Calling for Communion

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Dawn prayers are just now over, and the warmth and light of the Sunlord's Temple is in no way affected by a brisk wind brushing across the city and whisking a few last dead leaves with it. The chill of a Vhast morning is kept safely outside by spells and blessings, much to everyone's relief.

Dressed in a pale olive woolen shirt beneath a leather jerkin, and leather trousers tucked into low city-style boots, the stylized dragon displayed prominently around his neck over all, Dolan turns away from the altar, striding across the larger expanse of the temple as if in search of someone. He appears hale and relaxed, even in good cheer, although a rather impressive black eye has formed around his remaining chocolate-brown eye, and the bridge of his nose is more than a little swollen and appears to have acquired another kink.

He seems to be looking for someone or something, moving purposefully around the circle from building to building, sunwise as prescribed.

With morning prayers completed, and no one in dire need of healing or otherwise attending to, Zeke is sitting in a vestibule. He is, perhaps unsurprisingly to those that know him, drinking tea. There's a tea pot beside him, and he watches the comings and goings of the various people who have come to make dawn offerings to the Dragonfather as he has his morning cup. Peace and calm exude from the sith-makar, and the tip of his tail swishes back and forth, emphasizing his sense of goodwill.

Dolan's about halfway past the vestibule, so intent is he on whoever or whatever it is he's searching for, and just about walks past Zeke, when the sight of that twitching tailtip draws his attention. Cursorily, he looks over, and the crystal limbs are unmistakable. "Hey! Brightest of days, and peace on your nest, Zeke. Although, from the look of you, I'd say you've already found it." A easy, cheeky grin spreads across the mobile half of his features and tugs at the scar tissue on his right. "You haven't seen Sunblade Vallenne, have you?"

Zeke notices Dolan before Dolan notices him, but only by a little bit. Twitching his tail out of the way of any wayward steps. "Peasssce on your nessst Dolan, and blessingsss of the Dragonfather upon you." He sounds well pleased, and takes a little sip of his tea before continuing. "Thisss one hasss not ssseen them, no. Can thisss one perhapssss be of asssisstansce?" This last word seems to be of some difficulty for him, but he manages.

"Well, I was supposed to come see her when I'd finished the errand I ran for the Temples. We got back pretty late last night." Dolan shifts his weight to one side and crosses his arms. "I did it in exchange for a communing with the servants of the Sky-Singer, for something I'm trying to figure out," he explains. "I figured I'd come find her this morning, but nobody's seen her."

The blue-scale blinks at this and rumbles. "That isss unfortunate." Zeke hums and takes a sip of his tea before nodding. "Thisss one would be willing to commune with the Dragonfather for you. It isss not the sssame, but thisss one would not have you wait until the Sssunblade returnsss; not knowing how long that might be. Ssso if you will accept thisss onesss aid, thisss one would be happy to be of... help."

Blink, blink. Dolan considers that, and finally nods. "For this, it might be enough, and - look, I like the Seers, they've been really helpful, but I won't deny that they creep me out on occasion." This admission said with a sheepish smile. "If you've got the time, and the spells handy - I mean, the servants of the Sunlord might not know _everything_ I am looking for, but I'd bet they can point me in the right direction. The only one -" He looks off to the side. "Well, one of the questions I wanted to ask has to do with the Dream Realm itself, so maybe I'll hold that one, but the sooner this is done, the better."

"It wasss meant to be thisss one thinksss. For thisss one doesss have the proper prayersss readied." Zeke finishes his tea and sets the cup to the side so that he can rise slowly to his feet. He moves with care then, shaking himself free of the lassitude that had crept up on him while he was sitting and enjoying the morning. Then he picks up the tea cup and pot and motions for Dolan to follow him.

As they walk down the hall toward the more private rooms, Zeke offers a slight swish of his tail, though he keeps it well away from the man at his side. "Thisss one hasss performed thisss prayer a few timessss, it isss besst to have your quesstionsss ready, and paper for the anssswerss to write upon. Do you have sssuch thingsss?"

