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(Created page with "The warmth of the day has seeped even into the normally cool confines of the Temple of Daeus. The temple itself seems to remain as it always is, but in one corner of the room, a priest is talking rather furiously with a paladin who seems quite sheepish. The paladin in question is a dark-haired man, fairly short but armored and clothed as befits a member of his order. The priest is similarly dressed, though in the robes of a priest and no hint of armor anywhere. Which mig...")
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Patch enters quietly after Dirk, her instrument case slung over her shoulder. After a few steps past the door, she takes in the words of the others before her with a twitch of ear. "So, others." she mentions more to herself. She doesn't immediately join the other group, letting a sweeping glance take in this place, finding a smile at it's interior. "Damn... so fancy." she muses.
Patch enters quietly after Dirk, her instrument case slung over her shoulder. After a few steps past the door, she takes in the words of the others before her with a twitch of ear. "So, others." she mentions more to herself. She doesn't immediately join the other group, letting a sweeping glance take in this place, finding a smile at it's interior. "Damn... so fancy." she muses.
"So, no Cor'Lana?" Patch's tone light, and eyes back on Telamon in his rather tame attire. "What is all this about?" trying to glean something from the half-sil.
"So, no Cor'Lana?" Patch's tone light, and eyes back on Telamon in his rather tame attire. "What is all this about?" trying to glean something from the half-sil.
Zyla makes her way into the temple. She hasn't really come to this temple that often. After all she is a follower of Kor. Her organization is a bit of a mercenary order and are known as such. The large female monk glances around. She had just been dropping off some contracts that were completed and is surprised to see a whole bunch of people gathering. She pauses and glances around as the robes cling to her massive form.
Zyla makes her way into the temple. She hasn't really come to this temple that often. After all she is a follower of Kor. Her organization is a bit of a mercenary order and are known as such. The large female monk glances around. She had just been dropping off some contracts that were completed and is surprised to see a whole bunch of people gathering. She pauses and glances around as the robes cling to her massive form.
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Zyla dips her head to the priest, "Of course, I wouldn't do such in here, would drag them outside first." she smiles, "Wouldn't want to damage the temple, that sort of thing tends to happen when I am around." she looks just a little abashed, but then when you hit as hard as a giant, it tends to happen.
Zyla dips her head to the priest, "Of course, I wouldn't do such in here, would drag them outside first." she smiles, "Wouldn't want to damage the temple, that sort of thing tends to happen when I am around." she looks just a little abashed, but then when you hit as hard as a giant, it tends to happen.
Patch is left staring at Zlagiman for a moment after his gesture, lips pursing as her dull-eyes take in his words. Slowly she begins to nod, turning and stepping deliberately heel to toe to draw out her retreat, and make some unspoken point. "I see, yes. Little girls should worry. It's a good thing I'm grown." though this is not as well accentuated as she'd like, as her intended destination carries her behind Seldan, whom towers a good deal over her.
Patch is left staring at Zlagiman for a moment after his gesture, lips pursing as her dull-eyes take in his words. Slowly she begins to nod, turning and stepping deliberately heel to toe to draw out her retreat, and make some unspoken point. "I see, yes. Little girls should worry. It's a good thing I'm grown." though this is not as well accentuated as she'd like, as her intended destination carries her behind Seldan, whom towers a good deal over her.
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[[Category:Fight the Dark]]

Latest revision as of 21:58, 14 June 2023

The warmth of the day has seeped even into the normally cool confines of the Temple of Daeus. The temple itself seems to remain as it always is, but in one corner of the room, a priest is talking rather furiously with a paladin who seems quite sheepish. The paladin in question is a dark-haired man, fairly short but armored and clothed as befits a member of his order. The priest is similarly dressed, though in the robes of a priest and no hint of armor anywhere. Which might suggest that he doesn't leave the temple much. "Where WERE you?"

