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Ga'Elian raises an eyebrow. "That dependeth on what I find. If it be a simple fiend, I may dispatch it summarily. If it be something even more fell, then I shall mark the place and seek assistance. Of course, if it be merely an animal, I shall leave it undisturbed."
Ga'Elian raises an eyebrow. "That dependeth on what I find. If it be a simple fiend, I may dispatch it summarily. If it be something even more fell, then I shall mark the place and seek assistance. Of course, if it be merely an animal, I shall leave it undisturbed."

Latest revision as of 21:21, 11 May 2017

Kesenday, Hattanani 13, 1018. The full moon is up. The tide is high and rising. The sky is cloudy gray, and nothing casts a shadow. The southwest wind is mild.

H02: The Felwood

Ga'Elian has stopped with his horse to take some waybread out of his bag and nibble a bit. There have been some spooky noises in these woods this afternoon, and the elven ranger has been tracking.

Nicolai steps carefully between the first few trees at the edge of the woods. The keeps one hand on the hilt of a shortsword on his belt. His eyes are wary and move around almost constantly, at every little sound and shadow.

Ga'Elian looks up as the giant humanoid emerges from the trees. He looks directly at Nicolai, and says, "Art thou lost?"

Nicolai jerks slightly and then looks inthat direction. "No, not lost...not yet, anyway." He flashes a grin. "I haven't been here before though." He takes a longer look. "You seem quite at home here."

Ga'Elian's demeanor softens a touch, and he responds, "Well, this wood is no place for a pleasant stroll, especially as the evening beginneth." Then with a smirk, he continues, "I am Ga'Elian, and although I am comfortable in the forest, the Felwood is most certainly not my home. Who art thou, and why hast thou come hither?"

Nicolai says, "Nicolai. As for why I'm here...well, I suppose I wanted to see for myself. I've heard a lot about these woods. So close to Alexandria."

With a glance toward the east, Ga'Elian nods. He says, "Well, 'tis not easy for me to lose my way in the woods. I shall guide thee to the road again, should thou wish it. Hast thou eaten yet?" The elf breaks his waybread and offers a piece to Nicolai.

Nicolai reaches out a hand to take the bread. He nibbles on it experimentally. "Delicious," he pronounces after a bit. "I might take you up on that offer. I don't get lost often, mind you. Tarien grants me the power to fly, for a few minutes, but long enought usually to get a lay of the land." His gaze creeps up at the darkened sky overhead. "Though after seeing that, I'm not sure how much it would help me here."

The elf remarks, "I had been following some large wolf tracks. The problem is, that in these woods, they are as likely to be werewolf tracks, or the tracks of some other sinister shapeshifter. They look to be about 3 hours old."

Nicolai raises his eyebrows. At first he squints at the ground, searching for any sign of the tracks and likely missing them several times as he searches. Then something seems to occur to him. "And what do you plan to do when you -find- whatever it is that left the tracks...?"

Ga'Elian raises an eyebrow. "That dependeth on what I find. If it be a simple fiend, I may dispatch it summarily. If it be something even more fell, then I shall mark the place and seek assistance. Of course, if it be merely an animal, I shall leave it undisturbed."