"I've given it some thought-" Dolan starts, blinking uncertainly. Clearly, the idea had not occurred to him. "I can get 'em," he offers. "You probably need some time to prepare, yeah? I can go find ink and parchment and set everything down while you're preparing, if that's okay -" He's been following behind the other, making sure to keep clear of the swishing tail for his own part.

Zeke makes a small amused noise in the back of his throat. "There isss no need. Thisss one hasss paper and ink that you may ussse. Thisss one will require sssome sssmall preparation, but it takesss only a moment." At this he turns a corner and opens a door, offering Dolan entry into what appears to be a very familiar room. It looks exactly like the one that Zeke had led him to for healing, even holding the same book. Zeke sets down the tea pot and cup before rummaging through the stand a moment so that he can offer paper and ink to Dolan.

Paper and ink are things that Dolan seldom saw before he first came to the Temple of Daeus as a boy, but now, they are nothing new, and he immediately takes the implements over to the tiny desk in the room. It takes him a good half-mark and two full scrolls to set down his ideas, but eventually he does, setting aside the implements with ink-stained fingers.

"Okay, I've got it." He offers the scrolls to Zeke. The topic appears to surround the werewolves and a set of totems or statues.

While Dolan writes his questions down, Zeke sets up some incense to burn, and sets the stool in front of the bed for sitting on. He sits on the stool, his tail propping him up somewhat and closes his eyes to prepare himself mentally for communing with the servants of his god. As Dolan finishes, his green eyes open and he looks at the man very seriously. "There isss one thing you ssshould know before we begin. Thisss one will not be able to dissscusss with you the answersss you get until they are all anssswered. Thissss one isss a conduit for the ssservant to sspeak to you, and trying to anssswer will break the connection."

"I understand." It's an interesting thing, watching Dolan as he takes his scrolls back to the desk and drags the desk carefully over to the edge of the bed so that he may write while sitting on the side of the bed. He, too, seems to be mentally gathering himself, and by the time he has done so, the cheerful and easy demeanor is replaced with not-quite-steely focus. "When you are ready." Pen awaits ink, and scroll awaits pen, when there is something to record.

Zeke nods and takes a deep indrawn breath. It is let out far more slowly and the sith's eyes nictate then flicker closed. He's silent for a long moment and then the prayer slips out of his mouth. "Praisssse the Dragonfather and Hisss ssservantsss, in your light grant thisss one the wisssdom that isss Yoursss." Another moment of silence lingering in the air between them and then the blue-scaled one's voice speaks again in a hollow echoing tone. "Begin."

GAME: Zeke casts Commune. Caster Level: 16 DC: 20

Here we go. It's an odd thing, hearing that voice, because it is definitely something _different_. The nature of the communication is suddenly clear, and suddenly, Dolan understands what he'd previously been told about doing this sort of thing. It makes sense now, and he nods to himself.

To business, then. "The statues of the Dream Realm that chain the Nightmare. Are they more powerful when attuned by a servant of the deity that made them?"

"Not more powerful, unlocked." The voice that is not Zeke's clarifies the question for Dolan.

Dolan's flesh and blood eye blinks at the answer given, but it is much clearer than he was expecting. He studies the paper for a moment, then crosses out a question and writes something else, in addition to the answer. He then replies, "Is blood the means of unlocking these powers?"

"Blood, and will." Again the voice clarifies.

That, at least, is clear enough, and Dolan writes as quickly as he can, then consults the page. The handwriting is not neat for being quick, but spell durations sometimes necessitate swiftness. "If blood is shed on an attuned statue a second time, it turns to face others present. Does shedding blood on it a third time have a further effect?"

"Yes." This time, there is no clarification, only the answer.

A simple, swift nod from Dolan, a quick scratch, and he moves on. "Can the powers unlocked by blood and will in these statues aid in learning more about those who want to release the Nightmare?"


The inquisitor simply nods again, his focus now entire and whole, and he studies the paper again. "Do all of the statues need to be retrieved and attuned to put an end to the werewolf threat?"

