How to Design an Encounter

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Here is how to design Pathfinder encounters! Just keep in mind that CR is a good estimate, but may change according to party makeup.

How to Calculate the Challenge Rating for an Encounter

1. Calculate the Average Party Level, or APL. That is, total the levels of each player character in the plot, then divide the end result by the number of players, and round it to the nearest number (not necessarily down).

Decrease the APL by 1:
If the number of players is 3 or fewer
If circumstances are heavily slated against the player characters
Increase the APL by 1:
If there are 5 or more players
If circumstances play heavily in their favor

2. Determine the challenge you want to present. Use Table: Encounter Design, or refer to the one below. Note that Tenebrae characters are stronger than average because of their higher point buy. So, APL+1 or even APL+2 should be considered "Average." (That is, shift the chart below by 1 or even 2.)

Difficulty Challenge Rating Equals
Easy APL –1
Average APL
Challenging APL +1
Hard APL +2
Epic APL +3

3. Compare this modified APL with Table: Experience Point Awards to determine your XP Budget. Or, use the charts below.

For example, if your modified APL was 6, then you have an "XP Budget" of 2,400. Note that multiple creatures equal a higher CR.

CR Total XP CR Total XP
1-3 4-5 10 9600
1/8 50 11 12800
1/6 65 12 19200
1/4 100 13 25600
1/3 135 14 38400
1/2 200 15 51200
1 400 16 76800
2 600 17 102400
3 800 18 153600
4 1200 19 204800
5 1600 20 307200
6 2400 21 409600
7 3200 22 614400
8 4800 23 819200
9 6400 24 1228800
25 1638400
Number of Creatures Equal to...
1 Creature CR
2 Creatures CR +2
3 Creatures CR +3
4 Creatures CR +4
6 Creatures CR +5
8 Creatures CR +6
12 Creatures CR +7
16 Creatures CR +8

4. Open the Bestiary. Choose monsters that you feel fit the storyline. Total the individual XP values of each monster. Then, compare the end result with your "XP Budget" number. Once you're close to your number, you've "filled" the monsters for that encounter.

Don't worry if the value isn't exactly equal--just approximate it the best you can.

Advanced Advice on Crafting Challenging Encounters

link= Guide to Encounter Design
Guide to Encounter Design

Cheat Sheets and Etc.

Free Software: Combat Manager is a solid, free app for finding and adjusting creature stats. It runs on Windows, or on Linux under WINE.

Stats, Monsters, and NPCs on the Fly: Check out the Monster Creation Table. Need a DC for a CR 15 trap? Use the numbers there. There's little need to stat out everything when you've that as a reference.

Pathfinder Bestiaries by CR

Online Encounter Calculator Tool: online tool

MUX versus Tabletop

Encounters in a MUX tend to take longer due to the nature of the medium. This is one of the reasons we have the 2 encounter limit in PrPs.