Untended Graves (Part 4)

From Tenebrae
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Log Info

  • Title: Untended Graves (Part 4)
  • Emitter: Subduction
  • Place: Subduction's Trench - Green Gate
  • Summary: As the party tries to puzzle out what happened here, Karasu spots giant flies gathering outside the cave. The group dashes out of the cave and make short work of the flies. They discover the shallow grave they passed contained the body of the gravedigger, who appeared to be married to the woman discovered to be a ghast in the cave. How and why they became the way they were is a mystery that will go with them to the grave.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  At a glance around Subduction's Trench  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Karasu               5'9"     125 Lb     Human             Male      Clearly a man of Xian decent with dark hair and eyes.                      
Ravenstongue         5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                       
Skielstregar         7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A silver/bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.                           
Telamon              5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes                       
Vaera                7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A tall, dark red Makari with a metallic leg.                              
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Subduction                                                           Eating Continental Shelfs                                                  

And so, the party split up- Karasu drew the short straw of guarding the entryway while the rest of the group delved deeper in order to root out any remaining ghouls within the cavern. Having slain the last of them, the group are now busy examining what remains- they have found what seems to be a wedding band on the finger of the Ghast, and have been discussing just what that may mean.

Aside from the dripping of water and the adventurers themselves, the caves are now quiet.

Having memorized the inscription, Telamon replaces the ring on the finger of the slain ghast, before carefully peeling off the gloves he wore and depositing them into a pouch. "I think," he says quietly, "We might want to check that turned earth outside the cave. I'm not saying it'll be pleasant, but... it might shed a little more light."

Skielstregar takes a moment to catch his breath after letting loose once more, him kneeling off to the side and tending to his wounds. "Asss much asss thisss one doessssn't wisssh to do that... it may be for the bessst. We can alwayssss return them," he tiredly huffs, tying off a bandage around his midsection.

"Why return the ring to the finger?" Vaera asks after watching Telamon. "We are burning the bodies most likely, and if it is a ring from someone's husband or wife, it should be returned to them."

"We should unearth whatever is there. If it has something to do with these creatures, then we may leave, only for the problem to return, and accomplish nothing. I do not wish to do it, but we need to know."

Ravenstongue nods to Telamon, her eyes lingering for a moment longer on the ghast. "I wonder," she says quietly, but she doesn't speak the rest of her thought out loud.

At least not until she looks back at Telamon. "You don't think maybe her spouse turned her into this, do you? She's different from the rest... Maybe she was sick, or died accidentally, and her spouse dabbled in necromancy to try and bring her back."

<OOC> Subduction says, "Karasu, give me a perception check for keepin watch at the entrance."
GAME: Karasu rolls perception: (6)+6: 12

Telamon stands. "If I'm wrong, we can always remove the ring prior to burning the corpse. I kind of hope I'm wrong. People... do foolish things when they're in love." He tosses the others a wry grin. "And despair can drive a person to do truly terrible things. I won't condone it, but... I can understand it, somewhat. No one wants to answer the question of 'what would you do?'."

Karasu stands at the entrance, keeping a weather eye out for anything unusual. Wuya keeps him company, the raven occassionaly glancing at him rather than keeping watch so that Karasu is constantly distracted by the bird. He doesn't note anything unusual, possibly due to his preoccupation with his companion.

Skiel sighs softly. "... burning them. Yesss," he agrees hesitantly before rising to his feet, the flow of ichor stemmed for now. He gestures to the group towards the way out. "If there'sss nothing elssse here, let usss return. We shan't wassste daylight."

"We should go," Ravenstongue says, although she offers Telamon a little grin of her own on the note about love. She takes his hand and walks to the entrance of the cave.

By the time Karasu notices the buzzing noise, they are already emerging from the woods across from the cave's entrance- giant flies, each the size of a dog. Their wings a blur of motion as they carry the bloated bodies aloft, their segmented insectoid eyes bulbous, their heads twitching this way and that. They do not initially seem particularly interested in Karasu, although they do seem to be making their way towards that patch of turned earth they passed on the way in.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Subduction has dropped a TIMESTOP!


