PrP: General Bloodeyes Appears

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Log Info

  • Title: PrP: General Bloodeyes Appears
  • Emitter: Arik
  • Characters: Ferawyn level 4, Mikilos level 7, Oates level 8, Nadara level 6
  • NPCs: - General Mongetai of the Bloodeyes, Speck, Mr. Shram
  • Place: Alexandria - Vadran Village
  • Time: September 10, 2013
  • Summary: A group of adventurers investigate rumors of barbarians taking the small village of Vadran hostage, only to find a rather strange trade delegation there.
  • APL: 6
Tenebrae - Tuesday, September 10, 2013, 6:21 PM

---  LOCATION  ---

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* H07: Vadran Village *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

          Vadran's village's center is of well-beaten earth. A temple to Daeus, Althea, and Gilead stands near the 
village center, as well as a tavern and small trades store. None of these buildings are very large--most are 
modest and crafted of a mixture of wood and rock (from the nearby Redridge), and the roads have as many 
dogs, chickens, and mules as people on them. Of late, Arvek Nar have taken up some residences, and the 
hardworking hobs are often seen side-by-side human children, and children of other, different races. 

          The village center holds stands for lanterns, used for the occasional festival, or for more common local 
events such as town dances, quilting bees, and other social gatherings. Regardless of the season, there are 
always chairs or open benches on which to sit and gossip. Not far from the center is the town well, where most 
of the residents draw their water, though farms often have their own. Vadran is a village not unlike many others 
that dot the Heartlands.



------------------  At a glance around H07: Vadran Village  ------------------
Ferawyn      1m      4'10"    100 Lb     Wild Elf          Female    
    Short, red haired sylvan elf                                              
Mikilos      29s     6'8"     180 Lb     Dawn Elf          Male      
    Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.                            
Oates        2m      5'7"     247 Lb     Human             Male      
    Stout human farmboy with genial grin & witty eyes                         
Arik         0s      6'4"     264 Lb     Human             Male      
    A Dran wearing white furs and scale mail.                                 
Nadara       2m      2'8"     30 Lb      Goblin            Female    
    Gobber Girl with a gun and an eyepatch.                                   

Standing at 4'10" tall, this woman has long red hair that falls to her hips, occasionally covering one of her eyes. 
She has large blue eyes, an angular face and pointed ears. She also has an angular chin with somewhat thin 
lips. She has a tanned, curvy body that attests to her time in the forests and enduring the elements, covered by 
softly leather pants and a top, with her lower legs covered by soft leather boots.

Mikilos is a slender male Dawn Elf, freakishly tall by elven standards, standing a full head over the average 
human. His ivory skin and long blonde hair hold a rosy warmth, as if dappled in spring sunshine, even when 
such light is not present. His hazel eyes are deep set, and spark with curiousity. His hands are long and nimble, 
but hold callus and stain from long use in craft. 

His dress is simple and practical, a light ivory shirt of sturdy cotton, the sleeves oft pushed back, the occasional 
ink stain or burn attesting the reason. Around his neck rests a small amulet, a pentagon, with a mithral aspen 
leaf stamped upon it's surface. His waist is defined by a simple leather belt, from which a scroll case hangs upon 
one side, a well-used scabbard on the other. Both trousers and boots are simple, black, and practical. An 
occasional cloak guards against the weather or dust. Upon his brow sits a simple circlet of silver, set with a small 
stone which shifts from blue to violet, depending on the light. 

Standing in at 5' 7" and 247 pounds, Jack Oates is a hearty farmboy of a human with a "face-shaped" face and 
brown hair and eyes. He doesn't stand out much in a crowd, except for the inquisitive look in his eyes and the 
genial smile on his face. His clothes are a stout homespun cotton, durable enough for hard work in the fields. 
The shirt is unbleached and undyed, while the pants are an even indigo, albeit patched with brown at the knees 
where the wear and tear of hard work has gotten the better of the original fabric. A sturdy brown leather vest, 
stitched and trimmed with green leather and fastened with loops and wooden buttons, and matching boots 
complete his outfit. Sections of material colored pumpkin-orange are used as a patchlike trim on his clothes.

