Elftaur's Curse

From Tenebrae
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It's a nice day, about mid way through it and an odd sight wanders out of one of the temples, chatting briefly to a cleric.. It's an elf! With some scales! And a very very large lower body that seems to be a riding drake.. sans head... Kae is literally the size of a small horse...

"Well we tried!" She says and flails her arms in the air.. "Not yer fault it made me a lil bigger there!" kae can be heard, the soft-spoken cleric? Not, Kae's of course bouncy as is usual... Kae then shrugs slowly at something they said, her tail slowly lashing back and forth.

"Iz ok! When you think of something else we'll try again!" she says cheerfully "Besides, what's another 80 pounds? Hmm?" She asks and shrugs again before giving a bow and shaking their hand... "See ya laterz!" She adds and takes a deep breath and sighs, before she glances at her pouches... "Okie, I has ummm, yup that's enough!" she says and perks right up before trotting to a food vendor, Kae proceeds to start buying looots of food!

There's plenty of people in the town square, and really the addition of one Xian man isn't noteworthy. Certainly not in the way that Kaelyn draws the eye. The dark-haired and dark-eyed man walks through the square, stopping at the fountain with a thoughtful expression. It seems for a long moment that he's going to remain there; in fact he even starts to sit down when suddenly the raven on his shoulder takes flight and wings its way toward the elftaur. With a sigh that is lost to the bustle of the temple district Karasu makes his way after the bird.

It is worthy of note, that there is a heavy guard presence in the square today. Many of them glancing suspiciously at everyone that walks by. They don't interfere with the goings-on, but they do seem intent on keeping the peace. There's a readiness in all of them, and a sort of grim determination.

Iuitl approaches the sight of Kaelyn's... state of being with caution and awe. Her own Raven stares at the sight of the big elftaur with... well, it's hard to read a bird. The Sith-Makar woman stands nearby, mouth agape, trying to assess what she's looking at. She cranes and cocks her head, appraising the person's form like a gawking child. She's not really subtle about it, but the Sith rarely are.

Kae waggles her arms in the air briefly as a massive plate (it's a serving tray folks) of food is prepared for her and Kae pays the small fortune for said amount of food "Thanks! This helps! I was told to fast last night after like midnight on!" She says and begins happily nomming on said food, really kind of oblivious to the stares, maybe she's gotten used to it, or maybe the artificer just preternaturally lives in her own world...

Kae eats a large roasted carrot and glances around, before making her way to the benches near the fountain... Instead of sitting on a bench, she simply flumps her hind quarters down and then fore quarters and kind of curls near the bench where she sets her tray and begins munching...

Her eyes eventually take note of Iuitl and she beans waving to the gawking Sith Makar cheerfully.

The free-flying raven lets out a call that sounds like a greeting to the other raven; following the pair. This leads Karasu to remain largely where he is, because he was already standing by the fountain as it was. Dark disconcerting eyes trace over the elftaur, but seeing that his raven is staying nearby he takes a seat on one of the benches beside the fountain. Meanwhile Wuya is getting lower, trying to entice the other raven somehow.

Iuitl looks up and dumbly waves back to Kaelyn, her tail thumping once in a classic tribal gesture of her people. "... Peace on your nest," she greets aloud as she gets her wits about her. Then her Raven, who has no name of his own and insists on this, looks up at the other bird that calls for his attention. He crouches and then leaps off of Iuitl's shoulder and flies to meet up with Wuya, making excited bird calls. "Oh. He's made a friend," Iuitl notes, looking up at the sight of her familiar socializing.

Kae waggles her hands more at Iuitl cheerfully, then she notices Karasu.... She smiles and waves to him too! Less pronounced than the other waves, maybe this has something to do with distance as it's easier to see a subtle wave in close than from a longer distance?

Kae then pauses and tries the tail thumpy thingie too that Iuitl does, it's loud, but then again, bigger tail, add the spike crowning the end of the tail and well now Kae's kind of stuck, the spike having lodged between cobbles.

