I saw a man
"I solved it!" The grumpy old man states with ire in his voice. "I know it, but.. I can't remember /how/ I solved it!" He grumbles and shifts on his pony as you head toward the town that he's hired you to join him in investigating. Apparently, because he solved... something. "The problem really is... I can't remember what I solved. A murder? A theft?"
He sighs again. The man in charge of this particular mission is one Lelend Arnthworst, a balding man who is actually quite fit in spite of his apparent age of some fifty years. He's a gnomish sort, but with none of the usual gadgets and tinkering that you might expect. He /does/ carry a pocket watch and a large magnifying glass, but aside from that... He just complains the whole way about having solved 'it'.
'Ruaaaah!' The horse-sized peacock who is indeed, half-horse, and the ivory steed of a little Red Knight, agrees emphatically. He does not understand a thing the man says, he is a bird.
His rider, does, and laughs enthusiastically. She rocks in her saddle, and nods to Lelend Arnthworst. "It is okay. I understand to dream the impossible dream, and also to forget the unsolvable puzzle. But you say you have solve it, so this is good. We find the lost thing soon my friend."
Bina is lost, herself, but this is fine and good. Tarien loves lost people after all. She grins and adjusts Emp who rides on her should as she moves along on foot with the others. The lack of mount not seeming to bother the woman much as she keeps pace. "Think about something else? Perhaps you'll remember then." she offers as a suggestion.
"That," Lysos nods, keeping step as well. "Or maybe... figure out where you were when you solved it? As long as it wasn't on the privy. I don't want to imagine that."
Per at least one directive, the construct accepted and is present for the current task. When there is some uncertainty as to what that task may be, MAC gives logical advice. "Symptom: Incomplete data retrieval. Corrective action: Reset and restoration of primary memory core from routine backup."
The township, which is apparently named 'Shorewood' stands unsurprisingly between the woods and the shore of a river. The river is the same river that leads into Alexandria, and thus you haven't been on the road long before you reach your destination. "I am headed to where I solved it. I know that I solved it in Shorewood! I just can't remember what it is I solved." He glances toward Sabina and shrugs. "I can't get it out of my mind. Whatever it is /I/ solved it! And it's driving me crazy trying to remember what it is!"
As MAC speaks up he whispers to Sabina. "Is the construct alright? Seems a bit dodgy." He shakes his head and encourages his pony toward the inn.
GAME: Paenitia rolls will+1: (7)+5+1: 13 GAME: Sabina rolls will: (14)+11: 25 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls will: (4)+4: 8 GAME: Lysos rolls will: (4)+7: 11 GAME: Seyardu rolls will +2: (7)+8+2: 17
Bina grins and is about to answer then frowns briefly and smiles again. "Well. His speaking pattern is different from ours but I've worked with MAC in the past. He's a solid being to rely on. Have no fear." She nods to the man and herself after and takes another look over the small town and hmms softly.
GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/local: (16)+10: 26
"The knowledge you have that you know you should, yet cannot recall, I understand this well." Seyardu sighs once she catches up to the others after having tripped a few times on various outstretched roots. "I agree with the others, stirring your memory with relevant information seems like a good course of action."
MAC-B1G affirms Sabina's evaluation by lifting one primary manipulator to tap it against its thoracic plating with a deep *CLUNK*. "This unit's chassis is of sufficient mass and rigidity. It is solid." Its helmpiece begins to rotate as it scans the township. "Query: What is taskforce destination?"
"Ha! That is the way of them. Do not worry about him." Paenitia concurs, happily looking up to stare at the town. "Shorewood. Hmmm."
The little knight taps at the chin of her masculine mask, emulating a person in thought. Perhaps she actually does. "A-ha! I know of this place. There is nothing here of interest for generations!"
She enthusiastically launches into more details... of that nothing. "Initially, all that settle at its founding vanish. It is the great mystery. Maybe illness take them, is the thinking. When the area re-settled, all is good. The sun shine, the trees grow. Very few visit, the population is low, have always been low. They make their gold by what they gather in the woods."
The Red Knight's voice become ominous behind that grin. "Locals say, do not go in the woods alone. Those that do, they are DOOMED. Doomed, to never return."
Lysos casts a sidelong glance at Mac, but being that Lelend already commented.. and that the few 'war golems' she's encountered all seem to have their own peculiar quirks.. well, it'd be rude to point it out again, right? "I don't think hitting him over the head will help," she finally says, figuring she's interpreted the construct's suggested intent.
