Never Safe

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Clearer, brighter days are a pleasant reprieve: from the chill winter, from the gloomy rains and fog, and from other cold and/or oppressive concerns. It also makes outdoor dining and gathering -far- more comfortable for those wishing to get away from the same enclosed spaces.

Thus, it is a lunch date, at one of the market cafe's. A table for two, with tea that neither Auranar nor Verna needed brew; food that neither needs to cook; and, of course, potential pastries that Verna can only blame herself should she choose to indulge.

Auranar is wearing a bright pink dress with a matching shawl that shades to purple at the edges. It's not quite warm enough to go about without some kind of covering, but the idea of wearing a heavy winter coat with spring finally in the air... Is hard to be borne. The wild elf has been waiting patiently for the tea to cool, and she lays her hand over the top of the cup for a moment, testing to see how hot it is and flashes a smile to Verna at her side. "Finally cool enough to drink! I'm eager to try this blend, I think it will go smashingly with the lemon pastries we ordered."

Due to the shining sun, and the occasion, it is only appropriate that Verna has donned a sundress; her favorite (or only) in bright yellow with blue floral accents. It is yet a bit chilly for bared arms and legs, but a bit of magical indulgence ensures she is comfortable. "Indeed," Verna agrees, returning the smile, "I expect all shall be most delightful." She pulls her own cup nearer, though her attention remains more upon her wife than tea nor seeking arriving servers with sweets. "If nothing else, the scenery and company are splendid." In many ways, this outing feels much needed. Overdue.

Auranar tries the tea, just the barest edge of warmth touching her lips to ensure that it is not too hot to drink unexpectedly in spite of her testing, followed by a much larger and pleased drink. "Indeed. We needed this. A nice, quiet day together without the need to worry about-" She coughs, looking at the tea. "That tastes a bit odd..."

Without thinking, she tries the tea again, a smaller sip this time and looks at Verna in puzzlement. "Does it taste a bit fermented to you?"

"We did. We do. You.. we deserve this," Verna's smile widens as Auranar put Verna's own thoughts to voice. The cough and question cause a moment of perplexion before she lifts her own cup to take a sip for tasting and evaluation. As she mulls over it, she wonders aloud, "Is it a new blend, perhaps?"

As Verna tries the tea, a waitress comes up to the pair and offers a smile to Verna. "Afternoon ladies. A gentleman paid for your meal and tea, and wished for me to pass this message off to you." She sides it across the table toward Verna and walks away simply.

Meanwhile Auranar looks a bit pale, her expression displeased. "If it is, I don't think I like it very much. It tastes like iron and alcohol. I didn't expect this from a blend that was supposed to be largely minty."

GAME: Verna rolls fort: (12)+17: 29

Verna begins to frown as she clucks her tongue at the ...after-taste(?) and puts her cup down. "I do not like this, either." The server is a timely surprise and Verna is about to note her concerns of the tea when she is preempted by the statement, and message. She blinks. A glance is made to the departing server, Auranar, her cup, then the message, in order. "Leave the tea be, love," Verna now urges firmly as she reaches to snatch up the message left to read it. Perhaps it is simply another surge of paranoia. Please let it simply be a matter of excessive concern.

It's no hardship on Auranar's part to set the cup down, she looks vaguely ill at the flavor and she eyes the note herself. "What are you thinking? That someone spiked the tea with wine as a joke?"

The note itself is short and simple, written in neat but slightly flourished letters. 'See how easy she is to get to?' Is all it says.

Verna does not obscure the note from her as she reads. Twice. It is left upon the table for Auranar to read, as well; as opposed to crumpling it up, it seems, as she instead clenches one fist next to it. "I do not believe this is a simple jest nor harmless prank, dearest." Her words are low; both in volume and timbre. "We must presume that I am yet a target, which makes us both a target."

Yes, she may yet simply be paranoid, but there were, and possibly are, things out to get them. To that end, she forces her clenched hand to relax to rest upon Auranar's, the other reaching for her Scales and the gesturing. Her next words are clear as she invokes "The Harpist cleanse your flesh to match the purity of your soul." Verna could be wrong. Verna would prefer to be. She would also ever err to the side of caution where her family is concern.

GAME: Verna casts Neutralize Poison. Caster Level: 19 DC: 21

Verna drops the note and rather than try and read it over her beloved's shoulder, Auranar takes it up then and reads it. Three times. Just for good measure. She's not surprised then when Verna casts a spell on her, just to be safe. "One for you too Verna, just in case. You tried the tea too." She looks back down at the note and frowns. "Damn them!"

Verna cannot fault Auranar for the frown, and it only deepens her own. That, and perhaps also, "I cannot repeat it just yet, but I can and shall after we return home." She did pack light for the date: dresses are not known for pockets, and her sparkling satchel does not universally accessorize. She takes a wary glance around. "It is obviously not wise that we linger, regardless." Her frown then softens somewhat and Auranar's shoulder is touched. "I am sorry, love."

Auranar offers a regretful look at the remaining tea and untouched pastries. She sighs, knowing that they can't trust any of it and looks at the tea shop. A frown is plastered on her lips and she nods. Wordlessly she follows Verna out of the shop, but by the time they are halfway home she is clearly upset. "How are we supposed to go back there Verna? That was one of my favorite tea shops and now..."