The giant flies continue on their rout, passing Karasu and the cave entrance by for the time being- their probosci twitch and salivate as one of them alights on the ground near the turned earth. The others remain in the air, hovering a few feet above the ground, but all of them approaching that suspicious spot.

<OOC> Karasu sends Wuya in to call to the others and Karasu kinda hides by the entrance to see what the insects are up to.
<OOC> Subduction says, "Give me a stealth roll, and pose it."
GAME: Karasu rolls stealth: (16)+10: 26

Karasu notes the insects at last and ducks as close to the walls of the entrance as he can, using the shadows and stone for cover before murmuring a command to Wuya which sends the raven inside the cave. Wuya wings away, but doesn't get far before calling a warning to those in the interior that there is something wrong outside. Even if no one else understands, the warning tone of the raven should be enough to motivate the group into a quick exit.

More buzzing of wings as the rest of the flies draw nearer to the grave, two more land next to it, and pad closer on their insectile feet. One of them trails its proboscis along the ground, leaving a slimy trail of digestive enzymes.

Telamon hears the caws of Karasu's raven, and scowls. "Oh hell... it's always something, isn't it?" He begins running back towards the entrance, though he slows well before it, unwilling to simply dive outside into the teeth of whatever might have gotten Karasu's attention.

Skielstregar starts ambling back to the entrance, but echoing caws and Telamon taking off makes him sigh and break into a jog down the narrow tunnels. "Look alive," he huffs as he passes by people, weapons clanking armor clanking with every step.

GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (15)+2: 17
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (18)+2: 20

The flies twitch and look this way and that, at one point one of them seems to look towards the entrance of the cavern where Karasu presently conceals himself. But they don't seem to take note of him. They continue picking at the dirt, but lack the appropriate appendages to dig particularly effectively.

Never a dull moment on an adventure. Ravenstongue rushes to follow Telamon, as she's not about to watch her significant other become splatter on the ground for whatever's coming their way.

"Snacks," Pothy says hopefully. He wants to eat them.

GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (6)+2: 8

One of the flies seems to decide that its had enough of nosing, and starts to attempt to get at whatever scent has caught its attention in earnest. It scrapes at the soil with its hooked forelimbs, slowly dragging it out of the way.

Karasu draws a dagger, uncertain if the insects will turn their attention to him anytime soon. They seem greatly preoccupied with the grave, and he is suddenly interested in it as well, but he keeps his distance. It's his job to play lookout rather than to get into a fight that he might well lose.

Vaera had discarded the body she was beginning to pull out of the caves some time ago, and sounds from the front of the cave only spurred them further on, the red makari breaking into a run and picking their way through the return path that brought them deeper into the caves in the first place.

Skielstregar hustles down the tunnel, ducting low with his halberd in both hands. When he hits the slick ground of the cave, he takes caution to not slip and fall. "Almost there!" he calls up the cave.

Skielstregar's call echoes to the entrance of the cave, and it's easy enough for Karasu to hear it. It also seems as though the giant flies have heard it as well, though. One of them that had alighted takes off again, and starts buzzing towards the cave entrance. Another, that never landed, turns and follows to investigate this new sound.

The two half-elves book it closer to the entrance of the cave, Ravenstongue continuing to linger close to her significant other. "I think this is a good excuse for another glitter dusting," she says, looking to Telamon.

Almost out of the cave now, but the going was much more difficult as they returned to the start. She could see the entrance at this point, and hear the buzzing, taking her thunderbelcher back in hand, and hoping to see the source soon enough.

<OOC> Karasu says, "Well. Sneak attack. Ten foot move forward and attack 3. I don't want them attacking our mages as they come out."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Roll your attack."
GAME: Karasu rolls weapon1: (2)+4: 6(miss)

Karasu can hear the others coming up behind him. He has no way of knowing who is the fastest on the way out, but the thought that one of the less armored individuals might be rushing toward the insects who are now gathering in front of the cave has him rushing forward with his dagger to swipe at the fly before him. The wild attack hits nothing but air, but he should have their attention now. Lucky him.

The fly which landed upon the turned earth continues digging away, scraping the loose dirt out of the way into a rough mound behind it, slowly working its way deeper into the soil.

