Look Who's Cooking Now

From Tenebrae
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All this time, Aya was all but terrified at the fiend stalking those she holds most dear. Then there was a reprieve, but she's only just learned that this reprieve has expired. Now, as she works to prepare to play hostess to one or more of Daechir's estranged family... she contemplates which presence in the city is the most terrifying.

She is currently arrayed in one of the dresses Daechir purchased for her (not the one that defeated her, it is too sentimental a garment for this) while also attempting to pummel, threaten, and/or cajole the last of the meal into submission. There are casualties on both sides, though there is always the potential positive thought: if her food does not outright kill them, they might still be inclined to never. visit. again. Part of her new outlook on life includes a more optimistic outlook.

Daechir might have helped more, but in truth he is as abominable a cook as Aya is, if not more so. He sticks to the things he know he can do. Cutting up various things that need cutting, and searching through his collection of wines for something that is appropriate to go with the meal. This later was quite accomplished and the wine was currently resting on the table. Unpoured as yet, but resting as all good wines should.

At which point a solid knock lands on the door, and Daed turns toward Aya, sighing. "Exactly on time, as to be expected. Are you ready?" He himself is dressed as notably as Aya is. His black-on-black with some silver to accentuate makes him look as though he's headed to a funeral for all it looks good on him.

There is a freeze at the knock, followed by a rush and clatter to arrange plates, pots, and the one bowl of... whatever that was supposed to be. Aya then turns to face him, takes a moment to admire Daechir (even if he does appear headed to a funerary service) and manages a smile.

"Absolutely not, but they are here." As expected. Her smile expands from small yet warm to the ... polite one reserved for their guests.

There's a responding smile from Daed, and before he goes to answer the door he drops a kiss on her cheek. A quick expression of affection before their guests officially cross the threshold. He heads toward the door, and opens it. Standing there are the woman that Aya met before and a man who... Looks remarkably like Daed in fact. They could almost be twins save that the one that's not Daed has white hair falling to merely his shoulders. "Matron, Father. Welcome." He motions for them to enter the room. "This is Aya."

He motions at the proper time to Aya and introduces them to her as well. "Aya, you remember Matron Hloire. And this is my father, Ioke Calithailin." They both nod politely to her and Ioke steps forward graciously, offering to take Aya's hand.

Aya dips in a deep nod to each in turn. "I do, and a pleasure." A fraction of a moment passes before she parses Ioke's intent and/or she responds to offer her hand. While they appear near twin brothers, she does not remark upon it. Lacking a better choice of additional comment, she simply bids him, "Welcome." While not an utter stranger to upper societal norms and protocols it has been more than a few decades.

Ioke takes her hand and kisses it gently, smiling at her for a fraction. It contains none of the warmth that Daed's has, and for a moment it's utterly clear that however similarly they look that these two are very different men at heart. "Such a lovely woman." He steps back from Aya and glances at Daed a moment before returning his attention to Aya. "I can not imagine how Daechir managed to find a woman of your virtues."

"Me either." Daed murmurs, stepping forward and motioning toward the kitchen. "She has prepared us a repast that I hope pleases." He notably doesn't say whom he hopes it pleases. With that said he leads the way toward the kitchen, not bothering to show off his home to their guests.

Aya accepts the pleasant flattery, though it becomes less pleasant a moment with Ioke's follow-on comment. A few (quite snarky) potential responses of justification flash to mind, predominantly concerning Daechir's prowess or natural gifts in certain relationship avenues. All are kept behind her flickering smile as she gestures after Daechir to direct their guests to the kitchen. "Please, after you." As it is polite... and feels more comfortable to not turn her back to them.

Thus everyone makes their way to the dining area, Daed's grandmother looks around with avid interest while his father follows along more dourly. His gaze does flicker back to Aya from time to time, his face an expressionless mask of traditional Charnese pride.

Daed pulls out a chair for his grandmother as they enter the room, and under the guise of politeness Ioke does similarly for Aya, holding her chair out for her and putting her neatly in the middle of Ioke and his mother. Daechir affects not to notice beyond a flicker of his eyes toward Aya while he begins to pour out the wine. "I thought you two might appreciate a Charnese vintage. I... am not entirely sure what Aya has prepared. Would you care to serve us Aya?"

A ready excuse handed over to enable her to refuse the seat Ioke is offering.

Serve. Despite the benign context, and varied experiences, the word still strikes a dissonant chord somewhere in Aya's spine... though Ioke's continued focus is only mildly less concerning. She blinks from that and looks to Daechir to nod. "Yes, of course. Please, be seated and sample the wine. Excuse me."

