Gobdalac (Part 2)

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You stand at the bottom of the ocean in the freezing depths. You assume that they're freezing in any case, and that they're as dark as they usually are so far from the sun, but those things haven't affected you since you drank the potion what seems like a very long time ago. It would surprise you to know how little time has passed. But now you're surrounded by ruins. The ruins of some civilization long past. Raised columns and buildings so large that your minds rebel at the sight of them. The nearest doorway dwarfs you. You can feel the push and pull of a strong current ahead of you. And as you draw further into the ruins you realize slowly that you are hearing something. Something very loud which has been here all along but is so deep that until this moment it was more a vibration in your bones than it was sound.

Faranmidahn seems a little distressed as she senses something bothering her beloved Torrent. She strokes his shell with a soft, "Easy, Torrent, easy...." She looks between her companions and, "Maybe it's a really big clock....?" she tries weakly.

Fascinated, Seldan peers closely at the architecture and the buildings and columns, questions swimming in his mind like he swims in the ocean. Were these always meant to be beneath the sea, or do they look like they might once have been on land? Does the architecture remind him of any place he has ever seen? Only when the others speak does he look up and away, the thrumming getting his attention at last. "There is but one means of finding out."

Riding upon his mighty steed, Soup lifts his lute and strums the strings. The note sounding in the depths and echoing off in the murky water. "Well now that is going on the list. Sir Soup, made music at the bottom of the ocean! Hah-Hah!" Then he notes the vibration, the sound, the deep thrum. "Oh ho! Perhaps a mighty beast fit for a tale! Fit for a bonus even? I bit more coin to be had?" He nudges his mount forward as he plucks at the strings. "Down we go, beneath the waves, even lower then the deepest caves. Carry on brave souls, carry on beneath the waves!"

GAME: Soup rolls perception: (6)+10: 16

Faranmidahn takes in the reactions of her fellows and, gently patting Torrent's back with bother of her hands for a time while she got her mojo back on, she guides the arachnid forward. She looks with wide eyes at what lay around them, and she goes over the code of the Rose in her head.

GAME: Faranmidahn rolls perception: (20)+4: 24
GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (6)+2: 8

So you move forward. Forth into the wide blue yonder of the ocean depths ogling and ogling the various statues as you go. Each of the statues is multitudes larger than you are. For the most part things remain the same. The buildings all look relatively similar and so too do the statues. At least until you've drawn very near to the source of that awful racket. Now you can't /not/ hear it. It makes your head ring. Ahead of you is a massive structure that is circular in shape. Unlike the square ones before it in fact. It is it seems made up of pillars, and it would be easy enough for you to slip between them.

Wincing the lute is put away and Soup leans forward to adjust the leather barding on his Dire Corgi to help protect the poor animal's sensitive ears. "It's alright Mal, we'll stop this soon and cary the day." He reaches along the animal's side and readies up his lance. Fixing his helmet in place and sliding down the Dog styled mask over his own face. "Well, lets get this over with." Then spurs his mount forward to the pillars.

Faranmidahn is pale, very, very pale, naturally, even. What rosiness resides in her skin suddenly goes on vacation all at once and her breath seems to catch in her throat. Oh dear. She waves a hand franticly at Sir Silsoupi and shakes her head, "That sound!" she hisses between cacophonies, "That's the sound of something -snoring-!" Her tone urgent but not panicked.

Snoring. Something that loud. -Snoring.- Seldan is about to follow Soup to the pillars, but stops short and looks over at Faran incredulously. He waits for the moment between cacophonies to reply, "Waking it might not be wise." The architecture and buildings no longer have his attention, instead, he looks at the ground beneath his feet. They aren't standing on whatever it is, are they?

They aren't standing on it, whatever it is at least. Or at least that's not what it seems like. There's just ocean floor down there on the ground. Soup however has as he enters the ring of pillars an /excellent/view of what it is. Namely... a very large some/one/. The individual is splayed out in the big circular building which upon being entered seems to be roofless. It's squatness means that this particular individual could probably climb in and out as need be. The person snorts once and then suddenly the push and pull of current stops. So too, does the noise. It's absence is deafening.

"Well there is no glory in dealing with a sleeping opponent. We should wake it up and have at it." The little Gnome says, his voice metallic from the depths of his helmet. He raises his lance skyward as the Corgi takes a few steps to the right, it's head down from the pain of the constant loud noise. "Pitty I do not play the trumpet or drums." He tries to whistle in the water a few times, the noise echoy and weird. He tries again and then notices the sudden silence. "Well that's an improvement." Leaning forward Soup ruffles the Dire Corgi's fur before he hefts his shield in that hand. "Now then, on to the business at hand!"