The paladin scuffs his toe on the ground and stares at his feet. "I don't know. I don't remember." His cheeks are flushed with embarrassment and the priest seems very unhappy with the muttered response.

It's always -something-. After the other day, all Telamon wanted to was stay at home with Cor'lana and rest. The sight of the totenmaskes' victims had rattled both of them, even knowing that they'd saved three. But the note said 'urgently', and so after throwing on his clothes and kissing his fiancee, Tel had booked it, riding a ghostly, shadowy steed to the temple district.

Leaping off the 'horse', letting it dissolve into nothing, the half-elven sorcerer comes stalking into the temple, dressed casually in tunic and breeches as he looks around. "Anyone seen... uh..." he checks the note. "Brother Feldman?"

Dirk comes lumbering into the temple, reaching up to doff his tricorne. He'd left his pony and Lulu outside, as a show of respect for the place. He's no Daeusite, but he respects the power of all the gods of Light. He looks around, blinking confusedly as he looks to see if he can find the priest who sent the summons. Spying Telamon, the burly old snowbeard trundles over. "Master Telamon," he rumbles, keeping his voice hushed. "All right? They send fer you too?" He looks up and around. "Och, I surely hope it dinnae have aught tae do wi' those damned totems..."

Kard is in his armor, but deferentially leaves it at the door when he comes to pay tithes. He's come into some coin in his work for the guild and doesn't want to forget his duties. He doesn't remove the helmet though.

Not far from the main dais, there's a figure that seems out of place here. Bright hair tops full plate armor, but instead of white and gold, Seldan wears a blue and silver sorcerer's robe, sleeveless and with an open front, over it. His arms are crossed relaxedly across his chest, and he seems to be waiting for someone, minding his own business. When the conversation reaches his ears, though, he straightens and looks around, searching out its source.

Patch enters quietly after Dirk, her instrument case slung over her shoulder. After a few steps past the door, she takes in the words of the others before her with a twitch of ear. "So, others." she mentions more to herself. She doesn't immediately join the other group, letting a sweeping glance take in this place, finding a smile at it's interior. "Damn... so fancy." she muses.

"So, no Cor'Lana?" Patch's tone light, and eyes back on Telamon in his rather tame attire. "What is all this about?" trying to glean something from the half-sil.

Zyla makes her way into the temple. She hasn't really come to this temple that often. After all she is a follower of Kor. Her organization is a bit of a mercenary order and are known as such. The large female monk glances around. She had just been dropping off some contracts that were completed and is surprised to see a whole bunch of people gathering. She pauses and glances around as the robes cling to her massive form.

One of the acolytes points Telamon toward the unhappy priest dressing down the young paladin, but doesn't seem eager to escort him over. In fact the acolyte hastens away. The priest glares at the paladin and the man stares at his toes intently. "Fine, you stay here and you can explain yourself to them when they get here." The priest points to the floor for emphasis. The paladin stays put, but neither of them look happy.

Noticing a group gathering near the doorway at last the priest grumbles to himself. "Seems that might be them now." He lifts a hand toward those gathered and starts walking toward them "Are any of you Telamon, Dirk, or Zalgiman perhaps?" He seems tense even if his words and tone are pleasant enough. The paladin stays where he is, but he side eyes the exits like he might try to make good his get-away while he can.

Telamon holds up a hand, stepping forward. "I am Telamon Atlon, good Sunguard." He gestures to Dirk. "This is Dirk, as well." He regards the priest with a slightly hooded expression, trying not to let his suspicions catch up with him. "How may I be of assistance to the temple?"

"Pretty sure none of us are Zalgiman." Patch at least knowing that much as she looks between the group, and steps towards the two as they are directed. Letting others take the lead for now, but those simple words from priest and paladin enough to give clue as to this meeting, causing the bard to smile. Oh yes, she wants to see where this will go.

Although Seldan has not yet moved to join the group, and the priest, the little tableau does have his undivided attention, and his ice-blue eyes are turned that way, a tension running through his shoulders. Something is amiss.