     Despite the warty broadness of her shoulders, and the firearm at her hip, the ex-pirate "Nads the Tiny" 
(though never to her face) stands just a wart over two and a half feet. Her boat-wedge feet bear no slippers of 
modesty, her hands bear their tar-rimmed grime dishonestly, and her lantern jaw attests to her faith in the One 
Below, the Great Sea Serpent, and Devourer of Fishes, maniacally.

---  SCENE  ---

        Outside of Alexandria trouble is afoot, and it doesn't take long for the residents of the city to spread word. 
Rumor has it that the small village of Vadran has been taken hostage by a foreign conquerer! It is just after 
sundown when the village comes into sight. Reports from passerbys on the road are mixed, but three things are 
        1: The village is apparently not under attack. Soldiers from Alexandros are posted nearby, but just for 
caution's sake.
        2: The "visitors" in the village are savage races.
        3: The disturbance is clearly causing trouble for the locals and for merchants who are diverting to other 
city gates to avoid trouble.

        The village itself is extremely well lit, and tents and picket lines have been set up clear to where the 
makeshift log defenses normally sit. A dozen soldiers from Alexandria stand by the road not far off from the 
entrance to the village, and opposite to them stand a couple of Arvek Nar in light armor. At the entrance to the 
village are orange banners featuring the central figure of a cockatrice. Deeper into the village things seem more 
lively and well lit, and music featuring heavy percussion and deep woodwinds can be heard from here.

Mikilos is less intrested in the troubles for the village for offical reasons than professional ones. The wizard 
needs to gather his reagents from somewhere, and quite a few uncommon herbs are grown in the nearby fields. 
But, if the City cares to send and offical investigation as well, he'll by no means get in their way. "Regardless of 
what's actually happening, seems some misinformation has been getting aorund."

NAturally, NAdara is curuous to what's going on. She's heard about the trouble in the village and that could 
certainly get in the way of business! Thus, she's decided to make her presence known, heading for the village 

Late to the party as usual, Ferawyn seems to be checking things out herself. Not one to believe things are
 'wrong' until she's seen them herself, she investigates. Thankfully, Sephyria has kept close to her and has been 
rather quiet lately. A pat or two the the tiger's head and they walk their way into the village, raising her 
eyebrows at the arvek nar with the cockatrice banners. "This should be amusing." She says as she listens to the 
music coming from the center of the camp. Of course, Sephyria is tilting her head at the music too.

The cockatrice ain't a good sign. That's clearly what Nadara's thinking as she looks at the banner. "What are 
'gunners doing here?" She asks, frowning, glancing over at the others.

Mikilos shrugs, and makes his way towards the nearby soilders, flashing his Guild Badge to identify himself as a 
proper Adventurer, not just some nosey guy. "We've been hearing some rumors of trouble from this place. You 
guys (or gals, I'm not sexist) able to shed any light on the situation?"

Oates is here to lend a hand with some of the seasonal farming, but this latest development warrants looking 

        A couple of the soldiers wave to Mikilos and walk over to him. "Apparently its a diplomat or something, 
though I heard Bludgun had closed diplomatic relations. They aren't doing anything illegal, technically, but 
they've been circumventing us and waylaying merchants on the roads. Before we got people diverting them, 
a lot of merchants came riding in with extra orange-tabarded passengers that they picked up along the way. 
They didn't seem to eager to be here, but we can't do anything if they tell us its okay."

        Deeper into the village means less like a camp and more like a village festival. At least to the dark or 
oblivious. There are a great many people having fun towards the center of the village, and it is true that not all 
of them are from Bludgun. A few of the locals seem to be having a good time as well and quite a few of the less 
reputable types from Alexandria have come out as well.

        It doesn't take much effort to notice those that aren't having such a good time. They are merchants, mostly, 
with their wagons and carts set up where they can fit in the village. Most of them are either sellers or transporters 
of food. They appear to be being paid for their goods, and while it is unlikely that they have been forced to be 
here or else the military would be getting involved, it is unlikely that they weren't "persuaded" to be here.

        At the center of the village is a huge pavillion tent, well lit and flying more than twenty orange Banners. 
Some of these banners show a black fist at the center of a field of orange while others show the cockatrice. The 
inn-keeper can just be spotted making his way into the large tent sweating heavily and acting all bows and nods 
as he directs a band of Oruch who are carrying food platters and kegs.

