Pathfinder Resources
Pathfinder is best summarized as Dungeons and Dragons 3.75. Think of it as a "smoothing out" of 3.5, published by Paizo. It keeps much of the OGL licensing, and is intended to be backwards compatible. Pathfinder's available in PDF or hardback through Paizo and through retailers like Amazon. We don't require you to purchase it to play, however. Like 3.5 before it, the rules are available online. The following links may be useful in converting your PC, running plots, finding a copy of the rules, or just for general information.
Some of the more notable difference between 3.5 and Pathfinder are a smoothed-out skills system, and (at least we think so) more interesting, option-filled base-classes. That said, an infernal-blooded sorcerer does not transform into a demon, so be sure and read theme carefully.
Pathfinder References
Pathfinder PRD
Pathfinder's rules are available online. Note at this time that we are primarily a Core-only game, though some other material may be considered in the future.
Pathfinder Errata
Help With Pathfinder
Running Pathfinder
d20 References
The below are useful, but may be out of date.
- Crystal Keep (Indexes removed from CC by request from WotC.)