Now, Paenitia's tale truly draws Lysos's attention. "Oooh, sounds like there's a story here. Maybe that's the mystery you solved, Mister Arnthworst?"
The man stops as he heads into the inn and looks at Paenitia. "That's it! I solved what was disappearing folks into the woods! I did! I figured it out! If... I could only remember what it was..." He sighs again and turns around to head into the inn. "You're here to help me look for clues! I've got to figure out what it was that I knew! Something dangerous is afoot! I just know it!"
As you follow him into the inn, you notice that most of those inside are looking a bit... embarrassed. Notably not looking toward the counter where a young couple is kissing and murmuring soft nothings to one another. As the grumpy gnome heads toward them they pull apart and the young woman smiles at her customers-to-be.
"Lelend! It's good to see you again! Same room as last time? And a few for your friends?" She smiles warmly at you all and the man at her side wraps an arm around her waist, smiling at you all as well as she giggles at his closeness.
"Yes May. I'll be staying the night at least. I see that you and Bernard are getting along as well as usual." He seems to cheer slightly at the sight of the young couple so happy.
"We were just handfasted by the mayor!" She shows a length of cord around her wrist and blushes happily. "I've never been so happy in my life. Your rooms on us, in celebration of our happy day. Food and your first drink too. It's a celebration!" The man at her side laughs and shakes his head.
"I keep telling her if she gives everything away we won't make any money... but how can you argue with that smile?" He looks down at her and it's obvious that the love is mutual. They kiss softly, and lose themselves in one another's gaze - promptly forgetting you all entirely, so the old man waves to the inn.
"You're all welcome to stay up, but this old man needs some sleep. I'll see you bright and early in the morning!" He waves cheerfully to you all and starts to head up the stairs towards the rooms.
Bina smiles wide and claps her hands together. "Congratulations! Yes, indeed a happy day to celebrate! A fine looking couple you make, too!" She nods to the 'old man' and instead of heading up to the rooms, stick about in the common room and starts to schmooze with the locals. Getting the scoop on the town and all topics Shorewood.
'Ruaaah!' Ramirez agrees. Yes. He has to wait outside.
Paenitia clanks along behind the gnome, turning her ever grinning mask towards recently handfasted, "Ole! The many congratulations and babies! These are good tidings. As is the free food, drink and rooms."
"I am need the good stable for my mount. He eat all the things that birds and horses like, enjoys the small snakes."
The Dark Lucht gives a cheerful wave to the rest of the room. When Sabina seems like she will stay to socialize, Paenitia joins her.
After some time to stable Ramirez, remove his tack and groom him, of course.
"That sounds like more than nothing of interest Paenitia." The silver sith-makar chuckles. "But it sounds like there may be a lead to look into, there by the sounds of it."
She joined the others in the building, smiling to the newlyweds. "Peace on your nests for the years to come." She offers, before joining Sabina in speaking to some of those locals lingering around.
MAC-B1G might be the preferred recipient of such hospitality for those that wish to be frugal. It requires no food, no drink, nor a need to render itself inoperable for a period of time, much less a specific location in which to do so. The construct strides heavily to the near center of the common room and halts. From there, it can observe all by merely rotating its faceplate through a full circle and beyond. In the vernacular, it ... mingles.
Lysos claps her hands, not able to keep from being somewhat infected by the joyous aura spreading from the couple. "Hah. Sounds like the perfect occasion for music and dance, don't you think?" The offer of a free meal doesn't hurt her mood either. And it doesn't sound like it's going to be much of an early night for her, if that's the case.
The couple readily agree to Lysos' idea. They manage to convince someone to sing, and it turns out Benard himself can play an instrument, but May pulls him out onto the dance floor they clear out instead. He plays whenever they're too tired for dancing... which isn't much.
With the joyous feeling in the room everyone is willing to talk. They talk mostly about the happy couple who are both from this town and had grown up right next to one another. It's an age-old love story. Benard is a quiet sort, but he talks happily about his new bride, and how they'd waited impatiently for her father's approval and permission.
There's no talk of anyone missing, or anyone dead, or anything stolen. It's as if none of these worries exist for the townsfolk. There's not been any sort of trouble they tell you. Lelend as it turns out is from this area himself, and is known for being a bit eccentric. Maybe he's just getting old. Certainly, there's nothing to worry about.
The night grows long, and even the happy couple grows tired, sending everyone off to bed with fond farewells and an extra pie for thanks. Then everyone goes to sleep. Except MAC. Who has no need of it. Still, he goes to a room because it's expected.