"What the hell does Bludgun think it's doing?" says Nadara, quietly, to the others. "They can't just take over an 
ALexandrian village. That's got to be against the terms of the Harshstone treaty." She's not happy about it, the 
little gobber is, but she's relieved to see those present being paid. "Rada blesses all free trade," she says, 
emphasizing the word 'free', and loudly at that. "We'll try to find out what's going on. Who's in charge around 
here?" she begins to say toward one of the nearby 'gunners.

Mikilos frowns thoughfully, and nods. "Pressured buying is still buying, though can't say I approve of it. We 
should go take a look at who's running the whole thing, make a plan from there."

Staying near the loud mouthed Nadara, Ferawyn is also curious as to what's going on, but since Nadara spoke 
up first, she'll be less of a toothpick for Sephyria. "Strange that Merchants are here but not selling anything, or 
so it seems."

Oates gives the shrug of one who doesn't have anything better to do.

        With the arrival of the adventurers a goblin in a fine suite, though perhaps one tailored a bit large for him, 
approaches the group. His back is slightly bent, and he smells like he was recently dunked in a vatt of perfume. 
"Ah-ha-ha! You Adventurers! You come, come, come, with Speck. General Bloodeyes want see you, me think. 
General Bloodeyes looking for your type," he says and gestures towards the large pavillion tent, then waddles 
off towards the entrance.

        Inside the Pavillion tent is a feast. Foods of all sorts have been prepared, though most of them are meat 
dishes and apparently many of them have been cooked quickly - the outsides look burnt and the insides still 
very rare. A couple of common tables have been set up on each side of the tent that is apparently erected 
magically (there is no pole in the center), and at the opposite end of the tent from the entrance a much large 
table has been set with the largest and most choice of the dishes. The tables are all occupied by members of 
the savage races, including a couple of ogres, but at the head table, in the center, is the imposing figure of an 
ogre much larger than those normally of his race, of size to be of giant blood, perhaps. His skin is dark blue 
and covered in small red tribal tatoos. He wears black laquered heavy armor with an orange fist emblazoned 
at the center of the chestplate. A human man stands next to him in tuxedo and top-hat. The human is pale 
and thin, and has a dark look to his eyes, but he says nothing and appears to only barely be watching the 

        Other humans are here, likely villagers. They are acting as servers for the Bludgun savages, and the 
innkeeper is at the General's side wiping his hands on his apron nervously.

Mikilos quirks a brow and the suited goblin, but shrugs and follows, watching with mild intrest. At elast they've 
got the meat cooked properly. So few understand Adventurer tastes.

It's true. Nadara stops and peeeeers at the humans and the ogres and then the huge ogre. "Well, hullo," she 
says, "We were hoping you'd not mind telling us what all this is about."

Ferawyn sighing a bit.....Ferawyn takes a knife, cuts a piece of some raw ham.....a LARGE slide, and tosses it 
to her tiger, keeping a small salted piece for herself. Then she grabs an 'adventurer cooked' turkey leg and 
hangs onto it until the tiger is finished, then tosses that to her too. She then looks for the General. "General 
Bloodeyes, hmm?"

        Speck, the goblin in the badly tailored suit, is already at the head Ogre's side saying something to him. 
The Ogre doesn't seem to pay attention at all to either the adventurers or the goblin and is instead laughing at 
a small brawl that has begun at one of the tables between a couple of Arvek Nar and an Oruch. When Speck 
bows and backs up, the General slams his hand down into the table in front of him, and half the dishes of food 
on the table topple over. He grabs the burnt leg of a cow and points it like a scepter towards the adventurers. 
"You," he yells, the room going quiet as all those present look at the adventurers. Even the tiny fight has 
stopped mid swing. "I been told that trade here is worth having. That Alexandria be a place of wonder. This 
man," he says, pointing his 'scepter' at the thin hjman to his side, "an' his guild want to open trade wif' me. 
Maybe I send word to others, too, that this be worth it. But I been waiting 'ere too long already. I been waiting 
to see if anyone 'ere can amuse me. So what you say, is Alexandria worth da attention of General Mong the 

Mikilos hrmms thoughtfully, eyeing the pale human and paying less attention to the ogre. Though it is to him he 
speaks. "Well, which is it? Trade, or amusement? It's generally bad busniess to mix busniess and pleasure, 
unless you're a bard. And no offence, but you don't look the type."