A couple of the remaining flies begin making their way over, wings buzzing as they are lifted higher into the air to get a better view of that cave entrance where the mystery sound came from. Food? Food. That seems to be the thoughts going through what passes for their minds.

The lumbering frontline makari walks with wide steps, talons clawing into the dirt and stone to get a grip as he tries to not slip and bust tail. Now the cave narrowed again, and he's finding himself pressed against the wall as they draw near the exit.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Invisibility. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17 (tar: Skielstregar)

"Okay, big guy, I've got a plan," Ravenstongue whispers as she reaches out and taps Skielstregar on his scales, magic washing over him. "You're invisible now, so go out there and get the drop on them."

<OOC> Subduction says, "Fly 3 will attack Karasu"
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Subduction says, "And wiffs."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Fly 2 moves past Karasu, provoking an AoO"
<OOC> Subduction says, "Want to take it?"
GAME: Karasu rolls weapon1: (13)+4: 17
<OOC> Subduction says, "That hits. Roll damage."
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

One of the flies was about to buzz right past Karasu when he springs out and lunges for it. While the attack missed, it does stop the fly in its tracks- it lunges back with its proboscis, only managing to spit a glob of digestiv enzyme on the limestone wall, which fizzes lightly from the acidic secretion.

Another of the flies continues right past Karasu, leaving it open for an attack on the way.

<OOC> Vaera says, "Uh, I can't move back now, so I guess I eat an aoo to try and attack"
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (20)+2: 22
<OOC> Subduction says, "Rolling to confirm"
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (2)+2: 4
<OOC> Subduction says, "Hit but no crit."
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d6+1: (2)+1: 3
<OOC> Subduction says, "Give me a fort save, Vaera."
GAME: Vaera rolls fortitude: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+10+1-2: (19)+10+1+-2: 28
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+4+1: (3)+4+1: 8

Vaera was stopped from moving forward when one of the large flies was immediately blocking her path. The red makari attempts to back up, but finds the area occupied. With a small grunt, she steadies her thunderbelcher, which earns a strike from the large fly in the process, before they blow a large chunk of the insect out of it with a shot.

The Giant fly that had begun to claw at the dirt continues making sdteady progress, using its abdomen to shove aside the small mound of dirt growing lest it fall back into the hole as it continues to dig.

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "arcane strike, power attack, furious focus. +2 from invis"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12+2: (8)+11+2: 21 (hits)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6+2: aliased to 1d10+7+6+2: (3)+7+6+2: 18

Skielstregar blinks as his form is shimmers and vanishes. "Woah...!"

There's a source of clanking and clanging from armor moving that's unable to be seen, then a burst of glimmering figments is shattered by black ichor as the large insect is lanced through the air.

The silver makari gestures quickly. "Out, now, we can't get bottled in while Karasssu isss out there!"

Ravenstongue prepares for further combat by slinking closer to the entrance, although she hugs close to the walls of the cave, lest any flies try to strike at her.

<OOC> Karasu would like to attack 3 please
GAME: Karasu rolls weapon1: (14)+4: 18 (hits)
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

Karasu manages to wing the fly as it moves past him, and he yells a warning back to those inside that it is on its way. "Incoming!" Then he focuses on the one before him. Cutting a deeper line in its body than he'd managed in the one that passed, but he knows that he's ineffectual like this. He needs to get to the other flies before they make off with whatever they're digging up.

<OOC> Subduction says, "Fly 3 attacks back."
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (11)+2: 13 (miss)

The buzzing intensifies as Karasu slices into the body of the huge fly bearing down on him, drawing forth its coppery-scented ichor which oozes from the wound. The fly lunges again, but Karasu is too deft, avoiding the attack.

The other fly joins the first in digging, shoveling the earth out of the way. Still, neither have revealed anything yet.

<OOC> Vaera says, "In that case I'll shoot at 3"
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+10+1-3: (13)+10+1+-2: 22 (hits)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1: (12)+1-2: 11

"Thank you Skielstregar." The red makari chuffs. Vaera is able to shove her way out the last of the cave, to where the flies were active. Another shot, and one of the flies is injured badly, but is still moving.