Kard slides past the group to perform whatever orisons are part of the donation process. He shakes his head, he isn't Zalgiman. "I'm Kard."

Dirk steps up, holding his tricorne in both hands. "Aye, I'm Dirk Stormgrip," he says, nodding in agreement with Telamon. He looks back to the priest, his shaggy white brows furrowed in worry. "I received yer summons. What can I do fer yer holiness?"

Zyla cocks her head to the side a bit curiously. The giantborn leans against a wall and just watches. She is a bit curious and then might lead to something that she can sell her services for.

The priest nods seriously then looks Telamon and Dirk in the eyes. "The artifact which you donated to our care has been stolen." He looks back and motions hurriedly to the paladin behind him who looks longingly at the direction that holds the quarters and walks toward the group instead. "This young man was on duty at the time, but claims no recollection of how it was taken."

The paladin looks a bit affronted by the priests words, but when the priest looks at him balefully he merely drops his gaze. "I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what happened to it."

Lysos enters the temple somewhat out of breath. She isn't exactly wheezing when she leans forward, arm supporting her weight against the wall while the other wraps around her midriff. But calling it huffing and puffing would be somewhat charitable. It takes her a number of seconds, closer to a minute really, to catch her breath.. by the time she looks up again, her quarry has moved further in, along with others. So, of course, she immediately sets off after Telamon, having seen him ride in on his not-really-a-horse... but slows when she starts to realize that there seems to be an important meeting of sorts going on.

Telamon just stares at the priest. Then he looks around. At Dirk, at Patch... at Seldan (what the hell is HE doing here?), at Lysos who just scrambled in.

And then he lifts his hand... and slaps it across his face. A long, heavy sigh comes from his lips. For a moment, he looks like he's about to say something that would compel the priest to wash his mouth out with soap, but Tel manages to bottle it up.

Instead, he says quietly, "So it just... 'vanished'?" He regards the paladin with a cool stare. "And you don't remember?" Oddly, he doesn't sound near as reproachful as the priest.

"Wait, did you hand over the totem Telamon? And it was stolen?" Patch only having a bare bit of context to this discussion, eyes slowly drifting between the gathering group, Seldan noticed finally where he stands quietly. It's an odd scene, the bard here more by happenstance it seems. "So he is gathering men, and what.... we can assume this was /his/ doing too?"

Kard remembers something about a totem. He pauses to listen in.

Dirk's face falls at the news. It's what he was dreading, but actually hearing it is even worse. He slaps a hand to his forehead and slowly drags it down his face. "Beards o' me sweet tapdancin' -fathers-," he growls angrily. "Who might've done such a thing?" He scowls dourly up at the priest. "This poor lad got hisself head-jiggered in yer own temple! Does anyone -else- have missin' memories?" He's at least sympathetic to the poor paladin's pernicious plight.

The word _totems_ comes out, and Seldan turns from where he had seemed to be waiting for someone or something, and joins the group as well. "Brightest of days, Sunguard, Sunblade. Forgive me, but I happened to overhear. You have had one of the totems stolen?"

Deducing that now is not the best time to bother the half-human starborn, Lysos prepares herself to politely wait... until she starts catching up with the conversation going on. She momentarily meets Telamon's look, then, taking it as a cue of sorts, shuffles just enough forward to possibly be included... but leave herself enough space to grant plausible deniability if she gets asked to leave. All of that effort goes out the window, though, when she puts together what's being said. Her eyes go wide, her hand goes to her mouth to stifle a sudden gasp.

"Who's doing?" Asks a voice from behind the group. It's a man that Telamon, Dirk, and Patch at the very least recognize as Zalgiman. "What?" He flashes a grin and a polite nod to the priest. "I"m Zalgiman Joaki. You sent for me?"

