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(Created page with "Characters: Teppus - Fighter 1/Paladin 6 Cesran - Wizard 11 Tak - Bard 8 Kravar - Fighter 6 Aurala - Barbarian 7 Jibbom - Sorcerer 10 Demons. Demons have been plaguin...")
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"...well /that/ sounds particularly demonic. Let's go kil it." Then, to make sure this is done, he adds, "Onwards. For heroism."
"...well /that/ sounds particularly demonic. Let's go kil it." Then, to make sure this is done, he adds, "Onwards. For heroism."
Because, you know, that's the Jibbom Prompt.
Because, you know, that's the Jibbom Prompt.
Cesran pages: Can I roll a knowledge/local to know about +bbread 7/17
Cesran pages: Can I roll a knowledge/local to know about +bbread 7/17

Latest revision as of 04:36, 27 December 2013


Teppus - Fighter 1/Paladin 6

Cesran - Wizard 11

Tak - Bard 8

Kravar - Fighter 6

Aurala - Barbarian 7

Jibbom - Sorcerer 10


Demons have been plaguing the area around the Redridge Mountains for the past couple of weeks. Killing people, slaughtering cattle, running around with artifacts. Thanks to a lucky break, the Temple of Daeus has called together some experienced adventurers in order to hopefully take care of the cause behind this once and for all. Gathered at the temple in one of the offices of a priest is where everyone finds themselves at this point, an older priest sitting behind a desk with a metal seal sitting on it, as he stares at it.

Demons, eh? "Have no fear, citizens!" Oh no. "Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, Alexandrian Hero and noted slayer of demons and other horrible monstrosities, is here to save the day!" Jibbom stretched his wings out and poses needlessly at the priest.

Aurala mutters to herself as she makes her way there, she heard what it is about and wishes she had gotten a few things, but oh well. She dips her head a bit as she gets there.

Tak is quiet, lately he doesn't say as much when in larger groups, someone else usually says whats needed to say at the time, or if he does try to be clever with words, someone usually spoils it by blurting out things, so, he shuts up. He listens and waits and follows along, ready to fight the good fight and all that.

As soon as Jibbom starts talking, Teppus looks like he's developed the most terrible headche /ever/. "I'm ready to help," he offers.

Cesran politely knocks on the door before he comes in. He nods to the cleric, "Good day." He stands towards the back and leans upon his staff.

The priest just looks up at Jibbom and promptly ignores him, like last time. "Greetings everyone. Thank you for coming. I know many of you helped in recovering this," he waves his hand over the seal sitting on his desk, now complete. "Now, it is time to go and use it. We believe we have cornered where the creature is hiding. It is in a monastery in the Redridge Mountains, one dedicated to Navros. It seems to be holing up in there, but we don't know the conditions of the monks inside."

Kravar gives a speculating look at some of the other adventurers before turning to the priest. "A Monastery? These fiends have no shame. We'll drag it kicking into the light soon enough."

Tak simply nods his head in response, ready to go and do the same thing they do every night, try to save the world.

Jibbom gets that reaction a lot. Not that it ever seems to stop him from his usual bluster and posing. "To the monastery! For heroism!"

Aurala nods her head a bit, she would like to deal withever so it can be a long bit before she has to deal with demons agian.

Cesran moves forward to study the steal as he hasn't seen the seal before. He leans over to intently study it. "It does seem that demons and evil spirits have been a problem as of late." He rubs his chin, "Why would they want to attack the monastery...was it holding something of value to the demons?"

The man shakes his head. "Not as far as we know, nor of any followers of Navros that is in the city. As far as we know, it was targeted because it was here. But before you go," He stands up, picking up the seal and offers it. "You should take this. I do not know what it will do, but it might help you. It was the seal that covered the mine area that sealed this thing away in the first place."

Tak still offers no further words or questions, enough has been asked by the others here. He stands up, ready to go, but waiting to see who might pick up this seal.

Aurala looks around at the others, knowing some but not all, "Probably wielder of magic should take seal." she says as she leans on her earthbreaker.

Kravar takes the seal and then turns it over in his hands a few times, staring at it. He nods at Aurala's words and then holds it out to Cesran. "Maybe you should hold onto this..."

"No doubt they saught to draw out the city's greatest heroes for a dramatic mountaintop confrontation!" Jibbom declares, despite an utter absence of evidence for these claims.

Cesran hmms as he continues to look at the seal as it's handed around. He smiles, "Just let me study it for a second." He casts detect magic to focus on the seal.

Cesran pages: I'm guessing knowledge/the planes for some type of info about the seal or knowledge/arcana?

You paged Cesran with 'Arcana'

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/arcana: (9)+23: 32

You paged Cesran with 'It's definitely magical but doesn't look like it does anything offensive. Seems divine in nature, perhaps healing school.'

"Really. A monastary," says Teppus, with a frown. "What do we know about this demon? Anything? Aside from the fact that we're going to kill it." He sits up straighter. Demons. That's a sure way to get any paladin's attention.

Cesran hmms after a half a minute or so of concentrating on it. "Well the seal is magical, some sort of divine healing magic if I'm not mistaken." He shrugs, "If anyone wants to hold it they can, but I will if no one else wants to. I am ready to go if everyone else is. Everyone know the way to the monastary?"

Kravar gestures at Cesran. "By all means." He opens his pack and peers inside before slipping back over his shoulder. "I'm ready," he announces.

It takes time to get out there, having to leave the city, find the right path up into the mountains, and climb the mountains. But eventually you make it up to the monastery itself. There the gates are closed, but there are markings on it, looking like claw marks, nasty ones that have tried to tear into the entrance into this sacred space.

Aurala cocks her head to the side and looks at the others, "Do I open the gates or do you want to try and be more quiet?" she asks.

Tak looks around, shaking his head. "No real point in being subtle here, the group as a whole isn't very quiet, so unless we split up, stealth isn't a real choice. Splitting up by the way, is usually a bad idea."

"Normally, Steel Von Ironblood is extremely subtle." Jibbom lies. "But I suppose I can be a little more attention-grabbing for this heroism!"

Kravar purses his lips as he studies the markings, then draws his sword. "This evil creature may have allies of it's own. Another reason for staying together," he adds after a moment. "But I suppose we'll know more once we're inside."

Aurala nods and moves over to the gates to see if they are just closed or secured in some way.

Cesran nods, "Well if you like I have a spell that I could cast that could scout out the temple before we go in. Or we can just go in. If we do just go in I'd like to cast a spell before we go in."

Bracing himself against the wind, Teppus stares at Steel Von Ironblood's suggestion tht he might be subtle befoe he adds. "Yes. Do that." To Cesran, that is.

"Yes! Magical powers!" Jibbom does a little spellcasting of his own.