Somewhat dubious about the particular enthusiasms in her fellow Knight, Faran nonetheless gently strokes Torrent's shell and shifts the grip on her lance slightly. She looks to see what Seldan makes of this, but guides her mount to follow Soup's. Valor, compassion, mercy.....

Since his companion has just cheerfully announced their presence to all, there is no monster below, and the push and pull of current has stopped, Seldan looks towards the pillars, but one has to assume that no terrible fate has befallen the corgi rider. "Let us try diplomacy first," he says, following Soup into the pillar circle as well.

There's a very loud snort (this close it's clear it's a snort) and the individual sits up. Stands up in fact upon noticing that you're standing before it. It's hard to determine gender, but that's clearly a secondary concern when it eyes you perspectively from its place high, high above you. It's so large you have trouble determining what part of its face to look at? One of the giant eyes? The nose perhaps? The giant opens its mouth and bellows out at you. "Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyyoooooooouuuuuu?!?"

'Yipe' The Corgi bucks for a moment before Soup brings it under control from the sudden noise. Taking a quick pause to straiten his helmet and doublet then nudging his steed forward he clears his throat. "HAIL!" Then he continues onwards his voice lyrical despite the watery adjustment and metal helmet. "We are adventurers, explorers most bold. We come here today to investigate this hold. I am Sir Silisoupi Llameni, the brave Sir Soup! This is my steed Malfesance!" At the mention of its name the Corgi barks once happily. "What is your name Sir? What is your creed?"

Firmly reminding himself that the Dreamer has always had his back and seen him through no matter what it was he faced, Seldan takes a deep, settling breath, looks -up-, and abruptly pushes himself -up- until he stands atop one of the pillars, the better to look the giant in both eyes. "Seldan," he answers simply. Soup has already asked the pertinent question, but he echoes it. "Who are you?"

Faranmidahn glances around as it becomes clear their enormous host is well awake, but, refreshingly, hasn't done more than ask for identification. She guides Torrent to a pillar and up they go, stopping a fair bit up the pillar to let the Lucht get a better idea what they're looking at, "Hail! I am Sir Faranmidahn Waywalker. This is my friend Torrent." A pat to the spider's back, then up to the gigantic face, "Hi!"

The giant peers down at you with confusion and holds a hand up to its ear. "/WHAT/?" It's talking quieter now at least, and that makes /it/ easier to understand. Then it points at it's own chest. "/GOBDALAC/! /WHO ARE YOU/?!?"

A shouted conversation goes against every fiber of everything Seldan has been taught, but - it seems to be the only way to make himself understood. "SELDAN!" he shouts back, keeping it as simple as possible and imitating the giant's movement by pointing to himself as he does so.

"Huh, that's thinking." Soup says as he notes Seldan 'flying' upwards. Then he makes a noise in his mouth and tugs on the Corgi's neck barding then makes a motion over its head. Soon the chubby giant dog is paddling upwards in a slow spiral. Until eventually it gets close to even with the giant's head. The dog seemingly having the time of its life swimming around bites and snaps at various fish as Soup finally draws even with the giant. Leaning forward he inhales and then offers up with those tenor's lungs. "I AM SIR SOUP! THIS IS MY STEED MALFEASANCE! WE HAVE COME TO FIND YOU SER GOBDALAC! TO FIND WHAT MAKES THIS PLACE DIFFERENT!" Shifting in his saddle he motions with the lance, and seems about to proclaim a challenge to the massive creature.

Faranmidahn blinks at the response, but refrains from smacking herself in the forehead. Of course it would be hard for it to hear someone so small! She wishes for a moment she'd known a spell, well, useful for this situation, at least, but settles on sticking her lance in it's storage loops and coaxing Torrent further up the pillar before cupping her hands near her mouth ans shouting, “FARAN!" as loud as her tiny lungs will let her, then pointing to herself.

The giant seems satisfied with these answers, nodding to each introduction. It stares at Soup though, or more accurately Malfeasance though it's admittedly hard to tell the difference. It offers a broad grin to the group of you whom this close are quite clear. How the giant noticed you before so far away... "/MALFEASANCE/!" It seems happy to see the (by perspective) tiny corgi, peering at it with great interest. Then it seems to notice something else and draws itself up to full height. "/HAVE YOU COME TO CHALLENGE THE MIGHTY GOBDALAC/?!?"