"Unknown." The lack of sibilance in the voice coming from Zeke's mouth makes it wholly clear that it is not the sith-makar answering.

This answer gives Dolan pause, but he merely nods and notes it down, then proceeds. He'll discuss answers later, and from the looks of it, he'll want to set down a fair copy later. But, that is for later.

"Are the statues that are not held by those of Alexandria held in the werewolf camp?"

There is a brief pause before this answer. "Not all are."

Dolan's remaining eyebrow, and the other ridge, lift, but there is no real surprise, and he crosses out the question below it. "Is the one that Sunguard Andelena held, the one made by Tarien, in the werewolf camp?"


A black scowl for that, but it's not really a surprise, and Dolan simply shakes his head and returns his focus to the task at hand. “Is the being known as V and the shadow creatures I faced tied to the werewolf camp?”


_I was afraid of that._ Again, Dolan scowls, but lets it go, instead returning his focus once more to the line of questioning at hand. "Is the being known as V one of the three minions of the Nightmare from my dream?"


"Is the being known as Jal'goroth one of the three minions shown by the Nightmare?"


New Content _They're not who I thought. More research is in order, then, probably a little religious digging for lore._ That marked for a later task, Dolan scratches away at the paper, then continues. "Do the three minions shown in the vision imparted by the totem correlate to the people funding Zalgiman?"

"Two of them are." The voice offers in gentle correction.

Dolan's expression clears a little. _Tell Patch and Telamon to press on with pursuing that,_ he notes silently, although what he writes is only the response. "Are there innocents in the werewolf camp?"


_Examine that later,_ Dolan decides, and knowing that his time runs short, presses on. "Is the desert place with warring blue and black roses that I have seen in my vision located on this plane of existence?"


More scratching, this one short. "Is there something within the circle of blue roses still to be protected?"

"The blue roses are dead." The voice states in monotone.

This time, a swear word slips from Dolan. They are too late. "Is there anything to be gained by returning to that place?"


Dolan is now at the bottom of his scrolls, and chews unthinkingly on his lower lip. "Is the werewolf camp currently located somewhere in Alexandros?"

"Yes." The word echoes off, and Zeke gives a distinct shudder. The sith-makar rolls his eyes open, blinking green orbs and slowly coming out of his trance.

"Thisss one apologizesss. That issss all that thisss one can do for now." Zeke seems truly sorry that he can not answer any further questions from the man before him.

"I got enough." Dolan's still writing intently when Zeke speaks. "Stay put, you could probably use some of that tea about now. Thank you." He seems serious about that, and puts down the writing tools to, with ink-stained fingers, go over to the tea service and see if anything is still warm enough to drink. The scroll is left unattended, for Zeke to look at if he will.

Zeke breathes a bit, nodding appreciatively to Dolan. The tea in the pot is still warm enough to be comfortable for drinking, and not so over-steeped as to be undrinkable. "Thisss one appreicatesss it. Can thisss one read your quessstionssss?"

"Go ahead. I was writing fast, I'll make a fair copy or two today." Acknowledging the scroll for the hasty mess that it is, Dolan instead pours a pair of teacups with ink-stained hands and brings them both over to the desk sitting by the bed. One gets offered to Zeke, and he takes the other, settling back on the bed to wait.

Zeke picks up the notes and reads over them carefully, pausing only to accept the tea and drink a little bit. The little bit that he drinks makes him pause for a longer sip as if he were more parched than he knew and then he returns to perusing the paper. "It ssseemsss that you may have gotten more quessstionss from your quessstionsss."

"They said that's usually what happens." Dolan's turned himself to face Zeke fully, and in the process finds himself sitting fully on the bed, only barely keeping his boots off of it. "I got enough information to know what I should and shouldn't chase. I'll try the stuff with the totems as soon as I can.” Maybe at Verna's place this evening, if she and Auranar don't mind. "Patch and Tel are chasing down Zalgiman's money sources, and it looks like that'll lead them to two of the Nightmare's minions. The third, I don't know anything about, maybe some religious lore might offer more information."

