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<OOC> Percival says, "is everyone ready?"
<OOC> Conjan is good to go.
<OOC> Ranth says, "Yep"
<OOC> Selerik says, "Sure, hit us with what we're doing."
<OOC> Zippo says, "Ready!"
<OOC> Rhar is ready for anything. Or something.
<OOC> Charlotte is ready.
<OOC> Stirling says, "Ready."

A flyer begins appearing about the town of Alexandria, it's a request for anyone that feels they can hold themselves in a tough spot to help a merchant make a delivery to the next town.

Help Wanted! 

Need hired hands to give security for an important shipment. Due to recent attacks along the roads that the delivery is required to travel, hired hands must be able to handle themselves in battle as safe delivery is extremely important. Any that are interested should show up at gate near the city entrance to speak with the merchant Davrius Album at sunrise.

Not many people seem to be paying attention to the flyer, as some people have been spreading rumors about attacks along one of the highways leading out of town. The delivery has to leave tomorrow morning, so anyone interested would need to prepare and show up at the gate to meet Davrius

Zippo isn't about to ignore a call like that. Adventure! Excitement! The chance to possibly blast things into puddles of goo! What more can one ask for? In any case Zippo is there at sunrise, a worryingly manic sort of smile on the goblin's face. Moreso than usual.

Ranth shows up around sunrisish with a grouchy expression on his face.
Right about Sunrise, a woman with long blonde hair, long greaves and gauntlets appears as well. Apparently this woman is here to mee up with Davrius as well. The only visible weapon she has is a saber, with a basket hilt at her side. Her hair is made up in a braid as well, to keep her hair out of her face.

"Looks No, I missed..." The khazad walks quickly down the way towards this Davrius' place. He holds a mirror (not four inches across) in front of him, and is messing with his beard. He gives the braids a yank or two before tucking the mirror away, and then stops near the gate. "H-Hello? I'm here to see...Dav'rus. Dav'rus?" ...he pulls out the flyer to check it again.

For at least one person, it isn't the help wanted that is as interesting as the direction. Selerik looks over the flyer thoughtfully, taking note of where to be and heading in that direction. Another day at home on the road, and some entertainment besides.
 Adventure? Nah but a job Stirling will do. The broad Arvek shows up with massive polished chrome gauntlets and a strange riffle like device over his shoulder. "'ello" is all he mutters around a thick cigar.

Davrius is there , and he turns out to be a old human whose grey eyebrows fell down over his his eyes partially causing him to squint to see any details about you. He's standing next to a wooden carriage with two horses in front of it. "This is more people than I had hoped of showing up, my name's Davrius. The cargo that we're hauling is extremely fragile, so it's important that nothing happen to the cart. We'll be taking some out of the way trails, so be sure you are ready from anything. Are you?"

The khazad who had been holding the mirror (it's now tucked in his pocket), nods once. He wears an impractical set of white leggings and top, the cut crisp and precise, and too-pale against his already blond hair. "Truth will light our path," he says. Gruffly. He can sound gruff. And manly! He is a khazad.

Charlotte says, "I shall do my best, sir. But I'm sure I'll be ready." She says looking towards everyone else. She doesn't look too hard at the cargo, especialy since Davrius said it was fragile."

Rhar doesn't go past the stone cliffs that hold people very often. She doesn't stare at strange stick pictures much, either. But she does listen to travellers, and is on the road alot. And she hears they need help, and help the pack is what the pack does! She and Gurr get as close to the stone walls as they feel comfortable with, and wait. They take turns chewing on a rabbit leg while they wait.
"SCIENCE is always ready for anything!" Zippo declares, brandishing some of his terrifying machinery.

Ranth seems to size up everyone's garments and armor, taking mental notes of interesting stylistic touches

Stirling nods to Zippo. "Science indeed." he has fewer gadgets but most are large and gleaming with chrome.
After listening to the responses he nodded, and with a large smile on his face he gratefully responded "Good, you all look like you can handle yourselves. Can't have no alley waifs that wouldn't know the back of end the sword from the front. If you're ready to go, then we go, I got 'nuff supplies 'n food fer everyone to have eats fer the trip there. I ain't comin' back any time soon, so ye'll have to make yer way on yer own." He sniffs and pulls his jacket closer to him. "But fer someone that can handle themselves you shouldn't have a problem, right?"