The priest nods and quickly fills Zalgiman in on the theft. His brow furrows and his eyes darken. "So first this guy steals it from me, and now 'someone' has stolen it from you? Have you checked on the where-abouts of his girl? She's known for tampering with the minds of men." He glares at Telamon.

The priest holds up his hands. "Now, now-" Seldan approaches and the priest blinks in surprise, nodding his head low to the paladin. "Yes, one of the totems was given -"

"Stolen." Says the man who had just entered, interrupting the priest and scowling. He nods his head politely enough to Seldan however.

"Ah... contested over." Amends the priest. “However it is gone now, and the man in charge of protecting it remembers nothing of what happened."

The paladin in question colors at the approach of Seldan and stares like he's seen his hero in person for the first time. "Seldan? THE Seldan?" He starts forward, then looks down and suddenly breaks out. "I do remember _something_... I... I had to... Go to the bathroom." He darkens to a deep red color. "I know I should have told someone! But I've never had to go so bad in my life! When I came back... But I don't remember anything else! I swear!"

Kard says, "The totem has something to do with nightmares, right? Is... that the totem you are all talking about?"

Telamon stares at Zalgiman in a way that suggests he's measuring the man for a burial. Specifically, a cremation. Particularly after his cheap shot at Lana. "Unlikely," he says in a tone like he's biting into steel plates. The tone of contempt in his voice, however, is unmistakable.

He then turns his attention back to the paladin, and his tenor shifts with visible effort. "This would be a new tactic for them. Usually, the lycanthropic trash opt for pure infiltration. They're generally not competent to handle magics like this." He glances at Seldan. "Sir Seldan, I've been the target of a compulsion myself a time or two. This may be something similar."

Zyla is kind of curious so just stands and listens. SHe has been out of the city on various contracts so really doesn't know much about what is going on, but waits to see if there is a place that she can help.

Patch tsks to herself, ears flicking in frustration as she snaps her lips shut. Her glance just tracks Zalgiman, as he enters, struts, and asks his questions, shaking her head. Many thoughts roam to 'roostering', but for now in the man's presence the bard will bite her tongue. It's to Seldan she looks last, eyes lingering as people address him, and talk of his honors, brow raising in thought.

Seldan's fair skin colors a little at the response he gets, and he clears his throat, nodding to Telamon. "I am of that mind also. Fear not," he tells the Sunguard. "It sounds as if a spell that controls the mind was laid upon you. Such is not unusual in Alexandria, and has happened in this temple before." He blinks, narrows his eyes, and murmurs something under his breath, then scans the group. He is silent for a minute or more, but his brows crease in a frown, and he straightens, suddenly tense. "I see."

Dirk's jaw drops as Zalgiman makes his appearance. "Oh, piss up my -arse-," he grumbles. "This day's just gettin' better all the time, innit?" He scowls up at Zalgiman. He draws himself up to his full height, beard all a-bristle. "It wouldn't have -been- stolen if ye hadnae been such a sodding git an' just gave it up in the first place!" he growls. "Luck charm my fat hairy arse. You knew -exactly- what that thing was, but ye hung onto it anyway, didn't ye? An' -now- look what's happened!"

Zalgiman glares at Dirk, his own 'feathers' ruffling. "What right do you have to tell me that I can't keep my own property? I've as much right to it as anyone has to something they found while adventuring! People _died_ in the process of getting that blasted thing." He looks absolutely furious now. "It was good luck to _me_ because I survived! I don't care about a few nightmares, I care about having something that good people died to retrieve. The lot of you have insulted me back and forth, stolen from me, and you blame ME?"

The priest tries to calm the man and Dirk down both, but to little seeming avail. The paladin looks at Seldan gratefully. "Thanks. I wondered what happened... I mean I did have to go rather suddenly... You know... Now that he mentions it I did see a woman earlier that day. Dark hair, real pretty. She had a uh... mark... on her..." He points to his chest and Zalgiman turns red with fury.