She steps from the table and moves to the kitchen, proper. She returns a few moments later with one easily balanced in each hand. First set upon the table is a simple array of accompaniments (or for the less carnivorously inclined): slices of bread, chops of cheese, and pieces of fruit. The other is char-roasted ... meat, with notes of ... various spices combining to an aroma of ... interesting.

"What brings you to Alexandria to provide this convenient visit?" she inquires. An attempt at polite conversation, at least.

As Aya moves around the kitchen, his grandmother complains to him. "It's rude to expect a Lady to serve guests Daechir. You should have _people_ for that." She accepts a cup of wine from Daed who's expression is neatly blank. He'd caught the blink from Aya and the topic of conversation is not... conductive.

"Our illustrious Matron is quite right Daechir. You should be doing it do you not think?" Daed's back is ramrod straight and his father seems to notice nothing of it.

"Too right. What was I thinking?" Daed's voice is slightly faint with barely contained - something - and he is glad of Aya's rearrival. Her words too are a welcome distraction from the current topic and he gives her a look that's grateful for more than the food she's providing.

"We are here on family business of course. Some things that required our actual presence for the signing of various documents. Else we would not have left Charn." This from Daed's grandmother who sniffs her wine and takes a small but accepting sip. "Since my son has failed to produce an heir aside from Daechir here, we are forced to make certain moves to protect our family finances." She looks first at Ioke who ducks his head and pretends to study the cheese plate and then Daed who doesn't flinch. He meets her red eyes squarely. "We want to ensure that there's something for him to inherit after all. And any heirs he manages to bear."

Aya flashes Daechir a hint of smile with his look, regardless of whether she is aware of the comments made on servants. "Ah, of course. Family is ever the top priority." With food served, she moves to take her seat adjacent to Daechir as well as her glass to fill it. "Although, if he is the one to actually -bear- his heirs," she notes with wry curl about her lips, "I will be most impressed." A sip of her wine. "And I would suggest that we should have many."

This startles a laugh from Daed, who's eyes twinkle merrily at Aya. "I would be most surprised as well." He muses, taking a drink of his wine while his grandmother stares and finally conceeds the note with a nod.

"I meant of course, any heirs that he might sire." The woman says simply, then makes a small mue as she takes some of the food and tries it. She seems... less than pleased with the taste of the meat. "I would send you my cook Daechir, but the unfortunate climate of this area would see them gone inside a week I am sure."

She sighs and Ioke changes the subject abruptly. "Have you heard the news Daechir?"

"News?" Daed asks politely, then shakes his head.

"I've decided to give your mother the divorce she has been asking for." He smiles and Daed seems to actually pale somewhat. "In exchange she has promised us a parcel of land we have been after for some time now. Wonderful what diplomacy can accomplish."

"I am... Happy that you managed to come to an arrangement." His voice somewhat faint, Daed stands. "I should... Get us a second bottle. To celebrate." He excuses himself politely and makes his way to the wine cellar.

That her jest only garnered one reaction is still victory to Aya, given the one who laughed. She already had doubts that such an expression might be impossible of the Matron or frightening if not. "Of course," she accedes. Any potential follow-up from Aya is halted by Ioke's rhetorical question and announcement. One brow arches in surprise at this; the other when Daed abruptly fetches more wine. She is uncertain whether this is boon or bane... though his pallor suggests the latter.

Before allowing any pregnant pause to come to full term, she speaks up. "I am not aware of the particulars, but I presume it is a benefit to all parties." She lifts her glass lightly. "Congratulations to you both on the arrangement. Is that related to the family business in Alexandros?" Are they gaining land in the region?

"Indeed. It was the bulk of our involvement here." States Hloire. She doesn't try another piece of meat. Deciding to stick with her wine and try some cheese instead. That seems to be more to her liking at least. "Daechir's mother has been... Most trying. But no longer!" She sniffs.

Ioke turns his attention on Aya then, his eyes interested. "Are you promised to anyone back home Aya? Anyone that might try to duel our Daechir for the honor of your hand or something like that?"

At this point Daed himself returns, a polite expression set on his features, and a bottle of wine in his hand as he reseats himself at the table. At least he did not leave Aya alone with his relatives for TOO terribly long.

The bread, cheese, and fruit platter was, at the least, something even Aya could manage readily enough; she merely sliced it. "Ah, I see." She nods at the explanation and sips her wine. A sip cut short at Ioke's question. At least the momentary frown of recollection prevents her from choking on it.

"There was one who attempted to make a claim in the past. Once." the genuine expression of disdain comes easily (perhaps Hloire might approve of that much?). "An aged human already in his waning years, his wealth faded as much as his youth, flailing at any last possible scrap of power or standing. I declined in no uncertain terms."