<OOC> Charlotte says, "RHAR! XD"
<OOC> Conjan :D
<OOC> Rhar!

Conjan stares hard at the strange gobber who looks like and not unlike a bizarre and byzantine being from some other plane, a mechanical spider with a gobber's head who... 

His eyes bug out a little bit.

"Uh..." he says. The khazad-in-white clears his throat a few times and turns back to look. And you know. Just...nods. Nods.
If everyone is in agreement, Davrius sits in the front of the carriage and moves the horses forward, snapping the reins. The road was long, they took main highways at different point, then obscure forest trails. The only thing that seems to be connecting them is the fact that they're all flat, no hills or huge ruts. It seems to take much longer than it need to, but the carriage driver was adament that he knows the road to take and emphasized that the carge was extremely fragile.

<OOC> Percival says, "is there anything anyone would like to ask Davrius, or do along the way? Davrius says the journey should last until tomorrow around noon"
<OOC> Conjan would ask if someone could use a wand of mage armor on him, if it's okay. ^^; I can pose the query IC. :3
<OOC> Conjan has the wand.
The half-Oruch in the heart design breastplate waits patiently, allowing his mind to wander a bit as the flat plains roll by.
<OOC> Zippo says, "Alas, it's not on the artificer spell list."
<OOC> Conjan says, "Artificers have to UMD wands. :/ It's sort of like tinkering with things they're not supposed to. ^^;"
<OOC> Percival says, "I'm assuming no one?"
<OOC> Conjan says, "I don't think we've got anyone who can use it. XD"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Which is ok. :3"
You say, "I mean, no one wants to do anything or ask Davrius anything on the way? I only got one answer"
<OOC> Stirling cannot.
<OOC> Percival says, "I'm sorry, that should have been ooc"

Selerik clucks his tongue against the top of his mouth, shaking his head gently. "I'm afraid I lack the talent, but with good fortune we'll avoid a fight anyway, and the magic would be wasted. Lets hope for that good fortune, yes?"

Rhar and Gurr turn to follow the others. Since that's the way they're going. They both edge up to new people so they both can sniff them. "Rhar!" Just becayse they're travelling dosn't mean she can't be polite! But then there's the poor little greenish furless wolfling! Who's caught in one of those sharp metal snapjaws! "Ah! Help get out!" She grabs ahold of the handiest not-sharp piece of Zippo and starts tugging!

He keeps a bead on the gobber, Conjan does. Is that gunpowder? Is that a spark? He nods occasionally to conversation, but somehow. Somehow. His steps end up taking him nearer said gobber on occasion, as though he felt bound to keep an eye on him. You know. ...just in CASE. He nods his thanks to Selerik, though, then speaks up. "What has you concerned? Is it something in particular?" to the man they're following.

Riding upon the wagon, Charlotte introduces herself to everyone properly, and takes a turn in walking and sitting every now and then. She doesn't want to be TOO tuckered out if problems come about, after all. Then COnjan sates the question on everyone's mind and, Charlotte turns her attention to Davrius.

"Waaaaaugh!" Zippo does not take well to being unexpectedly tugged at. "What are you doing to my SCIENCE?" He shrieks, flailing around a bit.

Davrius coughed and glanced back at Conjan. "Well, there have been rumors of some attacks on merchants in the one really knows what it is, but the carts are found dismantled and the goods gone." He glanced at the inside of the carriage, "And this small package could make things worse, from what I hear, that's why it needs to be kept safe."

Stirling eyes Zippos contraptions wearily "Have you considered more armor... and chrome?"

Ranth considers the possibility of armor that just looks sciency and doesn't actually serve any mechanical purpose. Yeah, he thinks, I could probably make that.

"Cy ance? Cy ance eat you!" It's obvious. But Rhar tells him anyway. Maybe he is a cub and doesn't know when something is eating him? She shows Cy what it feels like and bites the metal. Which doesn't taste good. So she bites it again. It doesn't taste any better that time. She goes to bite it again, but Gurr decides they should look for tastier things to eat. If the prey wants to be eaten, then Cy can keep his free meal as far as he's concern-SQUIRREL! Gurr bounds off ahead, taking Rhar with him.

The miles roll by as the day becomes older and older, and as the sun reaches the middle of its downward trek from the center of the sky a kobold stepped out in front of the carriage, as well as two on each side thirty feet away. The four on the sides held crossbow bolts. 