        "Life is pleasure," the Ogre says, settling back in his chair. He raises his free hand in upward waves towards 
his men, apparently signalling them to make with the merriment, as they resume whatever they were doing 
before. The music seems to have stopped permanently, though (and who knows where it was coming from 
anyway... magic perhaps), and the merriment seems to be going a bit quieter out of respect for their boss. 
The general speaks again, "I judge da health of a tribe in me own way. A random sample of talent be enough 
for openin' trade, at least, if it turn good."

"Then you're in luck, sir, for I... I am Nadara, a humble sevant of Rada, the Lord of Trade." She's grinning broadly 
at him, then gestures at Oates. "And this be Oates! A humble villager! And that?" She points at Mikilos, "That man 
is an entrepeneur! He makes magical items. Tons of them! And... I actually don't know you that well, do I?" she 
says to Ferawyn.

"It sounds like he wants amusement to see if Alexandria is worthy of trade, Mikilos." Ferawyn says softly, just 
barely over the tearing of flesh made by the tiger at her side, digging into the turkey leg that was thrown at her. 
She then thinks for a second before she looks to Nadara. "No, you don't I fear." She then looks to the ogre. "I 
am Ferawyn Windrunner, a disciple of Pauline, the giver of fruits. You may know her as Dana, the lady of the 
wild." She then chuckles a little. "If you're looking for merriment, there's no better place for it. And for trade, 
there are material trade, as well as herbal trade." She's starting to get a little out of her element, it looks.

        The General looks over his shoulder towards the thin man as he takes a bite out of the cow leg. "I' loo's 
lie you 'n trouble, day jus' wan' 'alk," he says around a mouthful of food.

Mikilos sighs thoughtfully, and grabs a chair that isn't being used that specific instant, spinning it around before 
the freakishly tall elf sets one foot on top, leaning upon his raised knee. "Alright. I can't say as I'm familiar 
wiht the Bloodeyes clan. Of course I know the tales of Maruogh Bloodeyes, the great chief, but where the clan 
sits in modern times I don't know. From what lands specific do you hale?"

"Now, sir! It is only proper that we introduce oruselves before we begin demonstrating the marvels you can 
find in Alexandria! If only we had a master of artifice here." Nadara lets out a sigh, then lifts her eyepatche to 
reveal perfectly functional eye beneath it. "Did you know I used tobe a pirate? Have you ever seen a crew of 
lucht sailors on the river? Have you ever been aboard an airship seeing the people as even /smaller/ ants?" 
She's grinning. He's an ogre, after all. "That's Alexandria. A place of trade and antything you can find! 
Gambling, magics, knick knacks, and more! We have it all, baby. Don't we?" She punches Oates on the hip.

        "From what lands? From mountains, elf," Bloodeyes says, quite loudly, to Mikilos. "From Bloodeye mountain 
o' Bludgun, and may it be named for centuries. It stands alone near southern edge, where it need no ridges to 
support it."

        The General looks down towards Nadara for a moment when she pulls the eyepatch off, and when she 
speaks of pirates and airships, but she loses his attention at the sales pitch at the end.

Ferawyn says, "Hmm.....You seem to like pirates and airships, hmm? I fear I don't know much about airships 
or pirates." She says as her tiger visibly bumps her over when she cheek rubs her. "Hmm? You still hungry 
Sephyria? Or do you want to play now?" She says playfully batting at the tiger's paw. The tiger bats back, with 
without claws, and Ferawyn gets into a strange game of patty cake with the tiger......"

        The General seems at least mildly amused by the tiger. "Is that all it does? You can't own a cat like that 
just fer childrens games. Has it seen battle, or tasted the flesh of yer enemies?"

Mikilos nods thoughtfully. "Good stone from there. I've little use for myself, but the Temples will be intrested." 
The elf nods, sold on the idea of the Bloodeyes clan having something worth tradeing for. "Well, is you're 
looking for entertainments, Alexandros offers a range. The Library has one of the largest collections this 
side of the Red Ridge, and both Theaters offer a reguar series of plays and opera." Not that this band is likely 
to care about those. "The festival grounds frequently offer jousts, races, and other competitions, and when it'

"How familiar are you with these?" says Nadara. She reaches down and takes out her dragonspitter pistol, 
offering it out towards the ogre. "You know what that pistol hsa done? Slain countless creatures who've 
interefred with trade. I've fought giants bigger than you, friend! I've fought all manner of magical beast and 
more! I once fought off a hoard of owlbears with this thing! Ha!" She pats it. "They were all around me, those 
owlbears, staring at me with their hungry, crazy eyes. But owlbears are not clever creatures. One by one they 
came at me, you see, and I shot them! By the end, the only thing that was accompanying me was the acrid 
smell of gunsmoke and soon to be prepared owlbear jerky." She flashes a grin, holing up a satchel. She tosses 
it to him as proof of her deed. 
 (There is no way NAdara killed a hoard of owlbears.)

