On The Edge Of Knowing

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 05:04, 5 January 2023 by Aftershock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There's a message sent ahead when you land in Alexandria. A request to the Temple for sanctuary for the maid who frankly is terrified. Your mention of demons has her clamed up the whole trip home. Unwilling to talk until she's safe. She doesn't talk the whole walk to the temple either, looking every direction as if expecting to be attacked any moment. Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned that demons had been spotted on farms and such. You are greeted at the temple by a pe...")
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There's a message sent ahead when you land in Alexandria. A request to the Temple for sanctuary for the maid who frankly is terrified. Your mention of demons has her clamed up the whole trip home. Unwilling to talk until she's safe. She doesn't talk the whole walk to the temple either, looking every direction as if expecting to be attacked any moment. Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned that demons had been spotted on farms and such.

You are greeted at the temple by a perfunctory, and they lead you deeper into the temple. There, standing is not who you expected but instead one of the senior clergy. A salt-and-pepper haired gentleman with steely eyes and a form that suggests that his age has not whittled him down one bit. He is familiar to both Dolan and Andelena as 'Master Zein'. An older Sunguard in good standing with the temple.

GAME: Patch rolls knowledge/local: (14)+13: 27

On the journey back, Dolan has not at any point left the maid's side, and had, if Andelena did not do it first, taken the time to ease any bruising or swelling from the slap the Lady had left across her cheek. That done, he had removed from his pouch and pinned to the collar of his mantle a small pewter pin in the shape of a book. It's not something that anyone except Andelena had seen him use before.

When they are led into the temple, and he spots the Sunguard in question, he grins cheekily at the maid, apparently pleased. "Master Zein," he explains. "They're taking this seriously." He then looks up. "Brightest of days, Master Zein. Sorry to disturb you. We have - something of a situation."

Meanwhile, Telamon had regretted some of his words. Less because they'd discomfited Lady Calogref and more because he'd frightened the maid. So he let Dolan and Andelena take point in handling the girl, while he ponders what was said -- and unsaid.

Entering the temple feels oddly different for a change, and absently, he touches the curuchuil on his left hand, tracing it. At Dolan's greeting of the older Sunguard, he offers a courteous bow, but doesn't speak just yet.

"A reputation." Patch notes of Master Zein, grinning as the others greet the Sunguard, stepping a bit away to let the others handle this part of the plan as they enter the temple. When amongst the holy in company, the bard seems to clam up and not be as vocal, her arms crossing below her chest. She does greet the salt and peppered holy man with a dip of her head, but not much more.

Andelena stayed close to Dolan on the journey home, and yes, would have insisted on doing the healing first as sort of an apology. "Sorry you got slapped by that harpy. I've seen her do that before to other maids, too," she explained in a bitter voice along the way.

Now that she's in the temple of her god, Andelena seems fully in her element again--especially when Master Zein approaches. "Thank the Knight," she praises quietly. "Master Zein, in addition to being my superior, is an example for Sunguards to abide by. We're in good hands here."

Master Zein offers a faint smile, but it's clear that he's taking this as serious as his station demands. "They were not very clear as to what this was about, but demons in Alexandria are ever my business. Greeting to those who do not know me. You may call me Zein, only those that serve the temple call me by my title."

There's affection there, and an extra nod in the direction of Dolan and Andelena. "Your words are kind Andie, but I would know why you sent such an urgent message to the temple."

The maid stands somewhat behind the group, her eyes not quite reaching the cleric's gaze. She seems both relieved to be here, and somewhat uncomfortable to be in the presence of someone so important to the temple.

While Zein is speaking, Dolan reaches for his holy symbol, and kisses it, then murmurs something to it. He looks up, then, and scans the room with his flesh and blood eye narrowed keenly. After a breath or two, he nods satisfaction, and relaxes. "I'll keep this short and simple, Master Zein. Shadow demons are after me and my family. They've attacked my family farm, and the demon that gave me this," he gestures to the ruined right side of his face, "showed up tied to a serial killer outside a village not far from my parents' farm. It wasn't an accident."