GAME: Jibbom casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

Aurala nods, "Scout away." she says as she is at least checking the gates still.

GAME: Cesran casts Prying Eyes. Caster Level: 11 DC: 22

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d4+11: (4)+11: 15

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay 15 eyes."

Cesran nods as he reaches into his spell component pouch. He takes out a handful of crystal marbles. He looks around for an opening to the temple and he starts to cast the spell. With a word in the spidery eldritch language he tosses the marbles into the air. "Scout the inside of the monastery and find any demons and any monks. Return to me when you've scouted the whole monastery." He commands the eyes and he watches them fly up and towards the monastery. "Now we wait."

"...well, let's /hope/ they find the monks," muttrs Teppus. He leans on the haft of his glaive.

Tak watches the spell, and the eyes as they go inside. "Interesting spell, though it wont work anywhere protected from magic right? Or anything protected."

It takes a while as the eyes go out and search the whole monastery and eventually return, all fifteen of them. They all go back to Cesran's hand and he glows as the information is given to him as they all found it.

Aurala nods, "Good to go in?" she looks to Cesran.

You paged Cesran with 'Alright, basically they find that what appears to be all the monks is in one large room in the center of the monastery, not really doing anything, but looking like they are meditating. At the front of this room on a small stage of sorts is a nasty creature with multiple limbs, things that look like blades and spiky looking body.'

You paged Cesran with 'Yes, all 15 return. No one seemed to strike out at them.'

Cesran pages: can I do a knowledge/the planes check to ID the creature?

You paged Cesran with 'Sure'

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/the planes: (2)+17: 19

You paged Cesran with 'No idea'

Cesran hmms, "Depends, they can't enter a anti-magic field, but they are very small so they can fit under all but the tightest of doors." He explains as they wait." He sees the eyes come back and he holds out his hand. He waits til all the eyes come back before he places two fingers to the center of his forehead, where his third eye would be. "Give me a moment." It takes a couple of moments, "The eyes have found that all of the monks are in a large room at the center of the monastery and they look like they are meditating. THere appears to be some sort of creature in front of them, a creature with multiple limbs and has blades covering it."

Tak nods "That sounds lovely, and the rest of the monastary, nothing else? One demon only?"

"So, go blast the bladey fellow? I can do that." Jibbom declares chipperly.

"...well /that/ sounds particularly demonic. Let's go kil it." Then, to make sure this is done, he adds, "Onwards. For heroism."

Because, you know, that's the Jibbom Prompt.

Cesran pages: Can I roll a knowledge/local to know about +bbread 7/17

You paged Cesran with 'Sure'

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/local: (9)+17: 26

You paged Cesran with 'Yep, you know it.'

Cesran hmms, "If I remember correctly there is a rumor about a monk that was under some sort of evil infection, we might have to fight all of those monks...I don't want to hurt them."

Tak frowns "Thats not good, we will definatly need some method to restrain the monks until the demon is delt with."

Aurala shrugs a bit, "Only thing I could do is smash things." she says a nd then is checking out the gates again testing to see if they will open easily or not.

You paged Aurala with 'Sorry, forgot to answer your question, they do open, they're not braced'

Aurala nods, "We can get through easily enough, no even need to break them down." she seems almost disapointed in that.

Cesran smiles, "Well I have a spell that could get quiet a few of them...it would be dangerous though and monks are usually good at getting out of things that might try to grab them."

Kravar rolls his neck to one side and the other, loosening his muscles. Then he puts his sword away and pounds one fist into the open palm of his other hand. "Monks? I can handle monks."

"The big guy is on monk duty." Jibbom agrees with a nod to Kravar before looking to Teppus. "For heroism!" He agrees.

"We'll give it a go," agrees Teppus, "We may have to fight them. Some of them. IF they're truly being controlled and not willing turncoats, we can restrian our efforts as much as we can. Not a single innocent life need be lost. Let's stick to non lethal strikes untul we can figure it out, eh?" He grips his glaive tightly and just moves in.

Cesran nods as he takes a deep breath, "Then if we are going right to the fighting I'd like to cast a few more spells." He starts to cast some protective spells on himself.

GAME: Cesran casts Shield. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

GAME: Cesran casts Protection From Evil. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

GAME: Cesran casts Cat's Grace. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19

Tak nods as everyone makes preperations, he doesn't really have any for himself, bards don't get those kinds of spells.

Cesran pages: Prot from Evil and Cat's grace are cast with the rod of lesser extend.

You paged Cesran with 'Okay'

<OOC> Elessa says, "Any other preps before heading in?"

<OOC> Teppus says, "None here!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Just the mage armor I cast before."

<OOC> Aurala says, "nothing here"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Let's rock!"

Heading into the monastery isn't much of a problem. The halls are empty, and eerily quiet too. Getting closer to where the monks and the creature are waiting, the sounds of chanting can be heard. The door is open into this room, where there are what could be a hundred or so monks are sitting, chanting, all facing a large creature. Cesran's description of it was pretty accurate. It was big, with blades everwhere off of it. There is a slight shimmer around it, encompassing the stage that it is standing on. There is a pathway up the center of the room leading from the door to the stage, no one standing there.

<OOC> Tak says, "Is there something I can roll to tell if the chanting is actually a magical effect I can counterspell?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "The clear path is 10' wide, the room about 50' long and 50' wide, with 40' feet to the stage where the creature is from the door."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Spellcraft"

GAME: Tak rolls spellcraft: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls spellcraft: (17)+5: 22

You paged (Tak, Jibbom) with 'It's doing nothing magical. It's just a chant'

<OOC> Kravar wonders if I can use Human Improvisation for Spellcraft...?

<OOC> Elessa says, "If I recall it works like that."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14

You paged Kravar with 'Doesn't seem magical.'

GAME: Cesran rolls spellcraft: (13)+27: 40

You paged Cesran with 'It's doing nothing magical. It's just a chant'

Kravar steps forward, raising the hand on which he wears his shielding ring and then starting to step cautiously down the pathway.

Cesran pages: What language is it in?

You paged Cesran with 'It's more of a vocalization chant, not really words.'

Tak pulls up the rear, drawing his whip in one hand, a nonlethal weapon, but he likely will be starting with magic. He keeps his eye out for anything else, cause its just too simple if its a single demon.

From afar, Cesran nods, "Can I roll knowledge/religion to know why they would be chanting.

You paged Cesran with 'Sure'

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/religion: (13)+19: 32

You paged Cesran with 'This would sometimes be done as part of their daily routine for certain religions. Their daily contemplation on the mysteries of the universe.'

Aurala looks at the others for a moment and and then mouths, "Do I attack?" she doesn't want to start something if they need to hold.

"That's no magical jabbering. Just regular jabbering." Jibbom says with a bit of a puzzled frown.

