Wayfarer's Meet

From Tenebrae
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With such an invitation given, the half-orc decides to give the trick a go, jumping up on top of the table nearly as nimbly as the elf had. There is no real trick to it, but laden in scale mail, and being as large as he is, the fact that he manages it without falling over is something of a feat. However the table groans in protest under his weight. Undeterred he lifts his hands up in victory and roars loudly. "HURRAH!"

As the server begins to make her way to the table, Ga'Elian opens his mouth to say something, but instead jerks his head around to watch the half-oruch hop successfully, if heavily, onto the table. At once, the elf is on his feet applauding fervently. He says, "Well, I didn't see THAT coming. Good for you; way to be fearless." He sits back down, orders a cider from the affronted/shocked waitress and says, "It'll be alright, miss. If he breaks the table, I'll replace it." Then with a well-what-do-you-know look at Tilguh, he says to the half-orc, "Come join us, my fearless friend. Your chutzpah must be thirsty." *grin*

Tilguh orders ale, stew and bread. Just ahead of her stomach growling noisily. "Well he made it, but now he has to juggle. I think knives would be a good start. I mean, he is competing against you." She giggles and grins.

With slightly less effort, but also without the flair that he had gone up, the half-orc climbs back down off of the table. It wobbles dangerously for a moment, but survives. With a wide grin he joins the elf and with a brief nod to both him and the goblin woman at his side he offers a hand to them both. "I am Razen, and you were amazing!" He lets out a little laugh. "But I do not think I could do that... what you did with the balls."

Ga'Elian looks at Tilguh, "I'm just impressed he had the balls to jump up there. You don't see anybody else daring to try." Then to Razen, he introduces, "I'm Ga'Elian, a woodland archer, and this is Tilguh, a maiden of the Arvek Nar who has learned to focus her rage."

Tilguh grins to Ga'Elian. "I could probably manage it, but I am worried about embarrassing myself and falling on my behind." She offers the half-orc a wave. "Well, also a follower of Kor.", she adds.

Razen sits down, ordering a round of ale and food from the server who was polite enough to wait for him. There is a slight ruddy tone to his cheeks as he turns a curious gaze on the goblin woman. "You've the fire in your veins friend?"

Ga'Elian lifts his quiver off and sets it on the floor leaning against the table leg as he rises a little off his chair long enough to remove the cape of tawny owl feathers. He fold the cape neatly and puts it into the bag hanging beside him. The bag doesn't look the slightest bit more full. As he lifts the quiver up and slings it onto his shoulder again, his necklace of enormous human-looking teeth becomes more prominently visible. When the server returns, he takes his cider and sips a little off the top.

Tilguh nods to Razen, and grins. "Indeed. It is why I left Blar, and went north. I trained with the Orcs a while before coming here, to Alexandros." The Hobgoblin woman looks to Ga'Elian. "Are you heading out hunting later?", she wonders. Then her ale, stew and bread arrive, and she digs in hungrily.

Razen's face is too expressive or perhaps untrained to hide the momentary discomfort that slips across it for a time. He looks away from Tilguh for a moment to Ga'Elain and blinks before smiling to himself a little.

Ga'Elian nods. "I might. Not for anything big, though. I also have a little project that demands a fair amount of my time every day. I have a pair of goggles that I'm enchanting to give me both vision in darkness and heightened perception of the environment around me, including when I'm following tracks. I have to sing the magic into them for several hours every day.

Tilguh peers at Razen a moment, before looking to Ga'Elian. She licks her lips and nods to the Elf, "That sounds like it is quite the pain in the behind. Are they worth it, in the end?"

Food for Razen finally arrives, and he eats quickly, as though he expects that the food will evaporate if he leaves it alone for too long. In a matter of moments it is gone though little could be said of his table manners. At least he makes no attempt to speak while he's eating, letting the conversation between his two new companions flow around him.

Ga'Elian shrugs, "I consider it so. With these goggles. I shall be able to see in total darkness without revealing my presence by shining a light as I have hitherto needed to do."

Tilguh hmms and nods, taking more spoonfuls of stew before pausing to drain her ale down. "Ahh. Well, those goggles do sound very useful. And you've done all the enchanting yourself? What of the making of the goggles themselves, did you create them yourself?"

Razen wipes his mouth with the back of the hand though in fact he hadn't managed to make a mess of himself eating so quickly. "Magic and such aside." He smiles half-apologetically at Tilguh for disrupting her line of questioning. "But if you are able, you should go night-hunting." His eyes light up at the prospect. "The wilds around here are bright enough for those that can see by night, and stalking prey beneath the stars is... beautiful."

