Air and Darkness

From Tenebrae
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Mikilos gathers his things, and looks over the assembled group. "Okay, just so we're all clear on what's happening. The fae known as Endless Winter has been attacking Alexandria. She is behind the Ooze Plague, and Kol the Vampire. She is, however, an Immortal Fae. Meaning while regular weapons can hurt her, they cannot kill her. I plan to travel to the Court of the Queen of Air and Night, to learn the Laws of the Hunt, what laws govern the Wild Hunt that they might destroy Endless Winter on our behalf. Doubtful, but worth a shot. The Night Queen knows of True Death weapons, that can kill an immortal. I hope to learn how they are made, or else obtain such a weapon to finish off Endless Winter. And finally, there are several who have had their memories stolen by Endless Winter. The Queen of Night is said to have a fruit that can restore memory. I hope to obtain one for all those who have had their memories stolen and wish their return."

He considers a few moments. "We will be traveling to the Night of No Moon, as much a place as a time in the fae lands. The Queen favors gifts of pain, be it physical, emotional, or psychological. I have some ideas, but your own plans are more than welcome. Any questions before we go?"

Gareth is doing his normal thing, holding up the wall in the back of the room, arms crossed over his chest and holding his quarterstaff in his arms. Being here because he heard Things were going down and Things could be seen, he is none the less still, perhaps, a little unsure of what he's getting himself into now. Blinking up at Mikilos in such a way that could be called 'stupidly' if it weren't for whom he was, before he frowns as he tilts his head before offering a one shoulder shrug. "... What makes you think that she would teach someone how to create weapons of True Death or give away thusly?"

Most people here know the ginger-blonde man in moonlit armor and the blue and silver, and the crescent and sphere of Eluna, that stands among those gathered, listening quietly. He carries full gear of war, all of it sheathed either over his back or within a weapon belt. "If you seek a fruit from the Queen of Air and Night," Seldan says, "to return your memories ... beware. The memories you find may well be beyond unpleasant."

"She will not lightly give them up, but ... she may also know if a way that is not a True Death weapon," he suggests gently.

Kira listens, smile thin with the mention of seeking a weapon like that, and its designed purpose. "If she is a ... peer of Endless Winter, maybe she can grant us more insight to stop her without needing such a weapon." Seldan does make a valid point, and she smiles more his way. "At least then they would have the choice."

Halani's eyes have been fixed on the ground roughly three paces in front of her. Her left hand slowly curls and uncurls, one finger at a time, while the other rubs at the side of her head where the hair has been shorn bare. Gareth's question, however, catches her attention, and the way she looks at Mikilos, waiting for his answer, suggests the thought may have occurred to her as well. "Th... I don't think creatures of power are in the practice of giving away weapons.. or knowledge.. that can come back and hurt them." Seldan's suggestion draws her to look at him, then she finds herself nodding.

Malik tags along behind Seldan, keeping mostly quiet. The archer isn't known for being the diplomatic sort, after all, so keeping quiet is really probably for the best, as far as this mission is concerned. He looks to Seldan at the last comment, nodding his agreement, looking to Kira and raising a curious eyebrow -- dubious, clearly.

Garak takes in Mikilos' words. He takes in the group of adventurers gathered. "Have you spoken with this Queen before?" He looks back at Mikilos. "Do you intend to speak for us?"

Darius is silent, he's here more as baggage handling and in case things all go into the chamber pot, the one who'll be watching their rears while they retreat.

Mikilos nods to Gareth, and shrugs. "That's what the gifts are for. An exchange. The Queen might not be willing to part with such knowledge, or share such a weapon, or help in any way at all. Nothing is certain. But, it's possible she's eager to help, though I doubt it. Even if she says no, at least we'll have learned that much." He sighs. "I have spoken at some length with the Queen of the Wee Ones. But no, I have no spoken with the Queen of Air and Night before. I intend to make my case and offerings. If you wish to add your own thoughts or questions, by all means, do so. I know my own plans, but I have no idea if they will work or not. More heads means more ideas, and there's too much we simply don't know to stand around and plan. We'll learn more as we act, and improvise as we go."

Lanier listens to the Dawn Elf lay out the plan for their journey into the fae realms and their purpose for undertaking such a mission. The Gilead Ranger sighs and then speaks up, "The Endless Winter may have once tried to sleep with the Queen of Air and Night's husband. We don't know the politics behind this for certain, so she may have been stock piling True Death weapons for a group of curious adventurers to come ask her for." He looks towards Mikilos and adds gruffly, "It's worth trying if it gets the pressure off Alexandria. Something has to break."

"Most likely, even if she /were/ to offer up such a weapon, it'd be at a high price and a for a limited time, perhaps just a turn of the moon. After all, one would expect these were rather, shall we say... Pricy objects?" His tone quiet and curious, perhaps a trace of concern in it, even as Gareth gives a shrug as he leans against the wall, seeming to ponder for a moment, cocking his head... And then blinking when the Ranger speaks up, frowning slightly as he cocks his head, before glancing back towards Mikilos, thinking for a long moment, before finally shrugging. "I doubt we'll get the weapon, and especially not the /knowledge/ of making such a weapon, not without paying a dreadful price anyways, therefore..." He trails off, before sighing and looking up at the ceiling. "Of course, its possible she's just bored enough and would love the idea to spice things up a bit..." And then he trails off, before finally shaking his head to indicate he has no ideas.

