Bloodrager PC Badge
What bloodline augments you? How does it manifest? Does it alter your appearance, attitude when such power is tapped?
The Fury Inside:
How does your bloodrage manifest? What drives you to achieve feats of nearly impossible strength?
Fighting Style:
Be it with the largest weapons man can wield with overwhelming force, or a spinning flurry of death, what implements of war are used, and why?
Inner Power:
The source of your magic comes from within. What kinds of spells do you use? How does it manifest?
{{Badge-Title|Bloodrager PC Badge}}
{{Badge-Entry|Bloodline}} What bloodline augments you? How does it manifest? Does it alter your appearance, attitude when such power is tapped?
{{Badge-Entry|The Fury Inside}} How does your bloodrage manifest? What drives you to achieve feats of nearly impossible strength?
{{Badge-Entry|Fighting Style}} Be it with the largest weapons man can wield with overwhelming force, or a spinning flurry of death, what implements of war are used, and why?
{{Badge-Entry|Inner Power}} The source of your magic comes from within. What kinds of spells do you use? How does it manifest?