Cesran hmms, "It seems to be just chanting something they do every day as part of their daily contemplation." He looks at the demon, "Why are you here in the monastery?" He asks out loud and he wait for the reaction.

<OOC> Elessa says, "All inside the room? In the hallway?"

"...huh," says Teppus. "Well, that's an ugly son of a bitch. Let's confront it." And with that, he's getting ready to do just that. <OOC> Tak says, "yes"

<OOC> Aurala says, "inside room"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, how far in have each of you gone into the room?"

<OOC> Aurala says, "just inside"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'm at the back of the group, at least as far back as I can be :)"

<OOC> Jibbom also hangs back a bit.

<OOC> Teppus says, "Teppus will go just inside."

<OOC> Elessa says, "So I have Aurala and Teppus just inside, I have Jibbom and Tak in the back. Cesran and Kravar, in the middle between them?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Sure"

<OOC> Kravar is in the front walking for the pathway...

<OOC> Elessa says, "Ahh, so how far are you into the room Kravar? Can't be just inside as Aurala and Teppus have those two available spots."

<OOC> Kravar maybe 30 feet inside?

<OOC> Kravar says, "Unless something happens before I get that far!"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Does anyone have any spells/items on them that would prevent telepathy?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "overwhelming willpower? ;)"

<OOC> Teppus does not.

<OOC> Tak says, "Nope"

<OOC> Aurala says, "nope"

The creature over there moves some of it's limbs and everyone hears a voice in their minds. "So, you are some new toys for me to play with. Good, I need more if I am going to subdue the city on the horizon. Looks like a good place to start."

"Ha," says Teppus.

"Hahaha. Do you know city that is? That city, demon, is Alexandria. It has a place that has endured tyrant sorcerers, demonic invasions, ghosts and their armies of the unliving, remnants of Kulthian powers, being thrown into a place lost in time, defied the will of Taara, pushed back the VOid, helped to end wars, and saved the known world. And you think /you/ can conquer it? Even if you should stop /us/, there are plenty more where we came from. I am a paladin of Serriel and I say civilization shall not yield to the likes of you!"

Tak reaches up, scratching his head. "Telepathy makes my head itch." He offers no other comment, just that.

<OOC> Aurala says, "will rage as a free action and make a pose"

Aurala shakes her head and growls a bit, "Am no one's toy." she says softly.

Cesran moves to one of the monk and he takes out the seal. He hmms as he puts the seal on the foreheads of one of the monks. He hears the telepathy, but he ignores it for now.

"Then, Paladin of Serriel, come and stop me." The creature seems to rear up and it lets out a high pitched sound. The monks then start to stand up and face the party. Another sound from the creature and the monks surge and attack.

Elessa has dropped a TIMESTOP!

GAME: You roll initiative for Sword Monks: Roll: 6 + Bonus: +5 = Total: 11

GAME: Aurala rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 20

GAME: Cesran rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 9

GAME: You roll initiative for Spade Monks: Roll: 12 + Bonus: +7 = Total: 19

GAME: Aurala RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Teppus rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 11

GAME: You roll initiative for Shang Gou Monks: Roll: 10 + Bonus: +7 = Total: 17

GAME: You roll initiative for Ruby Phoenix Monks : Roll: 7 + Bonus: +7 = Total: 14

GAME: You roll initiative for Meteor Monks: Roll: 11 + Bonus: +7 = Total: 18

GAME: You roll initiative for Battle Monks: Roll: 9 + Bonus: +8 = Total: 17

GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 8

GAME: You damaged Jibbom for -1000 points. 96 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Teppus for -1000 points. 71 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kravar for -1000 points. 59 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Tak for -1000 points. 55 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Cesran for -1000 points. 73 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Aurala for -1000 points. 77 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 20. / It is now Aurala's turn! Spade Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Aurala, there are a bunch of monks around you. And you're going to see me doing some rolls, but that's for my edification"

<OOC> Aurala says, "will simple action lesser elemental rage, lightning, move action none, standard action use cleave with power attack."

<OOC> Aurala says, "ready for my roll or rolls?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep, go for it"

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1-2: (12)+14+1+-2: 25

<OOC> Aurala says, "does that hit?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1-2: (5)+14+1+-2: 18

<OOC> Elessa says, "That'll miss"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+19+1d6: (4)+19+(3): 26

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Done?"

<OOC> Aurala says, "yep"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 19. / It is now Spade Monks' turn! Meteor Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

<OOC> Elessa says, "Cesran and Jibbom, are your ACs correct for your defensive spells you cast?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Nope."

<OOC> Elessa says, "What are they supposed to be?"

Aurala growls as the monks start to attack them, "Not much can do now." she focuses for a moment and electricity crackles along her body for a moment and then moves down the haft of her weapon to settle around its head, sparking a bit. She whips her earthbreaker at one of the monks that come close to her, and then at a second, she hits solidly the first, though the second strike misses.

<OOC> Cesran says, "my ac should be 23 if they are non-evil and 25 if they are evil."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "I'm at 20."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 18. / It is now Meteor Monks' turn! Shang Gou Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 17. / It is now Shang Gou Monks' turn! Kravar is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 8 points. 69 remaining.

<OOC> Elessa will do a long pose, but Kravar you are up

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 17. / It is now Kravar's turn! Battle Monks is next!

The monks all stand and begin to attack. They are swarming around the party and many attack each of the members, yet only a few are able to get in close enough to land blows. Some of the monks that seem to have some sort of spade in their hands go after Jibbom, but bounce off of the magical spell he cast earlier.

Another set of monks with hammers try to slam into Kravar but his armor does too much to protect him from their weapons or their hands.

However, another few monks manage to get a couple of blows in against Aurala, striking her quickly.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 17. / It is now Battle Monks' turn! Ruby Phoenix Monks is next!

<OOC> Kravar says, "I'm going to try a full attack with two-handed fighting (and improved unarmed strike)...but do nonlethal damage"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright. -4 to the attack then."

<OOC> Kravar says, "Actually can I reach the one that Aurala pounded earlier?"

<OOC> Kravar thought Improved Unarmed strike lets me choose nonlethal without penalty?

<OOC> Elessa says, "Nope, you have a swarm in front of you. Basically everyone has a swarm of monks on them."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Ahh, true."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Since you're using your hands, not a melee lethal weapon"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Roll Kravar :)"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18

<OOC> Elessa says, "All misses :("

<OOC> Kravar dohs

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (17)+12: 29

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (11)+12: 23

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: You damaged Cesran for 27 points. 46 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 14. / It is now Ruby Phoenix Monks 's turn! Teppus is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6

<OOC> Elessa says, "What's your FF Teppus?"