Seldan looks over at Kira, soberly and levelly. "Sentinel, I advise you to lay down now the fantasy that the Endless Winter will be stopped without bloodshed. You have seen for yourself. She will not simply quietly go away. She cannot be made to understand, or made friends with. She does not reason as we do, and has no understanding of human emotions. I am certain that we would like that to be the case, but the idea that there will be no bloodshed is fantasy, and nothing more."

To the rest of them, he nods. "There is but one way to find the answers. I know of the gift she will seek, and I may be able to aid."

Malik doesn't offer much in the way conversation on this one. Other people seem to have that base covered particularly well. Instead, he just puts an arm over the bag at his side, hugging it a bit tighter, walking beside the Silver Guard as he listens to the others debate about what sorts of gifts the queen will want, and what sort of help she might be willing to give.

"I will always try," Kira assures Seldan, returning his look with a firm smile, "or I will have failed my Calling. It isn't always possible, but that doesn't make it a fantasy." That he has insight into what the Queen of Air and Night might want makes her eyes widen in curiosity. "What is it she wants?"

Seldan nods to Mikilos. "He said it. Pain." A brief look at Malik beside him, but he says nothing more.

"If all of us are expected to sacrifice, I know what I will give," Halani says, feeling her not-quite-asked question answered as best as anyone is able. She closes her eyes to take a few long breaths, then rubs her arm across her nose. "You should know.. I'm infected. I don't know if that will... make problems, yeah?"

Giving a soft grunt and closing his eyes, Gareth mutters, quite to himself, "I don't want to lose a leg and if Ranger loses his hand he can't be a carpenter..." Trailing off as he thinks of all the ways that this couldn't possibly go wrong, and standing resolutely and patiently

Darius reaches out and puts a hand on Halani's shoulder, "You got infected because you saved my life... I will do what I can to help you, I owe you that much."

Mikilos looks to Halani, and shrugs. "I'm cautious of spreading the Plague to other planes, but as long as cautious is used, I think it will be okay." He leads to a place where the spring dirt has been torn up, and a circle of weeds... stinging nettles, specifically, have been transplanted. "Circles are for conjuration, but might be considered polite for traveling. Either way, be cautious of touching them. Are we ready?"

Lanier blinks, raising an eyebrow as he tilts his head towards Gareth, "Who says I can't?" Maybe with a touch more bravado than sense. He considers it for a moment and then shakes his head, "If she wants pain, then do I have a story for her..." He trails off, looking towards Mikilos and raising an eyebrow, "I'm ready. How are we getting there?"

"I say you being without yer smashing hand can't put the nails in all proper like, now can ye? It'd be like trying to shoot an arrow straight." And then Gareth just shuffles over to hide behind the closest person because he just called Lanier's abilities with a bow into question pretty severely.

GAME: Garak casts Mass Planar Adaptation. Caster Level: 14 DC: 21
GAME: Garak casts Magic Vestment. Caster Level: 14 DC: 18
GAME: Garak casts Greater Magic Weapon. Caster Level: 14 DC: 19
GAME: Garak casts Wind Walk. Caster Level: 14 DC: 21

Garak follows Mikilos to the circle. He guages the position of the other adventurers. He takes up his holy symbol and rolls his head to one side and the other, stretching. He checks again, paying attention to something only he is concerned with...then begins murmuring under his breath.

Halani nods her understanding to Mikilos. Then the hand on her shoulder draws her attention and she looks.. and smiles faintly when she recognizes Darius. "You owe me nothing, yeah? You needed help, this.. I was able. Just.. try to do the same, yeah?" Then she shrugs, holds the smile a moment longer.. then turns to follow Mikilos and the others.

Mikilos double checks he has everything in his pack, then has everyone join hands, and casts the spell to travel to the lands of the Fae.

Kira heads to the circle, a bit unsure of this notion about gifts of pain, as she's always been one ease it in others. Still, if all those here are willing to sacrifice that for the safety of all... what more brave and selfless act could there be?

GAME: Mikilos casts Plane Shift. Caster Level: 13 DC: 26

Keeping at least two armored people between himself and Lanier (Its almost like he's worried of getting shot now), Gareth is simply tapping his staff against the ground as he walks quietly into the location he needs to be in, again making sure to keep an eye on the Ranger and waiting to see if the man has accepted his joke with the good humor it was meant to be, and then he simply awaits patiently, muttering to himself, "What if she takes my tongue? I can't taste then.... Or cast spells." Yes, he is still talking to himself, not really worriedly but absentmindedly

Lanier takes a deep breath and sighs, looking towards Gareth with a nonplussed expression, "I have teeth, and if that nail needs to be driven, I will drive it." As Gareth shuffles off, Lanier chews his lower lip for a moment and then calls after him, "I hope you grow up to be a good Wizard, because you're hopeless as a comedian." He steps towards the circle, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

Everyone enters the circle of plants created by Mikilos, and then the elf casts the spell which will take you... elsewhere. You notice the change in scenery immediately. For one, it is very dark, no sign of a moon or even the stars in the sky though there seems to be no clouds to stop them from offering their light. Secondly is the tingling warmth of the environment. As if the night here is alive in some indefinable way that the world that you came from is not. Thirdly is the odd and distinct sensation of being watched. The night it seems has eyes with which to watch you, but there's no sign of anyone in sight. You are in fact in a clearing surrounded by a circle of nettles. Though these plants are more mature and hearty than the ones that Mikilos transplanted.

