Pathfinder Resources

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What is Pathfinder?

Pathfinder is a game system that provides the underlying, general rules and mechanics for Tenebrae. Its rules are freely available through Paizo's online PRD or may be purchased in paper form through Paizo's website, Amazon, or local booksellers. If you've heard of Dungeons and Dragons, then you should be familiar with the concept: there are wizards and rogues and even paladins.

In sum, we're a storytelling-MUSH that just happens to run Pathfinder, so it helps to be familiar with how it works.

If you're new to Pathfinder, or Tenebrae, start with our Introduction to Tenebrae. It walks you through making a character, as well as many basic concepts. The rest you will want to learn as you go.

How is It Different from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5?

Pathfinder is best summarized as Dungeons and Dragons 3.75. Think of it as a "smoothing out" of 3.5, published by Paizo. It keeps much of the OGL licensing, and is intended to be backwards compatible. Pathfinder's available in PDF or hardback through Paizo and through retailers like Amazon. We don't require you to purchase it to play, however. Like 3.5 before it, the rules are available online. The following links may be useful in converting your PC, running plots, finding a copy of the rules, or just for general information.

Despite running Pathfinder, we are not an Online Tabletop Game, nor a MMO. Tenebrae is instead a more immersive, roleplay-based environment and the experience is intended to be quite different, while still maintaining the elements that make Pathfinder fun. Be sure to check out our New to Tenebrae page.

Some of the more notable differences between 3.5 and Pathfinder are a smoothed-out skills system, and (at least we think so) more interesting, option-filled base-classes. That said, an abyssal-blooded sorcerer is a human (or other race) with an edge of taint, not a demon with spikes and tail, so be sure and read theme.

If you're familiar with 3.5 and want a more to-the-point breakdown between the two, check out Paizo's 3.5 to Pathfinder Conversion Guide.

List of Resources

|- style="background: #8dbdbd; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold;" | colspan="2" | Getting a Copy of the Rules |- style="background: #D3E3E3; font-weight:bold; border: 1px;" |Source |Why Use It? |- | Paizo's SRD Site for Pathfinder | Paizo's official copy of the rules, available online. This contains items we do not use, though might in the future. |- | Paizo's Pathfinder Errata Site | When Paizo changes something, they list it here. |- | Unofficial Core-Only Pathfinder PRD | Good for starting out. Core material only, but simple to navigate or bookmark. |- | Community-Run Wiki | A PF wiki that contains PRD as well as 3pp material. |- style="background: #8dbdbd; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold;" | colspan="2" | Tutorials and Help |- style="background: #D3E3E3; font-weight:bold; border: 1px;" |Source |Why Use It? |- | Understanding CMB and CMD | How do combat maneuvers work? Here's the basics. |- | Understanding Grappling | Grappling is a type of combat maneuver. Here's how you do it, step-by-step. |- | Understanding Poisons | Poisons are deadly in PF. Here's how they work. |}