The kobold in front drew a spear and points it at the group, "Flee the carriage and leave everything within it! It is now ours!"

<OOC> Zippo is gonna blast the kobold.
<OOC> Percival says, "if you immediately attack the kobold, everyone roll initiative"
<OOC> Stirling says, "Drop the timestop."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "What stirling said."


        Percival has dropped a TIMESTOP!
  Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for  
  Percival to instruct you further.                                           
          For additional in-combat commands, please type: +thelp.             

GAME: Charlotte rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22
GAME: Rhar rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 16
GAME: Conjan rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 9
GAME: Zippo rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 23
GAME: Stirling rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 22

<OOC> Charlotte thinks a few of us will need HP.

GAME: Selerik rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 5

<OOC> Rhar says, "Told you it was eating him!"
<OOC> Conjan hee. :)
<OOC> Stirling says, "Yeah for hp do negative damage to people."

GAME: Ranth rolls initiative: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 18

<OOC> Percival says, "both Charlotte and Stirling have the same init"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Just use +ninit (Next Init)...the code will sort it. ^^;"
<OOC> Selerik says, "Yep"
<OOC> Conjan says, "It is a lot of commands. Take your time. ^^;"
<OOC> Percival says, "I'm sorry, I have to roll initiative and I was getting the syntax"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Take your time."
<OOC> Conjan says, "No worries."
<OOC> Selerik says, "Blame the kobold."
<OOC> Percival says, "for a group of creatures, how do i enter them into the initiative tracker?"
<OOC> Conjan says, "+jinit <name>=<init mod> can type that per creature. Or, if you have a lot, just assign them groups. Say, +jinit Kobolds1-6=4"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Groups will cut down on your paperwork, so lots of DMs will use them. ^^;"
<OOC> Percival says, "thank you :3"
<OOC> Conjan :3
<OOC> Rhar says, "Why not Kobolds 1-20?"

GAME: You roll initiative for Kobolds1-5: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 10

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 23.
      It is now Zippo's turn! Stirling is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zippo ended.

<OOC> Conjan shhh. Don't give him ideas!
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Hey Perci?"
<OOC> Percival says, "yes?"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Can ya fix our HP before we begin? or are you working on that?"
<OOC> Percival says, "fix your hp? I didn't know you took damage"

GAME: You damaged Selerik for -100 points. 23 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Zippo for -100 points. 32 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Stirling for -100 points. 31 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Conjan for -100 points. 28 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Rhar for -100 points. 26 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Charlotte for -100 points. 32 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Ranth for -100 points. 26 remaining.

<OOC> Conjan says, "It is previous scenes. ^^; That is all. :3"
<OOC> Percival says, "there :3"
<OOC> Selerik says, "Leftovers from other scenes."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Not mine. I was down 6 HP from Chargen."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Thank you."
<OOC> Percival says, "it is Zippo's turn, I don't know if he's typing"
<OOC> Stirling says, "I think we all need some."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "We're full now, Stirling."
<OOC> Stirling says, "So we are."

From afar, Conjan hat-tips. You are doing awesome, btw. I was going to ask...just ask Zippo for his actions. He'll respond ooc and you two will work it out. Then, he poses. ...this part is very table-toppy. The code just helps you keep track. ^^;

<OOC> Percival says, "Zippo? If you just tell me what you want to do here in ooc, we can work it out IC afterwards"
<OOC> Zippo says, "Sorry about that, had a phone call."
<OOC> Zippo says, "How close together are these kobolds?"

Initiative Order 
Zippo - Level 4 Artificer : 23 
Stirling - Level 3 Artificer : 22 
Charlotte - Level 3 Fighter : 22 
Ranth - Level 2 Fighter : 18 
Rhar - Level 3 Cavalier : 16 
Kobolds 1-5 : 10 
Conjan - Level 3 Monk : 9

<OOC> Charlotte says, "That was odd."

There is a kobold 20 ft in front of the carriage wielding a spear. Each side of the cart has, what you can see, as two kobolds in the brush 30 ft. away. The two kobolds on each side have a light crossbow each.

Conjan pages: Don't worry about beefing up the kobolds, btw. There are a lot of PCs here.

You paged Conjan with 'What do you mean about beefing up the kobolds?'