Mikilos peers around a few moments, and speaks softly. "Be cautious with lights, if you dare have any at all. This is a place of darkness, and they might be forbidden."

Gareth, meanwhile, is glaring at the place where Lanier was standing last he saw, the half-sil able to better then the hooma- 'Human' known as Lanier, muttering to him, "Shut up, I'm a brilliant comedian and I'll golf your teeth out of your mouth to give to this queenie woman." He is obviously being sarcastic even as he shakes his head, definitely trying to not be super tense

Seldan looks around him, then up, his eyes lingering on the blank night sky for more than a breath. "I fear not to walk in darkness," he tells Mikilos, "although if we are set upon, I will call upon light." He waits for the others to be ready, and although he remains next to Malik, it is Mikilos that he looks to lead.

Garak turns his head slowly to study their surroundings. "Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?" He takes another deep breath to steady himself and then begins murmuring again to cast another spell. Finally he walks slowly out of the circle, stepping over the nettles and stopping just outside.

GAME: Garak casts Invisibility Purge. Caster Level: 14 DC: 18

"Mmhmm. Best to appear as meek and non-threatening as possible, yeah?" Halani says, heeding the warning and making no move to provide any lighting. She narrows her eyes as she looks past the nettles.. the short distance that she is able. "Lead the way, oh wizard."

"You're a wizard, Gareth. You couldn't hit my teeth even if this place was well lit. You have zero chance now..." Lanier trails off, looking around with curiosity before he says, "I can't see anything."

Malik, for his part, just listens to the other conversations, the occasional roll of his eyes his only indication that he's paying any attention at all, save for what Mikilos is saying and doing. Lanier's comment does draw a ghost of a smile from him, however.

"Your simply mocking me because I'm a shorter, smarter, better looking version of a rowdy old ranger. And you've seen me hit stuff with my staff. I can't say the same about your arrows." Gareth states lightly, slightly amused even as he looks towards Lanier... "Its not /that/ dark. Surely you can see Ranger, with that druidic magic you were talking about having scrolls of."

Mikilos mmmms, peering at the darkness a few moments. "If it was unclear, I -am- rather making this up as I go." Considering a few moments, the wizard steps out of the circle of nettles, trying not to hurt himself yet, and firmly, but politely, addresses the darkness... or the unseen eyes in it, speaking the Slyvan language. "I am Mikilos Mithralla. I seek the Queen of Air and Darkess, in regards to the one called Endless Winter."

GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (18)+20: 38
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (11)+11: 22
GAME: Garak rolls perception: (18)+20: 38
GAME: Halani rolls perception: (12)+22: 34
GAME: Seldan rolls perception: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Gareth rolls perception: (3)+6: 9

When Mikilos speaks up, Seldan looks at the pair bickering back and forth, leveling a -look- at them. "Enough, ere you bring down upon us whatever hungers in this place," at the same moment as Malik spits out a weary, "Can it," and the two abruptly look at each other, a grin forming on both faces.

Lanier looks towards Halani for a moment, his shoulders rising and falling in a shrug that may or may not even be seen. He looks towards where he thinks Gareth is for a moment and then replies, "No, I'm mocking you because you're always two thirds wrong. You ARE shorter than me, so you got one there." He narrows his eyes and then adds, "No, nothing on a scroll for this. Not that I would risk reading it right now anyway. Pipe down now, Gareth. This is no longer the time."

GAME: Mikilos rolls perception: (8)+20: 28
GAME: Kira rolls perception: (17)+22: 39

"Scud!" Halani blurts, not quite stumbling but, but very close to off balance as she puts an arm out to stop whoever might be near her. "Wizard Mikilos! Uh... stay calm, yeah?"

Garak has been looking around. He glances back as Mikilos steps out of the circle. Then he does a quick double-take, then looks very quickly over the rest of the party. Finally he focuses his gaze on the space behind Mikilos. "Hello there," he says, drifting a few steps closer to the wizard.

Leaning against his staff, Gareth doesn't even notice the other peoples alarm as he takes great amusement in giving Lanier a dry look and a mischief filled grin lights up his lips. he has no idea anything is wrong, nothing at all.

Malik nudges Seldan's foot with his own, pointing out the space directly behind Master Mithralla with a slight upnod. "Looks like we have company," the wizard says, that strange accent of his still thick, but the words unmistakable.

Kira blinks as she looks around, as if that would get rid of the darkness. Then she peers around, unsure what she's seeing even when she thinks she's seeing it. The dark does things like that when there's nothing there. Then she blinks again as she recognizes Mikilos. And Seldan. And the guy behind Mikilos. Wait. Was he there before?

Then she realizes he wasn't. "Please, be calm," she advises all. She then dips in a polite curtsey and offers a "Hello" to the one behind Mikilos... whom she then advises, "I think that your call as heard. You may want to turn around, though slowly."

Mikilos is not... entirely surprised... fae shenanigans... but he does turn around slowly and carefully to see what's behind him... well aware this means he's turning his back to whatever is still in the darkness out there.

Lanier blinks, turning his head, "Spud? Where?" He looks around, whistling, "Damn it, I left him back home on purpose..." He trails off, asking in general, "Why wouldn't we be calm?" As mentioned, the ranger turns around slowly, though it's just a little too far due to the fact that the darkness doesn't afford him the ability to see.