In the morning everyone heads downstairs, and finds that Lelend is already downstairs with a hot cup of tea consoling May who looks absolutely miserable. "I just don't know what it is Lelend. I just feel like the heart's been taken right out of me." She blinks blearily, eyes red as if she'd been crying. "Oh look your friends are up. Can I get you folks anything?"
Bina comes down with Emp and tsks. "Trouble in paradise already? Why just last night we were dancing. What is the matter, dear May?" She moves over to the other woman and gives her the attention of a good listener.
MAC-B1G descends the stairs, provoking some heavy creaking. As it approaches Sabina, May, and Lelend, cyan receptors turn to May. Following a brief scan, it advises, "Unit designate May appears intact. No indications detected of chassis breach nor circulatory component removal. Unit deemed fully operational."
Paenitia clunks down the stairs, then sees something is wrong. She rushes over to Sabina and May as quickly as her short legs will carry her. She stands, looking up at the distraught bride, her ever-grinning masculine mask perhaps inappropriate in this moment, so she remains quiet.
Seyardu makes her way downstairs as well, rubbing at her eyes, and nearly falling down the stairs in the process. She manages to catch herself on a railing thankfully, and steps down much more carefully, before joining the ever growing group.
"May, what is the matter?" She asks quietly.
GAME: Sabina rolls sense motive: (8)+8: 16 GAME: Paenitia rolls sense motive: (20)+11: 31
When Lysos emerges, it's with hooded eyes and massaging temples... the may have gotten a little too much into the party the night previous, and isn't yet sensitive to the drastically different mood of the morning. "Tea please," she not quite croaks, settling down onto a bench near the distraught May and the party's employer. Belatedly, queries of May's well being finally registering, she looks up, though ends up squinting just a little bit harder. "Wait, something's wrong?"
"Trouble in paradise? I'm not sure what you mean." May blinks, and pushes herself away from the counter she'd been leaning against. A small brief smile touches her lips but it's too-quickly replaced with sadness. "Dancing last night /was/ fun but..."
Tears stream down her face and she touches them as if almost surprised to see them. "I don't know what's wrong with me today. I just keep crying for no reason at all, and I feel awful." She sniffs and wipes her face clean. "But you all don't want to hear about my problems. You'll be wanting breakfast. I'll... get you something to eat." With that, she wanders toward the kitchen.
Bina gives the woman a pat on the shoulder and is about to ask for tea as well when she notes something odd. Her brows raise up behind her mask and she asks May softly. "May? Where is your husband? And where is your handfasting cord?" She looks to the others in the group and then to their employer.
Paenitia watches silently, staring upwards at May. She puts a hand on Sabina's knee. A lot goes over the little Lucht's head. Almost everything really. She's gotten good at reading the signs in the clouds. This, seems almost too obvious.
She waits until the woman starts wandering towards the kitchen. "I have the hunch. Last night the others say, there nothing strange they bring from the woods. They do not warn me to go. May cry, but do not know why, Lelend also more confuse."
"Bernard, I do not see him. He would be here if his newlywed cry. She would say, if they fight. I think he vanish in the woods."
Yet she is not quite quick enough with her ideas.
The woman stops in her tracks, hand falling to her wrist and looking at Sabina in confusion. "What? I'm not married!" She looks a bit embarrassed. "I've never met a man that I'd want to." She shakes her head and looks at Lelend. "Who's Benard? Do we have a Benard in town?"
Lelend shakes his head. "Not that I know of! I'd hate to think I missed your wedding May!" She laughs, but it's a slightly hollow sound, filled with an echo of sadness.
"It seems your hunch is correct, Paenitia." Seyardu notes, glancing to the Lucht. "We all saw them, and May is still sad today."
Then she looks to Lelend. "This may have something to do with why you can not remember your investigation."
Yep, the headache just got worse. Lysos rubs her temples even harder now. "Do you... do you remember what we were singing and dancing about last night, May?" she ventures to ask the hostess. "Do you remember when we came here?"
May looks at Lysos. "I... I think we were celebrating our guests! That must be it. We don't get many travelers around here." She smiles faintly and Lelend nods in agreement. "You're here because Lelend asked you to come." She looks fondly at the old gnome who pats her hand.
"And I asked you here because..." He frowns. "I don't remember dog-gain it!"
Meanwhile, Sabina heads out the front door, casting a quick spell and looking worried.
"I go to check Ramirez." Paenitia announces, following Sabina out out the door and heading for the stables, calling back, "It was the great celebration."