Verna does not need be prompted by Auranar's expression to mirror it: her frown has been present ever since. She clutches Auranar's hand firmly and move purposefully yet short of a rush. For a change, her eyes now seem to look most everywhere -but- her wife beside her: the path ahead, those behind, every passerby... "It is only reasonable that followed us there, as it could not have known in advance. It may still follow us..." Her frown deepens. "I should not have left the possible tainted products there..." Someone else might sample them unawares, afterall.

This may be one reason she pauses her steps and exhales a sigh. The other may be that she now finally focuses fully upon Auranar. "I believe the shop will be none the worse, dearest. It was not the point of interest. Now that we are no longer present..." Her brow wrinkles further and her frown alters slightly as it shifts thoughtful.

Auranar clearly has her own thoughts on the matter. Her brow furrowed and her frown unwavering. "I hope you're right Verna." She sighs, starts on toward the house again only to stop and look at Verna worriedly. "Should we go back and get the pastries? So that they can be disposed of properly?"

Now that she realized that oversight, and moreso voiced it, it would be irresponsible to do otherwise. "We should," she nods. "Too many have I put at risk already. I would see to it myself, but I do not wish you anywhere than by my side, love." _Especially at this moment_ is left unstated, though her look softens briefly to be somewhat apologetic. A reversing of course, then, to head back. Verna's thoughtfulness resumes, now with the addition of a separate thread kicking herself for leaving the food and drink as it was.

They arrive just in time to spot a waitress cleaning up their table and Auranar immediately steps in to apologize and explain that they'd like to take everything home after all. That they had thoughtlessly left things behind. Her explanation draws a wry smile from the waitress who is more than happy to box up the pastries and offer a waterproof container for the tea. Auranar accepts both and tips the waitress heavily for her troubles. Their meal may have been paid for but being generous has never served her wrong.

She gathers up the containers once the waitress has left, and begins the path once more back to their residence.

Verna also thanks and apologizes to the server profusely, and assists as needed. However, as with the trip, she is exceptionally aware, or rather WARY, of their surroundings. This continues, as before, as they resume their trip back home, now with their left-overs. She is otherwise quiet for the majority, until she voices, "I do not know which is worse: that it may follow us, us even now or my -concerns- that it follows us even now... If its intent is to worry me, it succeeded."

Auranar offers her hand to Verna. "It worries me too." Her smile is a faint thing, but it is given anyway to the woman that holds her heart. "But we can't let this thing eat away at our life Verna. I won't let it chase us into our home to hole up like we're trying to weather a storm. I refuse to be afraid all the time."

"Nor shall I," Verna gives her hand a brief squeeze. The hint of smile is returned, though it is perhaps even more superficial than Auranar's might be. "We deserve to not live in fear, nor cower in our home," she concurs as her eyes shift to the path before them. "To that end, I consider acquiescing to his request. To accompany it to Charn, if that is even its actual intent. Nothing more." The statement is difficult enough without leading Aura to presume anything more than that.

The wild elf stops mid-step, stumbling a little and rounding on Verna in aghast. "What?" She stares at her wife in disbelief. "Dear Vardama _why_? No. Don't answer that. You realize, that if you go to Charn they will absolutely try to force you to marry him. Don't think that I don't know anything about those Charnese weddings Verna! You don't even have to _agree_ to the marriage for them call it official." She frowns. "No. You are _not_ going to Charn, and you are _not_ going to do anything with this Daechir fellow but to help Dolan shove a sword in his chest!"

Verna was aware it was far from an ideal option, and that Auranar would certainly not be fond of it. Even so, she visibly winces at the response. "That was no man that came to our home, love. Our home! Even if we wished to weather this there, we could not. What is to keep it from striking again? Yes, we hunt it, but we must find it, first. What would you wish me do, love?" It is an earnest question and not rhetorical.

After a breath, she adds, "What interest does a fiend have in marriage? How did it know of a House I do not support, a name I do not use? I do not, for a moment, believe words of betrothal to be anything more than a ruse." As if this might be reassuring in some manner.

Auranar deflates somewhat but stubbornly shakes her head. "If they don't want you for that then they just want you for something worse, and that's something I don't even want to think about. Have you ever considered that this is their goal? They take the time and effort to make us feel threatened so that you will do what they want. They want you out of the picture, they want you for _something_. I'm not willing to give it to them; so you just shake that thought right out of your head Verna!"

Verna opens her mouth, yet nothing emerges initially. A moment latter, a breath is exhaled before she closes it. Auranar is not wrong. Has she ever been? Bias notwithstanding, Verna cannot think of such a time. She nods, frown melting to something far more neutral, even admonished as she accepts this truth. "Yes, dearest. You are correct, as ever." She pauses anew to consider. "There are better options, and they are in progress. I am ... not very patient when your safety is in the balance."

Without hesitation Auranar steps forward and embraces Verna. "I know. But you must think as if our positions were reversed. Would you let me be carried off to be married to another by demons? Would you let me take such risks? I think not. And I will not allow you to do such either."

As much as she winced a moment ago, Verna melts into the embrace as most concerns vanish, for the moment. "No, I would not allow you to do so, nor anything to force you to. Forgive me. I considered all only from the other aspect; I know you would not hesitate to risk yourself for my well-being." She has already witnessed that, afterall... and, in all ways that matter, yet again at this moment. Perhaps every one since, until this is resolved.