<OOC> Teppus says, "My flatfooted is 21."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

<OOC> Teppus says, "Er, 20."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 10 points. 61 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 11. / It is now Teppus' turn! Sword Monks is next!

Kravar's eyes narrow as the monks suddenly stir to life - and swarm the party! He winces at the sound of Aurala's Earthbreaker smacking into one from somewhere behind him, then lashes out with his fists, aiming for abdomens and ribs the way he would in a tavern brawl where he wants to knock an opponent out without killing them - only these Monks are far more suited to such a fight than the average drunken lout.

One set of monks with kamas lash out at Cesran, slicing into him even with the shield that he has over him. Another set, with only their hands attack Teppus, one of them hitting a rather strong attack on his chest.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus :)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Subdual strikes on the monks!"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Go for it."

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+12-4: (13)+12+-4: 21

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Teppus refreshes spells.

<OOC> Teppus forgot to do that earlier.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Ahh"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d10+7: (10)+7: 17

<OOC> Elessa says, "Ouch"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 11. / It is now Sword Monks' turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23

"Hrnk," says Teppus as he's struck by one of the monks. He steps to the side, then, shifting the position of his glaive so that he can use the haft. He bashes one of the monks squaare across the chest with it, all but levelling him.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak, what is your FF?"

<OOC> Tak says, "-dex basicly right?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Basically"

<OOC> Tak says, "18"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (7)+5: 12

<OOC> Kravar needs some inspiration!

GAME: You damaged Tak for 31 points. 24 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 9. / It is now Cesran's turn! Tak is next!

Other monks, some with swords in their hands it at Tak, three of the hits getting through from the crowd, a couple of them landing hard on the bard.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Am I completely surrounding or can I take a 5' step back and not be hit?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Surrounded, you only need to roll one concentration check if you want to cast."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll cast defensively, Rainbow pattern and try to grab up as many monks that I can."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+18: (14)+18: 32

<OOC> Elessa says, "You're good"

GAME: Cesran casts Rainbow Pattern. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+16: (13)+16: 29

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+16: (2)+16: 18

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+16: (7)+16: 23

<OOC> Elessa says, "You'd get one"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I don't get more in a 20' radius?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "It said up to 24 HD"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Ahs. Yes"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll move the the rainbow pattern back way for my position 30' as a free action. And I'm done"

<OOC> Elessa says, "K"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 8. / It is now Tak's turn! Jibbom is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak!"

<OOC> Tak says, "How high is the cieling in here?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "20 feet"

<OOC> Tak says, "If I levitate up there, am I out of reach of monks?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "If you go ALL the way up you are"

<OOC> Elessa says, "I'll need a concentration check"

Cesran winces as he's hit twice and he starts to cast defensively. He casts a rainbow pattern spell as he takes out the piece of phosphor and crystal prism. He moves the rainbow pattern back to try to open up a way for him to get out from around the monks.

<OOC> Tak says, "Boots of levitation"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Ahh"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to levitate up to the cieling, and use inspire courage, +2 hit/damage, +2 saves vs fear/charm"

Teppus pages: IF they're in melee, they'd still get AOOs.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright, let me roll AoO"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (7)+5: 12

GAME: You damaged Tak for 12 points. 12 remaining.

Tak does not like being surrounded, so he mentally activates his boots, floating upwards as he starts to shout. "We need someone to focus on the demon! The monks are a distraction!"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round One - Init 7. / It is now Jibbom's turn! Aurala is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom! Your turn finally :)"

<OOC> Jibbom likes Tak's idea. Gonna fly upwards to the ceiling. Do I have a line of sight on the demon from there?

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep, and AoO"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

GAME: You damaged Jibbom for 9 points. 87 remaining.

<OOC> Elessa says, "What else do you do Jibbom?"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Mirror image."

GAME: Jibbom casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright :)"

GAME: NEW ROUND! / Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 20. / It is now Aurala's turn! Spade Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Aurala! Your turn"

Jibbom spreads his wings and flaps, flying up towards the ceiling while enduring monkly assaults. "Ow! He's right! Focus on the big ugly one! He shall face the wrath of Steel Von Ironblood and associates!" Jibbom flails about, summoning a small army of illusory doubles.

<OOC> Aurala says, "will power attack/cleave trying to get two of them."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1+2-2: (4)+14+1+2+-2: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Miss"

Aurala doesn't like being swarmed like she is and mutters to herself. She whips her earthbreaker around but fails to hit any of the monks this time around.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 19. / It is now Spade Monks' turn! Meteor Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 18. / It is now Meteor Monks' turn! Shang Gou Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 10 points. 49 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 17. / It is now Shang Gou Monks' turn! Kravar is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 18 points. 51 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 17. / It is now Kravar's turn! Battle Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar! *will pose*"

<OOC> Kravar will try one more time, full attack with both hands

<OOC> Kravar says, "Also using power attack"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Incidentally, let's all get on RP1. :)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "RPOne is a good place to chat. ;)"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

The monks that were attacking Jibbom pause in their fight when he suddenly is out of reach. They turn and focus their attacks on Cesran instead, however, all of them are completely missing him.

The monks attacking Kravar happen to actually get an attack in and do some damage to the well-armored fighter.

Those with a dagger go after Aurala and gets hit three times, each finding a good spot in her armor.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Sorry Kravar"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 17. / It is now Battle Monks' turn! Ruby Phoenix Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (7)+12: 19

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (19)+12: 31

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (1)+7: 8

GAME: You damaged Cesran for 8 points. 38 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 14. / It is now Ruby Phoenix Monks 's turn! Teppus is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 4 points. 57 remaining.

<OOC> Elessa says, "That was a crappy ass damage roll. Teppus"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 11. / It is now Teppus' turn! Sword Monks is next!

<OOC> Teppus says, "Full atttack!"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Do we have any bonuses before I forget?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak has some going on, +2 damage/hit, +2 saves vs fear/charm"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Ah, right."

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+12+2-4: (17)+12+2+-4: 27

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+7+2-2: (5)+7+2+-2: 12

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit, miss"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d10+7: (2)+7: 9

More of the monks continue to attack on Cesran, however, only one gets through with a strike against the wizard, slicing into him again

The paladin is surrounded and while some try to hit, his armor seems to be deflecting most of the blows, except one that managed to get in the right spot.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 11. / It is now Sword Monks' turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6: (4): 4

<OOC> Elessa says, "Stop rolling numbers that don't work!"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (9)+5: 14

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (9)+5: 14

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 28 points. 21 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 9. / It is now Cesran's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Cesran."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll 5' step away from the monks, can I cast without casting defensively."

<OOC> Elessa says, "There really isn't any place to go that doesn't have enemies."

