adventures may occasionally be asked to guest lecture based on their experiences.
Ambassadors from [[Llyranost]] have also set up shop there--indeed, an entire new section of the College of Magic is dedicated to the sildanyari [[wizard|mages]] and their teachings. For their part, the sildanyari have sought to make themselves at home.
As the sildanyar continue to step out from beyond the fabled veil, one can only see their influence over local magical culture growing, despite the tension this might cause. This tension can be seen everywhere from the Academy itself, and into local politics--whispers of just what the sildanyar have been hiding, as well as perhaps, well-founded worries over Alexandria's hard-fought-for sovereignty.
===Gilday, Callem 17, 1013===
"We worked hard to get here." The [[oruch]] folds his arms across his chest. Behind him is the business he'd built--a small chili stall. It stands across from a well-known [[khazad]] vendor who even now eyes him.
The oruch's tale is typical. Rugged, inventive--is the [[Alexandria|Alexandrian]] archetype. A place unlike any on Ea and prideful for it--the people who saved the War of [[Sendor]], who drew [[Blar]] from the reaches of [[Bludgun]]. The City who five years ago, stood being the place--not just any place--but The Place where world peace might first be achieved. The place where gods first spoke to mortal men.
Because every other Court is a copy.
And it's time to celebrate. Live, Alexandria! Today, banners whip in the wind, and the oruch decorates his stall in Alexandria's colors. Street-urchins wave copies of the [[Calendar|Rose Treaty]] for anyone to read--and bards stand on street corners, telling a thousand and one versions of the tale to anyone who will listen.
The famous [[Calendar|oruch and khazad chili cookoff]] will happen anytime.
Live, Alexandria! City of wonders, city of impossibilities. This month is the month of your independence!
:"Siniath! Alexandrie!"
:"Nuacht an tAlexandreann!"
:"Korero! Alexandria!"
:"Mrezne! Alexandria!"
:"Alexandria-zagad Berud!"
OOC: In order: sildanyar, halfling, oruch, gobber, khadzul.
===Tariday, Callem 09, 1013===
Combined [[Myrddion|Myrrish]] and [[Alexandria|Alexandrian]] forces declare victory over demonic infestation
That's the word from the Alexandrian Council and Myrrish Military officers. In their first combined effort since the end of the [[Recent History|Sendor War]] and [[Recent History|Alexandria's return from the Mists]], victory has been achieved against what was said to be a 'demonic infestation' that had been reawoken from the days of the Daemon Wars. Combined military forces pushed into the blighted land of Skald to the north and east of Alexandria, where the Demon Wars began centuries go, and were said to have decisively defeated the demonic legion in battle.
The Myrrish airship 'The Glorious Rendition', battle-scarred and damaged, is now docked into the [[Alexandria|Alexandrian Airstation]], where it is undergoing temporary repairs before it will be heading back to the Bryn Myridorn for a more full refitting.
In other news, a meeting of [[llyranesi]], Alexandrian wizards of repute, and city officials was said to be in progress.
Finally, the bounty on Asumit, one of the remaining war criminals of the Sendor War and the mastermind behind [[Sendor|Versis]], has been increased to 50,000 gold pieces.
===Ceriday, Callem 06, 1013===
Live, Alexandria!
For the first time since the Re-emergence, Alexandria will celebrate its independence. Every year in the month of Callem, the citizens of Alexandria and greater Alexandros celebrate the [[Calendar|Rose Treaty]].
This year looks to be different--it will be the first celebration since [[Recent History|emerging from the Mists]] and [[Taara]]'s [[Recent History|Ravaging of the World]]. Its walls are packed with refugees, many of whom would look to make the City their home--or at least, a stopping point. Local priests, adventurers have been seen among these groups, organizing food distribution and calling for aid. A number of [[Althea|Altheans]] have been central to the effort, and donations and efforts to that Temple in particular are up as of late.
Just a week ago, temples worldwide sang with the blessings of gods, just as druid circles, reportedly, came to life for a brief moment. As a result, donations and activity among these places are at a new high and taverns are abuzz with ideas for reopening the Court. Even [[Ceinara|Ceinara's Muses]] stand to see some activity in the coming weeks as traditional songs make their way way in City-wide and new ones are invented.
These days, vendors' stalls are full from the emergence of [[khazad]] trading companies--and the alleyways dark with war over mercantile contracts. The recent Delve into the Citadel has generated rumors on its own--including that a number of treasures from ancient Khazad-Alexandrian history will be placed on display. And soon.