"Her mother," he nods at Andelena, "was seen at my parents' farm right before the demons showed up, and stole one of my mother's hairbrushes." The tone says that that is a minor worry, until - he pauses. "We went to talk to Lady Calogref. This," he gestures the woman forward with a hand. "Is her maid. She gave us information, and is now risking retaliation from the noble. I need her help to find out what's going on."

He leaves the rest of the story for others to explain.

Telamon takes a deep breath, before continuing. "I admit it is not impossible that a third party might have impersonated Lady Calogref. However, certain irregularities have surfaced. Maelynn Calogref seems to have shed a great many years from her countenance -- in fact, when we approached her, she was wearing makeup to appear older, not younger." His lips quirk. "While I wouldn't know the particulars, I am reasonably certain that is not the usual way of things."

Patch nods here head, listening as the story is recounted for the Sunguard. An ear twitches at part of the tale, a curious glance shot to Dolan as she ties some of the previous events together to form a more coherent story. She heard the call for 'help', and since it was from Dolan, she didn't bother asking why.

"Things do tend to have an order, and.... I hate to be saying this so much. But, entropy is a constant. In magic, and in normal applications. You can't really fight. Not without bad stuff happening." This much for Telamon. "Of course it's wanky." comfortable addressing him it seems.

"Former maid," Andelena adds on with a little smirk. It's clear she's at least a little proud of the maid for having the guts to quit and to tell the Lady Calogref that she's awful in the process.

She turns back to Zein. "The motive exists for my mother to target Bry and his family," she says. "I was disowned because I refused to let my mother make a marriage match for me that would put her and my brothers in a more advantageous position in high society--and because I wanted to marry Bry. Hence targeting him and his family I remember my mother well, and she looked /younger/ when we came calling than before--and the maid told us that she does her makeup, and she is in fact younger than she should be. My mother, Lady Calogref, struck her for revealing this."

Andelena sighs. "It's... a lot, but that's how we're here now."

"There are grave implications in what you're saying." Zein offers with a steady expression. He doesn't seem surprised, but then he seems like the sort whom is surprised by very little. "Being younger is a potent piece of evidence against this Lady Calogref, but there are magics - powerful magics - that can make one so. It's possible that she paid for the privilege. It is more damning that she was seen stealing an item from your parents home. The theft may make little sense until we learn more of it. Such small things are often larger keys."

"If the demon who harmed you initially and took your eye is at the heart of this, then it suggests that this Lady has been in league with the demon for some time. There will be evidence of taint on her soul. You know of what I speak Corona. But just that is not admissible in courts. So... The question is.... Is if this young woman knows anything else that may aid us in uncovering this plot."

"I don't!" The maid speaks up quickly as eyes turn on her. "I swear! I'm just a maid! I don't know anything! I-I wish I did."

"Oh, she's evil all right, Master Zein. Not the sort of evil of a demon, but mortal selfishness enough to read." Dolan nods soberly, understanding what the Sunguard has to say. "I know damn well I don't have enough to charge her yet, but - the hairbrush is a personal item belonging to my mother. Wonder if the demon's making use of that."

He turns, then, to the maid. "That's okay," he tells her, as gently as he can. "You don't need to know anything for sure. I brought you here for two reasons - to keep you safe, because she _will_ retaliate, and because I was wondering if you'd heard any gossip from other servants, either about this girl that her son is supposedly smitten with, or about her doings. Anything unusual that's happened in the house, or in other houses, that you've heard about might give us a clue."

GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (14)+13: 27

Telamon nods to Patch, and smiles slightly. "Just so. Always a mistake to try and put off the bill." When the maid protests, Telamon smoothly glides over to her. But there's no menace this time. Instead, he smiles at her, gently. "Ndidi," he says, calling her by name. "Even I know the servants always see and hear more than the masters and mistresses might think. I don't think you saw anything overt, no -- I doubt the Lady Calogref is quite that arrogant or stupid. But you may have seen something that didn't make sense, or maybe seemed innocuous at the time."

He reaches out and takes Ndidi's hand in his. "Relax," he says in a soothing tone. "Just think back. Did you see this girl her son is smitten by? Any new strangers, calling on the Lady? No matter what happens, as Dolan says, you'll be protected. You're not going to be left out in the cold."

