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The noted merchant Tangisir has put out a post, requesting escorts for a caravan of his. "A SSMALL THING," the bronze dragon was said to demurre, in the quietest rumbling tone he could manage. "ONLY A SSHIPMENT TO AN OASSIS IN VEYSSHAN."
The noted merchant Tangisir has put out a post, requesting escorts for a caravan of his. "A SSMALL THING," the bronze dragon was said to demurre, in the quietest rumbling tone he could manage. "ONLY A SSHIPMENT TO AN OASSIS IN VEYSSHAN."
[[Category:Current Arcs|Oasis]]

Revision as of 01:23, 7 September 2017

The noted merchant Tangisir has put out a post, requesting escorts for a caravan of his. "A SSMALL THING," the bronze dragon was said to demurre, in the quietest rumbling tone he could manage. "ONLY A SSHIPMENT TO AN OASSIS IN VEYSSHAN."