At the mention of its name the Dire Corgi barks happily. Then it begins to slowly turn to the right in a circle. "CHALLENGE? WE INDEEE.." Soup pauses as the Corgi slowly rotates in place, soon the Gnomish Knight is upside down as the dog waves it's paws upwards at the surface far above. "Mal." Soup mutters warningly. Then slowly he's righted once more. Again he takes a few moments to straiten his armor and clothing. Setting the proper image once more as the Corgi now slowly spins in place. Soon he's facing away from the Giant, the Corgi's sheer enjoyment of being buoyant keeping him from accepting the challenge just yet.

"I SEE NO NEED TO CHALLENGE ONE SO MIGHTY!" Seldan shouts, hoping desperately that Soup gets the suggestion in his words. "WHAT IS THIS PLACE, MIGHTY GOBDALAC?" He looks over at the others for support as he shouts back his answer.

"WE SEEK KNOWLEDGE!" Faran seconds Seldan, while Soup and Malfeasance practice their barrel rolls. She swallows her guts and reluctantly coaxes Torrent away from the pillar to start moving in free water toward the giant, "AND STORIES OF OLDER DAYS!"

Gobdalac looks disappointed. It flickers across its features and lingers there a while. It looks around himself and then shrugs. "/THIS IS GOBDALAC'S HOME/!" It swallows and looks to the side slightly. Watches the dog trot on the water for a long moment. "/GOBDALAC LIKE MALFEASANCE/!"

GAME: Seldan rolls sense motive: (5)+7: 12
GAME: Soup rolls sense motive: (15)+4: 19
GAME: Faranmidahn rolls sense motive: (14)+6: 20

"What? We have?" Soup says towards Faranmidahn and Seldan. "I thought we were here to fight? Look at him! The glory from besting such a foe!" Soup says as the Corgi happily paddles him away from the giant snapping it's jaws after a oddly colored fish. "No." Soup remarks, tugging on the Corgi's neck armor once more and nudging him with his feet until the animal turns around and begins paddling back. "Honestly Mal, we can have fun later. We work first. This is important. It would make a terrible story if we missed out on the fighting." Then the Gnome sits up in his saddle as the Corgi happily barks once more at it's name and begins paddling towards the giant. "Oh dear. Looks like theres not going to be much talking after all." The lance is raised up once more as Soup also steadies his shield.

"We are here to learn," Seldan counters exasperatedly. "Glory is not found in killing, nor is wisdom, especially when he might be the last of his kind." He turns back to the giant, still focused on diplomacy. "WHAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR HOME?"

Faranmidahn frowns a little and looks to Seldan for a moment, then to Soup, "There's more going on, here!" then, "And I think he wants to duel for Malfeasance!" This becomes a sticky point in the code; A proper knight doesn't interfere with a duel. But she can't abandon her companion to his fate, can she? She starts looking around more scrutinously in case this is all meant to draw attention from something worse.

"/DREWNMIRE/!" The giant answers, but all of its attention is on the dog. "/LITTLE MAN! FIGHT ME AND I WILL TELL YOU ALL YOU KNOW, BUT IF I WIN, I WANT THAT LITTLE THING YOU RIDE!" An challenge given it seems, and the giant grins with its thought.

"VERY WELL! HAVE AT YEE!" Soup announces in return. He turns the Corgi away and uses his heels to get it to 'paddle' faster. Gaining charging momentum. "I CHALLENGE THEE GIANT! YOU SHALL BE THE NEXT STORY I USE TO ENTHRAL WOMEN!" The duo come back at speed, the lance levered before them it's sharp tip glinting in the distorted light of the deep water.

Stunned into silence by the tableau unfolding before him, Seldan subsides, now seeing clearly what Faran meant. He makes no move to interfere, since the terms of the challenge were clear enough to him, only watches helplessly. At least it doesn't really seem hostile?

Faranmidahn spares Seldan a bemused look, sharing his misgivings in all likelihood. Her hands ball into fists around the reins and she straightens up in the saddle while Torrent spidey-paddles in the water. She hopes the giant doesn't kill Soup, well, she hopes he doesn't win, either because Mal is adorable! She's neve really realized how difficult being a knight, sworn to a code would be until now, staring at a Knight she admires facing what, to her, seems a near hopeless challenge.