Once outside she scurries for the stables, looking for tracks on the ground. The whole Inn emptied late last night, there are likely numerous pairs. Still, she looks for something unusual, and wants to confirm her mount is where he's supposed to be. The men of Isobar are known to wander at night, even the good ones, but they return before morning.
GAME: Paenitia rolls will+1: (17)+5+1: 23
"But why would you be sad the day after?" Seyardu asks, tilting her head towards the innkeeper. "And Lelend, you asked us to come here to figure out why you could not remember things."
Seyardu turns to the others. "We are on the right track. But where to go from here, that is the unclear part. Perhaps we should check Bernard's home?"
Then she busies herself looking around the room, with a nod to Paenitia. "Be careful, and keep an eye on Sabina, Paenitia."
Lysos licks her suddenly dry feeling lips, then places her hand on the table to assist her rise. "Okay. Everything's okay. I think.. Actually, I don't think splitting up is a good..." Then she sighs, looking at the front door. "I've heard this story before, you know?" she says to the ceiling after raising her chin up, then she looks over at Lelend. "I think we'd better talk."
GAME: Lysos rolls will: (11)+7: 18 GAME: Seyardu rolls will +2: (5)+8+2: 15 GAME: Paenitia rolls will+1: (6)+5+1: 12
Outside, Paenitia sees something alarming! Immediately she turns and... while she feels a sense of discomfort and oddity, one that lingers, she realizes there was nothing at all.
It spurs her to check on Ramirez. The Red Knight clanks into the stables to rouse her Ivory Steed.
"That's right! I solved something!" Lelend says excitedly. "What do you want to talk about? The mystery? I don't remember what it is, but I solved it!" He seems very certain of this. May meanwhile brings you all tea out. Oddly, she seems to be missing a tea cup.
GAME: Seyardu rolls sense motive: (18)+7: 25
Her man is there! Ramirez is happy to see his mistress and greets the little Lucht with a caw and a beak nuzzle. The Red Knight starts saddling him up. This is a procedure, but one they have done frequently, and he knows to kneel so she can get things over his back.
While it takes a while, it is not a long while, and soon she is leading him back around to the Inn. Some instinct, that lingering sense of discomfort, has her open a window so he can stick his head into the interior and keep an eye on his mistress.
Striding in, Paenitia announces, "Ramirez is where he mean to be."
"That is good, that Ramirez is still safe and present." Seyardu notes with a smile to the hippogryph sticking their beak in. She turns to the drinks, and bows her head, but tilts it afterwards. "My thanks, but why are you short one teacup?"
Then she sighs, and looks to Paenitia. "Did you see Sabina out there?"
"This is why we don't split up.." Lysos mutters, not quite a moan.. but she doesn't look ready to rush off out the door in a search party, not yet, not on her own. Frustrated, she looks at Lelend. "You brought us here to help you remember what it was," she explains to him. She forces a smile for May when the tea is brought, and gladly accepts it.
"Who?" The Red Knight asks, with honest confusion, "I look for tracks, maybe of Bernard, there are none. You know Ramirez, Friend Dragon, I get him. I am back. The saddle up takes time."
She nods, catching on the conversation, "There was the great mystery you solve, Lelend."
The man looks thoughtful, nodding gratefully for the tea. May looks at Seyardu in confusion. "I gave you as many as people in your group. You, the lady here, and the little grinning one. I even set an extra for the construct though I don't know that he'll drink tea. And one of course for Lelend."
Which leaves Sabina... unserved.
"Apologies, but I will have to have my tea another time." Seyardu offers quickly with a shake of her head. "Sabina, owner of the tavern you have frequented often."
"Lysos, you remember them, yes? Something is making people here forget those who go missing. We should go now, as she was just here, and there may still be a trail to follow."
Paenitia shakes her head, staring at Seyardu, "I do not know the name. I go many taverns, Ha! Remembering the tavern names is hard."
Lysos is looking to be the beginnings of frightened, now. It's one thing when it's some town she's not attached to.. but she watches Paenitia like she's gone crazy. She nods to Seyardu without looking the sith's way. "Yeah. And... I don't know what we can do to stop it from happening to use, but we have to go look for her. Maybe we'll find the bottom of Lelend's mystery while we do that, too."
May wanders away, going to fetch breakfast for those that might want it, and Lelend looks at Seyardu. "Are you saying that people are going missing around here, but no one remembers them?" He sounds disbelieving and then he frowns. "That sounds familiar, but I can't think of why. Like a book I've read or something. Well, if your friend has gone off, then we should certainly search for them - me remembering them or not!" He grins. "My memory isn't what it used to be!"