Indeed Hloire makes a disgusted face at the thought of such a pairing and needs a moment away from her wine to recuperate. Daed takes this chance to refill her glass and she finally manages a few words. "How terribly unfortunate that he should even try! I am glad that you were able to duck such an engagement." She smiles here. "Partly because it means that our family can benefit from your presence."

Daed takes this opportunity and the silence that her words inspire to change the subject yet again. Asking his grandmother about the state of affairs in Charn which causes her to ramble on for some time about the 'good old days' and the pleasant state of their current situation which is after all looking up. "Now that we have acquired some land in Alexandria, we can work to increase our holdings over-all."

Aya does agree with Hloire in is several respects: that it was unfortunate he tried; that she is glad to have avoided the engagement; that Hloire and Ioke hope to reap whatever benefit they might from her. She is also aware, in part, of the shifting situation in Charn.

"Indeed, times are far different than they were. Will you both remain in Alexandros for a time or moving to secure and increase your holdings? Typically I would advise caution given the bias against us, here, but the recent influx of so many Charneth travelers does grant more anonymity than times prior.

"A bit of both. We are here to increase our holdings outside of Charn. With this recent acquisition we can make moves that we might not have been able to otherwise. Though Alexandria is far from stable of course." This from Hloire. She looks at Daechir prospectively and he shifts subtly under the weighing she gives him. "We had considered allowing Daechir to care for the property. Since he lives here and he has managed to increase the value of his mother's holdings here outside of our recent acquisition."

Smartly she looks at Aya. "What do you think?"

"Of course. No land is ever truly stable," Aya admits with a nod. "Alexandros has its share of troubles, though given that it is not currently occupied by demon hordes, undead hordes, zealous usurpers or maniacal tyrants..." She completes her opinion with a light shrug.

A brow subsequently lifts as she parses, and perhaps ponders, the stated consideration. "Well... acceptance of such an offer is, of course, Daechir's decision. I cannot claim to be unbiased where he is concerned, either. Still, he -has- done quite well here, and I see no reason he could not continue to do the same, and he is already established in the area. What manner of property do you refer to?"

"A parcel of land outside the city." It is explained then in some detail the land in question which it seems is neither overly large nor terribly small. It holds some water, some forest, and is - fortunately enough - mostly flat. She explains that they have hope of crops that don't really grow in Charn well being more successful here and watches Daed as she explains her plans. "She of course refused to give us _this_ property which is what we really wanted was it not Ioke? Said that she had already given it to Daechir. I do not suppose that you would be willing to give it to the family would you Daechir?" Far too casually asked.

"It is my home as well as my inheritance from my mother. It would be unwise of me to let go of it even to family." Daechir's voice is far too calm, too placid. "Besides, as you said, I have increased its value have I not? Then it remains in good hands."

And there is it. Aya should not be terribly surprised by this... aside from the direct reveal, perhaps. Though as it was made in quite the entitled manner... All is rendered moot as Daechir declines.

"I expect it shall continue to grow, and a proper home would be necessary for siring and raising heirs, no?" The light rhetorical inquiry and uplifted brow is directed to Hloire, but does turn to include Daechir.

"As for the land outside the city, I am confident that it could do well under Daechir's caretaking. We are not farmers, obviously, but there are many in the area who are, and talented at that; whether by an eye for crops or a strong back."

"No, I think not." States Hloire, looking mildly displeased. She looks at her son briefly as if to urge him to speak, but he wisely stays out of the conversation. "If Daechir could only trust that we have his best in mind, why then trusting him with the rest of this property of his mother's would be simple but..." She waves a hand, dismissing the idea as Daed refills her wine glass yet again. She smiles at him.

"He's such a well-behaved young man now is he not? He was a willful child, it took years to get him to do something as simple as refill a wine glass properly." She doesn't even acknowledge Daed with her eyes, instead looking at Aya. "He did not understand his place you understand, and even now he struggles against what is best for him. I have hope that one day he will see the light."

Ioke smiles again, holding his own wine glass up for a refill. His attention has never really wandered far from Aya. "It surprises me that Daechir has not had competition for a woman such as yourself. Or that your family has failed to arrange for someone proper for you. My mother mentioned that you might be estranged from your family, is that true?"

Now the plot, or the intent, thickens further. Of course it would be best for Daechir to caretake an empty plot in the middle of the forest... but only after handing over his estate in the city for their use. How thoroughly practical.

Her smile cools as further intent is revealed. Perhaps she is out of practice that she did not make the connection on her own.