The monks with swords have the same problem as some of the others, their initial target is now well out of reach. They pause, and go after Kravar, blades flying in a flurry of steel. Only two of them seem to hit, however, they seem to bite hard.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay then I'll cast defensively fly"

You paged Teppus with 'The +hp looks very colorful :)'

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+18: (8)+18: 26

GAME: Cesran casts Fly. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "You're good"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll fly up to the ceiling."

<OOC> Elessa says, "And I get AoO"

Teppus pages: Isn't that the best feeling? :D

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: You damaged Cesran for 12 points. 26 remaining.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (8)+11: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Anything else wizard :)"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Nah I'm good"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 8. / It is now Tak's turn! Jibbom is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak!"

<OOC> Tak says, "hrm..."

<OOC> Elessa says, "You're levitating"

<OOC> Tak says, "Yep, letting my inspire go to lingering, 2 rounds. I'll cast Haste on everyone"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Two - Init 7. / It is now Jibbom's turn! Aurala is next!

GAME: Tak casts Haste. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom, you're now hasted"

Tak hovers near the ceiling, looking around, he is bleeding, but not in a direct threat. He starts muttering arcane words, then tosses a small reagent. The world seems to slow for everyone, but in fact they are all just moving faster.

<OOC> Tak says, "+1 attack, +1 dodge and reflex. Stacks with my +2 inspire."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Maximized scorching ray on the demon."

GAME: Jibbom casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Plus an extra attack when you do a full round of attack"

GAME: Jibbom rolls ranged + 3: (19)+9+3: 31

GAME: Jibbom rolls ranged + 3: (19)+9+3: 31

<OOC> Jibbom says, "That's 48 fire damage."

You paged Jibbom with 'I hate to say this, but it hits a barrier and does.... nothing'

The Jibbom clone army draw rods inscribed with runes, pointing them at the horrible bladed demon. "Face Steel Von Ironblood's holy wrath!" An array of red glowing beams fire forth, all of which harmlessly sink into some sort of barrier surrounding the demon. Jibbom frowns deeply. "It's protected by some sort of... thing!"

GAME: NEW ROUND! / Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 20. / It is now Aurala's turn! Spade Monks is next!

<OOC> Aurala says, "full attack with power attack"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Go for it"

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1+2+1-2: (3)+14+1+2+1+-2: 19

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1+2+1-2: (18)+14+1+2+1+-2: 34

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+1+2+1-2-5: (4)+14+1+2+1+-2+-5: 15

<OOC> Elessa says, "One hit"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+21: (5)+21: 26

<OOC> Elessa says, "Owww"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 19. / It is now Spade Monks' turn! Meteor Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Damn you and your flying spells"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (4)+11: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 18. / It is now Meteor Monks' turn! Shang Gou Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (11)+10: 21

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

Cesran pages: Can a Huge monster fit in here?

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+3: (9)+3: 12

You paged Cesran with 'It'd probably squish people, but yeah'

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 24 points. 27 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 12 points. 9 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 17. / It is now Shang Gou Monks' turn! Kravar is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d4+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 10 points. 17 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 17. / It is now Kravar's turn! Battle Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar, you have a couple different types beating up on you"

<OOC> Kravar is going to pull out his longsword and go for a cleave using power attack

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+12: (4)+12: 16

<OOC> Elessa says, "Miss"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Anything else?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "nope not for me"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 17. / It is now Battle Monks' turn! Ruby Phoenix Monks is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d8+7: (2)+7: 9

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 23 points. 34 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 14. / It is now Ruby Phoenix Monks 's turn! Teppus is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+3: (8)+3: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 2d10+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 23 points. 11 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 11. / It is now Teppus' turn! Sword Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus!"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Swift LOH."

GAME: Teppus rolls 3d6: (12): 12

GAME: You damaged Teppus for -12 points. 23 remaining.

<OOC> Teppus says, "Full attack."

<OOC> Elessa says, "K"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+12+2-4: (5)+12+2+-4: 15

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+12+2-4: (12)+12+2+-4: 22

<OOC> Elessa says, "Second one hits"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+7+3-4: (3)+7+3+-4: 9

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 11. / It is now Sword Monks' turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d10+7: (9)+7: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+11: (12)+11: 23

Badly wounded, now, Teppus body is suffused with brief, greenish glow before he bring his Glaive down again anda gain, trying to fend off the monks. Things are not looking good for them -- not looking at all.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

<OOC> Teppus says, "'not looking good at all', even."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+5: (4)+5: 9

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 9 points. 0 remaining. (DISABLED)

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 9. / It is now Cesran's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Cesran says, "How many monks can I get with a black tentacle without getting my allies?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Many"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll do that then."

GAME: Cesran casts Black Tentacles. Caster Level: 11 DC: 21

The monks are going all out, now that the three are flying, they are attacking the fighter types on the ground. Each section seem focused on one of the fighter types. Some seem to be getting hits in with hands or weapons, a few here, a few there, but there just seems no end as they swarm around just the three.

<OOC> Cesran says, "How many CMB's do you want me to roll?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Do six"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+16: (15)+16: 31

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+16: (14)+16: 30

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+16: (5)+16: 21

<OOC> Elessa says, "You get a whole bunch of them, but not all of them. About 2/3rds of the ones in the targeted area." Cesran can see that it's not going well for his companions and even though he had an idea of what to do he can't leave his companions in a lurk. He casts a spell and inky black tentacles start to rise up and grapple the monks. He gets most of the ones in the area that he cast without getting his companions.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 8. / It is now Tak's turn! Jibbom is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Cesran says, "squeeze damage"

<OOC> Tak says, "Crap, Kravar is down....damnit"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep"

<OOC> Tak scribbles down his next order, rod of reach to make touch spells close range!

<OOC> Teppus says, "HE's not actually down!"

<OOC> Teppus says, "He' only at 0. xD"

<OOC> Teppus says, "'disabled', not down. ;)"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Wand of spectral hand"

<OOC> Tak says, "Casting Invisibility on myself. Lingering round 2."

<OOC> Elessa says, "K"

GAME: Tak casts Invisibility. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Three - Init 7. / It is now Jibbom's turn! Aurala is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom"

Tak realizes up here, he isn't helping, and the team is going to go down. So he needs to make sure he isn't dead when he does help, he whispers arcane words, and vanishes from sight.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Glitterdusting as many non-incapacitated monks as possible without getting team members."

GAME: Jibbom casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "DC 20 will save to not be blinded."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d10+10: (9)+10: 19

<OOC> Elessa says, "Wow, you get a bunch of them, all blinded"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Though it didn't help I roll 10s not a d20"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (13)+10: 23

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, you blind most of them, not all of them"

"Be dazzled by the radiance of Steel Von Ironblood!" Jibbom flaps his wings, shedding a burst of glitter that descends down onto the monks. Mostly down into their eyes.