"I am fine with the absurd quests." Paenitia declares happily, her cheerfulness matching the crazy grin of her mask. She seems energetic, although her gauntlets creak, her fingers flexing. She keeps checking on Ramirez. Her unease has not abated, even though it's completely unfounded!
"Onward! To find the people that do not exist." She marches out, following the others.
GAME: Paenitia rolls will+1: (7)+5+1: 13 GAME: Lysos rolls will: (18)+7: 25 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls will: (7)+4: 11
"It is not absurd." Seyardu sighs, looking at the others. "Do you have this book on you? It may provide insight. And I apologize for our sudden departure." Though, she stops at the door, and offers a brief prayer to the Althea. A sigil is drawn on one of her arms. "Celestial mother, protect this one, and those with them from what has transpired in this town." Draconic
She looks to the others. "Stay close to me. I will do what I can to ward off whatever is happening."
GAME: Seyardu casts Magic Circle Against Evil. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16 GAME: Seyardu rolls will +4: (8)+8+4: 20 GAME: Paenitia rolls will+1+2: (20)+5+1+2: 28 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
MAC-B1G exits the inn with the others, receptors scanning the outside world. "Directive acknowledged. Query: What is happening? Query: What is absurd?"
"This whole thing...." Lysos trails off, her unfinished comment making it unclear who she was responding to. She stares out at the edge of the forest, the beginnings of a worried frown turning her lips down. She starts to lift her hand, turning to look at the others... then stops, slightly slack jawed, frowning. The hand goes to her stomach, then, and she groans softly. "Something is very wrong."
Paenitia marches outside, where she grabs Ramirez's reins, "Ah! Sabina! Yes. Now I remember, the Priestess of Tarien, she run the TarRaCe. The good friend. Her man, Lord Emp, he fights with mine."
'Ruaaaaah?' Ramirez squawks curiously. He knows the name. His rival, he is here to fight! He is ready, 'RuaaaaAAHH!'
"No Ramirez, they are not here. They stay back in Alexandria. Be calm."
'Ruaaah.' The peacock-andalusian protests.
"Ramirez, I mount!" Paenitia settles it with a command. He sweeps a wing down, lifting her up to the saddle. She settles herself in, looks around and down a the others, "So what the plan is?"
"Something is going on for certain, Lysos. So all of you, stay close." Seyardu nods, following her gaze to the forest edge, and squinting, before she sighs. "I am worried about Sabina, but she was not gone long. So the sooner we get going, the better."
Then, she squints at Paenitia. "You had no recollection of her a moment ago. The others did not either. Not even a cup of tea for her, despite being there for the order."
GAME: Lysos rolls perception: (20)+9: 29 GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (3)+4: 7 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls perception: (10)+14: 24 GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (11)+4: 15
Lysos should be relieved that Paenitia's memory seems to have been jogged enough to remember their errant companion, but it is overwhelmed by the still growing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. But rather than just keep repeating 'this is bad, this is bad' over and over, she keeps her mouth shut.. at least until she spots something, at last. She points, then kneels. "I think there was trouble," she says. "Maybe she fought? But it looks like she might have just... walked off by herself through the forest." She points west.
MAC-B1G's receptors scan the surroundings further. It concurs with Lysos and points a manipulator to the west. "Previous travel detected. Possible altercation."
"Onwards and upwards then!" Says Lelend, heading toward the forest ahead of you all. He at least seems to have no qualms about going forward. He does stop at the edge of the forest to motion Lysos to lead the way once there however. He can't track. "You first milady. I can't tell forest from village to be honest!"
GAME: Seyardu rolls will: (8)+8: 16 GAME: Lysos rolls wisdom: (7)+1: 8
Paenitia stares at Seyardu, her eyes dark and intense behind her ever grinning mask. "I forget the things. This I have experience before, with the little worm fey. I am curse to never speak of it."
She reaches along Ramirez's neck, finding a few loose feathers, pulling a white one each for her companions free, "Hold these tokens, so you do not forget me." She passes them out, even one for Leland.
After, she follows their leader, who turns it over to Lysos. With high steps, Ramirez moves from village to woods, hooves following talons, the great white hippogryph squeezing between the trees. Paenitia considers her weapons, the environment, and settles for placing her buckler and taking up her bow. She rides with an arrow knocked, ready to shoot.