Among politicians, [[llyranesi]] ambassadors, once reclusive, rub shoulders with Alexandrian elite, heralding what could be the coming of a new Age...
...potentially the end of the Age of Man, according to some scholars and Seers.
Yet so far, it's too soon to tell. The [[Local Organizations|local mage's guild]] has read the "gift" as a challenge, a demonstration of llyranesi might now that Rune has fallen. Madame Gelfure promises fireworks "the likes of never seen before" during this year's festivities. She's also begun inroads to increase local funding--which to some is seen as a futile effort. "It's the llyranesi, now," in the words of one anonymous politician. "They'll take Rune's place. Not long, we'll all be llyranesi-this, llyranesi-that. Going to have to look at ear extensions soon, you want any promotion," he joked.
Apparently to Gelfure, "We have not yet begun to fight."
And then, reportedly, sent a minion to fetch appropriate shoes. "Something with a bit of iron in the heel."
So Live, Alexandria! Alexandria, the hub of the world and the center of change, the herald of invention and creative minds.
OOC: We'll be making announcements regarding the Rose Treaty within a week. This will be a MU-wide event.
===Variday, Callem 01, 1013===
"So what is this?" the lean ambassador asks. The [[gobbers|gobber]] tourguide eyes the [[llyranesi]] sideways--too danged /thin/.
"Not natural," he mutters.
"What isn't?"
"...eh," mutters the gobber. And he straightens his nobby frame, and jabs a thumb at the crowd of workers around the Memorial Gardens. "Buildin' something. Gonna be big, one of them [[Recent History|War monument...thingers]]."
"...interesting. There have been alot of wars, of late?"
"...of late? Suppose. This'un's just a few--uh. Five years or so, to you people."
The ambassador goes silent.
"Heh. Uh, yeah. So as I was sayin'...it's this big project, see. Hired my company to do the fireworks, even." The gobber grins. A yellow, jagged grin splits across his face so suddenly that the ambassador steps back. Quickly. "You know how we greenskins like fireworks."
Even bigger grin.
OOC: http://forum.tenebraemush.net/index.php/topic,1158.msg6909.html, [[Alexandria|+map 11]]
===Eliday, Aestry 31, 1013===
There is a shifting in the balance of things. All across the known world rumor and word comes in of change and progress. From the shining southern sun to the clear northern sky, to the uttermost east and the furthest shores of the west, the gods move their hands in action against the recent usurpation of the balance. In their movements, mortal lives are changed and the world continues to turn. New scriptures are written and ancient ones recovered from long lost vaults or temples and cities recently discovered and excavated. The wisdom of the gods mingles with men giving rise to new prayers among the faithful and techniques to wield holy power among the paladins and faith borne knights. Light and dark and those inbetween reap alike from the rise of knowledge. One thing is clear, the pantheon either collectively or individual are not standing for Taara's usurpation of the balance of things.
The collapse of Rune has sent ripples through the world of magic. Where there was once one power, now many seek to rise. Free from the eyes of the old conclave, spell research, exploration of ancient knowledge and forgotten libraries and warring idealogies have begun to yield the fruit of knowledge without guidance and resulted in much by way of widespread exploration of new forms of magic and recovery of old ones. Some, however, attempt to fill the gap left by Rune. In distant Llyranost, the hammers of elven smithing and the pens of elven script making herald a new era. Their magic colleges, once exclusive to elven kind, open their arms to invite the presence of others, notably mankind, offering stability to the world of wizards that has not existed since Rune's fall. Even with this offer made, many who attend such schools know that centuries, if not millennia old, prejudices do not vanish over the span of a few years but they are eager to prove themselves while also accessing secrets that have long been kept by the fey and away from other races. Magic grows, once again.
===Older Rumors===
[[News Archives|Read older rumors]].

Latest revision as of 19:40, 29 November 2024


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Latest Events

We are in the process of transitioning to AresMUSH and Pathfinder 2e. Due to the aging nature of our database, we have locked character creation. However, we are still open to new players!

New players who wish to join the fun can join as a guest and request an online and on-duty staffer to make a character with a temporary password and name.

Current players may request a new alt character object by filing a +request in-game, although availability is somewhat limited.

Archived Updates