GAME: Zeke rolls knowledge/religion: (13)+20: 33

Zeke looks at the scroll then shakes his head. "Thisss one isss well-verssed in the ssstudy of religiousss thingsss. Thisss one hasss not heard, nor read much about thessse totemsss. Only what thisss one learned from Sseldan while he had hisss. Thisss one thinkss you will need to do more... practical ssstudy." He moves his claw down the list and taps the paper very gently near the bottom. "Thisss one hasss a thought about thisss quessstion, and itss fellow."

"They sssay that the rosssesss are dead, and it isss unknown if it ssservess that you return. Thiss one might suggesst returning yess? They do _not_ say that there isss no-thing to protect you see? The ansssswer wass not 'no'. Ssso there isss. There mussst be sssome-thing there of value."

"Yeah," Dolan agrees, leaning over to read the paper as well. "It crossed my mind that if we want to save anything at all, if there is anything there, we'd better git." The farmboy's accent comes out in his words, and he grins sheepishly as he realizes what he'd said. "Sorry. It slips out sometimes."

He sighs, and takes another long drink. "I was going to try it on mine, yes. I - dunno if I should talk too much about it to the others, though. I think they're still pretty jittery about it all."

Zeke tilts his head somewhat to the side. "Sssorry for what?" He asks curiously, not even noticing Dolan's accent slip. Which perhaps is not surprising given his own. He sips his tea and peers at Dolan. "Talk too much about what?"

"Never mind." Dolan's good humor has returned, and he continues to peer at the paper, his flesh and blood eye squinting at his own chicken scratch. "About the totems and what you can do with them. They're - really powerful. I've really just started to tap into it, but what happened to Verna really made me think hard. If you take one of these into the Dream Realm, you can literally make your memories manifest as physical things. That's how Kol happened."

"That isss interesting." Zeke hums from around his tea and then lowers it. "Though... it ssstandsss to reassson, if sssuch evil memoriess can be brought forth... Can not good onesss of equal power?"

"Yeah. I turned to the Knight in one of my dreams, and He manifested to me, or some aspect did." Is Dolan talking about controlling dreams? "It's how I saw that vision I was telling you about, about how Kol was defeated. I get the impression that it's about controlling your thoughts? Controlling your own mind. It's not easy, and it's pretty crazy stuff, but the totems aren't all good, and they aren't all evil. It's all about the intent of the person who's got 'em."

Zeke blinks at Dolan, his eyes nictating slowly. "Dolan... What you are talking about iss very powerful magicssss. You may wissh to dissscuss thisss with sssome-one who iss well verssed in ssuch. A ssshaman."

"I did. That's how I got to looking for a commune with the servants of the Sky-Singer." Dolan wears half a smile. "I'll talk to Verna. I've been meaning to, but - gods, Zeke. She treats me like I'm an idiot child." The smile falls away, and he stares off into the distance in the corner of the room.

Here Zeke hesitates, thinking carefully about his words. "It isss a failing of sssome, to sspeak in sssuch a manner. Verna isss very well versssed in her artsss, but not ssso in othersss." He makes a motion with his claw. "Thisss one can only sssay that being treated like a hatchling passst your time while difficult, isss a hardssship that can be borne if one isss willing. It doess not hurt either, to remind thossse around uss that we are _not_ hatchlingssss any longer."

Dolan stares off into the distance still, absorbing. "Maybe," he says doubtfully. "I tell her off and her girlfriend jumps my shit. Tries to calm me down. I get it. I'm like that when someone goes after Andie. But - I guess we're not going to get anywhere if we're at each other's throats, or won't talk to each other, right? If I can't get them to listen, I'll just proceed myself."

The blue-scale frowns, his tail curling around the stool he sits in "You are right about that. None of usss can sssucceed alone, nor can we if we fight amongssst our-ssselvess." With that said he finishes his tea. "Thisss one wisshess you luck in your gathering. Thiss one will pray to the Dragonfather that thingsss go well, and that you find the anssswerss that you need."