GAME: Paenitia rolls wisdom: (16)+2: 18
Lysos looks positively horrified at Leland, even sputtering a bit. "Me, in front?" Yes, there's actually a gulp. She looks back in the direction of the woods.. deeper into the woods.. and gulps again. Then she takes a deep, steadying breath, and nods.. though as she enters the woods, doing her best to remain within Seyardu's protection, she does draw out a wand and invoke its stored magic.
GAME: Lysos used a Wand of Mage Armor.
"Then we continue on, Lysos. Thank you for finding this out." Seyardu nods, smiling to the sorcerer and putting a hand on their shoulder. "This will be alright, and we will find Sabina, and bring her back. And hopefully May's husband."
She takes out her polearm, keeping it in hand while her other reaches to take the feather. "I will not forget you, Paenitia. We will all stay with each other, so this will not happen."
MAC-B1G accepts and takes the strange feather, uncertain of its protective properties. "Advancing," it then announces as it begins to plod west.
Lelend takes the feather, and noticing Lysos' fear of leading stands next to her, even leading a bit now and again. He stops however quite suddenly as he comes around a bush. "I remember. I left Shorewood to go to Alexandria because... I had been consumed by sadness. A terrible sadness and when I got there... I remembered my daughter. I did some research and I learned of a demon that lived in the woods here. A demon made by the sins of my ancestors. Once this land belonged to elves. But my ancestors slaughtered them. In revenge their hungry ghosts ate the villagers and formed a demon. The demon hunts us to this day. Trying to make us remember what our ancestors have done, but it's a cursed thing that can not be remembered."
He turns toward you, aching sadness on his face and then it drains away. "Ah... What's that? What was I saying?"
"Okay! That..." Paenitia says, starting to speak, looking around, upwards, then jumping alert. She draws her bow. The arrow slips, and she looks down to reposition it. There's nothing there. She's still on edge. Something is wrong.
Her unease grows.
Ramirez snorts, prowling forward.
"What this demon look like? The woods, they are not right."
Zeke hums at the fish, putting them where they can be prepared and then shrugging. "Thisss one can wait, though an appetite hasss been worked into plasce." He is amused, and with the fish out of his claws he quickly sets about shaking the water free of his scales - away from Seldan - and then redressing in his vestments.
Indeed the swim has done him much good, and when he rejoins Seldan he sits down to watch the other man cook avidly. He trusts his kin, but watching the food cook is an important process to him.
"Why..." Lysos starts, voice almost pained, as she stops to listen to Leland's explanation. She grips the feather in her hand tightly. Then looks at it, surprised. For a moment, not recognizing it, she starts to breathe quicker, eyes widening further, staring at the feather like she doesn't remember getting it. Then her shoulders sag. "Oh yeah. Right." She waves the feather at Paenitia, smiling weakly, before looking back towards the 'path' to be followed. "Let me guess. Press on, vanquish the demon, save the town?" she asks, though she doesn't seem eager at all.
"Press on, Save Sabina before it is too late." Seyardu suggests when her attention is drawn to the trees, only to be taken back as the others speak up. "Something is, off. Very off. I do not know about slaying this demon, but if we can, we shall. Otherwise, we will rescue Sabina, and have the village evacuated. That is another option, if it proves too much."
"Directive Save Sabina confirmed," MAC acknowledges as it continues to plod forward. "Directive Destroy Demon confirmed." It scans the surroundings for the demon and/or Sabina. "Clarification on demon and Sabina requested." This would make scanning for either much more effective.
"Sabina is the human woman, wearing a half coyote mask." Paenitia supplies a description. "The demon, I do not know. Leland tell the story, then forget."
"Maybe we write out a note we do not do the forgetting so much. We are look for Sabina, Yes."
"Bring back Sabina," Lysos repeats, her horror growing. "Am I starting to forget, too?" More likely she's just psyching herself out. "That's a good idea!" she then says, responding to Paenitia and Mac's exchange. "I don't have anything to write with."
As you move forward you find what you are looking for. Or rather an approximation. Five men are gathered in a clearing just beyond where Lelend stopped. He must have seen them, and then forgotten it. None of the men have faces. No eyes, no ears, no nose. They turn to look at you, a sixth in the back holding Sabina. She seems safe and unharmed, and the man gently urges her forward - toward you.
/I apologize for taking your companion./ The voice is in your mind. A chorus of voices. Male, female. In unity. /Give me Lelend, and be on your way. He and this village belong to me. Go, and never return./
The Red Knight freezes in place as the five men appear, and the sixth, and her friend Sabina! The confusing chorus echoes in her mind, unsettling, unnerving. She is made of stern stuff, she does no look away.