Gareth, on the other hand, notices the person probably when its pointed out to him, and blinks once, curiously watching the person even as he takes half a step back and to the side, watching the guy for a long moment even as he waits patiently

Even with some people aware of the presence in the circle of nettles, even with Kira talking directly /to/ this individual whom she seems to see, you don't /see/ anyone there. Not at first. Then slowly you do. You're able to barely pick out the form of a tall, black-skinned man standing just behind Mikilos. He looks for all the world like a mul'niessa. The black hair, the ebony skin. His black clothes are made for blending into the night with, even his weapons which he carries with ease meld with the darkness. The only thing that stands out about him at all are the row of sparkling diamond studs in his long tapered ears. He seems... utterly without emotion as you finally become aware of him. But he says nothing. Doesn't move. Simply blinks his dark eyes and watches Mikilos as if weighing his soul.

It takes Seldan a minute to see it, even with Malik nudging his foot. He blinks a few times, and gradually, the newcomer's form blurs into view. Black skin, perhaps surprisingly, holds no shock for the paladin, and he surveys the newcomer quietly. "So we do," is all he says.

Once she realizes that the.. new arrival isn't immediately setting upon them, Halani allows herself to relax. Well, not relax exactly. Loosen? Her hand starts doing that one finger at a time clenching again as she forces herself to look away from the black skinned elf to be on guard for more silent visitors.

Mikilos blinks slowly, having a bit of trouble with the dark figure on a dark backdrop. "Greetings and salutations." ....there's not a lot to be said at this point. Is this a guide? The Queen? Just some dude hanging out all ninja like?

Garak shifts his gaze between the dark man and Mikilos and then back again. He stops when he's a few steps away from Mikilos' side and casts occasional glances around to see if he can spot any other lurking figures. A thought seems to occur to him and Garak twists his head as far as he can to glance behind himself.

Lanier turns back the way he came as his eyes adjust enough to the darkness to spot the dark-skinned man as he becomes clearer. He tilts his head slightly, narrowing his eyes as people begin to greet him.

Gareth just listens for the moment, now that something has shown up for him to focus on quietly, simply staying a bit to the back of the group. After all, he can easily see the others are rather more... Equipped and skilled then him, at least from what he can figure out. Look at that magic, after all! So, he's mostly trying to stay out of the way and learn.

The man blinks once at Mikilos, and you're suddenly aware that he hadn't before - been blinking that is. He doesn't move, which makes it both easier and more difficult to see him. Is he even breathing? Suddenly he speaks and his voice is a deep bell toll, pleasant to listen to. "Greetings on behalf of the Queen of Air and Darkness. You may call me Doyle. I am the captain of the Queen's Ravens." <sylvan>

Kira listens, but fares worse than she did with looking. So she looks to the others, instead. "Someone can understand him, I hope?"

"Master Mithralla, will he permit a spell, that I might understand him?" Seldan's question to Mikilos is pitched low, and he does not move.

Lanier clears his throat, and then announces, "He says Greetings on behalf of the Queen of Air and Darkness. We may call him Doyle. He is the captain of the Queen's Ravens." At least he can do this until things are sorted out as to what they can do to facilitate communication.

Mikilos nods politely, answering in the same language. "Greetings, Captain Doyle of the Queen's Ravens. I come bearing gifts for the Queen of Air and Darkenss, seeking boons of her favor." He glances to Seldan, and back to the fae. "My companion there would like to cast a spell upon you, that all in this group may understand your words." <totally Sylvan>

Halani lets out a low whistle, though she is no longer looking at the black elf. She makes no other noise, either; with the ranger translating, there's no need for her to add anything.

With a nod towards Lanier, Gareth remains still but observant, keeping his staff facing more towards the 'queen's raven'.

"I have no fear of your magics." Is the simple reply that Captain Doyle gives to Mikilos, his voice flat an calm. The fact is, that though he doesn't take his eyes off of Mikilos you feel intensely aware of the fact that he is somehow aware of /you/. It's a lot like the sense that the darkness is watching you, but different. <sylvan>

Mikilos nods, and glances to Seldan again. "Go ahead."

GAME: Seldan used a Scroll of Tounges.

Seldan nods quietly on being given permission to cast, and fishes a scroll from his pack. He takes care of business quickly, the scroll melting into nothingness in his hands, and when it is completed, he nods. "You have my thanks, Captain Doyle." That's all he says, for the moment.

Lanier adds to what Mikilos says, "Captain Doyle says he has no fear of our magic, so if you need to cast something that allows you to share a language, I recommend doing it now and not in the presence of the Queen."

GAME: Garak casts Tongues. Caster Level: 14 DC: 19

Malik just watches as the others speak. Crossing his arms, he listens as Seldan reads the scroll, then turns his attention to the dark-skinned fae once more, quirking an eyebrow.

Halani continues to watch everything *except* Doyle. Perhaps she feels she has nothing to offer yet. Or perhaps she feels it's not her place. What is obvious is that Doyle's arrival spooked her, so it's likely she worries that he wasn't the only one lurking in the darkness.

Garak steps closer to the dark figure. He moves slowly, keeping one hand open and raising his holy symbol with the other. "Serriel," he murmurs under his breath. "I know your Power extends even here in this place. Help us understand this Captain that we may speak and learn what we came here for..."