She wordlessly stares, and then using her forepaws and hands shifts her self so she can reach and grab the thing and begins yanking on it..

"Frigging weird body!" She calls out, now tug-a-tugging on said tail before finally getting the thing loose and ending up now flopped mostly on her side with the rebound, nearly on her back... "I'm alright!"

Karasu nods politely to Kaelyn, half rising to his feet when she gets herself stuck on the paving stones. There's no need to offer her assistance though. She manages to free herself by her own hand. Instead he shakes his head subtly and glances skyward to make sure that Wuya is behaving with the other raven. The two are wheeling one another, and his seems to be behaving just fine for the moment. There's a caw downward that he is certain is meant for him and he sighs again quietly. Rising to his feet, he takes the few steps to Kaelyn's side and offers her a hand. No need to help, but offering just the same.

Iuitl notes how much trouble the woman is having with her current form, making the Sith laugh aloud at how clumsy she seems. She approaches and asks Kaelyn, "How did this come to be? What manner of creature are you?" Her voice is rough, gravelly, but she takes great care to mitigate the hissing her people are known for. Her Raven is currently matching the pace of the other bird, enjoying his flight with the other. He seems quiet content to just hang out for the time being. No trouble.

Kae blinks at the offered hand and her grin is bright! "ooh thanks for the offer, but I literally almost weigh a ton? Well half a ton! I can't evel pull my self up with my upper body!" She says and carefully gets her feet below her and then surges upright. "Thankies for the offer though!" She then peers at Iuitl, really, when it comes to normal movements and stuff, Kae's quite coordinated, it's the tail! Kind of, ok so she's not really super coordinated all the time, just when doing basic things like walking and trotting, and the occasional run, though she still is very 50/50 on turns!

Kae then looks down "I haz nooo clue, it's some kind of uber complicated curse magic at play and I kinda woke up this way and all... Really the magic guess is just that it's a guess.. I dunno how this happened!" She says and holds her arms up, she's flailing again, energetic one she is!

Karasu takes his hand back, shrugging at her words and moving backwards to give her the room she needs to move. He seems to be watching her intently, his dark eyes sharp on her. It's her words though that cause him to speak finally, his hands folded into his arms so that they're crossed across his chest. "Do you know who would want to curse you?"

Iuitl holds up one finger and says, "There has been a similar affliction in the wilds, with strange transformations of the wildlife and plants. They are... very hostile." She looks aside to Karasu and back up to Kaelyn. "I couldn't imagine being this large. It would get in the way of everything I do..." She examines the draco-taur lower body with scholarly interest. "It's good you have adapted to it."

Her Raven gets bored of the other bird, and flies down to land on Iuitl's shoulder. Then he barks out, "Wow! That's a big lady!" in his harsh bird voice. Yep, the bird talks. Iuitl says, "Do not be rude." "But I just said she's big!" "Women do not like that type of comment." "What? That's dumb."

They proceed to argue quietly with each other.

Kae blinks and peers at the bird.. "I aaaaam!" she says and shrugs "And yus the size is tough to get used to! I have like very little in born spatial awareness, but I'm getting used to it! I was even in Sandys' shop last night and didn't break a thing, till a giant chuckle pup came in and proceeded to chase after my tail!" She adds.

Kae looks to Karasu "I have no clue who or why they'd wanna do that, I'm pretty much nice to eeeeeveryooone!" She says and smiles cheerfully again... "Buuuut, I think it's less who and more of a what... I was messing with some ancient artifice, and I'm thinking more and more it's that artifice that did this, however after I was changed in my sleeps and stuff that artifice has been no where to be found.. I hunted alllll over my shop!" She then rubs her chin "Several others did too!" She adds and then shrugs slowly "So yus, now I have a butt as big as a cart horse's butt! Only scaly, not furry!"

With his playmate busy Wuya comes down from the sky, settling on Karasu's shoulder. "Peasce on your nest." He offers this greeting to Iutil, nodding his head to her and then to Kaelyn. "I am Karasu."