"Daechir discovered what is best for himself, and has worked hard for the same; he does so, still. As for my family, they failed me two occasions." She pauses for a sip of wine. "First when they allowed the Tyrant's forces to ... recruit me. The second when they never corrected the first mistake. After a century of no contact, on could consider them quite estranged."

An uncomfortable silence spills into the room at Aya's words. Daed is not a part of this uncomfortableness, he knows Aya's past, and has no issue with it. He has his own history. Some of which is sitting at this very table. "Daechir... Might we speak in private?" This from Ioke.

"That would be exceedingly rude Father. Something which you have taught me well to avoid. Besides, if you have anything to say, you can say it in front of Aya." There's a small challenge there as if to say 'do you dare say it'. Daed meets the other man's eyes squarely and they look so alike that it's a little bit unsettling. Ioke looks at Aya and then shakes his head.

Hloire has less issue being straight-forward however and she meets Aya's gaze almost accusingly. "We must ask then, were you marked as property?"

The similarities make the meeting of eyes across the table somewhat eerie, though Aya notes a marked difference between the near-reflections. A difference that warms her spirit: Daechir has the spine to stand firm against his parent; Ioke does not. Which leaves the other gender-split conversation/confrontation across the dinner table.

Aya meets the matron's gaze and accusation firmly, even her cool smile flattening to a line. "I am owned by no one and beholden to none. I would vehemently challenge any claims made to the contrary."

"Now. If you are quite finished questioning her, I think you have stayed your welcome." Offers Daed, rising to his feet. Very little in fact of the meal has been eaten, but Daed hardly cares about that.

Frowning Hloire rises to her feet as well, somewhat aided by Ioke who is looking at Aya prospectively once again. It's subtle, but clear that there's something about her that has his interest. Daed's grandmother sets her wine glass down and looks at him with mild hope. "Are you sure you will not rethink-"

"No." Says Daed simply motioning with his hand toward the door.

Aya follows Daechir's lead, and protocol, rising from her seat. Her polite smile has reformed. "I hope that the meal was a pleasant as the conversation..." A brow lifts that is turned to Ioke, "and the decor?" His perceived interest did not go unnoticed and he is made aware of that fact. The gesture to the door is echoed. "Your visit has been most memorable. If Alexandros' climate is not so harsh upon your constitutions as it is on your cook, perhaps we shall meet again in the future."

"I am sure we shall." Murmurs Hloire, patting her son on the arm and allowing him to escort her out of the house. They take their time on their way out, Daed following behind them. He offers no further discourse, and once they are gone he leans against the door heavily.

"Just having them inside this house is a thing I never thought to do." He offers quietly, pushing away from the door and looking over at Aya. "I never thought that they would leave Charn. Well... Ioke perhaps but her? She must be beside herself to have acquired some of my mother's holdings."

Aya steps up to Daechir to put a hand upon his shoulder. "From what I know of events in Charn, I think they may be desperate. They may be not much more than refugees, scrambling to establish holdings outside of Charn." Now that they are not present with their smug comments, she is unsure how to feel about that possibility.

Daed nods to Aya's words and wraps one hand around her waist. Pulling them together so that he can stand close to her. "I would apologize for their rudeness, but I am not the source of it. Let me say instead that you were magnificent. You handled them both with ease that I find I wish I had myself." He looks into her eyes. "I appreciate your patience and your ability."

Aya steps in further to lean against him. His glorious stature and immaculate attention to attire means that his chest is ever a comfortable pillow. "They were... not so different from Charneth nobility that I recall. If they are moving desperately, it would only make them more aggressive..." She pauses as she suddenly wonders whether she is ...defending them?!

A sigh is exhaled. "My patience and tolerance could only last so long, and I doubt they found the meal palatable." Her head tips back so that her eyes can look to his. "That said, flattery shall get you far, my dear."

"Then let me flatter you all the more." Daed says with a smile, arms wrapping around her body so that he can hold her as close as they both want. "Account your numerous virtues as you well deserve. Beginning and ending with that meal which was wholly inspired." Amusement there, a touch of his dark humor returning to him now that their company is gone.

Aya arches a brow at him and a smile curls her lips inspired by his own... yet with her typical wry, uneven cant. "That shall take you quite some time to recite. Might I suggest more wine to wet your tongue? I would not want you to become hoarse before finishing."

"You are wise beyond knowing. I think that an excellent suggestion." He whispers something in her ear, something to make her laugh, and remind them both of far more entertaining times. Then leads her back to their unfinished wine. There's no more talk of their unwelcome guests. Not tonight in any case. They have far better things to occupy them.
