Most of the time, we just encourage someone to go ongrid, invite others and so on. However, sometimes a little preplanning can help you bring like-minded PCs together, for a specific theme. And we'd like to encourage that!
This sort of event is called a Meetup. A meetup is not a formal scene. Think of it as more of a pre-arranged group roleplay. As an organizer, you'll probably set the tone and a few opening poses...but that's it.
The other way it differs is that you'll probably want to do a little asking around first. Say: Hey, if I ran a ___ meetup, would there be interest? If you're shy, talk with staff. Or, just ask staff anyway. We can more easily pull up the data, and talk with DMs about current interests, or areas which could use some <3.
Awards |
Examples |
Here are a few we've had in the past: Possible meetups could be:
Meetups focus around drawing people together with a similar, predefined interest. A good method is to think of a group, and then to think of at least three associated groups and include them. (Lahar's tip: Aside from your main group, include at least two or three other interested 'groups', and write your meetup to include those. For example, a Vardamen meetup should probably be open to Serrielites and undead hunters. A Druid Grove meetup would benefit from including druids as well as rangers and sith-makar. Then, send an @mail to invite folks. Meetups are mostly about being social and bringing together common interests.) |
Special |
Since Meetups aren't scenes, we handle them slightly differently. In general:
Extra Special: Please don't request RPPs during the roleplay! This is different than normal. Given that more than one is being awarded per person, staff handles this separately. Please be sure and remind participants of this. We hate denying their requests, and a reminder helps drop our paperwork. |
How do I Submit a Meetup?
To Submit a Meetup... |
1. Log your Meetup |
Special: Please remind players to please not request RPPs during the roleplay! This is different than normal. Given that more than one is being awarded per person, staff handles this separately. Please be sure and remind participants of this. We hate denying their requests, and a reminder helps drop our paperwork. |
2. Post your log. |
Need help? See: Post the log to the wiki* |
3. Let us know you ran! Send in a +request. |
Include in the +request:
* Don't feel comfortable with the wiki? You're welcome to email your log to a staffer, instead. Once a staffer claims the +request, just email the log to them. Most staff have an email listed in their +finger. Due to security concerns, we can't accept DOC/ODT, Google Docs, or similar files. Instead, and for general safety's sake, just plop the log into an email if you choose this method.