Arvek Nar PC Badge
Family Heritage:
From where did your family hail? Are they survivors from Blar, immigrants from other landscapes?
Military Role:
An arvek's role within the military is sort of like profession or caste among other races and cultures.
Your Faith
The Dawn:
Your views on the Arvek's march forward. How does it affect you, if at all?
{{Badge-Title|Arvek Nar PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Family Heritage}}From where did your family hail? Are they survivors from Blar, immigrants from other landscapes?
{{Badge-Entry|Military Role}}An arvek's role within the military is sort of like profession or caste among other races and cultures.
{{Badge-Entry|Faith}}Your Faith
{{Badge-Entry|The Dawn}}Your views on the Arvek's march forward. How does it affect you, if at all?