GAME: Telamon rolls talky: aliased to diplomacy+8: (13)+24+8: 45
GAME: Patch rolls perform/string: (12)+13: 25
GAME: Dolan rolls diplomacy: (16)+13: 29

"Anything at all," Andelena says, turning to the maid. "Let us decide what's relevant and what isn't. This is our job. All you have to do is say what you remember. Any little detail could make or break this case wide, /wide/ open."

She pauses. "I am interested in this woman that my brother's smitten with. That seems to be the key to this whole thing."

Patch had been about to open her mouth, but Telamon seizes on what she was already thinking. Yes, competent. She forgot what it's like to work with professionals. She sighs, nodding her head to Telamon, just letting him spin his words as she makes use of other techniques to help aid his diplomacy. "Master Telamon is very diligent about these kind of matters. If he says it, he means it. So, any details you can think of. No matter how small. They will help." just adding her own touch to it.

"Is smitten the right word? I got the impression it might be compulsion." a half-joke. The truth of it unknown, but speculated about. "Lady Aza's daughter, yes?"

The maid relaxes, a bit doe-eyed as she peers at Telamon. It's amusing to watch the beginnings of what is sure to be a crush form on the woman's features. She nods a bit dumbly, but she's clearly paying attention to every word you say. "I-I... I guess... Not that much is known about Aza. Which is what the Lady calls her behind her back." She smiles hesitantly. "I get the impression that despite everything she doesn't actually like Aza very much. They pretend to be pleasant in front of one another, but Lady Calogref is snippy behind her back."

"Aza doesn't have a maid or any servants. She borrows Lady Calogref's when she visits. I know she used to have one. All the maids gossip about it. That she died... under mysterious and terrible circumstances. Her body was found in the poor quarter twisted practically beyond recognition. No one wants to work for her now. Besides the pay she offers isn't worth the risk of dying like that." She tears up. "They won't kill me like that will they?"

She looks at Telamon and the rest of you frantically. "You'll protect me right?"

"That's why you're here." Dolan keeps it serious, squatting down with the sword across his back and all so that he's less intimidating. He's not easy to look at, but he's actively trying to not be scary. "Do you think that the lady's son actually likes this Aza, or is he completely slavish?"

Telamon smiles at Ndidi, and it's like the moon coming out from behind the clouds, silvery and calming. "You'll be safe," he promises. At the mention of Lady Aza's maid dying under mysterious circumstances, he flicks his eyes to Patch, as she might know more. Returning to the maid, he hmms. "Indeed. There's a difference between being in love, and being compelled." His eyes twinkle wryly. "Having experienced both, I can state that with confidence."

GAME: Patch rolls knowledge/local: (7)+13: 20
GAME: Patch rolls 1d20+3+2: (18)+3+2: 23

"You're safe here," Andelena states firmly, but warmly, like a schoolteacher might. "Master Zein and the others here will see to it."

She looks thoughtful. "We need to investigate into that dead maid," she says. "That means... probably another trip back to Selentia. Do you know what her name was?"

"I know of the body they're speaking of." Patch says to Telamon, nodding her head. "It's an open investigation, and the guards don't think the culprit was... humanoid. It's not yet been linked to Lady Aza." her sigh a bit heavy as she pinches her chin between a thumb and finger.

"Shit! That's right!" Patch says suddenly, flushing as she realized she'd been cursing before the Sunguard. "Apologies. Aza's not using her true name. She's using her mother's maiden name. I think it's form Charn, and it was tied to a mess there too. Chidea. I believe that's it." her shrug cast as she look apologetically to the others. "It was all whispers, and talk of being banished from Charn.... I should of connected it sooner."

"I don't know. He seems like he's really in love? But... He didn't seem at all interested in her a couple of months ago. It's like he woke up one day in love with her and the Lady was just fine with it." The maid shrugs and looks uncomfortable. "I'm a lady's maid not his manservant, but the manservants do say that he seems quite infatuated with her. Talking about her all the time. He's even stopped... sowing his wild oats."

Ndidi flushes here and looks at Telamon subtly. She seems about to say more, but Patch's explanation turns her an odd color and she looks absolutely petrified. Her mouth clamps shut and she looks like she might faint.

