Difference between revisions of "Pothy"

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'''AC''' 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +2 Size, +1 natural armor)
'''AC''' 18, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Size, +4 natural armor)
'''Hp''' 12 (5d8)
'''Hp''' 15 (7d8)
'''Fort''' +1, '''Ref''' +4, '''Will''' +6
'''Fort''' +1, '''Ref''' +4, '''Will''' +7
Line 46: Line 46:
'''Speed''' 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
'''Speed''' 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
'''Melee''' bite +6 (1d3-4)
'''Melee''' bite +7 (1d3-4)
'''Space''' 2-½ ft., '''Reach''' 0 ft.
'''Space''' 2-½ ft., '''Reach''' 0 ft.
Line 53: Line 53:
'''Str''' 2, '''Dex''' 15, '''Con''' 8, '''Int''' 8, '''Wis''' 15, '''Cha''' 7
'''Str''' 2, '''Dex''' 15, '''Con''' 8, '''Int''' 9, '''Wis''' 15, '''Cha''' 7
'''Base Atk''' +2; '''CMB''' +2; '''CMD''' 8
'''Base Atk''' +3; '''CMB''' +3; '''CMD''' 9
'''Feats''' Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
'''Feats''' Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
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'''Speak with Master''' (Ex): Pothy and Ravenstongue can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.
'''Speak with Master''' (Ex): Pothy and Ravenstongue can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.
'''Speak with Animals of Its Kind''' (Ex): Pothy can communicate with birds. Such communication is limited by the Intelligence of the conversing creatures.

Revision as of 01:30, 27 February 2022

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About Pothy

Apotheosis, or Pothy for short, is the most majestic creature you will ever meet. His snow white feathers have a cream-colored undertone, and his startling blue eyes carry so much emotion and wit in them that they could be almost humanoid. He imitates just about everyone and everything, and possesses the intelligence to mimic things in perfect timing appropriate to the situation.

Pothy is the familiar of the half-sil girl known as Ravenstongue, and can often be found on her shoulder or flying overhead, not far from her position. He seems to be emotionally in tune with her, often supporting her with an affectionate nuzzle or preening her hair when she is down... and laughing at her expense when she gets into comical situations, just like a friend would. He is also known to befriend anyone who offers him tribute--err, food--over a period of time, although his loyalty is first and foremost to Raven.

Despite being a magical bird, who does not need nor require sustenance to live, Pothy demands tribute from almost all he meets in the form of food. From a feast to a snack, Pothy will have a sample of that, thank you very much.

My character.jpg

Stat Block


True neutral, Tiny animal

Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9


AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +2 Size, +4 natural armor)

Hp 15 (7d8)

Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +7


Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)

Melee bite +7 (1d3-4)

Space 2-½ ft., Reach 0 ft.


Str 2, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 7

Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 9

Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse

Skills Fly +6, Perception +9

Special Abilities

Familiar: Ravenstongue gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks.

Alertness (Ex): While Pothy is within arm’s reach, Ravenstongue gains the Alertness feat.

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, Pothy takes no damage if he makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.

Share Spells: Ravenstongue may cast a spell with a target of “You” on Pothy (as a touch spell) instead of on herself. Ravenstongue may cast spells on Pothy even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of Pothy’s type (magical beast).

Empathic Link (Su): Ravenstongue has an empathic link with Pothy to a 1 mile distance. Ravenstongue can communicate empathically with Pothy, but cannot see through his eyes. Because of the link’s limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. Ravenstongue has the same connection to an item or place that Pothy does.

Deliver Touch Spells (Su): Pothy can deliver touch spells for Ravenstongue. If Ravenstongue and Pothy are in contact at the time Ravenstongue casts a touch spell, she can designate Pothy as the “toucher.” Pothy can then deliver the touch spell just as Ravenstongue would. As usual, if Ravenstongue casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.

Speak with Master (Ex): Pothy and Ravenstongue can communicate verbally as if they were using a common language. Other creatures do not understand the communication without magical help.

Speak with Animals of Its Kind (Ex): Pothy can communicate with birds. Such communication is limited by the Intelligence of the conversing creatures.

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