She addresses them directly, "Hola! I am Sister Paenitia Snapdragon del Haranna, Knight of the Pillar and Paladina of Tarien. Who I entreat with? I have accept the coin and quest from Lelend and it would be against my oaths to abandon him."
"He share the story of ancient offense, but he innocent of that, only the descendent." Her Smiling Man mask defies their facelessness, "What option there are for free them? Is not the first settlers taken enough you need the replacements too?"
Seyardu takes out a notepad, and quickly writes down the names of everyone present with a brief description of each, as well as of Sabina. She repeats this, offering a page to each present as she continues to walk along. Then, they reach the clearing. Seyardu looks at those gathered. With how many times she had looked up at the trees, she keeps her gaze on those gathered as she listens to Paenitia.
"Dame Paenitia has the right of it. I understand what you have been through, but the people here, have not done this, are not aware of what happened. Why do you wish to take Leland?" She asks.
"Directive: Save Sabina." That designated unit appears functional and is approaching, but the directive is not fulfilled until it is fulfilled. MAC continues its advance into the clearing to retrieve Sabina, even as it continues to monitor the six individuals due to high threat-indication values.
"Starless night!" whisper Lysos, coming to a stop. Remembering those faces now, she freezes, though not before putting a hand on Leland's shoulder. "Sabina?" she calls out. "Sabina, are you okay?"
There is an impression that you are being... looked at. Watched and weighed. /These /are/ the original settlers. They killed me-us. So they remain here. Caught in the limbo of time and space. Unable to remember what they have done. Unable to remember me-us. Atoning for their sins./ Sabina reaches Mac and he is able to safely escort her back. /There is nothing you can offer to release them. Go and never return./
Leland watches the exchange with confusion, then slaps his chest. "I'm not! I did no such thing! You lie!"
/You do not remember./
GAME: Paenitia rolls sense motive: (14)+11: 25
Paenitia keeps her gaze fixed on the six. She must blink, but that is quick and her knowledge remains through it. She does her best to weigh their words, their faces, much like her own, is fixed. Intonation is the key.
Though she is also aware how easy it is to lie with an obscured face.
Both seem truthful, the demon may be being honest, and Leland can't remember his sins. "Friend Dragon, what do we do? The common folk should not be oppress, by king or magic entity, yet they are not without guilt."
Her grinning mask, her eyes, have not moved from the demon, whom she addresses now. "You keep them in slavery and suffering long past their sin, guarantee they cannot atone. This is not right."
"It isn't about atonement.. it's about punishment," Lysos says weakly. "A curse. Vengeance. My nan used to tell stories about... the old days," she says.
MAC-B1G escorts Sabina back to the others and then attempts to advise Paenitia. This proves difficult given the unusual situation. "Unable to confirm provided statements. Unable to refute provided statements. Insufficient data concerning time displacement, plural entities, and plural entities with time displacement capabilities. Additional input required."
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/religion: (16)+7: 23
Seyardu blinks as well, and seeing those in front of her still, she nods, pointing a hand over to the small knight. "You say this, but by continuing to interact with them, you do not give them a chance to remember." Seyardu states. "You have suffered much, and this is an injustice that I am sorry cannot be righted. But if you let them go, and move on, I can say that they will be made to remember what happened. But as of now, this is a cycle with no end. Your anger grows with their forgetfulness that will not improve. It is a cycle that needs to be broken, for peace to be found."
"Would you be willing to speak to us directly, instead perhaps? Not with projections, that is."
"If something bound you here, and awoke you, it is something that I hope can be set right."
/My true form would possibly harm you. You are not those whom I-we remind of pain./ The voices respond in unision. /We are bound here by hate. Me-us-them. We are bound and can not escape this cycle. Yet... We were awoken from the natural cycle. Usually the punishment takes place but once a year. Yet now it has been drawn out. We can not stop. Seek the source. If you will. But leave Lelend. Leave this place. Do not return./
Leland looks at you all with growing horror. "Don't leave me here! I didn't do anything! I swear it!"
/You do not remember./
"Offer them something," Lysos suggests to the others, clearly not wishing to talk to the them-it directly. She'd turn her eyes away, but she vaguely remembers what happened the last time she did that. "Bargain." Because she definitely doesn't want to fight.