As the fight continues to get dire and it doesn't seem that the massive wave of monks are going to stop, the seal that has been held in Cesran's hand this entire time starts to glow. There is no heat, but an intense white light. It spreads from Cesran and over the monks and across the room. "NOOOOOOOO!!" Everyone hears shouting from the creature, an angry yell that everyone hears ringing in their mind. The monks stop fighting and pull back from the party, shaking their heads, lowering their arms. The party feels a different warmth flow over them as the wounds they suffered heal on their own from the power of the seal.

GAME: You damaged Jibbom for -1000 points. 96 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Teppus for -1000 points. 71 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kravar for -1000 points. 59 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Tak for -1000 points. 55 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Cesran for -1000 points. 73 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Aurala for -1000 points. 77 remaining.

Tak remains planted against the ceiling, sure sure, lure him back down to the ground, not! He will not fall for that, silly demon tricks! Instead he looks around, noting the rest of the group looks a bit healthier, or at least isn't bleeding anymore. Well, thats helpful.

"Steel Von Ironblood shall accept your surrender!" Jibbom shouts to the wave of monks. "As long as you ask nicely. And in rhyme. Steel Von Ironblood likes rhymes. Now, let's get that horrible whatsit!"

Kravar looks confused. Healed without being touched? There were no clerics with them. The fighter risks a look around the chamber, at the rest of the party and notes they seem equally healthy. And just as importantly, the monks are no longer battering them into senselessness. "What...? How--" shaking his head once, Kravar takes up his sword. Jibbom is right, orcat least Kravar thinks so - he doesn't always understand the little man. There is still an enemy here.

Cesran raises the seal high with both hands so that the light can wash over everyone. He slowly lowers the seal and he goes to put it away. "Give up demon and return to the infernal realms before we make you go back." He takes this moment to look to the monks, "Get out of here we will deal with this demon."

There is laughter from the creature. "Infernal realms? I come from no infernal realms puny mortals, and I will not go back to them. Instead, you will all serve me before you die." It lets out an inhuman screech, high pitched, one that shatters all the glass in the room.

The monks cover their ears and back away, and the shimmering field disappears from in front of the creature, leaving a clear path for the party to the creature.

GAME: NEW ROUND! / Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 22. / It is now Monks' turn! Aurala is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 20. / It is now Aurala's turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Aurala says, "will use lesser elemental rage-lightning, move over to it and smack it with my earthbreaker with power attack"

<OOC> Elessa says, "I need you to make a Will save"

GAME: Aurala rolls will+2: (8)+3+2: 13

You paged Aurala with 'Basically your Int and Cha are now a 1 each. You cannot cast spells, you cannot use Int or Cha based skills, you cannot understand language or communicate coherently. You do know who your allies are though and you do know you want to beat that ugly thing up.'

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+2+1: (16)+13+2+1: 32

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+19: (11)+19: 30

<OOC> Elessa says, "What kind of damage is that Aurala?"

<OOC> Aurala says, "bashing"

<OOC> Elessa says, "No elemental type?"

<OOC> Aurala says, "its a magical +1 earthbreaker. no elemental type, forgot that I used up the lesser last time"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 17. / It is now Kravar's turn! Teppus is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar!"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Can I charge it?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Roll me a Will save Kravar"

Aurala doesn't even hesitate. She is still raging and she uses it as she moves over to the Demon. Suprisingly she doesn't look like she was overly in a hurry, just crossing her distance. She whips her earthbreaker around and smashes it powerfully.

GAME: Kravar rolls will: (18)+3: 21

You paged Kravar with 'Nothing happens, roll your attack'

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+16: (20)+16: 36

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26

<OOC> Elessa says, "You do NOT confirm, I'm sorry"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+16: (8)+16: 24

<OOC> Elessa says, "What is your weapon Kravar?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "It is a +1 longsword"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 11. / It is now Teppus' turn! Derghodaemon is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus, now you can go all smitey on it"

<OOC> Teppus says, "YAY!"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Will save first :)"

<OOC> Teppus says, "CAN I CHARGE?! And I presume you also need a will save?"

GAME: Teppus rolls Will: (7)+9: 16

You paged Teppus with 'Basically your Int and Cha are now a 1 each. You cannot cast spells, you cannot use Int or Cha based skills, you cannot understand language or communicate coherently. You do know who your allies are though and you do know you want to beat that ugly thing up.'

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+14: (4)+14: 18

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 10. / It is now Derghodaemon's turn! Cesran is next!

Kravar rushes towards the Demon, stopping and pivoting at just the right time to transfer most of his momentum to his sword. He emits a grunt as the blow connects. "Fiend! Taste my steel!"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (15)+21: 36

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (8)+21: 29

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (13)+21: 34

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (9)+21: 30

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (20)+21: 41

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (12)+21: 33

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus.... this is going to hurt"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Elessa rolls 2d6+16: (5)+16: 21

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 69 points. 2 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 9. / It is now Cesran's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Go ahead Cesran. That thing just TORE into Teppus bad"

<OOC> Cesran says, "I gotta try. I'll cast disintegration on the demon"

GAME: Cesran casts Disintegrate. Caster Level: 11 DC: 23

<OOC> Elessa says, "Roll me SR"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+11+4: (9)+11+4: 24

<OOC> Elessa says, "You're fine. What kind of save?"

<OOC> Cesran whews

<OOC> Cesran says, "Fort"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+15: (20)+15: 35

There's a look of determination on Teppus' face as he rushes towards the beast. A look that changes to confusion and frustration as he gets close. But he lets out a ferocious bttle cry as he brings his Glaive to bear, thrusting at the beastial demon.

"HRRRGH!" He roars.

There is a mental laugh as the first three come charging in, and while Aurala and Kravar do hit it, it actually turns it's attention to Teppus. Oh no... not going to let the paladin get away that easily. Limbs lash out at Teppus, all five striking at him, one even harder, the claws tearing him, blood everwhere.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Oh wait. I gotta roll a range touch attack"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh yeah, that too"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+8-4: (16)+8+-4: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "You make that"

GAME: Cesran rolls 5d6: (22): 22

<OOC> Elessa says, "So half that?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Nope"

<OOC> Cesran says, "That's it"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 8. / It is now Tak's turn! Jibbom is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Tak!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, well, can I move up behind teppus, using him for cover to CMW him"

Cesran hears the mental laughter s the others come charging in and he sees Teppus get hurt. He aims his first two fingers at the demon as he casts a spell. A green ray shoots from his fingers and hits the demon square in the chest. He hurts it, but not as bad as it should have.

<OOC> Elessa says, "You would need to cast defensively, as it does have reach, it just did not do an AoO on anyone."

<OOC> Tak says, "Whats the TN for casting defensively?"

<OOC> Cesran says, "15 + double spell level"

<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, so defense casting CMW, so TN 19."