"THAT WITCH." He growls. "Gold to rubbish that's her! And you blame me!" He glares at Telamon.

Zyla smiles as this seems to be getting good, maybe there is someone that she can offer services to soon. She likes her share of conflicts.

Patch snaps at Zalgiman. "She's a witch?! What of those you took with you and never returned? The wickedness and intent couldn't be more clear." the bard's tone serious, balanced. Then almost musical in how she chimes. "Or did you so easily forget that someone walked near next to you for days..... it's not as if you're safe with things yourself, Zal-Honey. Oh, and the little project you have going on through the woods. Faces, names, locations. How stupid and blind do you think people are?" a challenge cast, and mostly bullshit, but the bard is one to bluff. She doesn't like people insulting her friends.

Kard interjects again, "Is there an award for the return of this object?"

GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (18)+8: 26

Telamon's eyes glitter as they turn back towards Zalgiman. "She has been at home with -me- all morning. After having an absolutely wondrous time the other day," his voice dripping with sarcasm, "fighting a totenmaske infestation in the city." His eyes flick to the priest. "Redeemer Dolan was with us on that sortie, Sunguard -- I understand you sent him home to recover. To be honest, that was... one of my less pleasant adventures."

His eyes shift back to Zalgiman. "You keep claiming it is some kind of good luck charm, even when people point out its nature and origin. I wonder what kind of person would view a totem that brings nightmares as 'lucky'." His eyes narrow, boring in on the man. "Regardless, you will not make any further accusations against my fiancee without proof, or I will be forced to defend her honor." His hair begins to float around his face slightly. "And I can guarantee it will not be pleasant for you."

Seldan merely watches as the conversation goes back and forth, holding his peace across the exchange, although from his serious and focused mien, he is absolutely paying attention. "Enough," he says finally. "All of you. The bigger question is, who stole it, and where is it now?" The level, ice blue gaze remains on Zalgiman. "Master - Zalgiman, is it? Are you aware of the true nature of that item?"

"Are... is this seriously happening right now? Why does everyone feel like it's more important to be right.. and tell each other how wrong they are.. than actually attend to the matter of trying to find it again? Lysos's words could have been exasperated; instead they're more pleading. "Fighting over who did what right now isn't going to get it back," she adds, and looks positively relieved with the renowned paladin voices in with something that, to her at least, is a voice of reason. Sanity.

Zyla smiles a bit more and then glances around at the various people and smiles just a bit, "Well if someone needs a champion for some fighting, I can assist, am good with my fists." the large monk says, but them she was never the most tactful.

Dirk goes red in the face as Zalgiman starts yelling at him. It's a minor miracle he doesn't have steam shrieking out his ears. "You bet yer bottom copper I'm blamin' you, ye shite-gobblin' dunce!" he bellows. "Those totems are all that's keepin' Caracoroth's mangy arse in his place, an' -you- wanted tae use one fer a lucky charm?! Hammer an' -tongs-, I'll find ye a rabbit an' let ye keep all four of its bloody feet! Why I ought tae--" Fortunately, Lysos makes a most excellent point, and it's enough to snap the old woodsman out of his towering fury. He snorts and snarls, his nostrils flaring wide as he glares up at Zalgiman. "Hrmph. Aye. Ye make a fine point, Master Lysos," he growls after he wrestles his temper back under control. "So... what do we -do-? That's the question, innit?"

Zalgiman glances at Patch, but dismisses her with a scoff. "You've no proof I've done anything wrong. If you did I'd be in jail right now." He rolls his eyes and lands them on Telamon. "As for you... Are we supposed to just take the word of a thief? I'll make whatever accusations I like _boy_ when your girl was spotted lurking about where she had no right to be." He seems smug, daring Telamon to do something about his words.

The priest seems to be curious about what Patch said, but he's distracted again trying to convince Telamon and Zalgiman not to fight one another in his temple. He's grateful then when Seldan speaks up. Giving the paladin a grateful look.