Mikilos waits until the spells are cast, and tries to clarify. "I am uncertain protocol. Are we to wait here, or journey to the Queen?"

There is... silence in the air. Nobody is doing anything, and Captain Doyle seems to be in no hurry to urge you to speak. He in fact seems totally satisfied to while away his time. Even with the spell on him which will allow you all to understand him, he offers nothing to you in the way of words. Just his dark watchful eyes waiting. Then, finally Mikilos speaks and the captain blinks at him again. "You think that the Queen of the unseelie fae would come herself to meet you? She has sent me in her sted. You may speak to me as you would to her." There's no tone to his voice. Nothing to indicate pleasure or displeasure, nothing to indicate his mood at all.

Kira gave friendly greetings as best she understood and now waits to understand what is being said. Now that Doyle's words prove that part done, she looks to Mikilos, as Doyle seems to be focused on him. He was the one who called out, she supposes.

Garak chews over that response. He inclines his head in a respectful nod. "To be honest, I didn't expect anyone to come to meet us, I had expected we would have to seek a representative such as yourself out. So you have my gratitude."

Gareth listens with a slight cocking of his head, nodding along when he hears the translation and then getting a frown before he looks about, half curiously, before looking back towards the Faerie... Creature? Giving it his attention once more

Seldan quietly translates what is said, so that all may understand, then nods himself, looking again at Mikilos. He seems inclined towards quiet, until asked a thing, aside from his translating.

Mikilos smiles mildly. "I would not presume to guess with whom the Queen cares to meet, or cares not. But so be it. I seek knowledge of the Wild Hunt, and it's Laws. Exactly what they are, to know what must be done, or avoided, to become proper Prey of the Hunt. Secondly, I seek knowledge of weapons of True Death. How to craft them, or to obtain them, if only for a short time, to slay Endless Winter. And third, Endless Winter has taken memories of myself and others. I am told there is a fruit that can restore such memories. I would obtain such fruit for myself and others who wish their memories restored."

Halani's small shake her her head shows she is at the very least listening to the exchange. "Hah. Doesn't sound like we're asking for much at all, does it, yeah?" she asks herself, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Malik listens as Mikilos lays it all out, raising an eyebrow as he leans in to Seldan. "At least he is efficient," the tsuran offers.

"You have a lot of questions, and have yet to offer anything." Doyle says calmly, his arms crossing over his chest in a lose stance. Those of you who are warriors and who have trained in the ways of the blade will recognize the stance as one from which it is easy to attack. His body is not tense in the way that one might expect to happen before such a thing however.

"What is it that you would have of us, in return for such knowledge?" Seldan finally speaks up, his question quiet. He does not right now look at Malik.

Garak nods agreement. "That is sometimes the way of it for Wizards of great power," he admits, tone conversational. "Some queens and empresses appreciate it, and others recognize what beings arcane might from other planes have to offer is so great as to outweigh other considerations..." he looks at Mikilos encouragingly. Or he tries to. It could also be construed as 'expectantly'. Always hard to say with Arvek.

Mikilos is no fighter, but he's very well versed in sword smithing, and knows more than a little about combat stance. His own stance is casual. He doesn't plan to attack, he doesn't plan to be attacked, and if he is attacked there's nothing he can do about it, so no need to worry. Instead, the wizard sighs, and nods, slipping off his pack and opening the main pouch.

He hesitates a few moments, and pulls out an entire set of books, bound with bright red leather. Most are nearly identical, while a few towards the end are slightly different in color and size, but close enough one might mix them up with the frist few. "....the expanded works of the Crimson Pen. I tried to get Sandy to sign the ones she's in. She called me an idiot and kicked me in the shin. Twice."

Malik just winces as Mikilos produces the works of the Crimson Pen. "A -- truly terrible source of pain," he sighs, pinching his nose and considering the parts of them that he's managed to find himself in, much against his will.

Lanier glances towards Mikilos, then looks towards Doyle with a curious expression. He then looks back towards the Wizard with an expression that is both shocked and amazed as the books are pulled out. He then blinks, shaking his head with a sigh. His tone is quite impressed as he shakes his head, "My gift isn't that good, from a technical standpoint..."

Gareth isn't really paying attention, looking about the outskirts of the circle, all but oblivious to whats going on with The Deal, instead keeping an eye out to see if the normally blind wizard can figure out if anything 'new' is coming.

Halani's flexing hand stops, then moves to her sash to cover the object hidden behind it. Her watchful eyes close as she feels the moment she committed to earlier coming to meet her.. then she opens her eyes and turns to face Mikilos and Doyle. The hand pulls out a small, wrapped object.

Captain Doyle glances - briefly at Seldan. "I would not presume to guess what someone else might offer my Queen." There's something... careful in that statement, but Mikilos is drawing Doyle's attention with his books and the fae man blinks again. "You offer books." He does not sound impressed. But then he seems to have a distinct lack ot tone whenever he talks. "I can take this offering to my Queen, but I will out of courtesy tell you that she prefers her offerings... fresher."

Seeing what Mikilos produces, Seldan's eyes darken, and he fishes from his own pack a small, white card, with a snowflake on the front of it. "Perhaps this will please her, Captain." He offers the notecard. "It holds within it a memory, of a loved one stolen in a moment of highest hope, a tragedy of anger, and of a hand broken against a wall in a moment of fury."