From afar, Conjan rests chin on arms. Oh, just applying the Advanced template or a class level or so. There's a lot of PCs here. ^^;

The kobolds standing 30 feet away are ten-feet adjacent from each other

You paged Conjan with 'I think you'll be challenged a bit'

From afar, Conjan rhar! :D

<OOC> Zippo will use a widened death ray on the kobold with the spear and the nearest one.
<OOC> Zippo says, "It's a DC 18 reflex save for half damage."
<OOC> Zippo says, "Actually, not for half. For splash damage, which is 8."

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20+1: (11)+1: 12
GAME: Zippo rolls 2d6+6: (10)+6: 16

<OOC> Zippo says, "Also, if they fail that save, they need to make a DC 18 fort save or be staggered for one round."
The mass of energy washes the kobold, eating its flesh away before it collapses as a shriveled husk.
<OOC> Conjan says, "Only the primary target risks the stagger, yeah?"
<OOC> Percival says, "what is the range? As in the description, the 4 kobolds are on each side of the cart, 2 on each side. The other was 20 feet in the front"
<OOC> Zippo says, "Actually, I think Conjan's right."
<OOC> Zippo says, "So the secondary just gets the 16 damage."
<OOC> Percival says, "it is your choice, the left front or right front are damaged"
<OOC> Zippo says, "Ah, I misunderstood the description. Right front."
<OOC> Conjan says, "Secondary gets splash, primary gets the big damage and effects I think, yeah. ...forgive. Artificer is still newish, so we are all learning it. X)"

The secondary target screams as it is also eaten away from by the magic
It falls, dead.

<OOC> Percival says, "Anything else, Zippo? :)"
<OOC> Zippo says, "That's it for me!"

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 22.
      It is now Stirling's turn! Charlotte is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Stirling ended.

"Nope, sorry." Zippo nonchalantly replies to the kobold as he presses a button on his wrist. A ray of white light fires out and sweeps over the bushes to the right, freezing the kobolds inside nearly solid. "The smart thing to do now would be to give up."

<OOC> Stirling says, "Hrm. Deathray sounds good."
<OOC> Stirling says, "Any just hurt but up?"
<OOC> Percival says, "No, both of the kobolds that Zippo struck were struck from the mortal coil by Zippo's magic"
<OOC> Stirling says, "Alright I will toadt the front ine. Its a touch attack."

GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (2)+5+1: 8
The kobolds that currently standing against you are in the Left Front and Rear, and Right Rear in relation to the wagon. All three thirty feet away.

<OOC> Percival says, "it does not hit, sorry"
<OOC> Stirling says, "I am done."

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 22.
      It is now Charlotte's turn! Ranth is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Charlotte ended.

<OOC> Percival says, "Charlotte's up :)"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "where's the closest Kobold"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "?"
<OOC> Charlotte is specifically looking for one of the crossbow kobolds.
<OOC> Percival says, "The three kobolds that are left, all currently are holding crossbows, the closest to the merchant and the horses is 30 feet to your left towards the front of the carriage"
Stirling leans out with the rifle like device to his shoulder and fires a crackling bolt of electricity rhat leaves black marks in the ground around the Kobold.
<OOC> Percival says, "Is there a save or damage?"
<OOC> Charlotte is going to go after the one 30 feet to my left then.....
<OOC> Charlotte says, "and attack too."

GAME: Charlotte rolls weapon1: (15)+9: 24

<OOC> Percival says, "A mighty hit!"

GAME: Charlotte rolls 1d6: (5): 5

<OOC> Charlotte is done.

The kobold chokes at the pain, but remains standing.

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 18.
      It is now Ranth's turn! Rhar is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Ranth ended.

<OOC> Percival says, "Ranth is up"
<OOC> Ranth says, "Did Charlotte hit the front left one?"
<OOC> Percival says, "She did, but it is still standing"
<OOC> Ranth says, "I'm going to slash the back left"

You paged Charlotte with 'You now see that they are standing next to cages hidden in the ground, they hold a large beastly animal. You see two, one next to each of the kobolds.'

<OOC> Ranth says, "What are the roll commands?"

Charlotte, with her quick reflexes, hops off of the wagon and goes after one of the kobold's with the crossbow. She's barely hindered by the armor she is wearing, and she jabs the point of her Saber into the kobold. It does a good little bit of damage, but it doesn't drop the kobold....