Finally introduced the man seems to relax somewhat, though his posture is still perfect. It's more as if he settles into place; a bird ruffling its feathers before making themselves at ease. "You seem at ease with your fate; most would be far less comfortable in a body that is not theirs."

"I am Iuitl, of the Tlanextic," the dark Sith-Makar woman introduces, placing a hand to her chest. The bird squawks, "I'm the King of your mom's hou--" He gets cut off by fingers wrapping around his neck, and he gets shoved into her robes. Seems he's earned a Time Out. "Are you a 'witch' as well, Karasu?"

Kae blinks and waggles her arms above her head "Imma Kaelyn! An artificer!" She says cheerfully. She looks from person to person curiously, blinking at the crow "What he do?" She asks curiously

Kae then tilts her head to the right, then grins and takes a biiig bite of what appears to be a roasted potato... "OOoh Potato's!!!" She says happily....

Karasu nods his head to Iuitl. "I am. And this is Wuya, my familiar." He glances toward Kaelyn, blinking at her. "He... keeps me company aside from various other tasks." What those tasks are it seems will remain unspoken, at least by Karasu who says nothing more on the matter.

Iuitl nods enthusiastically. "I will be seeking you out later," she tells Karasu, "We must share spells and talk about our experiences." She glows with excitement, which looks a bit crazed with her mottled scales and her hunched posture. She offers one last nod to Kaelyn and turns to leave, while her bird complains from inside her robes.

Kae blinks as the Sith wanders off, then pauses and looks to Karasu "Sooooo, anyhoo, yus I've adapted ok, but what choice have I? Most normal dispells be it arcane or clerical and stuff hasn't worked, sooo until I find a means to change back, I am what I am right?" She says with a big smile, She then tilts her head and offers some of that big tray of food.

The dark-haired man nods to the sith-makar before she leaves and at length returns his attention to Kaelyn, seeming interested in her plight. "I have heard of a spell that changes ones body, perhaps something of the like affected you, or might affect you." He rolls his shoulders and Wuya makes a small disapproving noise at the movement. "I am not as versed in magic as some."

Kae waggles her arms out to her side and smiles cheerfully. "Yus lots of those kinds of spells, but all should be dispellable... this hasn't been, and we've tried, loooots." She adds and tilts her head curiously to the left... "No clue what caused it..."

Karasu glances at Wuya, but the bird holds no answers so he rolls his shoulders again. "Have you considered that it may be something you are carrying? Something that is keeping your form in this shape. Many items carry curses that affect the wearer while the item is in their possession." He hesitates and then sighs quietly. "All of this is mere speculation."

Kae rubs at the back of her neck then shrugs "Could be something in me mebbe? But I have no more items than I started with." She says and takes a bite of roast beef... "Soooooooo, lezze... anyhoo, Imma thinking it was the ancient artifice, I dunno if it was to make someone have a kind of 'battle' form or just random stuff, I have no clue.." She says and grins a bit....

Kae then ooohs "Anyhow, I've had a few days to adapt... Being stronger and stuff is kinda fun, the bigger not soooo much, but still enjoyable at times too, I can carry all my stuff!"

For a moment it seems he is about to say something, but in the end Karasu defers to her judgement. He seems to accept her thinking just as easily as that. "I wish you well in it then; and in discovering how to undo it if that is your desire." He glances toward Wuya. "I should return to the temple of Vardama. They are short staffed there since the incidents."

Kae ooohs and nodnods rapidly "Have fun then? Work hard or whatever?" She asks and grins again.... Kae then gets fully upright, picking up the tray, Kae litterally is the size of a small horse from the waist down, maybe some 800 to 1k pounds give or take, every bit a large critter...

Kae then beams "You have a great day, Imma gonna probably go find an out-door cafe and eat my noms!

Kaelyn is offered a brief, polite bow. "You as well." With these simple words he leaves her, heading off in the direction of the temple of Vardama.