Ferawyn smirks at the General. "She is trained, if that's what you're asking. And no, she doesn't do silly tricks, 
she does attack when ordered to, and she has hunted, many many times." She then smirks a bit as she 
continues her game of patty cake with the tiger, and it's tailtip flicks a bit before it's head turns.......and 
it's paw LANCES OUT....... 

 at a boot lace, to trap it under her paw.....and she's quiet successful.....until the person wearing the boot 
moves she stalks....

Mikilos nods thoughtfully. "Good stone from there. I've little use for myself, but the Temples will be intrested." 
The elf nods, sold on the idea of the Bloodeyes clan having something worth tradeing for. "Well, is you're 
looking for entertainments, Alexandros offers a range. The Library has one of the largest collections this side 
of the Red Ridge, and both Theaters offer a reguar series of plays and opera." Not that this band is likely to 
care about those. "The festival grounds frequently offer jousts, races, and other competitions, and when it's 
not open, the Arena usually has a fight going on. Though if you favor tales, the Braggats tavern more than 
lives up to it's own name. Though for harder drinking, the Ox Strength Tavern offers booze not found 
anywhere else. Usually for safety reasons. Though after drinking, it's easy enough to find a good brawl to work 
off you cups. Or if you care for a more personalize sort of wresteling, Madam Rose holds a number of options, 
though honestly, I'd receomend a vist to the healers. Before -and- afterwards."

        The General seems thoroughly entranced by the pistol and the goblin's tale, as farfetched as it may seem. 
He slaps his cowleg scepter into Speck, who had been standing just out of arm's reach but not far enough to be 
missed by the beef. "That! Why can't you do that, Speck? Tribes are carried on da shoulders of greatness, an' 
even yer little shoulders could carry a bit more owlbear. You should get one o' those."

        The general watches with only his eyes as the tiger stalks off, though he keeps them on it intently. A big 
smile is on his face, still left there from Nadara's story. He speaks towards Mikilos, "I 'ave no need ta go into 
a city that disappears fer five years atta time. I'm more interested in de talent tha' came here, not the talent 
tha' be in there."

"Of course, there was /also/ the time I was fireballed while carrying flammable fireball-orbs!" Nadara pats her 
neck. "That wasn't so good. I nearly blew up! Would've taken my entire set of rineds with me... but I /didn't!/." 
SHe beams.

Mikilos ahs, and nods. "Then if it's tales of talent you want, you'd know of the great Lady Sandiel, whom I 
believe is know in you lands as Har'gurak'na'drel, 'Grumpy Elf of Rage'. Or the great hunter Svarshan, the 
Demon Chomper." The elf pauses, thoughfully. "Or mayhaps you've favor more firsthand tales." Not that a 
wizard would have anything exciteing to talk about.

Ferawyn says, "Speaking of Svarshan, He led a groupf adventurers to take on a giant wasp nest that was 
in the felwood. Oddly, he had to face off against something that was skinning other people alive, then using 
their skin as armor, then had to cover himself in disgusting muck to keep the wasps off of him while they 
killed the queen. Otherwise, the giant wasps would have attacked while you were here."

        The General smiles amusedly towards the mini-story of Nadara, but continues to watch the tiger. He 
looks away from the tiger and to Mikilos only briefly at the mention of firsthand tales, then go back to 
watching the tiger. At the story of Svarshan he looks back to Ferawyn and loses track of the tiger. At the end 
of the story he bursts out laughing. "Hahaha, I will need to get a picture o' that one. I 'spose when your skin 
is soft it might need some mud t' thicken it."

Ferawyn smirks. "Glad yout hink it was amusing. Thankfully, it was successful. Otherwise might've had to 
contend with wasps out here." She then rubs her nose. "How do you feel about Zombies?"