GAME: Soup rolls weapon9+4: (7)+7+4: 18
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19

The oncoming pain train of Soup and Malfeasance have no brakes! Unfortunately no aim either as the lance plinks harmlessly off Giant flesh. The duo passing by in a neat tourney line. Soup already is turning back around as he ducks one attack and manages to deflect another with his shield. Pulling the Corgi about he levels them out and actually makes the animal sink as he charges again. Aiming low.

GAME: Soup rolls weapon9+4: (18)+7+4: 29

As the intrepid Soup charges in Gobdalac swings twice with a huge club that seems to appear out of nowhere. The giant swings it around, but the tiny target evades him. It's almost unfair since he can clearly hardly see what he's aiming at, and is trying not to hit the tiny (giant) cogi that Soup is riding.

GAME: Soup rolls 2d6+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+14: (2)+14: 16
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27

"First blood is ours!" The Gnome cries out as the lance finds purchase this time. Rolling his arm to pull the weapon free as they race onwards. The tiny Knight raises up in his saddle to bring his Dire Corgi about as the giant axe swoops in behind him. Heedless of the giant edged doom following in his wake.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d8+10: (6)+10: 16

Soup might not care about the giant edged doom close on his heels, but it cares about him. It cares about him a lot. So it swings in and clips him hard enough to make a serious dent in the little target that he is. The giant roars its victory and claps its hands together. "/GOBDALAC WIN! GOBDALAC WIN!/" Well now... it seems it thinks it has won.

"Arrgh." Soup slumps over in his saddle at the impact. By dint of instinct managing to spin his shield up just in enough time to keep from being cut clean in half from the massive weapon. Clearly hurting the Knight still manages to get himself strait enough to continue. Wheeling the Dire Corgi around he raises his lance once more. "WHAT? I HIT YOU FIRST!" He waves a tiny fist up at the giant and then winces and seems to regret the motion.

Seldan looks over at Faranmidahn as the duel appears to end. It's a helpless expression, but there is something more important at hand as Soup is clearly hurt. Still ... Torn, he looks back and forth between the two. "Soup, come here and permit me to look at that." He pauses a moment, then shouts, "MIGHTY GOBDALAC ... THERE IS A PROBLEM."

"SILSOUPI!" Faran cries in alarm at such a colossal hit and starts to guide Torrent over in that direction. Not that she has any means of doing anything about his injuries but, she's young, she's fretting. She nearly torques her neck looking back toward Seldan as he may be about to change the game.

"/GOBDALAK HIT HAAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDEEEEERRRR/!" The giant roars the last word so loudly that it's almost incomprehensible and then, still eyeing Soup and what it clearly think's is /its/ corgi glances toward Seldan. "/WHAT/?!"

Seldan cringes at the volume of the last roar, hands automatically moving to cover his ears. Only when he seems to have its attention does he lower them. "MALFEASANCE, AND ALL OF US, CANNOT SURVIVE IN YOUR HOME WITHOUT MIGHTY MAGIC, MAGIC THAT IS NOT TO BE FOUND HERE AND DOES NOT LAST VERY LONG. IF HE REMAINS WITH YOU, HE WILL DIE AND WILL NOT MOVE ANYMORE."

GAME: Seldan rolls diplomacy: (16)+10: 26

It takes a few seconds for the young knight's brain to convince her hands to leave her ears in the wake of that victorious bellow. Faran nods, tilting her visor up as she catches Seldan's play. The Lucht continues approaching Soup, watching the giant as she calls, "IT'S TRUE! WE WON'T BE ABLE TO STAY TOO MUCH LONGER!" Then, as she gets near her fellow Knight, "Are you alright?"

"Yes. What they said." Soup adds as he slumps in his saddle. "THE DOG MUST BREATHE." He states then slumps over and gasps as he holds his side. "I will fight you further as well sir!"

"/MALFEASENCE DIE/?!?" The giant looks worried now, and it makes a sudden shooing motion. "/LEAVE THEN, LEAVE! NO WANT MALFEASENCE DIE!" The shooing motion carries you quite far away from the giant in fact and it settles down on it's butt looking bereft.

Sparing a solemn look at the sullen Giant, the tiny knight swallows her heart and turns Torrent back toward the rendezvous, arching an eyebrow at Seldan. Her eyes lower and she mulles the scenario over... maybe there's something they can do for him.