"I've been told what they do." Zalgiman says to Seldan slowly. "I've also got it on good authority that there's more than one of these things. Held by various people in the city. If they get to keep theirs... why not me mine?"

The priest turns to Zyla and hisses quietly to her, "Don't encourage them!"

At which point, Dirk loses his lid and Zalgiman merely looks at the dwarf with a superior glare. The anger in the air seems to be something that Zalgiman doesn't mind in the least. "Insults won't take you far in life dwarf. As for me. If you find it - I want it back. I don't trust the Temple to keep it safe, and I trust the lot of you even less."

Zyla looks at the priest and then shrugs just a bit, "You have to stay true to your faith, and I have to stay true to mine. We have always been a bit of a mercenary." the Korite monk says and then smiles a bit. She looks back and raises a brow as she listens to the others talking. There is a bit of cracking of her knuckles as she flexes her hands for a moment. "Totems holding Caracoroth in place?" she blinks and she raises a brow a little.

Telamon's eyes flash. "My 'girl'--" and then he stops. His face takes on a calculating, thinking look. "Shut your stupid pie hole for a minute." Turning to the paladin guard, he composes his face, before moving over to the man. "Sir knight, I need you to shut out the shouting. I know we're all yelling at each other. But I want to ask you something, quietly -- and you just tell me yes or no, okay?"

He leans in to whisper something in the young paladin's ear, before looking back at him. His eyes flick to Seldan, and he offers a small, tight smile.

Patch twitches an ear at Zalgiman's words. Her face contorts as if something foul, or morbid crossed her glance. "You're not a real smart one are you?" shaking her head, and looking to the others who seem to be arguing over something entirely different than her. "You really haven't? I...." looking back to Zlagiman with an apologetic shrug. "My team isn't the brightest either it seems. So for now count yourself lucky. Tell the wolves and two-leggers 'Hello' for me. Give them lots of kisses." her smirk growing after her words, waiting to see if it dignifies some response."

"Eluna does not lie to me," Seldan answers slowly, his gaze level and even on Zalgiman. "Tell me, Master Zalgiman. How did you come by it?" His tone is one of gentle curiosity.

Lysos's seeming distress over the argument fades a little bit. It's not gone yet, as it seems that the verbal fight is not entirely relinquished, not just yet. But Seldan's calm approach to addressing Zalgiman does wonders for her state of mind as well. At this point she settles back a half step, inclined to hear what the man from the crazy night at the pub has to say.

Zalgiman snorts at Telamon, but seems satisfied with letting him whisper to the paladin. The man in question looks confused for a moment, and then with a glance at Seldan turns almost purple with embarrassment. "Ah... I don't know?" He coughs. "I was... ah... busy." Busy being the operative word of a man who had been doing something other than looking for birds.

Meanwhile, Patch rolls her shoulders in an apologetic shrug and Zalgaiman smiles shortly at her. "Are you insinuating something sweetheart?" He lowers his voice considerably. "You know, little girls that follow men into the forest are liable to get lost there." He chuckles in a vaguely threatening way and waves a hand as if to shoo her along.

Seldan's question merits a shrug. "I've said several times. A group and I went into this... place. Some sort of carin, and we fought some things inside it." His jaw clenches and he shakes his head. "I was the only one to survive, and I came out with that as my reward. Good men died... Seldan was it? I can imagine what Eluna has to say about me, and I might have done some things in my life that I'm not proud of, but that doesn't make me less worthy of what's mine."

The priest turns his attention to Kard, blinking. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you, but I don't know yet if there will be a reward for its return. Likely yes, but usually that's handled by the owner of the item and in this case... that's a bit contested." He sighs and looks at Zyla. "As you will, but _not_ in my temple?"