Mikilos smiles, slightly haunted behind his eyes. "Fair, though I assure you, some pain endures longer than you might think. But yes, I asked three things, I offer three gifts. The books are but one."

He opens his pack again, and pulls out a small wicket basket, the contents wrapped in cloth and wax paper. Opening that up, the inside is filled with sliced strips of chicken meat, lightly breaded and deep fat fried... basically chicken nuggets. He glances to the rest of the party. "For this, I would ask the others join me, though I fully understand any who refuse."

From the pack, he now pulls a small bottle of black glass. White runes are written upon it, most too small to be easily read, but it's clearly labeled 'Why God, Why?!' "Soul Blister Fire Sauce, the hottest hot sauce in Alexandros without using actual lava."

Garak rubs the bridge of his nose. He turns the motion into a cough and then a final throat-clearing. Then he approaches. "Very well. I trust your judgement in such matters." He reaches for a slice and then holds it out, ready for the hot sauce to be...drizzled? Dabbed? Surely not ladled…

"Hmmm?" Gareth suddenly makes a sound as he realizes he's been asked to join in... Something. So he walks over, managing to keep his mouth shut even as he looks at the bottle with what looks like a healthy dose of trepidation despite not actually reading it, and instead looking at the food inside the basket with a rather healthy dose of concern.

Halani keeps her own object palmed for the moment. When Mikilos extends his 'offer' for everyone to join him for what promises to be an interesting snack, she nearly balks. Nearly. Instead, she steels herself and steps over close enough to accept a nugget of her own. She holds it out long enough to get a very liberal dose of sauce, then, after a significant hesitation, eats it as quickly as she can.

GAME: Halani rolls fortitude: (14)+12: 26

Malik looks between those making offerings, wincing a bit as Seldan hands over the familiar looking note. And wincing again when Mikilos pulls out the small bottle. There's the briefest flash of expression, possibly somewhere between utter disbelief and mild annoyance, but he manages to stow it quickly enough, crossing his arms a bit tighter as he waits to see what reaction the being gives.

Kira is a bit confused by the offering of books, herself. The card Seldan retrieves, however, causes far too much understanding. It makes her heart ache, as she knows its significance. For better or ill, the chicken that follows takes her right back to confusion, which is increased at the invitation to join in it. "A ...shared snack?" While not fully understanding, she reaches out to accept one. First, so she isn't rude. Second, as she has no real offering, herself, that comes to mind. All she has to give IS herself.

The fae man reaches out and takes the offered note from Seldan, the first bare trace of some kind of emotion touching his face. What that is though, is hard to distinguish. As people talk and gather he murmurs something under his breath and looks at the group as they begin to... eat? He seems to have no judgement on this.

Mikilos passes the bottle around, letting people make their own mistakes. For himself he takes a decent sized dab. "Fair warning, it burns -all- the way down... you'll likely spend an hour crying in the latrines." He eyes his own sample, takes a deep breath... "Oh right, and be -very- careful if you wipe your eyes." ...okay, no more stalling. *CHOMP*

There is heat, of course. But more there's a light vinegar flavor, followed by strong notes of brown sugar, and complex hints of pepper. Sure it's hot but it's not- ...oh. OH. -Now- it kicks in. Wow. It's a little like putting a hot coal into your mouth. The flavor is still there, but it's so very very a background thing now. The world blurs as the tears start, and the nose starts to burn. Mucus starts to drip, and the fire moves towards the back of the throat. It's bad... but.... not -that- bad.

Oh.... oh wait... it's STILL getting hotter…

At the exposure of the hot sauce, Lanier's eyebrow arches, and then he sighs, stepping forward to belly up to the feast that is laid before them. He casts a baleful look towards the chicken and then speaks up in a saccharine sweet and totally fake complimentary tone, "Gosh, I didn't realize you brought Soul Blister Fire Sauce. Why, the last time I had Soul Blister Fire Sauce, I accidently killed all the plants the next place I urinated in." He looks towards Doyle and tilts his head, "It was a Lost One's garden. That's hatred lasting for many years after I leave this world." He reaches out, taking up a piece of the chicken and just as he seems to be ready to take a bite, one last comment, "The plants still haven't grown back."

"It can't be that bad." Gareth mutters as he give himself a healthy dollop, perhaps a bit more then Mikilos had, and then states lightly to himself, "Bottoms up." Clearly, he had zero idea of what this hot sauce actually was, so he just throws the entire piece of chicken and dollop into his mouth, taking two bites and swallowing it down.

Its almost comical, really, to see the folly of his hubris. Its not very /outward/ of a display, but his eyes start watering and silent tears fall down his face. Mucus? Yea, there's a bit of that dripping down his nose. Mostly, though, its the fact that his face is just utterly ashen, there is a fine trembling in his muscles, but for the moment, he is standing upright. How long the consciousness remains, or how much of the chicken-hot sauce mix he keeps down is anyone's guess, to be perfectly honest. Oh, and he's almost dropped his quarterstaff on the ground for once.

Garak takes a bite and chews tentatively. Almost immediately his eyes grow watery. Beads of sweat form on his forehead. He continues moving his jaw. Mechanically. With a look of maniacal determination. He reaches for his holy symbol, perhaps healing will be required.