<OOC> Karasu will attack 3 again then!
GAME: Karasu rolls weapon1: (15)+4: 19 (hits)
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

Another slash of the dagger in his hand finishes off the insect before him, and he knows he doesn't have time for a breath of relief. Instead he yells back into the cave. "They are trying to take something from the grave!" He wishes he knew what was in there that is of such interest, and is sure they will reach it soon if he does not stop them. Sighing, he steps over the bloated corpse of the bug that lies at his feet.

The first fly to begin digging strikes gold- at least, from the perspective of a fly. Amongst the dirt a pair of legs, clad in sack-cloth pants that have not weathered their time underground well, and in a state of partial decomposition. The fly wastes no time, promptly vomiting up a pool of sticky digestive goop over the exposed putrefying flesh.

Two more flies make their way over towards the cave, their fallen kin no deterrant- and perhaps triggering some instinct to go after those that are killing them. But these approach from the air, one of them a few feet up, and the other a fair bit higher still as they buzz towards the group emerging from the cave mouth.

Skiel growls as he hears Karasu's warning. Damn, must be a fresh body in there if wildlife is going for it. He runs past everyone, out into the light of day. "Shoo! Shoo!" he hisses at them, waving his ichor dripping weapon at them as he strides up.

Ravenstongue continues to navigate her way out of the cave, still hugging close to the wall. A grim look of determination sets in on her face as she hears the fighting up ahead.

<OOC> Subduction says, "Fly 1 charges Skiel."
GAME: Subduction rolls 2+2: (4)+2+2: 8 (miss)

At the flailing and yelling from Skeilstregar, the fly turns its attention towards the Sith- like a flash it takes off, hurtling through the air towards him. But in its haste, it lacks accuracy and it almost barrels straight past the Silversca.e

<OOC> Vaera says, "step to -1,1, and full attack on 1"
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+10+1-2: (20)+10+1+-2: 29
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+10+1-2: (1)+10+1+-2: 10 (EPIC FAIL) (roll to confirm crit)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+5+1-2: (19)+5+1+-2: 23
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1-2: (5)+1: 4
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1-2: (2)+1: 1

Vaera steps out more outside the cavern, and she takes aim again at one of the flies, this one threatening Skielstregar currently. Two more shots strike the creature, but a bout of retching coughs through the aim off considerably, only managing a few glancing blows

<OOC> Karasu will draw crossbow and attack 6 then. From where he is.
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15 (hits)
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d8: (3): 3
GAME: Subduction rolls 7: (2)+7: 9
<OOC> Subduction says, "You hurt it, and it falls as a result."
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d6: (2): 2

Karasu doesn't dare leave Vaera alone. It is almost invariable that she will be attacked by the insects if he doesn't provide support, so he pulls his crossbow and aims it at the closest insect, punching a hole in one of it's wing-sockets and dropping the creature to the ground.

The fly that had managed to dig up a corpse in the shallow grave near the cavern entrance presses its probiscus into the pool of ichor it previously vomited up, and begins to slurp up the partially digested meat of the decaying corpses legs.

The fly struck out of the air by Karasu lands upside down, its legs and wings twitch, and it rights itself before padding a step closer towards Karasu, one of its wings folded awkwardly and hanging limp at its side.

<OOC> Subduction says, "4 charges Karasu"
GAME: Subduction rolls 7: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Subduction rolls 2+2: (6)+2+2: 10
<OOC> Subduction says, "But wiffs."

Meanwhile, the companion that had been flying high above drops into a sharp descent approaching the crossbow wielding human. It is quick, but again lacks accuracy- its strike falls well wide of the mark and it catches noting but air.

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "Say something to the others, rage, move to 5 at -6,10 and hit it."
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "eating an aoo"
GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 10 temporary HP
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12: (18)+13: 31
<OOC> Subduction says, "That's a hit."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6+2: aliased to 1d10+9+6+2: (1)+9+6+2: 18
<OOC> Subduction says, "Oh sec."
GAME: Subduction rolls 2: (4)+2: 6
<OOC> Subduction says, "AoO wiffs"

Skiel glances back to the cave entrance and growls. "Ugh, it's... eating a body! Thisss one will-"

He shoves the other fly out of the way as he transforms yet again for a third time into his Forgotten self. Black ichor weapon cocks back. "-stop it!"