GAME: Patch rolls sense motive: (11)+7: 18
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive+3: (20)+13+3: 36

Zyla dips her head to the priest, "Of course, I wouldn't do such in here, would drag them outside first." she smiles, "Wouldn't want to damage the temple, that sort of thing tends to happen when I am around." she looks just a little abashed, but then when you hit as hard as a giant, it tends to happen.

Patch is left staring at Zlagiman for a moment after his gesture, lips pursing as her dull-eyes take in his words. Slowly she begins to nod, turning and stepping deliberately heel to toe to draw out her retreat, and make some unspoken point. "I see, yes. Little girls should worry. It's a good thing I'm grown." though this is not as well accentuated as she'd like, as her intended destination carries her behind Seldan, whom towers a good deal over her.

GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (11)+19: 30

Telamon furrows his brow at the paladin, and just shakes his head. "Yeah, I guess you were kind of distracted." He pauses. "Seems kind of puerile though, using a spell to make you need to go to the privy."

He looks back to Zalgiman, and just tsks. "You're leaving stuff out. Why? Guilty conscience? Broken heart? Left something behind? Someone?" He rubs his chin. "That's your problem here... you just don't come off as trustworthy."

Seldan inclines his head in understanding, his demeanor focused and serious. "No, Master Atlon," he says after a moment. "He is aware of its nature, and desires to maintain it in its corrupted state. Who is your master, Master Zalgiman."

Lysos shuffles a bit closer to Dirk, now that things seem to have calmed down even more... and also to put her further out of reach, in case Zalgiman reacts poorly to the claims of Telamon and Seldan. "Hey. It's just Lysos," she whispers out of the side of her mouth at the dwarf, never taking her eyes off of Zalgiman.

"You know. I think I've had quite enough of being insulted by the likes of thieves who consort with seductresses and those who _think_ they know me." He gives everyone a steady, unafraid and unimpressed look.

"Sir, about the totem? Do you want to offer a reward for its return?" This from the priest.

"Why? So that, that girl of his can come forward with it? I think not. I'll keep my money." Zalgiman shakes his head, and makes for the exit.

Seldan watches Zalgiman stomp out like a five year old, crossing his arms and assuming the impassive look of an alabaster pillar, then turns to the Sunguard and the Sunblade. "I would ask your forgiveness," he begins with a small bow. "Eluna warns me of evil intent with that one, stronger than most humans, and he knows more than he says. It is in my mind that he is in league with the Hound."

Patch looks up to Seldan, and nods her head from where she's been hiding behind him. "I am glad we're finally on the same page."

Lysos visibly relaxes when Zalgimon leaves. As much as she wanted everyone to step back, take a breath... it was clear he was the one she was uncomfortable with. At Seldan's revelation she seems.. not so much surprised, as a bit nauseous. "But.. Silverguard, that makes me wonder why he'd be here looking for his good luck charm. Unless whoever stole it isn't in league the Hound, then?"

Telamon's jaw works steadily, and it's clear he's bottling up some fairly intense vitriol. Then he takes a deep breath, letting it out. "I'm sorry you had to see that, friends," he says quietly. "I haven't liked the odor of that man -- figuratively speaking -- since I saw him." He sighs heavily. "But he started raising a ruckus about my fiancee, and that forced my hand dealing with the damned totem."

Tel runs a hand through his hair. "Gods. She's going to be pissed when she hears about this mess."

Zyla looks at the others after the one guy leaves, "Well let me know if you want to hire me to beat some answers from him." she smiles and dips her head before she turns to slip out of them temple herself, she has some workouts to get through before she is done for the day.

Dirk watches Zagliman take his leave, snorting a breath through his broad dwarven nose. "Aye, good riddance, ye scum-sucker," he growls. "Just keep on walkin'. Next time, yer liable tae get me fist in yer gob!" He jams his tricorne back atop his head, looking back up and around at the others. "Apologies fer the disruption, holiness," he says aside to the priest. "That one just -really- knows how tae get me dander up."
