You look terrible

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Log Info

  • Title: You look terrible
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Cryosanthia, Mikilos
  • Place: A15: Mithralla Merchandise
  • Time: Saturday, March 28, 2020, 2:52 PM
  • Summary: Cryosanthia visits Mikilos at Mithralla Merchandise to see how he's doing after all the years. Of course for Mikilos, it's only been a month or so. He's cured of the plague, but is in terrible physical shape. Cryosanthia apologizes for how she reacted to him, then asks to browse his library. She selects a book at random and does so.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Mithralla Merchandise *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Here, a large wooden structure has been built. Its somewhat eccentric yet elegant design suggests its owner may be of the arcane persuasion. To the side of the main structure is a small corral to for horses or wagons. Before the central building, a massive sword emerges from the earth. A sign upon it reads: "MITHRALA MERCHANDISE."

Inside is a small seating area with several comfortable chairs. To the back, an unobtrusive but businesslike sales counter, and two large signs. One asks patrons to please wait here and not disrupt those inside the lab. The other offers a lab rental at a very reasonable rate.

To the left and right are a large set of doors. The doors on the right lead to a large room which takes up most of the building. Several long tables are scattered about, many with small tool racks. A small forge sits off to the side. Unlike the average workshop, maps of celestial bodies and guides to the elemental planes line the walls. Large frameworks of brass, silver, and crystal occupy space between the tables. A large shelf dominates the far wall, the containers upon it sporting such labels as "wyvern bile," "sulfur," "tiger's tears," and other exotic items. A glass-covered hole in the roof, set with mirrors, offers direct sunlight, or moonlight, to shine upon various projects.

The doors to the left lead towards the direction of the mountains and what is reported to be a sildanyari-style ball room. Wizards.

During regular store hours, a young Llyranesi man, Belhan Mithralla, keeps an eye on the shop and the lab. When not cleaning or helping a customer, he can usually be found reading some book from the library.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Mikilos      6'8"     180 Lb     Dawn Elf          Male      Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.                         
Cryosanthia  6'9"     267 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    An elegant sith-makar woman                     

Mikilos sits at the store counter, muttering absently to himself as he reads. The eves drip with damp, but the windows have been opened to let in fresh air. The scent of roast meat fills the shop, and a large bowl of stew sits next to the wizard, from which he remembers to take a bite occasionally.

Mikilos looks... bad. Thin. Real thin. Too thin. 'Are you certain he's not undead?' thin. Never exactly chubby, it's still a bit of a change.

There is a jingle as the door opens, and a sound reminiscent of ice crystals and small silver bells. The tail end of a gesture indicating a cast cantrip for accoustics to accompany the entrance. A sith-makar woman with a regal presence, slips in.

White scales, robes, Cryosanthia has undergone a change as well. She's taller, heavier, has horns, some more prominent scales and features. She's thicker. She's older. Much older Her lingering girlish youngling features are gone. Her voice is slightly deeper and more vibrant. The robes are nicely tailored, layered, also white with small pale blue accents. She has on her white-scale gloves and a gold ring. Her movements are very precise and controlled.

"Mikilos, Peace on your nest. You look horrible. Eat." She strides forward as if she's about make him. No more hesitation or fear in the wizards presence.

Mikilos glances up with a mix of annoyance and a smile. "I -am- eating. See? Spoon, mouth, chewing, swallow." There's a slightly weary edge to the words. Cryo obviously isn't the first to encourage the elf to eat. "I'm fine, really. Just a side effect of the magic eating plague. Anyway you look.... older? What have you been up to?"

"Well aren't you the sweetest flatterer?" Cryosanthia says, leaning to tap Mikilos' nose. She takes off her left glove, shows a snowflake scar on the back of it, puts her glove back on. "Living my life. At home with Salina. This is the new me. The old me."

Mikilos frowns at the scar, sitting up. "...Kol? What happned?"

"Well, remember how I used to be afraid a wizard would lock me up and experiment on me again?" Cryosanthia asks, standing straight, very tall. Her body language is quite different from a few days ago, anyone familiar with the fae queen might see a strong influence. The sith-makar smiles, it's still a cold and alien smile, now in a different way. "It turns out there was a very practical solution to eliminate the fear. Find one and give myself over."

She exhales, rubbing at the side of her head, around the base of a horn. "Understand, this is both a very long time ago for me, and I think, three days for everyone else, and that my memories of what happened between then and now are very... dreamlike, yes. Hard to grasp, fading, nonsensical. I do remember things. Everything before I left is quite sharp still. So the simple explanation is we thought something was in the Alexandrian water supply, did a few experiments. The first went well, the second, with more went very badly. I was infected. Salina showed up. I offered to go with her and she accepted."

Mikilos snorts softly and rolls his sleave up, his own snowflake scar on his shoulder. "I'm quite aware how she impacts memory. Not a solution I'd recomend or endorse, but seems to have worked. Somewhat curious side effects, but i suppose there's always something."

"I know." Cryosanthia nods, "I spent a lot of time with her. A lifetime. A human one. I still have centuries more of sith lifespan, Zeke tells me, but I gave up a chunk. I believe I enjoyed my time there, it feels like I did. When I left with her, my plan was to spend as long as possible to find ways to remember things she couldn't erase."

She dips her nose upwards, "Oh. Kol did attack the Soldier's Defense about five-day ago for you, and there is something in the cisterns. Universal Magic that turns into the ooze. Cast on the water from your pipes, you'll likely get one."