Dolan starts to laugh, despite himself, at the apology for colorful language. "If colorful language was a crime here, Patch, Andie'd be spending all of her time doing penance." A flash of affection in the chocolate-brown eye as he looks up at the titian woman is at odds with the soulless, featureless look of the artificial eye, but the laughter fades at the maid's reaction, and he tilts his head at her. "Remember, we took you out of her reach, and Aza's reach, for a reason. All right?"

"Oh, and Telamon's wife will have both of our heads on a plate if anything happens," he adds, the cheeky grin peeking through the seriousness.

Telamon deadpans, "You mean she doesn't, Dolan?" His dark eyes twinkle with those distant stars, and he chuckles, mulling over Ndidi's words. "That... sounds an awful lot like a compulsion, as opposed to, well, the 'natural' way. With your permission I'd like to pass some of this by my wife; she's got more experience in enchantments than I do."

He gives Ndidi a cheerful grin. "And before you start to frown, remember that you're in -Alexandria-. There's plenty of lads who'd be happy to try and impress you."

"Yup, it's true, I'd be stuck here scrubbing floors and Bry would think I abandoned him if I had to do penance for every time I cussed," Andelena says with a wide, wide grin.

Then she turns back to business, looking back at the maid and at Patch. "From Charn? Shit, what do you have to do to get banished from /Charn/?" she asks in astonishment. "Specifically with the reputation Aza's got. That's... Huh."

She falls silent for a moment. "I bet my mother's locked in an alliance with Aza," she says. "My mother benefits from Aza's demons, and Aza benefits from having a noble-born son who might be wedded to her daughter. My family is pretty small on the nobility scale, all things considered, but... noble-born is still noble-born. That opens doors that would otherwise be shut for a lot of folks."

Patch nods with a slight flush to Andelena and Dolan's words. "It was rumored to be connections to outsiders and demons. So much that Charn cut ties." she admits. "Or so the tales go. It's hard to weed out the truth in the gossip" she says, looking between those here, settling on Ndidi. "I'm sorry you had to go through such things, but we're on to it all now." she muses, casting the woman a wink.

"And it does sound a lot like compulsion. I used to not worry about such thing, but I found out it's far more common than thought." Patch admits. "I'll leave the action deciding to the relatives. It's not my place to poke about unwarranted. Family matters and all."

GAME: Dolan rolls diplomacy: (16)+13: 29

The maid looks at Dolan and she suddenly seems to realize something. It's not that she hadn't seen Dolan's scars before, but in connection with the talk about this other maid... her mind makes a logical-illogical jump. She pulls back and shakes her head, a tear falling down her cheek. "I don't know anything. Nothing. Please." She shakes, taking her hands away from Telamon and putting her back to the wall.

GAME: Telamon rolls detectbs: aliased to sense motive+3: (10)+20+3: 33

Dolan blinks, and the mobile half of his face looks like he's been verbally struck across it. He gets to his feet, and looks among the others. "I'm counting on you," he tells the others, then turns on his heel and heads for the door.

Telamon blinks as Dolan suddenly walks away, but perceives something. Swiftly, he goes to Ndidi. "Ndidi, stop! Look at me! It's all right. You're in the temple of Daeus, you're safe here." His eyes on hers. "Someone has to stop this sickness, this madness. Nobody can do it alone -- that's why we band together. And that's why you're here too. If you know something, please, tell us -- help us. Be the hero we need, so we can set this right."

There's a look in Andelena's eyes that suggest that she understands what just happened. "Hold on," she tells Telamon. "Take over here. Bry just needs a moment. I'll be with him."

She goes with Dolan, her voice low and comforting. "Hey. Let's hang outside for a moment. Cool off together," she murmurs.

Patch is torn. Deal with Dolan, or help Telamon with the... oh wait! Andelena. Patch looks to the firm and rather stoic woman, motioning with her head to go after Dolan. She's not even subtle, doing even still as Dolan is trying to walk out. It's a delight to see the other woman acting even before her urging. One issue handled.

"It is a safe place, one of the safest from demons. Even if it too gives me the chills." a different kind than demons. Churches always seem to have an energy. One that's against her vibe, and it somewhat shows as she just smiles behind the half-elf, trying to help.