<OOC> Percival says, "If Charlotte wishes to add onto her pose, she can"

Charlotte adds. "FInish them quickly! They have animals with them!"

<OOC> Charlotte did. XD
<OOC> Percival says, "The one I know is +roll 1dX+Y"
<OOC> Percival says, "Describe what you want to do, others can help with the command if I don't know it."

GAME: Ranth rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

<OOC> Ranth says, "Melee"
<OOC> Charlotte does the +roll weapon1 command.
<OOC> Percival says, "Which kobold are you attacking?"
<OOC> Ranth says, "Back left"
<OOC> Percival says, "It hits!"
<OOC> Ranth says, "I think its a 1d6 plus 4"
<OOC> Conjan says, "+roll 1d6+4 :3"

GAME: Ranth rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

The dizzy kobold recoils as he's struck by your powerful swing, he still stands, glaring at his attacker.

<OOC> Ranth says, "Done"

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 16.
      It is now Rhar's turn! Kobolds1-5 is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Rhar ended.

Ranth jumps off the wagon and slashes at one of the kobolds with his claws of attack. "Give it up, chump!"
You paged Ranth with 'You can confirm what Charlotte saw, each kobold has a cage slightly dug into the ground to hide it in the brush, two cages with large beastly animals in them'

<OOC> Percival says, "Okay, Rhar! Your turn :3"
<OOC> Rhar uses Tacticiaon to give all of her new pack the Paired Opportunists feat. Gurr goes up to the crossbow kobold not already attacked. Front left? Gurr bites him.
<OOC> Percival says, "the only kobold not being attacked is in the Rear Right"
<OOC> Rhar says, "Oh. Rear right then. Don't want him to feel left out!"

GAME: Rhar rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21

<OOC> Percival says, "Easily hits!"

GAME: Rhar rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

<OOC> Rhar says, "Also trip attempt."

GAME: Rhar rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15

<OOC> Percival says, "It hits hard! Almost as hard as when his head slams into the ground from your trip!"
<OOC> Percival says, "It still lives, though barely conscious."

"Show bellies go for bellies! Show throat go for throat!" Rhar yells to everyone. "Pack is stronger than other pack!" Gurr bounds forward and locks his jaws on a kobold then worries it to the ground. Go pack!

You paged Rhar with 'You can confirm what Charlotte saw, each kobold has a cage slightly dug into the ground to hide it in the brush, two cages with large beastly animals in them'

<OOC> Percival says, "anything else?"
<OOC> Rhar says, "Done for now!"

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 10.
      It is now Kobolds1-5's turn! Conjan is next!

The two kobolds on the left will risk an attack of opportunity from their respective attackers, but in doing so will open the cages holding large beastly animals that growl hungrily

GAME: Ranth rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Ranth says, "+4 to that"
<OOC> Percival says, "The +4 makes it hit"

GAME: Ranth rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7

As the front of the cage drops, the kobold died before neither he or the door hit the ground

<OOC> Percival says, "Charlotte I believe you get an attack of opportunity on left front"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "K."

GAME: Charlotte rolls weapon1: (3)+9: 12

<OOC> Percival says, "That roll will miss, Charlotte."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "okie."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Oh wait...."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Rhar says a +4 circumstance bonus, so that would be 16."
<OOC> Percival says, "Then that will hit"

GAME: Charlotte rolls 1d6: (2): 2

<OOC> Percival says, "the kobold is struck, but still stands angrily as he finished opening the cage. He takes a five foot step away from 

The pinned Kobold in the right rear will attempt to escape his attacker

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20-1 CMB: (10)+-0: 10

The kobold is helpless underneath those sharp teeth

<OOC> Percival says, "the two beasts from the left side will join initiative next round."

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 9.
      It is now Conjan's turn! Selerik is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Conjan ended.