"Thissss..." Yeah, it's hot, and Halani is certainly not immune. She's not entirely certain eating it served any point, but who is she to argue. It's not like she knows anything about the fae. Nor does she really understand what Doyle's, or his queen's, idea of pain is either. But while the heat is distracting her from her hesitation, now is as good a time as any. She does her best to keep the pain of the hot sauce from making her sound like a whimpering weakling. "This is a token.." she tries again, thrusting the wrapped object forward, pulling the cloth away to reveal a small, carved horse. A toy. "My mother is dead. My mother's father is dead. My father is the only blood family I have left, and I don't know where he is. He gave me these." These? Oh, the cloth. Embroidered upon it is the same horse.

"His wife took me in. Even though she is not my mother.. that her husband cheated on her.. she and her family took me in. Cared for me. If your queen has the ability to return memories to people.. perhaps she can take these ones away. Take away all of my memories of them. Leave only the knowledge that I *should* know of them. That I gave it away. And that I'll never see them again."

Malik does -not- take one of the saucy pieces, his lips pressing tighter as he watches the proceedings. First the books, and then the sauce. Halani's offering gets a more serious nod from the man. He reaches into his bag, pulling out a small vial and handing it over to the tall creature. "Tears," he offers. "Collected over decades. A woman from a neighboring tribe became lost in the eddies of the Sea of Sundered Time. To her, the world sped up to impossible speeds. To the others, she became as still as a statue," he explains. "She watched her children grieve for her, watching her every day for some sign of change. And she watched them grow. And marry. And have children of their own. And she watched as slowly, they stopped looking at her. They moved away, so that they could forget." He dances the vial on his fingers a bit, making it easier to collect. "Her tears were collected for decades, by a wizard studying the magic, until she slowly wasted away."

Seldan looks at the snack offered by Mikilos, then at the fae man, and shakes his head slowly, his own expression suddenly impassive. "The knowledge of pain is rarer than some guess," he murmurs as he watches the others, then goes back to fishing in his pack. "Mal, was the shirt from the Temple a few days past destroyed?" He seems to be searching for something. "I know not why this is here, and yet may it serve." He produces, tearing but a small piece of what appears to be a bloodied bedsheet. He nods seriously to Halani as well, then offers the corner of cloth. "A mother, driven by compulsion to kill one she called a nestling, that she knew from a child. Her mate, taking that pain from her, driven by that same compulsion to kill an innocent man he barely knew. The isolation of his deity turning his back on him for such a heinous act. And, the powerlessness to stop all of it."

Halani's offering is taken much as Seldan's is. Silently into midnight fingers. Doyle then turns his gaze on Malik but shakes his head back and forth, refusing the vial for some unknown reason. Then, he takes Seldan's second offering, drawing the cloth into his fingers. He says nothing, explains nothing about his choices. Watches the rest of you with dark impassive eyes. Waiting.

Halani steps back, her shoulders nearly vibrating with the effort to not give in to the heat of Mikilos's second offering. The same can't be said about the sweat seeping down her face, or the pink hue to her islander complexion. She turns back away from Doyle, as if staring into the darkness might help her control her reaction.

Garak watches the man carefully for reaction, trying to sort out which offerings were expected. He looks back at Mikilos and suggests, "Perhaps - some of your blood?" It seems to have worked with the other Fae, he recalls. And was no doubt painful. Or could be. He fingers the long hilt of his falchion.

It's a few minutes before Mikilos can talk again, though he does offer what's left of the bottle in the meantime. Recovered and only slightly red faced, the wizard reaches into his bag a third time... pulling out a simple knife, and a clean roll of bandages. "...if someone not squeamish could stand by, in case I flinch halfway?" The elf then rolls up his sleeve it his shoulder, where a palm sized snowflake was been carved into the flesh long ago. "Endless Winter likes to mark those she takes. I don't even know how long I've had this mark, the memory was taken from me. But I intend to wear it no longer.” The wizard takes a long slow breath, and starts to cut off the scar tissue, trying for one chunk, not so deep as to damage the arm... but it's quick into the first cut his hands start to shake.

GAME: Mikilos rolls will: (16)+12: 28

Malik looks confused at first, putting the vial away. His brow furrows, and he stops for a moment, pulling out a stack of papers wrapped in twine. He looks at them wonderingly for a second, seeming to figure out some minor secret on his own, then looks to Seldan, a wordless question presented to the paladin as he shows the bound sheets. It seems the wizard may have something to offer after all -- but is for some reason reluctant to do so.

Until Mikilos starts to cut into his own flesh, that is. That seems to distract the tsuran thoroughly, eyes widening.

Suddenly the dark fae moves forward, quick as lightning. Faster than anyone expects and grabs Mikilos' hand. The cut is barely started, the blood freshly flowing when the man's fingers hold Mikilos in a grasp too tight to be fought. "The Queen would take this offering herself." His words are intoned seriously. "If you will."

Were it easy to see, Kira might look like she was blushing. Then her face sunburning. It feels about the same, though the flame is mostly in her mouth. And she tries to keep smiling, even if just a little. It is much more polite and proper than gulping darkness like a fish and flapping her hands like a bird.

It's only just starting to dissipate, and tears drying when Mikilos starts to cut. THAT seems to distract her from the heat, but it certainly doesn't ease any pain. If anything, she grimaces more, mitigated some by surprise at Doyle's snatching out.