The woman is all but frantic, crying and nodding at Telamon, begging him to save her from the terrible fate she thinks will befall her. "It's true. I know that name. They were kicked out of Charn for their dealings with outsiders of the evil variety. Do you know what you have to _do_ to be exiled from Charn? No? I don't either. But they kept right on going once they reached Selentia. Tried to use their dark magics to rise in the noble ranks. And they did." She shudders. "But they went too far and all of them were executed. Almost all of them."

At the door Master Zein stalls Dolan a moment. "Are you going to allow that woman to stop you in your quest?" His voice is surprisingly gentle in spite of his words. "Her reaction wounds you, but if you can keep fighting you might yet learn something that is vital to you. Only you can decide how deeply cut you are." With that said he pulls aside. Allowing Dolan to leave if he will.

GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (2)+13: 15

Dolan carefully keeps his back turned to the woman and the others, instead speaking quietly to both of them. "I'm just scaring her, Master Zein. We can't do it all alone. You taught me that. If I need to leave so that she'll relax enough to talk, I'll do that." Yes, he's hurt, but he's not lying, either. "I know the truth about myself, no matter how much Andie flatters me." He wraps an arm around her waist, if she is close enough. "I can't not scare her."

Telamon nods, gently patting Ndidi's shoulder. "That -is- impressive. They must've been loathsome indeed to be exiled from Charn, of all places." He fishes a handkerchief out of his tunic, and offers it to the maid. "Shhhh. Dry your face." He muses. "Makes sense. Aza loses most of her family, opts to try and claw back some power and prestige by allying with the lady Calogref. Sweetens the deal with a marriage and a restoration of the lady's youth -- even if the son is magically compelled." His eyes glint. "I wonder what would happen if someone cast the enchantment-breaker spell on him?"

He continues, "It's going to be all right, Ndidi. You've helped us. This gives us some options."

Andie's close enough for that contact. "I know, Bry," she murmurs, "but that's why we ask questions with a team of investigators, not just one. We need you here. You were doing well. She's just going through a lot today--she's been slapped by her employer, found out that said employer is cavorting with demons, and that another maid’s been killed. If anything, Bry, she needs /you/ to tell her it'll be okay. That someone can be a victim and be able to come back from that, stand on their own feet, and stand tall and proud."

She leans in and presses a kiss to Bry's hair. "And I know you can, because you do that every day," she says. "Because we walk in His light. Together. I'll go with you if you want to leave, Bry, but I want to see this through, with you."

"I think you misread, Master Dolan." Patch using some respect. That's how you know she's serious. How often does she call the man 'anything' but Dolan? "It is not that she is scared of you, but that she is scared it could happen to her." the bard says, pointing a finger at the man's missing eye, or at least, the area of it. "Not my place to try and talk you out of your funk and trauma, but no one here gives a shit that you're different."

"I was born with a mark on my face. Andelena doesn't have a sense of humor." this of course a joke. "Telamon's a prince. We all have flaws and things going on." flashing a glance to the Sunguard. "Is it policy to preach soft words, and let recipients unpack the profound? Because I find it best to be blunt. Very blunt." a finger then pointed to Andlena. "Lovingly beat him for me. Please. Just, do it." seeming to think the collection of information is done here. "I'll be thinking of the Lady and her daughter while you get sorted."

Ndidi nods to Telamon, wiping her eyes with his handkerchief. The act of doing so seems to calm her somewhat. "I heard that they sacrificed all their servants one night. Used their blood to summon a balor and sent it to kill the Baron. The balor was killed by the efforts of the Temples, but the Baron had them all executed for treason and demon-summoning."

The Master Zein smiles softly at Patch. "You're quite right." He looks at Dolan. "More plainly this woman is right. The girl isn't afraid of you, she's afraid of ending up with your scars. You should tell her your story because we only fear the unknown Dolan. We only fear what we don't understand. We are servants of Daeus. We _kill_ fear."