Mikilos nods. "They infected the water long ago. I was of the impession it had been cleared out, but might have been tainted again in the meawhile." the elf sighs, and rubs absently at his temple. "Should have meet with the Quen of the solstice, more likely to listen then, but was still infected." He frowns mildly. "And I need to check up on the Tower before spring training begins."

"I'm quite at home in towers now, would you be willing to show me around?" Cryosanthia asks. "Shaman Zeke has created maps, tracking the attacks, the disappearances, and demon appearances. They congregate around the cisterns. I'm not sure if that is news to you, it did seem to be to everyone else when we revealed it."

Mikilos considers and nods. "Sort of knew. I'm not surprised by the news, at least. This whole mess started with people getting sick and the cisterns being investigated. I didn't get involved until Kol showed up and started grabbing people, so sort of skipped over the details of the tainted waters." He sighs and peers around vaugely. "As for the tower, you're welcome to come along, but it will be a few days. I'm not up for a trip to Llyranost just yet, and certainly not to a marsh. I should hurry though, before the mosquitos get too thick."

"I'm not sure I'm strong enough for that yet. The return trip was quite a fall. I'm staying at the Soldier's Defense right now, resting. Shaman Zeke visits me often." She smiles again, sounding wistful. Cryo blinks, her eyelids an off-white in a palest blue direction, a natural eyeshadow. "I wish you had been there then, those years ago. I'm still confident I made the right choice, hopeful my plan worked, but there is doubt that I was rash. Wiser eyes and a cooler head would have helped. Oh well."

Cryosanthia doesn't sound emotionally invested in what she's saying, almost as if she is narrating. A side effect perhaps of being around fae. "This one misses Am'shere now. I used to be very at home in a swamp. Even an Alexandros one would be nice, a swamp-light."

Mikilos smiles mildly. "Llyranos marsh, and I suspect is quite a bit different. High in the mountains, nothing but jagged rocks and tall grass. Wet grass. Likely still frozen, but starting to thaw." "Interesting..."

Cryosanthi stands there, still. Her tail has hardly moved at all and her hands have stayed resting on the front of her robes. She stares, unblinking, perhaps attempting to imagine a cold marsh, one without trees. "My apologies. Geography is not a strength. This one is happy to see you Mikilos. I want to be better acquainted. I was wondering if you would allow me access to your library, and do you have notebooks? I'm looking for a certain kind."

Mikilos perks slightly, and nods. "My library is open to the public. I have quite a number of notebooks. Journals and diaries, mostly. What exactly are you looking for?"

Cryosantha smiles, a smile that raises her eye ridges and gives her a slightly startled look. It's almost comical. When she speaks, she sounds amused. It's very muted, but the sense of some kind of joke is there. She also shrugs, "I don't know. The one I like the most. Let me see them, and the one that feels best is what I'm looking for. I can't explain it any better."

Mikilos quirks a brow, but shorgs and nods. "Well, you're welcome to browse, and see if anything catches your fancy. If you do find any sort of citeria, they are organized, though I can't say is a great system. the random rambelings of a random assortment of random people proves quite difficult to organize."

"I'm sure it will be fine. I used to be quite random. It will be nice to experience that again. She is, very ordered." Cryosanthia says, trailing her hand on the counter. "Did you know I tried to get her to laugh? I remember that. The woman has no concept of humour. Less than Azog or a war-golem. A machine. I spent ten years setting up a joke, gave up when it failed. It still frustrates me."

Cryo doesn't sound frustrated. She sounds withdrawn, distant. Suppressed. "Recalled it all in a dream. Because of the 'uhn' of it all. Where are the books?"

Mikilos points towards the left of the shop. "Back door there, follow the hallways around the corner, door on the right. Or can take the other door there, go though the workshop to the back door, which opens across the hall from the library. Out the back of the library is the othr hall, keep to the left and will take you around to the ballroom if you care to visit thre again. I don't think is anything scheduled, so you're free to use it as you like."

She nods, taking it in. Cryo moves over to where the journals, notebooks and diaries are and commences browsing them. First it's a very orderly across and down perusal, removing a few to examine them, placing most back while leaving a couple angled outwards for revisiting. Her second sweep is a lot more random, and she also seems much more sith-like in her decisions. She sniffs the books, rubs the covers and the paper. Her tail wags. At least once, she looks like her 'old' self, gleefully hunched and licking a spine. A final review, standing back, very straight, very precise.

The one she licked is the one she chooses. "This one please. I have already selected a writing material. How many coins?"

Mikilos blinks. "...they're.... not for sale. You're perfectly welcome to read it, copy it, can likely have a copy made for you if you prefer. If there's a specific need I might be willing to part with the original, but would want a copy first."

The library is filled with journals other people have written. Typically in far away places long ago. Cryo has selected at random, the journal of a baker living in Char, 200 years ago.

Raw materials aren't something typically stock in the store, everything tends to be custom made. There are a few blank notebooks in the library.

"Oh, of course." Cryosanthia nods, "I'll go to the library now and make notes. I appreciate this. I hope you get better, you still suffer the plague?"

Mikilos shakes his head. "Cured, again, but not yet fully recovered. I feel fine, but get tired far sooner than I used to. I hope regular meals will help, but when it comes to magical side effects, it's hard to say how things will all work out."

Cryosanthia nods, blinking once. "That's true. I hope they resolve well."

She drifts off towards the hallway. "I'll be some time."

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