<OOC> Percival says, "Conjan's turn"
<OOC> Conjan says, "This is a very silly question. ...but is the spokesbold still around?"
<OOC> Percival says, "The leader was the first person to be overcome by arcane power"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Okay. XD"
<OOC> Conjan'll move to a flank with Ranth, if I can. And PUNCH!
<OOC> Conjan says, "Try to finish off that kobold. ':)"
<OOC> Percival says, "Alright, roll your attack with the flank bonus"
<OOC> Ranth says, "Didn't I kill him?"
<OOC> Conjan thought the critter was still up, but I am frequently mistaken!
<OOC> Ranth says, "As am I"
<OOC> Percival says, "Yes! You're right, on the left side it was Charlotte's kobold that stood"
<OOC> Conjan will try that one, then!
<OOC> Percival says, "Roll 'em :3"

GAME: Conjan rolls 1d20+6+2: (19)+6+2: 27

<OOC> Conjan o.O;
<OOC> Percival says, "is that a crit threat?"
<OOC> Conjan says, "It is not. :/"

GAME: Conjan rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

There is a sickening crunch that is heard as Conjan's fist shatters the bones inside the Kobold's skull. He looks terrified for a moment, then collapses

<OOC> Percival says, "Anything else?"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Nope!"

Conjan steps up. He isn't fast, being a khazad. But he's faster than /most/ khazad. And then he lands a punch. And the kobold crumples. "Truth hurts," he says. Straightfaced. And then grins at Charlotte.

GAME: You roll initiative for Hyeans1-4: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 10

<OOC> Percival says, "that's Hyeanas. Sorry."

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 5.
      It is now Selerik's turn! Zippo is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Selerik ended.

<OOC> Percival says, "Okay, Selerik"

Selerik looks around as everyone springs into action, not moving at quite the same pace himself. "Kobolds and creatures. I suppose that is almost as good as not being attacked, I don't /smell/ an ogre waiting to swoop in." He claps his hands. "Well, I'm sure you can make quick work of this. You're all talented, there simply are not."

<OOC> Selerik says, "Using Inspire Courage +1, that'll be it."

      Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 23.
      It is now Zippo's turn! Stirling is next!

<OOC> Percival says, "Zippo's turn."
<OOC> Zippo says, "Which ones are still up?"
<OOC> Percival says, "There are two Hyenas that have appeared on the left side, also about 30 feet away. To the right is one kobold, pinned"
<OOC> Zippo says, "Widened beam on the hyenas. Reflex save from both, fort save from the primary. DC 18 on all of it."

GAME: Zippo rolls 2d6+6: (4)+6: 10

<OOC> Percival says, "Before you attack, what is the width of the beam at the hyenas?"
<OOC> Zippo says, "5' in all directions. Sorry, are they further apart than that?"
<OOC> Percival says, "That it fine, but Charlotte, Ranth, and Conjan are adjacent to the kobolds which are adjacent to the cages, so if it's too big it may hit your teammates"
<OOC> Percival says, "if it is only a five feet spread, then you should be fine"
<OOC> Zippo says, "Super."
<OOC> Zippo says, "Then I do what I planned."

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20+6 Hyena 1 (primary) Reflex: (17)+1: 18

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20+6 Hyena 1 (primary) Fortitude: (6)+5: 11

<OOC> Rhar says, "I don't think all the wordy words work right."

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20+6 Hyena 2 (Secondary) Reflex: (19)+1: 20

<OOC> Percival says, "Hyena 1 and 2 pass the reflex, Hyena 1 fails the fortitude."
<OOC> Percival says, "Does anything happen aside from the 10 damage?"
<OOC> Zippo says, "Actually, since they passed the reflex, they both only take 8 damage. But primary gets staggered 1 round."

The Dire Hyenas snarl and growl in anger at the pain from Zippo's arcane power.

<OOC> Percival says, "Both are still standing"
<OOC> Percival says, "Anything else?"

"They never do the smart thing." Zippo sighs as he turns his blazing white beam onto the hyenas, giving them a nasty case of instant frostbite. "Taste SCIENCE!"

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 22.
      It is now Stirling's turn! Charlotte is next!

<OOC> Percival says, "Stirling, it's your turn."
<OOC> Stirling says, "Activate my armor fot +4 dex and fire mymy deathray."
<OOC> Stirling says, "simple ranged touch. no saves."
<OOC> Percival says, "to hyena 1 or 2?"

GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1+2: (11)+5+1+2: 19

<OOC> Stirling says, "2"
<OOC> Stirling says, "Hyena 2 that is."
<OOC> Percival says, "Hits, easily!"

GAME: Stirling rolls 2d6+3: (5)+3: 8

<OOC> Percival says, "Hit hard! But still up."
<OOC> Percival says, "Anything else?"