"Hmmm." The Red Knight says thoughtfully, then, "Okay, this I propose. We leave Leland. We go seek the source that break, fix that so your cycle is not broke. You relase Leland, Bernard, the others that get take in the too much punishment drawn out."
She pauses, without moving her head or her gaze, "Friend Dragon, I need you to do and write what I say. Not the objections please."
"On the page in your book you write now, draw line, write 'look at fifth page from the back', draw another line. Make your mark."
She exhales and gathers her thoughts, waiting to hear the scratch of writing, for some acknowledgement from the silverscale. Her eyes remain on empty, unsettling faces. Her stomach continues to be upset. "Now, Turn to fifth page from the back, write. This is the story that is not a story. That I do not remember writing it mean it is true. The friends with me are Sabina, Lysos, Paenitia, Mac Bee One Gee, and the great peacocks Lord Emp and Ramirez. If they are not, I have lose them in the woods. There are demon-men in the wood near Shorewood. They have no faces. They make you forget. The demon-men were kill by the first settlers, who vanish but return, who now are kill by the demon-men, who they forget when they see. Who are forgot when they are take. You have leave your employer Lelend behind with them, while you seek the source that will free them all. If this does not make the sensible memory, you have forget too much, post this story on plaques around Shorewood town, that they must be kill on sight. Strike fast. There no other way to rescue Leland and the friends whose name now is strange to you."
The Dark Lucht pauses, "draw a line, sign, I swear this true, and make your mark. Put Ramirez feather and your scale in, close tight, go back to the normal writing place."
With a seriousness that belies her mask, she tells the demon men, "We try to help you, but if you fool us, befuddle our minds too much, that is our insurance against. Is this agreeable?"
Seyardu nods slowly. She felt she may need to agree. "We are dealing with some form of undead, but they are also fiendish in nature." She explains, before she turns away to write confusion sets in. She begins to write. and listen, and write. "This is strange Paenitia, but I am doing so. Something feels off when my attention turns elsewhere.
She continues until all of it is written, and she puts the feather in, as well as a loose scale pulled away and put with it as well. "I have done what you said, Paenitia. I hope you are correct."
MAC-B1G remains alert while it continues attempting to parse the entity(ies) that are a potential threat, yet not imminent. The processing is compounded or exacerbated by the actions of the other task force units. "Directive One achieved. Directive Two uncertain. This unit requests clarification on current course of action."
/Do as you will, but do not return./ This then, is acceptable to the entity, and the six figures beckon to Lelend. He stubbornly refuses to step forward, staring at the men with wide eyes.
"You can't leave me here! Not like this! Please!" He turns toward Paenitia, grasping her arm and... subsequently forgetting his fear. "What... what are we doing in the woods?"
"Leland.." Lysos beckons to the gnome, still doing her best to keep the faceless in her gaze. "Come here, please. If one of us tells you to run, you run back to town, okay?"
"Do as we will. Do not return." Paenitia repeats their words, continues to stare at the demons. She has proposed an offer, it seems to have been accepted. She has her vows, and her honour as a knight.
She is also a follower of a capricious trickster god. And she wears a mask that restricts her vision. Why, she might only be able to see the faceless entities, none of her companions, not without turning her head, which she doesn't. "Let me think on this. I keep watching them. Ramirez you are a good boy."
"Friend Dragon, you do not see who I am talking to, yes? Lysos, Mac Bee one gee, do you see them still? I am thinking, but back up and keep the eyes on them, and me. The thought may take a while."
She repeats, "Do as we will. Hmmmm..." It'd be dishonourable if she deliberately weaseled out of this, but... if her companions decide on things without her, well, she can't control everything.
"Acknowledged." MAC has no issue following these instructions; it's faceplate remains fixed in orientation as the rest of its chassis rotates beneath with several steps. It then begins to withdraw (possibly with Sabina in tow) while facing in the direction of its origin rather than destination. A simply enough situation, so long as no obstacles lie in its path.
"I do not, no. Just what you told me to write down." Seyardu offers in reply. "I trust your judgement, and will give you time to think while we depart."
And so she continues on, keeping an eye on the others while keeping close to the center of the group, with everyone in range of the magic.
So you withdraw. With Lelend in tow. You are not stopped. Soon enough, you forget why you came out into the woods in the first place. You forget everything but the sensation of dread in your stomach that never quite seems to fade. Lelend suggests a meal at the inn, and you have no reason not to accept. He's forgotten again why he asked you here, and so have you.
By that evening, you really have no reason to stay. There's a note in Seyardu's possession, but there's no reason to read it. Not now.