"Ooogh. The Wasps. I heard about that. Yeah, until recently, this whole place was getting attacked by wasps 
all the time. It was terrible. Not tiny asps. /Giant/ wasps. Like... as big as your torso, I swear. Awful." Nadara 

        "As big as MY torso? That musta been a sight. I'd love t' taste one charred over a fire," the General says, 
clearly having a good time. "As for zombies, theys much too rotten t' eat. 'less yer real hungry. They put the 
fright into small men, but can't say as I see em as more 'n bush beaters an' labor."

Mikilos mmms, and motions to the goblin by the General's side. "Was soon after I'd joined the army in the War 
of Sendor, a few weeks before the seige of the city began. A spy broke into the camp with some device of 
artifice. He looked a fair bit like you man there, same shape of ears, though the spy's were much smaller, poor 
fellow. Anyway, this device formed a sort of elemental from the materials around. In this case, he used them 
on the latrines. Hundred of tired soilders, weeks of bad camp food, all come back in the worst possible way. It 
towered as big as this tent, it's arms slapping aside entire wagons. It was slow, but the -smell-. Well, you can 
imagine. Some of the war's greatest heros could only keep the abomination to a standstill. Thankfully a few of 
us noticed the one commanding the beast, and managed to shut down his device before too much damage 
was done." The elf blinks thoughtfully. "Actaully, just a few weeks back, the same fellow showed up in the city, 
swearing revenge. His ale elemental wrecked a good bit of the tavern, and while it's wasn't too strong, it did 
ruin all the booze which comprised it. A true tragety, that."

"oh god. The piss elemental," says Nadara, the color drianing from her face. She eyes FErawyn and her tiger, 
though. The latter makes her nervous. She is tiny, after all.

Ferawyn says, "i've only recently been around Alexandria so I don't have very many stories to tell" She says 
quietly. She lets the tiger prowl around for more fun, but she does keep a close eye on it. Seems the tiger is 
just stalking people for fun."

        "A poop Golem," the general chokes a bit on a bite of food as he turns and jabs Speck with his cow-leg 
scepter, though its now looking more like a cow-bone scepter. "Probably smelled worse 'n you, Speck. Hahaha." 
The general turns back to the adventurers. "Good ta know Alexandria's not all swords. A bit o' wit serves better 
than magic. Don't hurt t'ave both, I always say. Sad 'is ears weren't so large, maybe he could hear ya comin' 
and hide sos your army could get a real tumble out o' it."

Ferawyn snerks. "A Poop Golem. That is the begining of a shitty day."

"A trully shitty day," says Nadara, laughing. "But that's ALexandra. Fully of shitty days. And tidel waves. ANd 
Meteros. And Iivine Interventions. And obscure spirits. And..." NAdara rubs her eyes.

        The General stands up from his seat, the Pavillion tent somehow accomadating his stature. "It looks
 like ye have a deal, Mr. Shram. You bring the suits an' I'll 'ave the ingots ready t' go. You all be a great good 
lot," he says, holding his free hand palm out and fingers extended to gesture towards the adventurers. "Maybe 
some time ye will help guard a wagon as it comes to Bloodeyes Mountain."

        He looks down at the tavernkeeper who is still nervously wiping his hands, hands which are now turning a 
bit pink and red. "You bring dem each a good meal an' set a place fer um. I'll pay you what its worth, an' as I 
said we'll be gone by morning."

        If the adventurers choose to stay there will be more merriment. They might also help some of the 
villagers or merchants that seem to be having a bad time of it. In any case the Bloodeyes tribe will be gone 
before the sun dawns the next morning.

Mikilos doesn't sleep, or eat, for that matter. But he does have a mug of ale to be polite. The elf is gone 
before sunrise himself, off to collect dew from flower buds yet unopened. Wizards. Go figure.

Ferawyn eats a meal then heads out as well. She may not sleep either but she does keep an eye on the 
travelling troupe. In the morning however, there is a large cup of tea next to where the ogre sleeps. If he does, 
he'll find it's quite good, and close, but not quite, to honeyed mead in flavor.

Nadara sticks around. Mostly to make sure everything goes smoothyl. She eats a meal as well, though, more 
than a little caught off guard buy all of this. She /is/ pleased, though.