Stirling shakes his head at Zippo. "No use telling the dead." he vomment. The mana furnace on his back stokes to life and butns with a fierce blue glow as he syeadies his aim, releasing a bolt of lightning on the creature.

<OOC> Stirling says, "Done."

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 22.
      It is now Charlotte's turn! Ranth is next!

<OOC> Charlotte says, "So, the Kobold is dead and now I have a Dire Hyena in front of me?"
<OOC> Percival says, "Alright, Charlotte, yes that's correct. He looks angry, and hungry"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Okie dokey. So I poke it with my rapier."

GAME: Charlotte rolls weapon1+1: (16)+9+1: 26

<OOC> Percival says, "Easily hits"

GAME: Charlotte rolls 1d6+1: (4)+1: 5
<OOC> Percival says, "It snarls angrily, but is still staring you down"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Done."

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 18.
      It is now Ranth's turn! Rhar is next!

<OOC> Percival says, "Ranth's turn :3"
<OOC> Ranth says, "Is my hyena still in its cage?"
<OOC> Percival says, "Both of the hyenas on the left side were released, you managed to kill the kobold, but he flipped the latch before you could stop him"

Charlotte salutes Conjan with her saber. "We still have a hyena though." She says before readily stabbing the Hyena with her rapier. it doesn't do much damage, again, but she still hits it.

<OOC> Ranth says, "Is it out of the cage or can I flip the switch back?"
<OOC> Percival says, "You can shut the cage, but it would get an attack of opportunity against you."
<OOC> Ranth says, "I'll risk it"

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> Percival says, "Does a 19 hit your AC, Ranth?"
<OOC> Ranth says, "Yes"

GAME: Percival rolls 2d6+6: (4)+6: 10

<OOC> Ranth says, "Can I still get it closed?"

The large hyena snaps his sharp teeth shut on Ranth's hand, he is injured, but is able to fight throguh the pain and still close the cage. Now, only one Hyena is loose

<OOC> Ranth says, "Done"

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 16.
      It is now Rhar's turn! Kobolds1-5 is next!

<OOC> Percival says, "Alright, Rhar. You have a kobold, pinned on the right side. There is still one hyena free on the left side"

Ranth wrestles the cage shut as his hand is viciously mauled in the process. "Ah! My hand!"

<OOC> Rhar hits the kobold with her stick! Then maybe we can go help the others. Are there cages on the right side too?
<OOC> Percival says, "Yes, there are, but the kobolds did not have a chance to open them."

GAME: Rhar rolls melee+1: (9)+6+1: 16

<OOC> Percival says, "is that against the pinned kobold?"
<OOC> Rhar says, "Pined?"
<OOC> Rhar says, "Pinned?"
<OOC> Rhar says, "Gurr tripped it I think."
<OOC> Percival says, "Oh, yes, I'm sorry"
<OOC> Percival says, "Is that against the tripped kobold?"
<OOC> Rhar says, "It's the same one Gurr bit. Only one near me I think."
<OOC> Percival says, "It hits"

GAME: Rhar rolls 1d4+3: (2)+3: 5

The kobold gurgles, and passes out. It is unconscious and bleeding.

<OOC> Percival says, "Any other actions?"

Rhar bonks the kobold on the ground. "Cy ance taste bad! Very bad!" When it doesn't get up, she and Gurr move around the carriage towards 
the left.

<OOC> Rhar says, "Just move towards the other side."
<OOC> Percival says, "alright! :3"

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 10.
      It is now Kobolds1-5's turn! Hyeans1-4 is next!

<OOC> Percival says, "The kobolds are all dead, so..."

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 10.
      It is now Hyeans1-4's turn! Conjan is next!

Only one Hyena is out of its cage now, it stares angrily at Charlotte and attempts to bite her viciously

GAME: Percival rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

<OOC> Percival says, "An eleven hits I assume"
<OOC> Percival says, "misses*"

The hyena dances around in front of Charlotte, ineffectively snapping at her.

GAME: Percival advances the initiative order.
      Round Two - Init 9.
      It is now Conjan's turn! Selerik is next!