Seldan, too, stares at Mikilos as he cuts into his flesh, and something dark, some quick-rising fury, snaps behind the ice-blue eyes, but the fae man moves first, and he subsides. Instead, he considers the bound sheaf, nodding. "Mictlan might serve," he nods. "Even if the price was worth it. I have nothing from that place." He pauses to watch the fae man and Mikilos, although his words are cryptic. "I do not think that all present know what pain is, Captain."

Mikilos struggles for an instant, his mind focused on -continuing-... but stops as the words sink in. "...of course."

Garak tenses at the sudden movement. It's only because he's so focused on not insulting the Fae - or by extension his mistress - that he's able to control his instincts to react. Instead he moves up closer to Mikilos. "Well done," he murmurs softly. And something even softer, barely audible, something along the lines if 'And good luck.'

"Then they are a fitting sacrifice to the Queen." This seems to be an answer to Seldan somehow. Doyle looks at the paladin, his eyes dark. "She enjoys teaching." He steps back from Mikilos, releasing the other man with surprising gentleness and then gracefully goes to one knee; facing away from you all. "She comes. The Queen of Air and Darkness. Bow before her mortals, and behold her glory."

His words of intonation precede the darkness... becoming total. You all go blind for a moment and then she is there, a tall woman, who is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She's ageless, with skin the color of the moon and hair that is raven-black. She is clothed in black spider-silk, her dress hugging her body and caressing the darkness in equal measure. Her eyes are dark moons in pools of white, and she steps lightly on the grass to stand before Doyle who immediately rises and moves to stand just behind her. A silent guard dog if you have ever seen one.

GAME: Seldan rolls will: (17)+23: 40
GAME: Garak rolls will+2: (19)+14+2: 35
GAME: Kira rolls will: (15)+20: 35
GAME: Halani rolls will: (19)+13: 32
GAME: Mikilos rolls will: (8)+12: 20

With that announcement, Kira dips in a bowing curtsey, and holds it. If at first she wouldn't deign to see them personally, and now they will, that is great progress! Isn't it? She's the last person who'd want to offend, much less on a task of this importance, with such a being.

GAME: Malik rolls will: (13)+10: 23

Mikilos bows politely, he's met Royalty before, even Fae Royals. He's dined with slyph, debated with mymphs, played chess with celestials, talked shop with succubus. So the Queen of Air and Darkness is.... is.... wow. She's -beautiful-.

"Ahh.. scud," Halani mutters to herself when the blackness clears. She didn't turn when Doyle heralded his queen's arrival.. the seconds she had were spent trying somehow to enjoy the memories she is about to give up for a few last precious seconds. But she certainly feels the queen's presence. She slowly turns, eyes mostly down.. just high enough to see the Queen.. and then she bends at the hips, her arms ram-rod straight at her side, her torso almost horizontal with the ground. And as Kira holds her curtsey, Halani holds her bow.

Malik, though no diplomat, has the good sense to go to one knee the same as the guard does. The papers are forgotten for a moment -- as well as everything else, from the look on his face. Eyes widen, and he looks up at the queen with the purest fascination, jaw dropping a bit.

Beautiful, indeed, but Captain Doyle's words hold a silent warning for Seldan, a caution to keep his distance and his reserve. One who enjoys teaching of pain is capable of great evil, and so while he, too, drops to a knee as a few others do, he holds his reserve.

Garak also bows, a proper bow this time, full and deep and not the nod he'd offered to Doyle earlier. "You honor us," he nods to her, trying to recall all the various words of courtesy he's learned in all the various courts he's been in. What would be most suitable for a Queen of the Fae...?

The Queen says nothing, but rather simply holds out her hand. Like magic a dagger appears in her hand. But it's not magic, it's Doyle handing her a dagger from somewhere on his person. She steps forward, so graceful that she's like the wind and moves to Mikilos. She takes a moment to look into his eyes, to trace her pale fingers over his features. When she does finally speak her voice is like magic to those of you who are most effected by her presence. "We accept your gift of this mark from your flesh taken by Our hand, in return for an answer that you seek. Do you accept?"

Kira maintains her genuflection, though her lowered face winces at the exchange. On the bright side, she can be polite and not need to watch that, at the same time.

Mikilos takes a moment to remember to breathe. "I accept."

Malik looks up, the expression on his face changing. Eyes narrow at Mikilos, and the knuckles on his hands go white as he watches the pair. Something cold and calculating creeps into his expression, a darkness that wasn't there before.

They say the first cut is the deepest, but the Queen clearly knows what she's doing as she effectively skins Mikilos. The knife is good and sharp, so there's that at least, but it goes on... far longer than anyone here believes it has a right to. When she's done there's no sign of the mark on Mikilos' body. In fact the elf is left feeling vaguely hollowed out. And not just from the pain. She holds his skin in her hands and silently offers it to her guardsman who accepts both the bit of flesh and the knife from her fingers. "The Wild Hunt only hunts those who are oath-breakers and kin-slayers." She lowers her voice and whispers something into Mikilos' ear.

Mikilos tries to hold still. Flinching mid-cut would be... bad. But the wizard quivers and shakes as the task ends. ...from the pain, right?

Garak takes a few steps back from where Mikilos and the Queen are. Partially to keep both Fae in his field of vision and also to move a bit away since this seems to be playing into Mikilos' plan. His holy symbol is close at hand and ready. Would it be taken the wrong way to heal Mikilos? Or can the wizard stand the pain and blood loss until they're alone?