"Coming!" he snarls, announcing his intent.

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Stepping over to 1,2 and glitterdusting the flies in front of Vaera and Karasu."
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Subduction rolls -2: (12)++-2: 10 (fails, is blinded)
GAME: Subduction rolls -2: (3)++-2: 1 (fails, is blinded)

There's flies at the mouth of the cave. Ravenstongue grits her teeth as she gathers more sparkly magic in her hands. "Come on, let's get 'em both..."

And she releases it. It piles down onto the flies and it's all over them both. Especially in their eyes. Ravenstongue claps her hands together in self-satisfaction.

<OOC> Subduction says, "1 chases after Skiel, charging him again."
GAME: Subduction rolls 2+2: (10)+2+2: 14 (miss)

The fly lunges for Skiel as he mvoes away- but fails to find purchase on the fleet Sith-makar as he rushes down another of the hideous vermin. But the fly, not to be jilted, chases after him and slams into the Sith-Makar's back, though the hulking figure doesn't even feel it as the strike rings against armor.

<OOC> Vaera says, "Step to -2,0, and shooting 6 followed by 4 if they drop"
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+10+1-2: (12)+10+1+-2: 21 (hits)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+5+1-2: (10)+5+1+-2: 14 (hits)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1-2: (1)+1+-2: 0

Vaera steps back and away from the large fly as quickly as she can, and the thunderbelcher is raised again, but the stench and retching continued to leave the hunter out of breath, which threw off their aim even further.

Now nearly surrounded by insects, Karasu drops his crossbow and draws his knife once again. He doesn't dare fire the weapon so close to himself, and doesn't dare back up with Ravenstongue and Telamon right behind him. He holds the line with his weapon drawn.

<OOC> Subduction says, "6 tries to shake off blind."
GAME: Subduction rolls -2: (16)++-2: 14
<OOC> Subduction says, "And is not sucessful."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Attacks anyway."
GAME: Subduction rolls 2-4: (10)+2+-4: 8
<OOC> Subduction says, "And wiffs."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Same for 4"
GAME: Subduction rolls -2: (13)++-2: 11
GAME: Subduction rolls 2-4: (5)+2+-4: 3
<OOC> Subduction says, "And same result."

The flies have an awful lot of eyeball to cover in glitterdust, and a distinct lack of eyelids to protect them. As such, their segmented eyes are promptly transformed into disco-balls. A more appealing appearance, perhaps, but not especially useful for the flies- who continue flailing in Karasu's general direction, but don't even threaten to hit him.

<OOC> Skielstregar says, "smash 1"
<OOC> Skielstregar all the feats
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon12: (10)+13: 23
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage12+6+2: aliased to 1d10+9+6+2: (9)+9+6+2: 26

Skiel bats one of the flies out the way, twirls his halberd upside down, cratering it to the earth and impaling the insect into the ground with a wet slurch.

He spins around, galloping up on all fours towards the cave entrance as one hand slips out one of the spears in the quiver. "Almossst!" he snarls.

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Going to -1,1 and using my Wand of Burning Hands on the remaining flies."
GAME: Ravenstongue used a Wand of Burning Hands.
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Subduction rolls 3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Subduction rolls 3: (10)+3: 13
<OOC> Subduction says, "6 takes full, 4 takes half."

The quicker this fight is over, the better. Ravenstongue steps close to the fray and whips out a wand she hardly uses, casting flames out at the flies. It's a small scorching, but any bit helps in getting them down faster.

<OOC> Vaera says, "Another full attack at the flies, this time I'm going to deadly aim"
<OOC> Vaera says, "at 6 first"
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+10+1-4: (11)+10+1+-4: 18 (hits)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+5+1-4: (11)+5+1+-4: 13 (hits)
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+4-2: (9)+1+4+-2: 12
GAME: Vaera rolls 1d12+1+4-2: (7)+1+4+-2: 10
<OOC> Subduction says, "Drops 6, 4 is still up"

Able to at least take a breath for a moment, Vaera stops to load the thunderbelcher again, sending another pair of shots before they can be thrown off by another series of coughs, each impacting solidly, and sending the fly to the ground.