<OOC> Percival says, "Conjan, it's your turn"
<OOC> Charlotte has a 20 AC, 24 when moving in/out of a threatened space.
<OOC> Percival says, "Alright, I figured it would miss, just a typo :3"
<OOC> Conjan erps. X)
<OOC> Conjan says, "Can I 5' towards a flank with the one on Charlotte?"
<OOC> Percival says, "Yes, you can"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Flurry! :D"

GAME: Conjan rolls 1d20+6+2: (13)+6+2: 21

GAME: Conjan rolls 1d20+6+2: (20)+6+2: 28

<OOC> Conjan says, "...threat."

GAME: Conjan rolls 1d20+6+2: (16)+6+2: 24

<OOC> Percival says, "Natural 20!"
<OOC> Conjan boogie!
<OOC> Percival says, "Threat CONFIRMED!"

GAME: Conjan rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Conjan rolls 2d6+8: (9)+8: 17

Conjan's first strike practically lifts the hyena into the air, the second caused it to strike a nearby tree with a sickening crack of bone!

<OOC> Percival says, "Combat is currently over, all combatonts that would be in combat are currently in cages because you killed all of the threats before these could be released."

GAME: Percival removes the timestop.
Timestop by Percival has left.
GAME: You remove the timestop.

Selerik gives a small clap, then resumes sitting as he was. "Unfortunate profession, banditry. I wonder where they found the hyenas."

Ranth says, "By the gods! That mutt nearly bit off my bloody hand!""

Ranth grips his savaged hand in pain.

Conjan stares at the hyena, then his fist. For some time. Then he nods once, abruptly, as though that was exactly how it was supposed to go. Only he's you know, sort of freaked out about it.

Deep breath. "Is--" and then Ranth's gripping a bloody, mangled hand. His skin goes pale underneath the beard.

Davrius peers out from inside the cart, trembling. He looked at the group, "I-is everything okay? Are they gone?"

Charlotte salutes Conjan with her saber, before wiping the blade off with a cloth. "At least no one was hurt seriously." She says before looking to Ranth. "Flesh wound. you'll be fine." She says before looking down to Davrius. "yes, Everything's clear now, Davrius."

Davrius finishes climbing out of the carriage and then back into the coaching seat. "Let me know when you're ready, we leave at your discretion."

"Oh, relax. Science will heal you." Zippo moves over to Ranth and presses another button which sprays some sort of green foam over his wounds. It seems oddly soothing.

<OOC> Zippo is gonna CMW on Ranth.
<OOC> Percival says, "Sounds good!"

GAME: Zippo casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 4 DC: 18
GAME: Zippo rolls 2d8+4: (11)+4: 15

Ranth says, "Wow, this sciency foam really does the trick! Thank you, Zippo."

Conjan nods once. He tries not to look at Ranth's mangled fist. Looks anyway. Pales again. 

DOESN'T look as Zippo Sciences the wounds back together. "..." swallow. "Let's get going," briskly. Make it extra gruff, you know. So no one notices that tiny gobbers make him want to lose his lunch.

<OOC> Percival says, "It's getting late, we can stop here, or I have one more encounter. I don't know how long it will take"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "One encounter is fine for me."
<OOC> Percival says, "that's fine."

Zippo grins and gives Ranth a thumbs up. "Don't thank me. Thank SCIENCE!"
After the fight, an investigation of the bodies reveals that there is a list of dates and shipments in the lead kobold's pouch that match the approximate dates of other carts that went missing. The guard may find this note interesting when you return to the city. In the meantime, the rest of the trip is uneventful, and the merchant thanks you wholeheartedly for helping him safely deliver the merchandise.

<OOC> Conjan says, "Yar. It is getting a little late. My dog is also giving me 'take me out or I poop' eyes. ^^;"
<OOC> Conjan says, "Thanks for running, Percival! :D"
<OOC> Percival says, "yeah, I was kind of hoping we'd call it too. I hope it wasn't too boring, I tried to make it more difficult when I had suddenly 7 people lol."
<OOC> Charlotte says, "Oh yeah. That was fun perci!"
<OOC> Charlotte says, "perci. You did great!"
<OOC> Ranth says, "Good show! I had fun"
<OOC> Percival says, "Thanks :3 I'll definitely do it again sometime"
<OOC> Zippo says, "That was a great first outing. Well done. :)"
<OOC> Rhar says, "That was fun! Thanks! I like this pack, too. Except for Cy Ance that tastes bad."
<OOC> Charlotte noms you all.
<OOC> Conjan X)
<OOC> Conjan runs away!
Conjan has left.