Ga'Elian responds, "The enchanting, yes, but I've no great skill in cutting glass or fabricating eyewear." Then to Razen, "Oh, I do. It is in the nature of most of my people to feel quite invigorated by the woods in moonlight." Tilguh nods to Razen, "It is nice to hunt by darkness. It's when I usually check my snares. But I generally enjoy fishing, and usually do that during the day." She looks to Ga'Elian. "I guess, then, Elian, they need to be very finely made in order to take your song?"

Sora makes her way into the inn. The small lass glances around for a moment. There is obvious signs of road travel on her, though it doesn't mar up her mithral breastplate that much. The hilt of a massive sword sticks up over her left shoulder. The blade is slanted across her back so it doesn't drag since it is almost as large as she is. She absently rubs at the shoulder of her prosthetic arm as she closes the door behind her and moves more into the place. She smiles and steps over so she can order something to eat before looking for a table.

Razen pauses a moment, glancing between the two before shaking his head. The door to the inn opens, and he glances up to see who it is before allowing his attention to return to the discussion.

Ga'Elian nods. "Yes. Pretty much any item must be of superior quality to accept an enchantment." He, too, notices Sora's entrance, but her face is known to him. He rises a little from his chair to say, "Hallo, Sora. We have another seat here." He gestures toward the open seat. To those already at the table he says, "You don't mind, do you?"

Tilguh grins and shakes her head. "No, the more the merrier!", she says cheerfully. "I'm Tilly, and this is Razen.", the Hobgoblin woman introduces herself and the half-Orc. "Nice to meet you."

Sora dips her head and moves over, "Thank you." she offers, "I am Sora." she smiles a little, "Pleasure to your day." she says to each at the table. She stretches a little, but before she will take a seat, she pulls her greatsword from her back and hangs it across the back of her chair, still easy to grasp. The blade looks pretty fancy and well made. She settles down into the seat, "Having a good day?"

Razen offers Sora a flash of fangs. "Ga'Elian put on an amazing show not long ago, you should have seen him juggling and jumping on tables!" His expression shifts into one of excitement. "I say that makes for a good day yes?"

Ga'Elian nods. "Had to liven the place up a little, even if it didn't last long." There's nobody entertaining at the moment. He says, "Are you traveling, Sora?"

Tilguh nods to Sora, "Indeed. Though, mine is not over. I must be off. Nice to have met you, Sora, and Razen. As always, good to see you, Elian." She leaves a few coins on the table for the food and ale, and then stands, offering a wave. "Take care."

Sora nods and smiles a bit before looking at Ga'Elian and nodding, "Yes, have to take a few jobs to earn back some of the funds I spent getting my new sword." she shakes her head a bit and then smiles. "Have a nice day." Razen gives Tilguh a parting smile and half-wave. In spite of his friendliness toward her, Tilguh's impending departure seems to put Razen slightly more at ease. Enough that Sora's mention of her weapon causes him to take note of it, and of her once again. "I know you from somewhere yes?"

Ga'Elian smirks and replies, "Yeah. That's the other thing about enchanting things. It's not cheap." He drains his glass of cider and signals the server to bring more.

Sora nods, "Definitely." she says and then smiles, "Especially when I have to get my sword made of mithral first." she chuckles a bit and then smiles as she gets her food. She looks at Razen, "Oh, probably a recent job or something, been on a lot recently."

Razen nods and grins. "I am new to the area, hoping now to convince this man right here to go out hunting with me some night!"

Ga'Elian looks suddenly directly up into Razen's eyes. Says, "Oh, you're full of surprises, you are, but it sounds like fun. You wanna go tonight?"

Sora chuckles just a bit as she lets the two talk for a moment, making quick work of the food that was put in front of her. Must have been a bit since she ate.

The half-orc's eyes light up, and he grins from ear to ear. "I do!" He drinks down the last of his ale and seems to consider something for a moment. "I can think of little I would enjoy more."

Ga'Elian says, "Well then I guess we should get going. The game isn't scarce this time of year, but once you catch something, preparing it can take a while. Do you want to hunt nearby? If you want to go further afield, it'll also take time to get there. Of course if you don't mind flying, we can cut that part of the time shorter. Did you happen to see my griffon outside?"

Sora looks between the two of them, "Well have a good hunt, think I will probably get a room and take a nap." she yawns a bit as she works on finishing her food.

Razen blinks. "I thought it belonged to the inn... If you think it can carry me though, we can go where-ever you like." He offers another hearty grin and then his hand to Sora. "It was good to see you again. Angoron's strength to you."

Ga'Elian stands up then and says, "Alrighty then. Let's not waste any time then. It was good to see you again, Sora. May Eluna guide your dreams." He looks to Razen and heads for the door.