<OOC> Karasu will take up a defensive posture, and hold to attack if attacked. Or if the bug tries to get past him.
<OOC> Subduction says, "Tries to shake off blind."
GAME: Subduction rolls -2: (16)++-2: 14
<OOC> Subduction says, "And fails."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Attacks Karasu. Triggers held action"
GAME: Karasu rolls weapon1: (6)+4: 10
<OOC> Subduction says, "Hits, thanks to blindness."
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d6: (5): 5

Karasu waits for the perfect moment. Breath held deep in his chest as the insect hovers over him. Waiting. Waiting for it to duck down. It comes for him and he lashes out at the blind thing and it nearly runs right into his knife. He punctures its belly and his fist goes right into the soft squishiness of it. A small frown forms on his face as he pulls the weapon free and the insect falls to the ground. The ichor is carefully wiped off on a cloth that he leaves on the corpse.

Skielstregar peters out his charge by stumbling, tumbling, and slipping tail over head as he crashes to the ground in front of everyone.

The raging effects abate, and he holds a shaky, tired thumbs up from the ground. "... good job."

Ravenstongue huffs as the combat ends, putting her wand away. She looks over at Skielstregar and says, "Did you catch a glimpse of what was in that grave? What was that fly eating ?" Her concern is very evident in her voice.

"Snack?" Pothy says hopefully.

"Pothy, no," Ravenstongue replies with an eye-roll. "First it was jellified corpses, then it was souls, and now it's corpses? -- Okay, actually, you are a raven, I guess corpses aren't that far off the mark..."

"Sssaw a half eaten leg, a body," Skiel answers from the ground.

Vaera was preparing for another shot at the flies when the last of them drop, and Skielstregar does as well. She half stumbles over to where Skielstregar is, and attempts to pull him up. "We could not leave them if they were eating the bodies here. There is no knowing what would happen as a result."

"And we still need to burn those bodies. Just allow a minute or two, to get some fresh air."

<OOC> Subduction says, "I need a couple of fort saves from Skiel."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls fortitude: (9)+7: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls fortitude: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d3: (1): 1
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d3: (2): 2
<OOC> Subduction says, "Another fort save"
GAME: Skielstregar rolls fortitude: (20)+7: 27 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Subduction says, "And one more."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls fortitude: (14)+7: 21

The body couldn't very well be left as it was, half exhumed already. Besides which, who knows if it was bitten by one of the ghouls and might rise again. As such, the party make the difficult decision to finish digging it up. They find an older man- he seems to have been buried at least a couple of weeks, but there aren't any signs of injury on him. Upon reporting back at the village, a few villagers head out to recover the body and help with burning the ghouls.

The buried corpse, as it turns out, is Godbert the Gravedigger. How exactly he ended up dead and buried out in the woods is unclear, but, knowing that he is indeed dead, the watch force their way into his home to look for clues.

They discovers in his basement journals and alchemical portraits, showing a much younger man with who appears to be his wife standing in front of Godbert's Mortuary and Funeral Services. A wedding band which matches the one discovered on the ghast is also among his posessions. His seeming relationship with the ghast provokes further investigation, and it is discovered that many of the bones in the village's tomb have gnaw-marks-- like they had been picked clean by teeth. How exactly this came to be isn't completely clear, but given what mother Haley is able to tell the group about ghouls- That they can sometimes remember parts of their former lives, and they are quite intelligent, if single-minded in their hunger. And that they prefer the flesh of the not-too-recently departed to dine on, grisly possibilities swim in the imagination.

Ultimately, it's likely Godbert and the Ghast have taken the exact circumstances that lead to this state of affairs to the grave with them, but the villagers are satisfied that the ghouls have been dealt with. Mother Haley asserts that she will try to encourage them to begin cremating their dead, and the adventurers are free to head back to Alexandria and make their reports to the guild.

That evening, Skielstregar takes ill- his wounds fester and begin to smell, he becomes feverish, fatigued, and his muscles stiffen, as though rigor mortis is setting in even while he still lives. No matter how much he bathes or cleans his wounds, the scent of corruption grows worse and worse and his scales around the wounds begin to blacken and peel away. It is not until several nights later that his wounds begin to close up and heal again.


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=muhhlxex5k8