GAME: Tak rolls 1d20+8+4: (12)+8+4: 24

GAME: Tak rolls 2d8+8: (9)+8: 17

GAME: Tak casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

GAME: You damaged Teppus for -17 points. 19 remaining.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright :)"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Four - Init 7. / It is now Jibbom's turn! Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom"

Tak realizes his role now is keeping folks standing, he drops his levitation, and then moves quickly up behind Teppus and places a hand on his back. A short few words sung of the hymn, and healing energies funnel into the man.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "I am still in the air, right?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yes"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Do I have a clear line of sight to the evil thing?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oh yeah"

<OOC> Elessa says, "You are 45' away"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Oops, forgot, Tak, Will save"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Maximized lightning bolt. DC 20 ref save for half, 60 electricity damage."

GAME: Tak rolls will: (6)+8: 14

<OOC> Elessa says, "One second Jibbom, I'll do that in a moment."

GAME: Jibbom casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20

You paged Tak with 'You actually fail the will save, which means that your Int and Cha are now basically a 1'

You paged Tak with 'Basically your Int and Cha are now a 1 each. You cannot cast spells, you cannot use Int or Cha based skills, you cannot understand language or communicate coherently. You do know who your allies are though and you do know you want to beat that ugly thing up.'

You paged Tak with 'Let us say that it took a second to activate and you got the spell off before the aura hit you'

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+14: (14)+14: 28

Tak pages: Ok

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom, that spell really did not do what you thought it should have done."

GAME: NEW ROUND! / Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 22. / It is now Monks' turn! Aurala is next!

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 20. / It is now Aurala's turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Aurala, your turn"

"Face the wrath of Steel Von Ironblood, horrible beastie!" Jibbom points his finger and fires an arc of crackling blue lightning into the daemon. He furrows his brow. "... Usually, that makes them fall down. Hrm."

<OOC> Aurala says, "we are hasted yes?"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Yep, I don't remember what round it was originally done on.. like 2 or 3"

<OOC> Aurala says, "k"

<OOC> Aurala says, "full attack"

<OOC> Elessa says, "K"

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+2+1: (18)+13+2+1: 34

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+2+1-2: (17)+13+2+1+-2: 31

GAME: Aurala rolls melee+2+1-5-2: (19)+13+2+1+-5+-2: 28

<OOC> Elessa says, "All hits, roll anything that needs confirming"

<OOC> Aurala says, "nothing confirmed, still need 20 to crit"

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+19: (6)+19: 25

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+19: (2)+19: 21

GAME: Aurala rolls 2d6+19: (2)+19: 21

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, wasn't sure."

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 17. / It is now Kravar's turn! Teppus is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Kravar"

Aurala growls as she watches it lay into Teppus and isn't going to give it a chance for anything else, not that she is thinking about anything else. She starts to whip her earthbreaker at the demon, one strike, then a second on the backswing, and even a third as she brings it back around and then down on top of the thing, each one a solid hit.

<OOC> Kravar says, "Is there room for me to start 5 foot stepping to flanking position"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Not with a 5' step. It takes double move to get up onto the 3' high stage, but there is"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Ok full attack then"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+14: (15)+14: 29

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Elessa says, "Only the 2nd one hit"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+16: (2)+16: 18

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 11. / It is now Teppus' turn! Derghodaemon is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Teppus"

<OOC> Teppus says, "Full attack, swift heal."

GAME: Teppus rolls 3d6: (10): 10

<OOC> Teppus says, "We're hasted, yeah/"

<OOC> Cesran says, "yes."

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+13: (19)+13: 32

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+13: (6)+13: 19

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Elessa says, "You hit on the first"

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d10+7+12+1d6: (2)+7+12: 21

GAME: You damaged Teppus for -10 points. 29 remaining.

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 10. / It is now Derghodaemon's turn! Cesran is next!

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (2)+21: 23

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (12)+21: 33

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (13)+21: 34

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (8)+21: 29

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+21: (13)+21: 34

With a golden green glow suffusing his weapon, Teppus goes to bury his blade inside the side of the demon. He still seems out of his gourd, babbling nonsense the entre time he makes the effort. It's like he's operating on muscle memory and instinct alone at the moment.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (1)+8: 9

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d6+8: (5)+8: 13

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 12 points. 17 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 12 points. 5 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Teppus for 9 points. -4 remaining. (DYING)

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 10 points. 64 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Aurala for 13 points. 51 remaining.

Kravar hews at the demon with his mightiest blows, but even he can tell he's not hurting the demon too badly. "We have to surround it!" he bellows. "Attack from all sides!"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 9. / It is now Cesran's turn! Tak is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Cesran :)"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Cast slow on the demon"

GAME: Cesran casts Slow. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

<OOC> Elessa says, "What save?"

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+11+4: (14)+11+4: 29

<OOC> Cesran says, "Will"

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25

<OOC> Cesran says, "Rats"

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 8. / It is now Tak's turn! Jibbom is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Go Tak"

Cesran frowns as he sees the demon moving fast with multiple attacks. He casts a slow spell, but the demon seems to shrug off his spell.

<OOC> Tak says, "Throw a tanglefoot bag at him."

<OOC> Tak says, "Ranged Touch attack"

GAME: Tak rolls ranged: (19)+11: 30

<OOC> Elessa says, "Hit"

Tak staggers back a bit, blinking and just sort of staring around, he makes a few noises "Uhh....Uhh..." Then glares at the demon, and reaches into his haversack to pull out a tanglefoot bag, and tosses it at the demon.

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+14: (1)+14: 15

GAME: Elessa advances the initiative order. / Round Five - Init 7. / It is now Jibbom's turn! Monks is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Jibbom"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Hrm. Some damage is better than no damage. Doing another maximized lightning bolt."

GAME: Jibbom casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20

<OOC> Jibbom says, "60 damage."

The creature seems quite peeved at these fighters in front of it, somewhat ignoring the spellcasters right now. It lashes out first at Teppus and then once the paladin is down, over to Aurala, slashing into her with just a couple blows.

<OOC> Elessa says, "That was for earlier, I was on the phone with friend."

GAME: Elessa rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26

Jibbom continues to look confused. He taps at the metal rod he holds in his hands. "This really is supposed to make it fall down. Let's see here, maybe give it one of..." Another bolt of lightning sorches down, lightning up the room with an intense flash of light. It scorches the horrible creature to his core, leaving it collapsing with the smell of ozone and burning flesh. Jibbom looks very pleased. "Ah! There we go. The falling down. That's much better. Have no fear, all! Steel Von Ironblood, Demonslayer, has saved you all!" Oh no.

The creature just collapses onto the stage, causing the stage itself to break under the force. The seal in Cesran's hand glows brightly, and then the light goes out, looking much like a normal piece of metal, nothing special.