GAME: Dolan rolls will: (11)+10: 21

Under the combined verbal assault, Dolan says nothing, but he does turn around and look back towards where Telamon is talking. "You're right," he says finally, and turns on his heel, dropping his arm around Andelena to hang by his side. He returns, not to here he was, but to her opposite side from Telamon, and opts to stand further back than he did, just listening.

Telamon makes a disgusted sound at Ndidi's tale. "Appalling. Not surprising, though. If you're bad enough to get exiled from Charn, there's probably very little beneath you." He considers this. "Did the Baron and the temples have their... well, you probably don't know, but it's worth asking. Were their holdings destroyed? I'm wondering if Aza has access to at least some of her family's tools or books -- if they survived."

"But yes... I wonder how Aza stayed out from under the Baron's hammer. When did this occur, Ndidi?" At Patch's quip about being a prince, he rolls his eyes and grins. "Not a prince. Married a princess though, so maybe it fits."

Andelena's narrowed eyes and pressed-together mouth suggests she's not wholly happy with some of the words given in Dolan's direction, but she does nod and follow her Redeemer back, taking a spot in front of him for the moment.

"Which Baron are you referring to?" she asks of the maid. "For the sake of having our details sorted out as thoroughly as can be."

Patch winces, biting on her lip. She has a hard time understanding humans. Something about the man's agitation with himself having spurred feelings she'd thought she had dealt with in herself. She looks away, falling quiet as she fiddles with her cloak. The hand that often lays hidden, stroking the fabric with a nervous pinch of fingers.

"That was completely uncalled for. I...." Patch starts at Dolan. "Apologies. I just wanted you to know how I felt. How I think we all feel." her words lowering. "I try to ignore it. I try to overlook the pain. I couldn't. I don't like seeing it. Someone should never be afraid to be themself."

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go... cool off. Churches make me nervous." turning to go get some air. "If you'll still have me. I'll be waiting." a wink shot back at Telamon with a small grin. "It still fits."

"The Baron Valence, or rather his father." The woman replies, placing her hands in her lap and looking at everyone. She ducks her head "I'm sorry to be such a pain, I just... Hearing that the Lady is associated with these people is a shock. I don't know what to do. She really lost it after her daughter... after you left."

Ndidi looks at Andelena. "She talks about how you ruined her chances at a good match for your brothers, and she's... furious. Willing to do anything to 'fix' things."

Patch takes her break, letting the others get the information on Lady Aza and Lady Calogref. She's still chastising herself for letting something personal get in the way of work. For now she lets the others handle it, having her break among the cold night air. Pondering things on her own.

"Forget it. Sit back down and let's finish this. We'll have words later." Something seems to snap in Dolan, and there's a hard edge that has not been present in him to this point in the investigation. Instead, he steps out from behind Andelena, and moves to her front, where he was before only further back. "You're in a tough spot, Ndidi. You're afraid of this?" he gestures at the right side of his face. "I can't promise you that nothing bad is going to happen. I can promise you that I'm going to do my damndest to make sure it doesn't, and I'm going to promise you that running away and hiding has got zero chance of protecting you. I found that one out the hard way."

"You're helping us put a stop to it. That's what we're all trying to do here. Because putting a stop to this the only way to guarantee your safety. Understand?"

Telamon's lips tighten, and his face grows hard for a moment, before he relaxes again. "Sorry, Ndidi, that wasn't you. The story... well, I've heard a similar one, and I didn't like it -then- either." He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again. Seeing Dolan return, he offers the man a smile, and backs up a step to let him go to work. "There's no shame in feeling fear in this situation. But don't let it rule you, Ndidi."

"That establishes a motive, then," Andelena says with a sigh, although she smiles (in eyes alone) to see Dolan come back in front. "She loses the opportunity to betrothe Gale and Seb to big and important noblewomen. So... she loses it, fixates on me and... on Bry. I think we've got something workable there. And leads to pursue."

She looks between the others. "I think as far as information goes, that's enough for now," she says. "Ndidi deserves some rest. So do all of us. It's been... a day."

"I agree." Says Master Zein, offering his hand to Ndidi who takes it nervously. He pulls her to her feet and leads her toward the door. "She'll be here under guard if you have any further questions for her. We'll let our sister temple in Selentia know to keep an eye on both parties involved if they aren't already. Goodnight."