Teppus is still on the ground. Still bleedig horribly from a lot of wounds.

<OOC> Jibbom wants to Divine Fire on Teppus. Will provide some healing.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "I mean, Heavenly Fire."

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+5: (1)+5: 6

"Be healed by the grace of Steel Von Ironblood, Demonslayer!" Jibbom flies back to the ground, pointing at Teppus and firing a ray of soft golden light that seems to heal the worst of his wounds.

Cesran takes out the metal seal as it glows brightly and then goes back out. He hmms, "Well at least we got a souvenir." He flies down and he looks over at Jibbom, "Steel please we all helped to defeat this demon, the last damage counted as much as the first. I have a potion is he needs more healing."

Tak drools, but other than that, seems to following along, though he has no comments, since he can't talk either.

<OOC> Elessa says, "You all get a will save if you were under the aura"

GAME: Aurala rolls will+2: (2)+3+2: 7

<OOC> Elessa says, "But it'll eventually wear off one of two ways. Every minute you get a will save, or someone uses a Wish or Miracle to cure you"

Kravar lowes his sword and looks around, his panting slowing until he breathes normally. "Demonslayer," he repeats. "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

GAME: Tak rolls will: (16)+8: 24

You paged Tak with 'You're fine now'

Tak wipes his chin, and then pretends no one saw him drooling. He looks around, frowning for a moment.

Jibbom grins at Cesran. "Of course, stalwart associate. Your assistance was invaluable! Think of the accolades you all will receive when you boast that you aided Steel Von Ironblood with this feat!"

GAME: Teppus rolls Will: (14)+9: 23

You paged Teppus with 'You're fine.'

Coming to thanks to, gods help us, Jibbom is a horror for anyone. "What... what happened?" says Teppus. "I feel like I got hit by a stampede of swiftclaws."

Aurala looks around her rage gone and she is slack-faced and just stares as she looks around.

Tak sighs, "Well, lets see if the monks are alive, some of them might need healing." He starts checking monks they kinda beat up earlier.

The monks have stayed to the outer edges of the room, out of the way of the fight, or fleeing deeper into the temple. Hearing the sounds quiet down, some come in to see what happened and look relieved to see that you are all okay and the creature is dead. "Thank the gods, you killed it. Thank you for saving our monastery."

Cesran looks at Jibbom and then at his staff and then back at Jibbom then back to his staff. He sighs softly and then points his staff at Jibbom. The ornate dragon head crystal starts to move and talk to Jibbom. "Oh now you did not just try to claim all the glory for this. It may have been your lighting bolt that finished the creature but you did not do this all by your little self. We are all heroes here so let's stop this foolishness of you being a demonslayer and let's get to helping those monks. Cesran take me away from this pintsized fool before I deep fry those little chicken wings of his." Cesran sighs as he takes the staff and starts to check on the monks, "How did this happen?"

'Course he did," mutters Teppus, as he drags himself to his feet, "He's Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night." Naturally, the entirely sarcastic nature of Teppus' comment will fly over the halfling's head and only serve to validate!

"Indeed I am, good associate!" Jibbom shouts out in response to Teppus, sarcasm entirely unnoticed. "But yes, tell us. What manner of mischief led to this horrible situation? Do more heroics need doing?"

One of the monks, an older man, shakes his head. "We aren't sure. The creature just barged into the monastery and while we attempted to defend ourselves, no one was able to defeat it, all of our numbers. Our minds and our bodies were no longer our own, words speaking in our mind, words that none of us wanted to ever listen to. We apologize for the harm we brought to you in defense of this creature."

Kravar eyes the closest monks, rubbing at his jaw that he could have sworn one of them dislocatedcearlier. "Yes, well...nothing permanent," Kravar grumbles.

Cesran shushes the staff this time to he can speak, "You are welcome honored elder, I am sorry if we had to hurt any of your numbers getting through." He fishes out the seal, "Do you know what this is?" He offers it to the elder monk.

Tak remains quiet as they talk to the monks. He looks over as they discuss the stone that did the weird healing thing.

The elder looks at the seal and after a moment of study, he shakes his head. "No, I do not. It means nothing to me."

Jibbom eyes the seal, then shrugs his shoulders. "In my heroic experiment, it's best to ignore such things and zap the baddies as they appear. Now, let's all get drunk! Monks brew great beer, right?" He looks about expectantly.

Cesran nods, "Well thank you." He goes to put the seal away for later study and he shakes his head and waves his hand in front of Jibbom's face, "These aren't the monks your looking for." He bows to the elder, "Thank you again." He moves over towards the corpse to study it before they leave. He hmms softly as his staff pipes up, "Looks like a big bug demon. Think it's gotta hive?"

The elder gives a bow. "Thank you so much for your help. We will be sure to send our thanks to you for saving us, as it is the least that we can do."

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/the planes: (19)+17: 36

Cesran uses the end of the staff to push a couple of fried pieces around. "Hey! Stop that! I don't want to get any bug juice on me." His staff complains loudly as Cesran reaches down to pick up a piece of the insect like claw. "Ah ha. That's what it is." Cesran says as he finds a good piece to take as a sample and he will put it in his bag to add to his collection. "Well don't keep us waiting in suspense what is it?" His staff asks him and Cesran looks up, "Oh it's a Derghodaemon. I doubt there are any more of them, they prefer to work alone, but will lord over what it considers lesser or weaker creatures to fulfill it's desires." He moves back over to join the others and he looks at Steel, "Technically we are daemonslayers. Daemons seek just to consume life, different from demons who seek to pervert and destroy life. I am sorry about my staff she has just found her voice and is rather vocal about expressing her opinions." The staff humphs, "I'm just not playing second fiddle to short and flappy."

"...am I still dead?" says Teppus as Cesran' staff talks to him, loudly, and he talks back. "Or did Jibbom conquer the world and rewrite the rules?"

Kravar gives the staff a disbelieving look, then slowly pans his gaze around the chamber. "Pervert and destroy life? Then it's an honor to have stopped this one." He casts a look at Jibbom out of the corner of his eye. Possibly watching to see if he got any beer."

"Yeah, yeah. It was evil, we killed it, and we're heroes." Jibbom says with a little wave of his hand. "More importantly, where is the beer? Let's party!"

Cesran shakes his head at Teppus, "You are not, my staff can talk. It has only recently gained the ability to do so." "And not a moment too soon." The staff chimes in. Cesran sighs and smiles, "Let's go help them set up for this party."

The monks don't have any beer, or alcohol of any sort. They are not those types of monks. But they would gladly host the party for the night before they return back to Alexandria. Wounds are tended and the place starts to put themselves back together from such an invasion of their lives. But it seems that it is all over, for now.